Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 152 [151] Equilibrium for 12 years

Chapter 152 [151] Equilibrium for 12 years

Equilibrium 11 years, June 10.

All the ministers and elders gathered together, sitting cross-legged on the carpet of the temple of the gods in the main city, which is a bit similar to the chapel of Allah in later generations.

The air in the hall is fairly clean.

Balanced personal quality hygiene has been integrated into the blood, bathing twice a week, if you want to worship the Lord God, you must bathe and change clothes.

However, their dressing styles are different.

Some people wear cockscombs.

Some people are shirtless and like to smear bear fat to look toned and bronzed.

Another old man was wearing a military coat on October day. The weather was not too cold, but the old man was weak and had chills.

Gathering today is for the display of "Equilibrium Newspaper".

The first issue of the first edition of the newspaper was released and distributed to everyone.

The headline on the front page was, of course, the verdict on the crimes committed by the Aztecs and the city-state alliance in the south of the earth.

【Those who blaspheme the true God of our lord will be punished no matter how far away they are. 】

[Balanced God's Legion has made all preparations, so that the holy light of Balance can purify and baptize all the sins on the earth. 】

The lower part of the front page is the punishment trial process of the bullshit trio. Throughout the whole process, there is no mention of lack of faith, but belief and clarification of their law practice slack, and they fell into confusion due to ignorance.

Our Lord bestows Mercy, to test them for two years, and to forgive their sins if they come back from their stray.

The Aztec God's Punishment video and Judgment Day video have been screened simultaneously in every city, ten cities simultaneously!

Seeing the prosperous city-state civilization of China and the United States, the people of each city fell into confusion and inferiority for a while.

Then when the divine punishment came, the majesty of our Lord Balance came to the world, awakening them instantly.

Finally, the oracle of Judgment Day came—

This is our Lord Balance's last mercy to his people. If you are devout and false and abandon your faith, you will be lost in the world of suffering forever, and you will not be able to enjoy the joy of the glory of the gods.

Ordinary people are mostly panicked. After watching the movie, some people even proposed to go to the main city overnight to ask for forgiveness from our lord.

However, the city colleges have interpreted this.

"My lord has forgiven our sin of ignorance, and used the trial of Zhou Liangchen and his three men as a warning to our people!"

"Zhou Liangchen is the descendant of the chief of all clans climbing mountains, and his sister is my even great witch. It is true... Could this be the punishment of the three in exchange for us to receive the kindness of our lord true god."

Once the colleges in each city interpreted it, the restlessness subsided.

Among them, of course, is Zhou Li'an's instruction to Xuenv, to guide the public opinion of the colleges in each city, and then radiate the lower class people.

To make the people feel awe, one needs to grasp a degree.

Not to mention, the bullshit trio will go ashore for nothing in the future and continue to hold important positions, so they can't be beaten to death with a stick.

Now that the "Equilibrium News" is released, there is a public opinion-guiding tool to analyze the oracle in depth from an official perspective.

Inside the hall.

Most people are illiterate, so most of them are equipped with translators to read newspapers for them.

However, the focus of the ministers and leaders is not on the content, but on the newspaper itself.

The recording methods of the aborigines are mostly done with cowhide or wooden boards.

The clean and soft paper in front of them is engraved with clear and neat words, such a creation is beyond their comprehension.

Some people even whispered, "This newspaper is all the cipher text of the divine language of our Lord and true God. It is a sacred object and should be collected and inherited at home!"

And a group of young monks also felt the same way.

Before they fully grasped the significance of the newspaper, they regarded the newspaper as a treasure like the scroll on the Temple Mount.

But when newspapers are printed and distributed continuously, they can gradually understand the purpose of newspapers.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an did not explain.

The printing presses, inks, and paper used for newspapers are still in this world.

The printing and paper mill is still under construction.

Although there are rules and regulations to guide it, just like the Steel Group, it needs a process of experimental research.

Now the paper is seriously smeared, and it is easy to break after being rolled by a roller, so it is necessary to improve the technical proficiency.

Newspaper second edition.

[No. 8 Dacheng farmland has a bumper harvest, and the grain production situation is very good! 】

[The No. 10 new city "Desert Spring" has begun to move in, and the Balance Military Academy has been designated as an important strategic base, and will continue to extend to the southeast! 】

[The training of the new army in Dacheng on the 9th is in full swing. The elders of all races climbed the mountain to receive the holy will of our lord, and gave important instructions to the new army! ! 】

[The steel research team formed by monks of the Temple Mount law, using the profound meaning of the law to create pig iron, my lord bestowed grace, and named a young man...]

By the third edition, I collected interesting stories for interviews in various cities, and the written stories were dry and not necessarily very interesting.

Zhou Li'an didn't give extra guidance, everything was explored by the monks of the law, giving them an open mind.

There are only 3 copies of the first edition of the newspaper, and 1000 copies.

The 10 cities will share equally, 100 copies for each city, 30 of which will be stored in the colleges of each city for teaching reading materials, and the rest will be handed over to the elders of each city to read in turn in each department.

Every day in the evening, a newspaper reading meeting will be organized to convey the will of the Lord to the people and carry out the construction of spiritual civilization.

In the afternoon, the cities received newspapers and returned.

In the future, it will be transported by horse-drawn carriages in each city, and only one edition per week will be enough.

It has been more than half a month since China and the United States returned from exploration, and all development matters have been properly arranged, and it is time for Zhou Li'an to speed up the start.

"Xue Nu, you can go and visit cow dung, I have frozen the river of time in the two worlds for several months with my supreme power..."

"This method has violated the laws of the universe established by my creation, and may affect the fate of other life forms in the endless star field!"

"If the long river of time is disordered, this world may also collapse and perish!"

The speed of time varies, of course Zhou Li'an found an excuse.

The subtext right now is...

This tribe's witch, you don't want your relatives to explode in place, do you?
Xuenv was shocked, and quickly showed a flattered expression, knelt down and said: "Xuenv is extremely grateful for the grace of the master, and even more grateful for the blessing and illumination of the people of Balanced by our lord!"

Zhou Li'an patted her little head, "Go quickly, and bring a copy of the newspaper, so that they can know what's going on in God's country every week!"

After Snow Maiden left.

[Eye of the Void] opens.

The consciousness of the gods has descended on the Shiwanda Mountains in central Mexico.

It has been several days since the Sin King and Didymar escaped without incident.

That night, the scene of being watched by the gods was almost completely imprinted in their minds, and a heart of faith was condensed in their chests.

There is not only the fear of God's punishment coming to the city in the lake, but also the gratitude of being forgiven by the only true God in the world.

Roughly speaking, this is called giving a sweet date with a stick.

That's exactly what Zhou Li'an did.

Of course, the two of them would not speculate on the will of the gods like this, but Chimal Popoca is very sure of one thing, which is what he has been talking about these days——

"Didymar, we will surely reach the temple of the Lord of Equilibrium and surrender at His knees! The road to redemption I embarked on is exactly His test for me and the Aztecs!"

"Of course, this is also a test for you!"

Whenever he said this, Didymar would draw a mark with charcoal on the precious sheepskin book.

and record the date.

It would be a testament to the piety of the Sin King, and it would go down in Aztec history.

When Zhou Li'an came this time.

The two were picking up materials and building a simple shelter.

The non-stop for several days consumed all their food and a lot of energy.

Now it has avoided the danger far away, and it seems that it plans to repair it for a few days.

Zhou Li'an didn't stay long.

Return to the original camp.

The scorched-earth plains are full of bones, attracting a large number of wild beasts and vultures to eat, and the tribal villages not far away are even more like ghosts.

The former residents have long been slaughtered by warriors from various cities.

Continue south.

Zhou Li'an quickly discovered the traces of the survivors. The remnants of less than 300 people gathered together seemed to never stop, running day and night.

The same is to escape.

They did not have the joy of surviving after the catastrophe. Instead, they all looked confused, their eyes were cloudy, and their bodies were filled with a sense of death.

Like elderly people who are getting old, others can tell at a glance that their life is not long, which is the rapid passage of spiritual life.

It is difficult to support only the body.

Probably not one in ten of these people could return to the Valley of Mexico.

But as long as the news is brought, it is enough.

The judgment of disaster is not just talk, there is only one way of life before the eyes of the city-states...

Like the Aztecs, with pious and repentant hearts.

Finally came to the city in the lake.

The giant statue of the gods has already taken shape. Compared with other cities, the Aztecs obviously took a wider road.

Consciousness comes to an end.

Zhou Li'an opened his eyes and returned to the hall.

Sit quietly on a high platform.

I began to think about the future urban development plan in my heart.

It is certain that the population of China and the United States will migrate northward, but half of them will continue to develop in the Valley of Mexico.

The city in the lake that has been destroyed in this world can be prosperous.

But there is a problem with this...

The Spaniards destroyed the water garden of Tenochtitlan. In addition to their disdain for low-level civilizations, the complete obliteration of history, and the violent massacres during the war, the more important thing is to worry about flood disasters.

As Mexico City was established, the lake was continuously drained and drained.

The present world has become a water-scarce area.

And history has proved that such worries are not superfluous.

A book called "Chimal Popoca Illustrated Text Book" has records about the flood, "The sky is close to the earth, and in one day, all people are extinct, and the mountains are also hidden in the flood..."

It is of course unscientific to use this as a historical factual research, just like the description of the destruction of the world by the flood in ancient civilizations around the world, there are many artistic processing.

But it is certain that the city in the lake of the Aztecs must have encountered flood disasters. The meaning presented in the book is mostly the Aztecs’ worship of nature.

Chimal Popoca was supposed to succeed to the throne 6 years later, and then reigned for 10 years, so it can be inferred that during this period, there was a large-scale disaster.

And shortly after his death, the Aztecs and the city-state alliances also faced a large area of ​​frost disasters and preyed on people.

Boil it down.

The Little Ice Age spreads.

However, there are still at least 10 years left for Zhou Li'an to renovate the big city. After 10 years, a large number of law monks have already entered the house, and the industry has progressed. If this problem cannot be solved, it would be too ridiculous.

In later generations, Mexico was seriously short of water, but one thing can be changed now, nothing more than avoiding the overexploitation of natural resources.

Equilibrium sits on the entire Americas, so naturally it will not be like Mexico and the United States in the later generations who separated from their two fathers, and then compete with each other for high development, and cause a lot of internal friction through war.

The winner gains a large amount of land and resources.

The loser is devastated.

Before the US-Mexico War, Mexico's influence in the world was very strong.

Take water resources as an example...

The several long rivers originating from North America to Mexico will certainly not stop flowing in the balance. If they are used to build water conservancy projects, they will benefit the two places.

Not to mention, North, Central and South America run through.

The water sources in Central America and the northern part of South America can also be used as transfer support, such as South-to-North Water Diversion.

Later generations, China and the United States are also short of water, the shortage is clean water, and the water sources of rivers and lakes are not drinkable due to pollution problems.

It can also be avoided now, and the pressure is shared among regions and mutual help.

After about an hour.

Snow Maiden returns.

A master and a servant traveled through and left.

Time acceleration is on.


Equilibrium for 11 years, at the end of November.

Equilibrium News has been printed and distributed to the 4th issue.

When Zhou Li'an and Xuenv arrived, it was rather cumbersome to get reports on the affairs of each city. Instead, the 4 issues of the newspaper clearly summarized everything.

The Temple Mount monks broke through technical barriers one after another, completing the first batch of paper production and pig iron creation.

Paper still does not have printing properties, but it has been sent to colleges in various cities in large quantities to be used as stationery for low-level monks.

The production of pig iron was quickly developed into ironware. The output was not high, but it had epoch-making significance.

As for the gunpowder research team, there was no extra report.

It's a military secret, do you know the code of secrecy?
As far as the basic gunpowder formula is concerned, it is not that important, but habits need to be cultivated, and rules are established from the beginning of birth, which is conducive to future management.

Sooner or later, to contact the colonists, it is very important that technology does not flow out.

The three research groups seem to be separated, but they are all under the jurisdiction of the Temple Mount, which can be defined as the Academy of Sciences.

Cutting-edge technologies will be kept secret in the future, and popular production technologies must be several grades lower than the current research level.

Even if there are anti-bone boys who leak the balance secrets, they don't worry about being overtaken by technology.

What's more, the upgrade of the academic center is in Zhou Li'an's hands.

For cutting-edge science in the future, without more than ten or twenty layers of evaluation and review, the gates of the Temple Mount will not be able to enter.

Furthermore, with a balanced development speed, nothing can be overlooked.

Whether it is the living environment, quality, or the quality of the people, it is far superior to other countries in the same period.

When the lights are on, the TV is on, and the people are driving cars when they travel, they will be divided into wives and husbands.

What are you doing abroad?
Do good deeds to help the poor?

When there is a gap in the level of civilization, it is just like the colonists of later generations came to America...

Feeling disdainful and discriminated against everything here, the countless ignorant people in the world have never known the greatness of our Lord's balance.

And in his heart, there is only a wild desire to conquer, and he takes all the land into his pocket.

Take a day off.

Xuenv left homework for Zhou Jijun and Zhou Ruonan, and arranged for someone to tutor them. A master and a servant crossed over again and left.

Equilibrium 11 years, June 12.

On the far side of the ocean, Christmas celebrations began.

The New Year, the day of balanced recovery, is also approaching, and the people of various cities began to buy new year's goods in joy.

July 12, night.

Boom, boom, boom!
Huge fireworks bloomed over the 10 big cities at the same time.

The gunpowder research team was established, so there is no need for Zhou Li'an to use the remote control ignition operation, of course...

Fireworks and salutes are still procured in the present world, and with the technical level of the gunpowder team, they can only produce some firecrackers.

During this period, Zhou Li'an naturally performed miracles in the main city, revealing the true god's dharma.

He also blessed those who made contributions last year, recorded by the photographer, and then sent to various cities as a "New Year feature film" to be screened, to worship balance together, and to thank the Lord for His grace to the people.

After the ceremony.

One master and one servant returned to their residences.

The noise and boiling outside contrasted with the silence inside the hall.

Xue Nu was a little absent-minded, which was rare.

For her, the arrival of the new year is just a blink of an eye, without the process of preparing for and looking forward to the new year.

So much so that I was not so excited to put on nice clothes.

It was difficult for Zhou Li'an to comfort her.

As Xuenv said, this is the grace she has received, and it is also the responsibility and mission she needs to bear.

Zhou Li'an himself doesn't care.

old orphan.

at this time.

"Deng dong dong" ran into a figure, attracting the attention of a master and a servant. I saw Zhou Jijun, who had a snotty nose in the winter, holding a bowl of hot beef...

"My lord, witch, eat, it's delicious!"

"Father and mother asked me to send it to honor our lord and witch."

Seeing that Xue Nu was stunned for a moment, she regained her spirit from the lonely expression just before, and turned around and said, "Master, do you want to eat?"

Before Zhou Li'an could speak.

Bang, bia~
Holding a bowl of beef, Zhou Jijun fell to the ground.

The snow girl who was smiling all over the last second suddenly ran away, "Idiot, idiot, you are the stupidest idiot among mountain climbers, me, cow dung, Xiaohua, which one is not talented and intelligent, and it is your turn, it is bad!" Make it like this!"


Zhou Li'an couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that Xue Nu regained her vitality even though she was angry with Zhou Jijun, she was muttering in her heart...

Or, really get out the "Little God"?
Putting your mind on cultivating your own flesh and blood can finally free Xuenv from the unreality of traveling back and forth.

But Snow Maiden is still young.

Just after reaching adulthood, the time is accelerated for another 2 months, and it is better to wait until the age of 20 to give birth.

Well, let's wait a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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