Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 128 [127] My Lord is testing me?

Chapter 128 [127] My Lord is testing me?
7 month.

As bullshit wished, the iron hooves of the army smoothly crossed Michigan in the 22nd region.

In the 15th century, Michigan was owned by the Algonquians, a very large tribe of more than 4 people.

There are countless tribal branches in the tribe.

When the colonists of later generations arrived, the Algonquians, who were loosely organized and not good at fighting, retreated quickly, either hiding in the mountains and forests to survive, or becoming slaves.

More die due to infectious diseases.

At the same time, during the Little Ice Age, the tribe also differentiated into the familiar "Miami" and "Mohicans" who were separated from the big tribe and migrated away.

The Algonquian's "unwarlikeness" is written on the Great Lakes Native Shame Post.

Even without mentioning the conquest of the colonists of later generations...

The Iroquois Confederation, which is separated from them by a great lake, often detoured the great lake to come to Michigan to ask the Algonquians to withdraw money.

The latter were often defeated and enslaved by raids.

Geography and living environment often create a nation.

The lake systems in Minnesota and Wisconsin are so rich that the distance between tribes and tribes is only tens or hundreds of kilometers.

The indigenous people kept fighting over the ownership of the lake, swearing sovereignty and robbing resources.

Michigan is different. The big tribes are unified. They have lived here for tens of thousands of years.

When the murderous Iroquois arrived, they were left to be slaughtered.

Just like why the little devils are insane, they also know that the neon tiny land is not enough to survive, and there are many disasters, so they covet a wider world.

When the iron cavalry army swept across Michigan, everyone was shocked by the smoothness of the battle.

Now that he has surrendered to Balance, the warriors of the Iroquois Alliance who were selected to join the Cavalry Corps sneered, "Even the elk in the forest are stronger than them!"

"They are the weakest tribe on the earth!"

The benefits of returning to the Iroquois were manifested.

Some of them are proficient in Algonquin languages, after all, they once owned many Algonquin slaves.

Under the powerful rule of force and the attraction of the gods oracle, more than 4 Algonquins chose to surrender, gathered in one place, and began to move south in mid-July.

In early August, the Ohio Raiders began.

In order to seize the time, Niushi is going south before the end of summer, and the troops are divided into two groups.

Conquer Ohio all the way, and use the balance logo to run through the eastern end of the "Equilibrium Avenue", so that subsequent tribes can migrate directly on the road.

All the way to the east, to Pennsylvania and New Jersey in the 24th region.

The division of the eastern states is cumbersome.

When Zhou Lian set up the map, many regions were merged, such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and Virginia and West Virginia were also merged.

The state of New York in the northeast corner was temporarily abandoned.

The Upper Territory is now actually controlled by branches of the Algonquians, extending to most of southeastern Canada.

Just like Washington State, where Seattle is located, was also abandoned.

The journey is far away, and there is not much to gain, which is left for future development.

9000 people from the 1000 army set up camp to take care of the Algonquins. After the population of the three regions was collected, they all migrated on the road.

Near the end of August.

The army is stationed on the coast of New Jersey for repairs.

Most of them are seeing the vastness of the sea for the first time, and even the coastal Miwok people who live by the sea have an inexplicable awe of the deep sea.

Bullshit has long known that there is a group of evil spirits living on the other side of the sea, and they will come across the sea in the future to carry out killing and conquest.

Our Lord once said that only by balancing the people's self-improvement can we avoid the occurrence of the disaster prophecy.

Even, it can preemptively make the holy light of balance purify and baptize the land and people full of evil and filth!
"I, Zhou Liangchen, are still young. One day, I will set foot on that land and bathe all eternity in balance..."

"A balanced day is a sunny day!!"

"There is no more evil and darkness in the world!"



The last sweltering heat of midsummer died down.

There was a cool breeze in the evening.

Comfort is written on everyone's face.

Only the cow dung is still slightly tight. Once the summer is over, the temperature will drop precipitously.

Fortunately, the division of troops accelerated the speed of conquest, and we hurriedly completed the conquest missions in the three regions by the end of summer.

A total of 3 people in the 7 regions are about to migrate.

500 people will be the guides, leading the ministries to set off.

Now the entire line of Balanced Avenue has been completed. If a railway is built in the future, there will be a pointing sign, and the cow dung and the students will record the geological conditions along the way, which will become a reference for future engineering construction.

In the modern world, relevant information can be easily retrieved in universities and archives.

The ready-made experience of later generations is right in front of us, it would be a pity not to copy it.

Finally, pinching Xia Mo's tail, 7 people hit the road.

Of course, the iron cavalry army will not neglect. Having experienced the bitter cold in this extreme north, they don't want to stay in this place for several months.

10 month.

From Indiana to Kentucky.

Then it will zigzag eastward to complete the conquest of West Virginia and Virginia, and finally let the army refit in North Carolina.


California, the main city of Equilibrium.

After several months, more than 8 people from North Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas arrived one after another.

The journey of up to 3000 kilometers is a great test.

Even after hundreds of years, the Pacific Railway is not open to traffic, and the migration by horse-drawn carriage will take 7 months in total.

The later Pacific Railroad shortened the process to 15 days, which is why the project was named one of the "Seven Industrial Wonders".

at the same time.

The construction of city-state No. 3 has been completed.

It is the end of 8 years of equilibrium, and the people have long been accustomed to the convenience brought by tools.

In addition to raising horses in the Owens Valley, the 1000 horses that stayed at the balance station at the beginning have also multiplied to a certain scale.

People are proficient in building ox carts and horse-drawn carts, and use animal power to improve productivity and transportation.

The new main city was completed, and groups of people migrated away.

Zhou Li'an made a decree: "The various ministries need to be integrated, and more importantly, culture, skills, rules and good habits need to be passed on, so it is necessary to 'introduce the old with the new'."

Everyone in the old balance needs to be dispersed and lead the new people to move to the new city.

Adults taught them their work and established the rules of life, and there were young monks who gave language education to the children in the new school.

No complaints about this.

The sooner the subjects submit to Balance, they will inevitably have a sense of superiority, and their beliefs are firm, even if they cannot read, they can still recite some of the oracle of our lord.

Under balance, all are subjects.

The people should be united and friendly, and should support the weak.

The old and the new live together, the latter will be brainwashed quickly, and when they arrive in the tribe, they will all see the miracles of our Lord, and they have long since dared not have the heart of disobedience.

What's more, the presence of these three big cities on balance makes even the people of Hohokan feel ashamed. Hundreds of thousands of people can live and work in peace and contentment.

Because of this, no one feels resentment against them being conquered.

The emotion here is more regret.

Why were my relatives so ignorant and ignorant that they wanted to resist the Legion of God to the death?Obviously, this is the true God who wants to bless us! !
In addition, Zhou Li'an ordered a lot of movie projectors from the real world, constantly displaying the mighty power of the balanced iron cavalry and the power of gods, and broadcasting them in rotation in the three big cities.

Among them, the "Battle of Hohokan City" received the most enthusiastic response.

God's punishment comes, almost capable of destroying the world!
If it weren't for the kindness of our lord, there would have been no traces of the Hohokan people in this world, so how could it be possible to live a rich and happy life?

More than 8 people migrated here, and the balanced population exceeded the 40 mark.

The balanced fertility situation is good. Although there is no medical law to follow up, the improvement of physical fitness is the foundation.

Before leaving, Zhou Li'an opened the [Eye of the Void] again, and learned about the movement of the army...

They are in Virginia.


Equilibrium for 8 years, at the end of November.

More than 8000 troops stationed in North Carolina, and brought together 3 people from tribes in 4 regions and 10 states.

Native history pales in North Carolina, as the state was home to plantation culture.

In the early days, the existence of the Indians was almost completely obliterated, so that they could live and work here in peace and contentment, and lead the Niggers to start a noble manor life.

Later generations of North Carolina residents can easily dig out Indian cemeteries from their backyards, and get a lot of jewelry and handicrafts, which can reflect the prosperity of the aboriginal life here.

But on paper, nothing.

History is covered in cement.

On the contrary, in the UK, an explorer's travel notes became the last written text here; an explorer lived with the local aborigines in North Carolina for more than a year and a half, and made many paintings and brought them back.

The aborigines, who saw Europeans for the first time, once disliked these Europeans who were suffering from European diseases, or who were malnourished, and who traveled long distances and had a foul smell.

On the contrary, the aborigines are all strong and strong, with shiny skin covered with bear oil, just like the handsome men in Roman sculptures.

These paintings were brought back to Europe and preserved, making them an extremely rare piece of Aboriginal history.

And the current balance of time and space, future tragedies will not happen again.

It's another year of recovery day and new year.

Zhou Li'an brings Xuenv, Xiaohua and Zhou Weiguo down.

Hundreds of thousands of aboriginals saw the gods come into the world, and they were shocked and bowed down. They were already overwhelmed by the strength of the army, but now they only have the meaning of balance.

Receive generals and warriors and bestow blessings on them.

In the language of the local aborigines, they were informed of the next migration test.

Then, listen to the bullshit report——

"My lord above."

"Our conquest is about to be completed."

"After the New Year's Eve on Recovery Day, we will set off to attack the 27-34 area..."

after new year.

Exploring South Carolina, passing through Georgia, to the Florida peninsula.

This is the southernmost tip of the United States, and it is also a resort for the rich after the opening of the "Gilded Age" in the United States.

The old rich families and upstarts from New York would take the train to spend the cold winter in Florida's coastal manors, play croquet, compete in equestrianism, and hold aristocratic parties, which became very popular for a while.

After the Florida Raiders, they went north to Alabama to Tennessee.

Finally, by zigzagging, go south to the plains of Mississippi, and then return west, from Louisiana to north to Arkansas.

Next door to Arkansas is Oklahoma.

Then you can take the Southern Line in North Texas all the way to Phoenix, Arizona, without even continuing north to the Central Line's "Equilibrium Avenue."

Retrace the starting route and return, pass through Nevada, and finally return to Equilibrium.

The bullshit pointed out the road on the map and explained the reason: "My lord, if we follow the plan and return to the balance along the south, we don't need to experience the bitter cold."

"Although in this way, there will be no supply points you have given to support; but I plan to escort the tribe all the way back to the west."

"The army will take care of their own food."

"The most important point is that I want to embark on a new path and plan for the future."

"Because my lord once said that the balance of the future still requires an expedition to the south, with Region 10 (Texas) as the main military city."

"I would like to inspect the terrain first and make adequate preparations."

Zhou Li'an was very pleased.

Take one step and think three steps, and plan ahead.

As Xuenv said, the cow dung has matured after four years of long expedition.

Unlike studying books hard, he led the army to attack the land, and the rich experience he accumulated was realized by himself.

Zhou Li'an didn't reply in a hurry, and pondered for a while.

He calculated the final route, and there are still 8 states to be conquered in the future.

In addition to all the 10 people now, the total number may exceed 30; leading 30 people to migrate is not that simple, and the materials needed are huge.

Even if there is a large army hunting and feeding, a lot of time will be wasted in the process.

Zhou Li'an said: "Your idea is good, but in the future, gathering 30 tribes to migrate, and only relying on 8000 troops to collect hunting food, the progress of the return journey will be slowed down instead."

This is like a van pulling a large semi-trailer container. Not only does it look strange, but it is not advisable at all.

Niushi was stunned for a moment, and said, "My lord, are you... are you testing me?"

Zhou Li'an was also stunned for a while, but on the surface, there was no wave in the ancient well, and he looked at the cow dung with an inscrutable look.

Cowshit was at a loss when he met the gaze of the true god, and his initial self-confidence turned into timidity and uncertainty, so he whispered:

"My lord, I think so."

"30 tribesmen have migrated, and it is impossible to gather in one place..."

"The 8000 army divided into 3000 main combat forces will lead the way and conquer. This force is enough to sweep any tribe!"

"The 5000 army is divided into multiple divisions and escorts each division to migrate."

"With the army in front, we can also collect geo-information, explore the migration and gathering places of bison, determine the hunting location more than ten days in advance, and leave a mark."

"In this way, it seems that hundreds of thousands of people are migrating, but in fact it is still the same as before, divided into multiple departments, and each hundreds of people takes care of tens of thousands of people migrating, lengthening the migration front."

"Even if the army in front is weak, we can send cavalry to send military orders to the rear at any time and call for support!"

After the words fell, there was a complete silence in the field.

Everyone was dizzy when they heard it, and seeing my lord was silent, they felt ashamed for cow dung.

Zhou Li'an's worry is that the van cannot pull a container.

But cow dung differentiates the power of the van.

This becomes a group of three-wheeled motorcycles to transfer goods in a container, which is more flexible than semi-trailer trucks on rugged mountain roads.

Another former army opened the way, like a police car escort.

So what is there to worry about?

So, just a minute later, everyone saw my lord with a happy face, stepped forward and slapped the cow shit on the shoulder——

"Worthy of being my good minister!"

"That's right, I'm just testing you!"

"Although I haven't given you the supreme 'Military Law' yet; I don't want you to have an epiphany during the four years of conquest, and you have touched the threshold of the 'Military Law'!"

There was a voice of praise.

Everyone in the account is overjoyed.

The bullshit blushed even more, and asked excitedly: "Praise you, praise the balance! The law of my lord is profound, and bullshit is not as good as it should be..."

Bullshit knelt down, expecting and begging: "My lord, bullshit only asks you to be kind and generous. In the future, bullshit will give bullshit a truly profound and profound 'military law'!!"

On the side, everyone heard this...

Seek the law?
What are you waiting for?
Hurry up and kneel down——

"We implore our Lord to be merciful and generous, to bestow upon us the profound 'laws of war'!"

Ah, this...

I know a chicken feather military.

But Zhou Li'an didn't panic.

I'm a jerk!
He glanced at the crowd, and confided in a cold voice: "Wait until the army returns in triumph, and the people will worship and balance..."

"I will bestow the [Temple of the Law of Balance], and those who have achieved glory and meritorious deeds can step into the temple, read the holy scriptures, and learn the supreme law!!"

The voice fell.

All the people who knelt together were already red-faced, resembling Gao Chao.

"My lord is above!!"

"We will fulfill our mission and make all the peoples of the earth worship our Lord under the balance!!"

"Praise my lord, praise the balance!!"

(End of this chapter)

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