Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 132 [131] Faith is the first sequence

Chapter 132 [131] Faith is the first sequence

The main city of Balance is brightly lit. Although it is not as bright as the electrified city in the present world, at the same time, all continents are already shining pearls in the dark night of one land.

The natural light source does not hinder the starry night.

People sang and danced around the bonfire to celebrate the great victory and the greatness of the god's creation temple.

Snow Girl, Cow Shit and Xiao Hua are busy.

The major exams for practitioners in each city are related to stepping into the temple of the law of balance, so don't neglect it.

All kinds of test questions are prepared from their hands, and they will be sent to various cities for copying after tomorrow's daylight.

At the same time, the elders and the leaders of the war groups formed a temple guard team overnight, focusing on guarding the gate of the temple.

In fact, even if there is no guard, no one dares to blaspheme the oracle of balance and step into the temple.

But the sense of ceremony cannot be less.

Our lord has given the law of balance, the temple is supreme and must be feared by all.

Today's tribal people are two extremes.

The less educated you are, the more you will be shocked by the greatness of our Lord's miracles.

On the contrary, the more educated people, such as Xue Nu, Niu Shi, Xiao Hua, etc., are more aware of the profound and unpredictable laws of scientific supernatural power.

The theocracy of balance is deeply ingrained in their hearts.

There are thousands of avenues in the world, all of which come out of the balance of our Lord.

——My Lord is the true God, the leader of the gods, and the controller of all rules and laws in the world!

The next day.

The matter of the temple of the balance law of our Lord's Creation is really fermented.

The people who came to watch the ceremony yesterday were only a small part. When people traveled all day and night, they brought the news back to the cities...

Everyone just heard that my lord set up a temple on a mound, and they were all shocked. Various descriptions and descriptions ignited people's instinctive curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

More and more people gathered at the foot of the Temple Mount.

The group of elders was worried about the disturbance, so they came to visit and asked about our lord's will.

However, Zhou Li'an was not worried. The establishment of the temple was to win over the faith of these newly returned tribes.

Since the arrival of the first tribes, there has been a guard in the main city for a long time...

Even if there were rebels, Zhou Li'an was not a vegetarian. He hadn't brought down the punishment for a long time and harvested the souls of rebels.

When all the peoples come to court, they will ascend the Temple Mount.

The guards outside the temple were tense and pointed at each other with spears and blades.

However, the reaction of the worshipers from various ministries quickly dissipated the tension; they were seen kneeling on the stone steps on the top of the mountain, showing piety.

Or spontaneously place the sacrifices brought from home to offer sacrifices to the Lord God.

Everything presents peace and devotion.

Gradually, the flustered guards of the temple also settled down and blended into this subtle atmosphere; no one taught them, but they stood upright, majestic and motionless.

It is almost integrated with the solemn temple behind, showing holiness and solemnity.

Soon the elders reported the situation again.

Zhou Li'an smiled, and told Xuenv to say, "Arrange the high-ranking monks of various departments of language and law as missionaries, and give my teachings to all people on the Temple Mount..."

"There is no discrimination in teaching, and everyone can learn from it."

Seeing that my lord has given an oracle.

Xue Nu just shifted her gaze, and saw that Xiao Hua was already holding a notebook in her hands...

Niu Shi put down the test booklet, sat upright, and listened to the teachings.

Zhou Li'an said:

"Farmers learn from them, so they can know the growth pattern of crops, know how to plow in spring and harvest in autumn, fertilize the land, manage pests, and make rice and vegetables abundant!"

"Hunters learn to learn, know the habits of all living things, domesticate bison and goats, divide land into pens, raise meat, and can also be used as animal power to build large-scale construction projects."

"Craftsmen learn from each other and measure the structure to create thousands of things. They can build a furnace bed to make the house feel like spring in winter, and they can design ships and vehicles to balance the land and the sea."

"Learn from the chef, learn the combination of nutrition, make the people healthy and strong..."

"A pharmacist learns from others, drives away diseases and avoids harm, and brings the dead back to life..."

"There are more warriors to learn from, learn the supreme military law, and expand the territory, so that the glory of balance spreads all over the world!"


Everyone listened to the teaching, their little faces were flushed, as if they had seen a balance and a bright future.

Xiaohua keeps recording perfect.

When my lord finished speaking, she was so tired of writing, but she didn't care to relax, and quickly handed it to Niu Shi, "Brother Niu Shi, you come to proofread."

After the bullshit looked at it, it was handed over to Xuenv.

In the end, Xuenv made a final decision and ordered people to transcribe, and quickly summoned high-ranking monks from various language disciplines to read and recite the oracle texts before rushing to the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount at this time is like a tourist attraction for later generations.

A heroic young man turned into an impassioned tour guide commentary, conveying the oracle of our lord to all peoples in various languages.

Farmers, hunters, and craftsmen can all learn from them.

Even the cook can practice the supreme law bestowed by our lord true god, contribute strength to the balance, and shine.

Countless people were moved and felt incredible, but they were all convinced.

Because this is the will of our Lord true God.

This is Kinkou's first missionary mission, and the hearts of all people are firm in their faith. In fact, the seeds of civilization have taken root and germinated here, and with the help of the Temple of Kinkou Law, they have quickly grown into towering trees.

Unexpectedly, climbing the mountain and others brought Zhou Li'an another surprise.

The leaders of the various wargroups are triumphant, and they are the hottest stars in the various cities of the Kingdom of God. When the migrating tribes may not know "Witch", they all know the legion of gods under the command of the Lord True God.

It is also these invincible red-armored warriors who make all the people of the earth surrender.

Therefore, their every move has attracted much attention, and they themselves are the real power controllers of various ministries.

early morning.

Climbing the mountain and other people gathered together, and there was no need to discuss, so they looked for craftsmen and asked them to teach them the skills of building houses.

The craftsmen were terrified in the face of these big men.

Climbing the mountain, he said: "My lord once said that there is no age in learning, and those who have mastered it first; you are the most skilled craftsmen, and in front of construction technology, you are our teachers..."

The craftsman is inexplicable.

A leader of the battle group said carelessly: "Do you understand, teacher? Don't you understand? Oh, just think of yourself as the leader of the battle group, and we are the warriors under your command. Whoever you ask us to kill, we will kill whoever you want."

The craftsman panicked even more.

Climbing the mountain with a wry smile, he said, "My lord established the Temple of the Law of Equilibrium to make enlightenment flourish. All people can practice the law as long as they are willing to learn!"

"Now that I want to practice the laws of Chinese, I need a school, but to show my heart for learning, this school needs to be built by us!"

The craftsman understood now, "All you leaders need to do is wait a few days for me, and we will be able to complete the school."

"Why are you so stupid like a bull? The school wants us to build it ourselves, understand? This is the embodiment of Xiangxue's heart..."

"We will learn how to practice the law from a group of little dolls in the future. Now I will learn how to build a house from you. Hey... what did the shit say last night? What is it called too?"


"Yes, attitude! It's also a godly heart!"

"If you can't even learn how to build a house, how can you learn the supreme law bestowed by our Lord?"

Gradually, the leaders became impatient and simply kidnapped the craftsmen and began to practice construction techniques.

When people around them questioned them, they repeated these words.

As more and more people came to worship in the main city, things about the leader of the war group, such as climbing mountains, were quickly spread.

The power of role models is enormous.

The leaders of all ministries can learn the rules and build their own schools. They should first learn the craftsman skills of architecture, and all people should follow suit.

Zhou Li'an was very pleased when he heard the news, and then made another decree: "Evening schools can be opened in each city, and after the daily work break, it can enlighten the people who are eager to learn."

Xuenv and the others immediately arranged for it, full of interest.

but in fact……

Zhou Li'an is not optimistic about this "Learning Movement". The symbolic meaning of this move has far-reaching practical significance, and it is only to sow a concept for the people.

Everything is inferior, only reading is high.

Of course, the night school will continue to run, and there is no shortage of teachers in the current balance, not to mention that the night school starts after working every day.

The children who were studying the law in the academy have all left school.

Crowds gather to learn the pinyin alphabet, which is more like a group activity after dinner, which enhances cohesion and enriches spiritual life.

However, there will always be people with high talents or great perseverance who stand out from the balance of more than 80 people and will step into the power class in the future.


The Temple of Equilibrium is established.

Enlightenment of the Learning Movement in the Kingdom of God.

Assessment by colleges in each city.

Several important events caused Zhou Li'an to delay the acceleration of time.

He listened to the report every day, thought carefully, and continuously sent down his will to put the balance on the right track.

At the same time, he returned to the present world, edited the video material of the Temple of Creation, and began to screen it in the six major cities at the same time.

It also included the final surrender of more than 30 people and the blessing ceremony after the triumphant return of the army.

The highlight, of course, is the creation of the Temple Mount.

Every time this scene is shot, there is a tsunami of praise from the viewing platform, and almost everyone has gone to the Temple Mount to worship the temple.

In addition, return to learning.

Basic living and work cannot be shaken.

It was mid-May, and the spring seeds had already been sown, and green seedlings grew in the endless rice fields.

In the dry fields, there are also cattle that keep reclaiming the land, sowing corn, wheat, vegetables, etc. brought by Zhou Li'an from this world.

The problem of food rations for more than 80 people is a big deal.

Fortunately, in the past 5 years, balanced agriculture has developed rapidly, and the number of farm cattle has been given to multiply, and various ministries have migrated here, and immediately invested in land reclamation, laying the foundation for the skyrocketing increase in grain production.

During the Little Ice Age, the Aztecs far away in Central America could not escape the weather.

And Zhou Li'an gave [Weather Forecast] to know the temperature changes every year. If there is an extreme disaster, it will delay the spring planting time at worst.

With the water and soil in California, there is more than enough rice for one year.

If it is really June Frost...

Zhou Li'an can also mobilize materials from this world.

Of course, the more important thing is the preliminary reserve, which can respond to disasters.

Apart from farming matters, there is the construction of new towns, which continue south from Fresno County to Bakersfield.

The southern expedition can wait for two years.

The development of Bing Dao is not in a hurry, but it can open up the road from Bakersfield to Owens Valley.

It is convenient for the training of new cavalry.

one last thing...

Balanced first population information registration, brackets: part of the population.

Population information registration, not a census.

Evenly 9% of the people are still illiterate, there is no unified script, and it is difficult to count the names of people.

Only those 1% of teenagers who practice the law can register and make a book to count the number of the first batch of educated people.

The main meaning is to issue a degree certificate——

Realm badge.

The temple of the law of equilibrium has been established, but it is not a decoration. The sooner you start learning various subjects, the sooner you will usher in great development in equilibrium.

City No. 6 has been established in Sparks, Nevada for a long time, and a large number of mineral resources are waiting to be developed.

The big cities of No. 7 and No. 8 headed south, not only to open up farmland and clear roads, but Zhou Li'an aimed at the oil in the San Joaquin Valley.

Material resource points have been confirmed.

All the law monks need to learn high school physics and chemistry as soon as possible, learn the method of creation and alchemy, and start to smelt steel and mine oil.

The law realm of high school is high-level, and grades 1, 2, and 3 are divided into lower, middle, and upper grades.

High school students already have enough knowledge to do many things.

In China, if the time goes back a few decades, high school students are all high-achieving students, middle and senior backbones of large state-owned factories.

It's just that the current high school students are less practiced and have no room for development.

Brush up on the exams and work hard for the college entrance examination.

Going to college means lying flat in the dormitory; or being ignorant in love, tumbling with women and men, in and out.

【Elementary Academic Center】Contains all elementary, junior and senior knowledge elements, and the knowledge content has been purified.

Zhou Li'an has also checked in the temple these days, and the system evolution test papers are not weaker than reality.

And the focus is more on the practical side.

It is no longer a calculation that tends to be on paper, but more from scratch, from the simplest manual work to complex experimental projects for extracting chemical substances.

Balanced teenagers can continue to produce talents as long as they follow the steps step by step.

This saves Zhou Li'an a lot of effort to lead the experiment, and they can completely let them learn by themselves.

So first question...

The temple is open, and the qualifications for entering the temple are selected.

The laws in God's country have not yet been established, but the standards of practitioners can be established in the colleges of each city to be bound by rules.

This is also the prototype of the legislative pilot.

When these balanced futures get used to the rules, the future will naturally allow the balanced country to complete its evolution into an orderly society.

So ever.

The progress of the realm assessment in each city is in full swing.

Zhou Li'an was not idle either, and took Xue Nu and others to fly helicopters and landed in various cities.

In fact, this distance is enough to ride a horse.

But flying a plane can be pretentious, and it is another wave of faith.

At the same time, while playing movies for each city, while participating in the assessment of the supervisory academy, we can get close to these balanced futures and let the children feel the grace of the gods.

Equilibrium 10 years September.

More than 10000 law monks were registered and recorded, and the cities were separated.

These people are all young people who have been given names and have mastered the low-level language rules.

Among the more than 3000 people, more than [-] middle-level monks in the language law were selected after the realm assessment...

Zhou Li'an used a machine to laminate the belt engraved with the "balanced logo" from the present world, and personally blessed these children.

The material used for the waist card is gold, which is California gold produced in this time and space.

The future will become an antique, and it will be tested by materials, and no mistakes will be found.

For this little expense, it was just a drop in the bucket, and Zhou Li'an didn't feel bad at all.

Besides, the output of gold has been greatly increased, and every city has organized gold mining teams to search for surface gold in rivers and mountains in various places.

In the near future, mine development will increase the amount of gold excavated.

6 month 10 day.

At the foot of the Temple Mount, all the peoples are gathered.

Our Lord True God led the first batch of 300 law monks to step into the temple of the law of balance, consult the secret volume, and practice the supreme law.

These 300 people are all the best in the law realm assessment.

They are the first to practice and master it as soon as possible, and they can also teach in colleges in various cities to popularize the basic knowledge, and those who come later can learn more with less effort.

In addition, copy the books in the temple into multiple volumes and spread them as much as possible.

Zhou Li'an is not afraid of knowledge leakage now.

The Europeans haven't landed yet.

Balance is the unity of the people.

Even if someone has a brain twitch and runs away with a secret code, they can't get out of America.

After a balanced cultural leap, high school knowledge will no longer be a secret. As for the teaching of higher laws in the future...

Those who practice the law are all fanatics of faith.

They are first of all servants and attendants of our lord, missionaries of balance, and practitioners of the law.

Belief in the Balance of Our Lord——is the first order of the laws of the Kingdom of God.

(End of this chapter)

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