Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 138 [137] In the name of orthodoxy

Chapter 138 [137] In the name of orthodoxy

Zhou Li'an hasn't prescribed meat since the divorce, and now when he's dipped in meat oil, it's out of control.

Not to mention Patricia and Snow Maiden.

The door to a new world is opened, and human instinct drives to explore deeper and further.

Just like, explorers climbed to the peaks of mountains and constantly sang to nature from the depths of their souls.

Equilibrium 11 years, June 2.

Snow Maiden returns to the team.

Bull Shit and the others saw Xue Nu who had disappeared for a few days, and they all showed great enthusiasm.

"Wu, what kind of profound laws have you practiced with my lord?"

Snow Girl:? ? ?
Her cheeks turned red immediately, and she glanced at the master quietly from the corner of her eye.

Profound law?

The same can be said.

High and low, forward and backward, deep and deep...

Our Lord once said that this is an exploration of the divine power of the laws of life science. Why do humans and animals reproduce?

Yuki will likely experience this process for herself.

She is silent.

Hearing Xiaohua's words again was shocking, "Wu, you have a smell, just like my lord."


Xuenv could hardly hold back, her mind was in a mess.

smell, what smell?
The master's must have been digested by me.

Fortunately, Xiaohua added another sentence: "It's the fragrance of flowers."

Xuenv's hanging heart finally fell, oh, is it shower gel?

She hurriedly became serious, and changed the topic: "The law given by my lord is not for you to spy on, and if you don't pack your bags, don't delay my lord's trip."

On the side, Zhou Li'an didn't care about the noisy inquiries from several people.

Xue Nu's pious heart cannot be shaken, so she will not speak blasphemous words, and the affairs of the gods cannot be discussed.

What worries him now is...

No protective measures were taken.

I don't plan on having a baby so early.

The great cause has not yet been accomplished, and it is too early to inherit.

But it’s not a bad thing if you really want to hit it accurately, it can make the “Son of God” consolidate its position early——

This is a true throne waiting to be inherited! !

You can use the time flow rate configurator to give you "theoretical longevity".

Like the snow girl, create a character.

It is convenient for the future control of the "descendant family of gods".

The birth of the Son of God must be recorded in the "Balanced Book", and his growth history will also be recorded.

Like Jesus' Bible.

Adam, the first human being, lived to be 930 years old, and Noah, who built the ark, lived to be 950 years old. If you believe in Jesus, you will live forever. Isn’t this just a marketing plan?

You only need to copy your homework.

There is no conclusive evidence for the scriptures of a certain Jesus, but even believers, such as Xuenv, are active in historical video materials.

Generations of people in the world will witness her ageless face and longevity.

Thinking of this.

Zhou Li'an calmed down, "Let's go and see."

Glancing at Xue Nu again, the eyes of the master and servant met, and Xue Nu's watery eyes seemed to have suction.

Zhou Li'an's soul trembled slightly——

Hiss, my back hurts! !
Board the plane and depart.

After take-off, only Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu wore noise-cancelling communication earphones, and only heard her soft voice, "Master, why didn't Sister Patricia follow and serve the Lord?"

"The master dotes on her, and he rewarded her more than Snow Maiden last night."

Hey, jealousy?

Zhou Li'an smiled, thinking about Patricia's situation.

The fundamentals of this world need her to manage, as a spokesperson.

However, with the continuous development of balanced time and space, the support of secular resources will gradually fail to keep up with the rhythm.

Taking the present as an example, it has been 11 years since the equilibrium, and only two and a half years have passed since the present world.

The upcoming southern expedition must be accelerated, including the development of industrial infrastructure.

"For her, I have my own will. When you return to your residence these days, you can teach her the rules of language, and also learn from her the other two vulgar languages ​​of foreign races."

"Various language?"

"English, Spanish! They belong to two evil and ignorant people on the other side of the ocean. According to my prophecy, it is they who landed on this continent, burned, killed, and looted the tribes on the land, and exterminated the country."

Xue Nu sat up straight suddenly, and exclaimed: "Master, why does Xue Nu still want to learn their language?"

"As long as my lord's will comes, the tens of thousands of people in Balance are willing to fight with flesh and blood, so that the evil spirit will perish!"

Zhou Li'an said: "The current equilibrium is not their opponent, but as long as the people are eager to learn, climb to the Temple Mount, and learn the profound meaning of the law, they can become stronger step by step, invincible in the world!"

"Decades later, you can no longer be oppressed by others, but you can set foot in their country and spread the teachings of balance!"

"Let all evil be purified, baptized, and finally brought under the shining of balance."

Xue Nu took a deep breath, got serious, and then praised——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"All glory belongs to you!"

"Equilibrium exists in..."


Austin, the living capital of Texas.

Zhou Li'an and others inspected the surrounding environment, and finally established the location of the main military city near the Trinity River.

Cowshit has accurate coordinates, and Zhou Weiguo also recorded the surrounding resources with a camera, which will be beneficial to the Presbyterian Church and Balanced Military Academy for analysis after returning from this exploration trip.

The Hohokan people are master builders, the craftsmanship born of ancient civilizations, and sometimes even amazed by later generations.

It's just that the Indian civilization did not survive, it was completely obliterated in the long river of history, and the written languages ​​of various ethnic groups were lost, let alone any archaeological research.

Therefore, before the emergence of architectural talents among the monks of the law, the technical craftsmanship of the Hohokan people can be relied on.

At the same time, the youths among the Hohokan people are also constantly absorbing the mysteries of laws, adding mathematics and mechanical calculations to them, and gradually opening the door to the new world.

Then, head south.

The North Bravo River, the U.S.-Mexico border divides the north and the south by the river's course.

Its upstream is located in Colorado.

Because the Americans built a reservoir, they once dried up the downstream water flow, and finally negotiated and reached an agreement, which made the Americans guarantee that a certain amount of flow would be released every day.

Too far from God, too close to America.

With such a neighbor, how can we engage in development?
Fresh water resources are manipulated by others, and it is hard to tell, but it is basically useless.

At this point, everyone can also see the prosperity of the tribe.

Most of the large river basins are gathering areas for primitive human development.

Although this place is still very far away from Mexico City of the tribes of the Aztec Alliance, a large tribe has also formed, relying on the advantages of water sources and plains for planting.

If it had been before, Niushi and others would only marvel at the vast farmland.

But now compared with the cities of Balance, it turns into embarrassment——

"This kind of land is dry, and only beans and corn can be grown, and their corn is not blessed by our Lord, just like our crops, the output is low, and the fruit is dry!"

"Unable to shine the balanced glory of our Lord, all parts of the earth are barren and bitter cold!"

"It is all because of the kindness of our Lord to balance the millions of people, so that we are now happy and peaceful!"

"Praise you, praise the equilibrium!"

Zhou Li'an bestowed the seeds of various vegetables and grains, but it was the result of countless generations of research.

Shennong rice seeds, hybrid corn and so on.

Infinitely increased food production.

This step is equivalent to spanning hundreds of years.

In the future, balanced scientific research and development can continue to advance with these materials from this world as research standards.

Zhou Li'an glanced at the crowd and put forward a test: "Is the barrenness just the reason for the quality of the seeds?"

There are countless things they have seen and gained along the way, and Zhou Li'an will broaden their horizons and ways of thinking in due course.

You are already familiar with this way of imparting enlightenment.

Whenever my lord has something to say, Xiaohua will record it with pen and paper, and it will be integrated into the "Balanced Book" after her return.

With the level of thinking of various countries in the current era, even if Zhou Li'an is just a medical student, his words and deeds are enough to subvert their cognition, enlighten the mind, clear the clouds and see the fog, and make people think.

In this way, these my lord's proverbs are summed up, and the "Balanced Book" has the attribute of entertaining and teaching.

People will be curious to explore the lands that our lord and the servant apostles have been to, the events they have experienced, and they can learn the profound meaning of the law and the principles of life.

Isn't this much better than a certain scripture compiled by dozens of people that reads like a bull's-eye?

"The Holy Canon of Balance" will become a real classic for future generations.

Just to make a joke, the benefit of Zhou Li'an's descendants controlling the country is that...

No one dares to blackmail the copyright fee of this book!
at this time.

Hearing my lord's question, everyone was sitting upright, no one was in a hurry to express, but fell into deep thinking and put into the state.

Not long after, Zhou Weiguo was the first to say: "They don't understand the water conservancy skills of the Hohokan people, so they can't irrigate the farmland and increase production..."

"The more you witness the strength of Kinkou today, the more you understand that our lord, the true god, penetrates the world. If it weren't for Kinkou that allowed us to migrate, our people would be no different from the people of this bitter and cold land... "

Zhou Weiguo was a bit long-winded, and the long paragraphs were praises.

Regardless of Zhou Li'an listening very satisfied.

Still the same sentence, other than theocracy, other things can stand behind, and only pious belief is the first sequence.

So after he finished speaking, Zhou Li'an praised and praised him without hesitation.

The boy's face flushed with joy.

On the side, Xiaohua and cow dung habitually formed a discussion group, and finally Xiaohua spoke, "Seeds are one aspect, and the other is the water resources that Weiguo said, and secondly..."

"Brother Shit and I have concluded that the biggest difference lies in the difference in farming power."

As soon as the words came out.

Zhou Weiguo also nodded, eager to try, but quickly held back.

Because Xuenv has already said, "That's right, the gap in farming power cannot be made up. We will balance the farmers in each city with oxen to reclaim land. One oxen can support dozens of people. They also practice the law of creation, follow the bestowal of our Lord, and create vehicle."

"The animal power of cattle and horses brings help in every aspect of life, not to mention the brilliant power of balanced cavalry!"

Zhou Li'an said: "Continue to talk about it."

Several people immediately started to discuss eagerly.

In the final analysis, animal power is the blemish of the lagging development of Native Americans.

In prosperous times in Eurasia, as long as it is not a disaster year, it is not a problem to plow the fields with animal power and feed the whole country.

Every few hundred years when the prosperous age comes, it is possible to spare time to eat and drink, to think about YY, to promote culture and education, to engage in art, to play development, and to form the advancement and development of the historical process of science and technology over the years.

There are cattle in Asia.

There are work horses in Europe.

America rests on one hand.

The cost of planting is huge, but fortunately, there are plenty of materials and hunting for a living, forming a half-safari and half-farming form.

At the same time, it also reduces the regional circulation of the crowd.

You can't go very far on one pair of legs.

Regardless of North and South America, there used to be a shining big city, which flourished for a while, but distant tribes could not reach it, and generations of people were trapped in one place. development and progress.

If you look at the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Celebrities and scholars traveled around the world, brainstorming, and people learned excellent principles and things, thereby promoting the development of civilization.

Perhaps there was an American genius who came to the world, had a flash of inspiration, and had a whimsical invention, but in the end he was stuck in one place and could not interact.

Everyone discussed agricultural development from animal power to military.

In the end, everything is due to the gift of balance from our Lord.

Because that's what it is.

Our Lord Equilibrium Without the steed of creation, without the seed of creation, there would be no equilibrium today.

Every time the topic comes here, seeing the source will make the heart of faith continue to superimpose.

Faith is strong.

That night, Zhou Li'an integrated the data with them.

In the previous conquest of Texas, because Texas was divided into north and south, the southern region has not yet been brought into equilibrium. This is also the only remaining population-agglomerated area in North America.

These days, Zhou Li'an has descended from the sky, dropped salt blessings and the statue of our lord's real body, and issued an oracle.

The legion of gods will come, and if you surrender to the balance, you can belong to the kingdom of God and enjoy joy.

The routine is the same as before.

According to statistics, there are about 4 people living along the Dahe River, living in different ministries.

Bull Shit suggested, "My lord, when the army marches south, these 4 people can build a big city. After the big city is built, 4 people will go on a pilgrimage to balance, and then immigrants can be selected from each city in balance. "

"The people migrated, brought cattle and horses, and then built water conservancy. Even if the paddy fields are limited, they can use the divine seeds bestowed by our lord to grow dry land crops, ensuring that after the continuous migration of various ministries in the future, they can be used as supply points for resource support."

New immigrants must return to equilibrium and strengthen their faith and cohesion.

Secondly, the people of Balance have to move south and east.

On the one hand, it is to go to Mississippi and other large areas to build agricultural cities and lay a material foundation for the survival of tens of millions of people in the future.

On the other hand, the development of industry in the Mexican region also acts as a leader and a civilizer, passing down balanced teachings for the new people in this region and integrating them with each other.

Finally arrived in Mexico City, the future capital of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan.

Half of the people will stay there, otherwise millions of people will go to the new city to open up, and the supplies will not be able to match the pace.

On the basis of the original cities, several large industrial cities were gradually built, and then the old Hengheng people migrated here to perform the ritual of enlightenment.

I have a preliminary outline, and the details depend on the data collected during this trip, and then I will take it back to the Balanced Military Academy for refinement.

How many people will be assigned by each district, and how many people will lead the newcomers to invest in a balanced rhythm of life, needs to be carefully arranged.

As for the conquest, Zhou Li'an was not worried at all, and directly began to calculate the results.

Under the iron cavalry, there is nothing to look down upon.

Not to mention...

Zhou Li'an has studied the historical maps of the present world.

The goals of this trip have already been placed on several important cities by him, Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan...

The Aztec Union has not yet been formed, but the "city-state" form has been formed.

A city is a country, and the civilization is highly prosperous, controlled by military power and the missionary beliefs of monks and nobles.

When they arrive in the big city, they only need to make their monarch surrender, and they can be brought back into balance without a single soldier.

The more civilization and prosperity of the current era, the more fanatical beliefs.

The only true god in the world, the Lord of Balance, descends.

Those who surrender to Him will be joy and glory.

Those who disobey him shall be condemned to eternal annihilation!

How about saying that the army of iron cavalry is not used?
Descend to come.

But they are so easily illuminated by the true God of our Lord, they are not worthy... and from a religious point of view, they need a name of "orthodox righteousness".

The Aztecs, who believed in false gods, angered our lord, the true god of balance, and cast down divine punishment on the sky, and prophesied the destruction of the world! !
The red legion of gods will come with the "Blade of Punishment" to judge their sins! !
First sell a wave of fear, then show a wave of muscle, and finally become a serf, and be forgiven by the mercy of the true God.

A wave of operations, still not grateful, dead set?
Complicated is complicated.

But who makes the divine right supreme?

The surrender of nearly ten million people is such a huge project, if it is not well controlled, it will definitely bite back.

Only by surrendering completely and devoting a fanatical heart...

The subsequent legislative reform of the Kingdom of God, the practice of law and enlightenment, can be carried out smoothly as it is now.

In the future, all people in the world must praise Him and praise His name! !

(End of this chapter)

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