Chapter 158 [157] Black Gold

Look at the cities.

The supply and marketing cooperative in the main city of Equilibrium is the largest, because this is the supply and marketing general cooperative, and the supplies that can be exchanged are also the most complete.

The California black bass in mountain streams has always been a good product for dried fish, and there are also salmon that migrate in spring and winter.

This is the season, and the aborigines, men, women and children, can break it down neatly and taste the freshest sashimi.

Yusheng was carried forward by the neon lights, and the origin is of course the ancient oriental country, but if you look up the long river of time, whose aboriginal ancestors didn't come here barbarously?
Of course, eating raw fish is exquisite, forming a humanistic art, which is different from the natives who eat raw food.

The price of the supply and marketing cooperative is not expensive. 1 contribution point, 1 salmon, or 3 perch, sent from the lake fishery in wooden barrels and carts, don't need contribution points if they are not fresh.

Our Lord Equilibrium and Wu Xun Headquarters, a group of elders and leaders follow, and monks in the law work as translators and secretaries.

Of course, Zhou Weiguo's disciples were also indispensable, holding up their cameras to follow and take pictures, leaving images of the times.

"Live fish is on the market, how is the sales?"

My Lord asks.

Immediately, a staff member of the supply and marketing cooperative knelt down and reported, "Since the fish was launched on the market, it has been widely acclaimed..."

"My lord, I was worried before that whether the people of Balance can adapt to this exchange mode!"

"After all, taking the main city as an example, there are plenty of rivers and lakes. After daily production work, everyone can go down to the river to fish."

"Unexpectedly, the decree of our lord's oracle was issued, and the people responded one after another. They all praised the balance of our lord, and made them enter the kingdom of joy."

The catch is not difficult.

Except for the drought in the cities of Southern California and the lack of support from the water system, the rest of the cities can only be said to have hands if they want to eat fish.

But I didn't expect that even in the main city, the sales of fish catches were in short supply.

Hearing this, Xue Nu was quite relieved, "The response from the master and the people is a manifestation of piety, and no one is disobedient."

Everyone around nodded their heads in praise.

Zhou Li An felt relieved and smiled.

There is no doubt about the piety of the people, but the trading of goods has little direct relationship with piety.

First of all, the launch of a new model naturally makes people feel novel.

But after trying...

Instantly delicious.

You don’t need to weave a net to fish, you don’t need to get wet into the river, you can go to the supply and marketing cooperative, and you can get the fish after deducting points and registering. Who wants to spend time fishing?

If the food delivery industry is prevalent in the present world, someone can deliver meals to their doorsteps with the touch of a finger. This is a leap in the quality of life.

People are lazy, and so are indigenous people.

Seeing such an operation, everyone is amazed.


Someone spoke from the side, and everyone turned around and found that it was a jumping fish.

I saw him knelt down and said: "My lord is above, and some people have asked if they can exchange their catches for equilibrium contribution points."

"If the gold mining team works on the riverbed, they can occasionally catch fish."

Xue Nu turned cold-faced when she heard that, "Another ungrateful idiot! My lord has bestowed grace to make all people happy and rich. What else do they want?"

Zhou Li'an waved his hand, "How did you solve it?"

Tiaoyu looked at Wu's angry face, and dared not speak for a while.

Only then did Xuenv relax a bit: "My lord has enlightenment, you just say so."

Tiaoyu said: "I asked the teacher in a letter. The teacher said that this is the process of economic development, which proves that the people are blessed, civilized, and learn to think."

"However, supply and marketing cooperatives have met the needs of each city. It is not advisable to catch fish just for contribution points, at least not in line with the current operating system."

"The teacher said that if you get it by chance, you can eat it yourself, and you should reward the people who think about it."

Zhou Li'an smiled and nodded, acquiescing, and no longer discuss this issue in depth.

There is no shortage of smart people in the world.

However, as analyzed by bullshit, the current centralized production model has not reached the time when self-employed people appear.

Everyone is working together to plow the land, mine gold, and hunt. What's the matter with you going to the supply and marketing cooperative?

The future may change, but certainly not now.

Keep going.

In the hall of the supply and marketing cooperative, there are various materials, such as textile clothes, leather boots, milk powder, sugar and salt from the Lord.

Equilibrium Now materials are evenly distributed.

In short, basic necessities, food, housing and transportation will be distributed, and meals are eaten in the cafeteria every day, and in winter, the production department will distribute the clothes that have been made.

If the people have additional needs, such as for the convenience of cleaning and replacement, they can exchange them by themselves.

You don't have to do it yourself, you can get ready-made products, just like exchanging catches, and it is widely praised.

As for milk powder, who doesn't have a greedy little one?
The operation of supply and marketing cooperatives has been stable.

The people in each city have their household registration books and their own identity information cards, and all the people have started to learn to write their own names, feeling joy and balanced grace from the bottom of their hearts.


Equilibrium 12 years, November.

No. 5, the big city of Frenos, a straight dirt road extends eastward to the San Joaquin Valley.

The local terrain is flat, and it was supposed to balance the existing agricultural city.The roads only need to be roughly leveled and can be used for horse-drawn carriages.

Arrive in San Joaquin, in front of you is the Coast Mountains of California.

The road went all the way to the foot of a mountain, and a temporary camp was built, and 1000 meters away from this place was the marked area set up by Our Lord Balanced.

Zhou Li'an confirmed the precise coordinates of oil exploitation in the San Joaquin Valley and detailed reserve information based on current data.

In later generations, San Joaquin oil is still being produced, and relevant companies will have detailed public reports, and the earliest mining records have also become historical and geological research materials, which are not classified at all.

After all, the early oil sites have been exhausted and have no commercial value, and the local community has built scenic spots for cultural and historical inheritance...

To say that an oil mining site can also become a scenic spot?
How long has it been since the founding of the United States, and things that are more than 100 years old can be regarded as historical relics.

at the moment.

The petrochemical research group was established.

The Temple Mount monks who have been selected one by one are gearing up, but they don't know that their hard days are coming.

Petrochemical work is very hard, and the chemical gases produced by refining petroleum are harmful to the human body.

The steel team sweats the most to avoid high-temperature burns, and a little carelessness here will cause a big explosion, which is more dangerous than the gunpowder team.

Therefore, the primary selection criterion is to memorize the safety rules backwards.

Taking San Joaquin as the first oil exploration point, one is that the reserves are reliable, the modern equipment is assembled and put into production, and it is not easy to dismantle and relocate, and the output can be continuously produced here.

Second, the transportation is convenient.

The No. 5 big city, Fresno, originally served as an important transportation hub for cities in the north and south of California, with roads extending in all directions.

Ayutthaya is only 40 kilometers away from the San Joaquin Valley.

The road has been opened, and it can be transported by horse-drawn carriage, and it can reach the city in one day, and then transfer to other areas.

Going north, you can go to the No. 2 big city Sacramento, and the main city of Balance, and then turn from the main city to the No. 6 big city.

Going south, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, when the road to Phoenix, Arizona is completed, it can be transported to various places.

When it comes to the current use of oil extraction, apart from the extraction of various chemical substances...

Kerosene, diesel, and natural gas can all be used as combustion power.

Fuel is needed for the delivery of modern mechanical engineering equipment.

It is impossible for Zhou Li'an to transport fuel back and forth to provide power for the machinery, so there is only independent production.

Oil extraction and storage is nothing more than some gasoline tanks.

After including kerosene production, Equilibrium will become the first country in the world to have a night lighting system.

Now it is 12 years of equilibrium, which is 1412 in the Western calendar.

The earliest urban lighting was proposed by London four years later, and every household needs to hang oil lamps at night.

After 50 years, this model was gradually popularized and promoted in major cities in Europe.

When the United States was established, the earliest street lights in the street were not kerosene, but whale oil.

Equilibrium is clearly going to be ahead of its time.

Natural gas storage is not as difficult as imagined.

Have you seen the old-fashioned gas bag bus?
A large rubber bag is tied to the roof, which can be used as "atmospheric natural gas" storage, and the engine can be used as fuel to run after modification.

After the compression and liquefaction technology was perfected in later generations, the CNG modification in the northwest region of the present world came into being.

Atmospheric pressure natural gas storage is not as difficult as imagined. There are still old ladies in rural areas who seal the gas in a big plastic bag and take it home with electric tricycles to use as cooking gas.

The corresponding technical information is available, and rubber production will also begin to be promoted in a balanced manner.

On the one hand, rubber trees can be transplanted from South America, or produced locally and transported to Central America and North America.

On the other hand, petrochemicals extract synthetic rubber.

During the First World War, European countries had no rubber tree resources due to geographical problems, and either transported them from abroad, but no one bought them at that time, so they began to concentrate on researching synthetic rubber.

Therefore, oil deserves to be called black gold, and its value is huge.

As for gas usage...

Zhou Li'an has no plans to popularize gas stoves yet.

The use of gas bags is still dangerous, and professionals need to be trained for industrial use.

This has to mention the "Steel Group".

Also put in the current blast furnace steelmaking equipment for the No. 6 main city, and the hot blast furnace needs to input natural gas for heating, which is the best combustion material.

San Joaquin oil output can be used for the operation of various industrial equipment, chemical substances can improve the law ability, catalyze various inorganic compounds, and radiate all walks of life.

This is where the real industry begins.

So one last point...

asphalt acquisition.

"If you want to get rich, build roads first" is a wise saying, let's not mention the long-term penetration of Mexico.

If the asphalt roads are connected to each city in balance, the transportation capacity will be greatly improved.

Horses and carriages are no longer bumpy, and even rickshaws can be popularized, rubber tires are introduced, and bicycles and tricycles are manufactured.

Including oil and roads.

When the car engine is put into use, the system transfer fee is high.

That motorcycle engine can always go for nothing.

The engine is under 400cc, the weight does not exceed 150 kg, and the frame is independently developed by the steel research team.

The motorcycle engine can be converted into a "car" for use, regardless of the rapidity, and the transmission ratio can be adjusted to the "torque" requirement.

The speed of 30 kilometers per hour is enough to pull more than several tons of goods, and there is no worry about life loss.

At the same time, do you have a ready-made engine?
So what are you waiting for, disassemble the parts and start copying.

And all these prospects are inseparable from the development of "petrochemical" projects.

of course.

Easier said than done.

A group of law monks have no one to teach them, they all rely on self-study, and need a road of exploration.

Fortunately, the equipment engineering instructions are complete.

In the early days, when mechanical engineers got imported equipment, they didn't just use it with the knowledge they had learned. They all memorized the manual by heart.

Even from the manual, learn more mechanical industry knowledge.

In a sense, these are thicker than dictionaries, and several sets of equipment manuals are more precious than teaching materials.

If it is more balanced, then it is the secret volume of law.

The engineering equipment is produced by the current "Equilibrium Group", so during production, Zhou Li'an told David Leung and Jonah that the brand also needs to be named after "Equilibrium", and the manual must be translated into Chinese characters.

Finally, delete the useless descriptions, such as the engine assembly and the model of XX company involved, and replace them with numbers 1, 2, and 3.

On the last page, just make notes according to the number, explaining its working principle and maintenance knowledge.

If there is no knowledge purification of the [Academic Center] for the worldly materials, they can only be removed by hand.

Of course, Balance Group raised objections to this. A group of professional managers boasted that they were proficient in business and believed that it would be difficult for the new brand to be accepted by the market.

Then Cajero spoke.

Everything is subject to Mr. Zhou's will.


Do you still plan to let your factories make profits independently?
Is it okay to figure it out, why did you translate the instruction manual into Chinese?Why the name Equilibrium?
All these equipment orders will be shipped to the East.

This is Mr. Zhou spending a lot of money on his own to support the development of the entire group.

problem solved.

Various companies and manufacturers under the group have also completed brand renaming, including the vaccine production of pharmaceutical companies——

Balanced manufacturing.

The secular world and balance complete the ingenious linkage.

May, late spring.

The San Joaquin Valley has cool weather.

Our Lord is balanced in the San Joaquin "Petrochemical Research Team" camp, blessed by creation.

Giant steel monsters appeared out of thin air one by one, shocking everyone.

Under such a miracle, everyone can only kowtow and worship, and the enthusiasm of faith makes everyone cry.

This scene was filmed by the camera, copied by Zhou Li'an, and sent to various cities for carousel broadcast that night.

After the miracle of creation.

Zhou Li'an recruited the project team.

The person in charge of the project team this time is not Tiaoyu. He has devoted himself to the printing team and is still in charge of balancing the publication of news papers.

The person in charge is another disciple of Bullshit, whose mathematical laws have reached the "high-level low-level" realm. He was one of the monks who led the various ministries to migrate with the "positioning method" to balance the balance many times back then, so he was named "Zhou Aijun".

"Ai Jun, there is no rush to assemble the mechanical equipment. You need to study the mechanical volume (instruction manual) first, make each part transparent, use soil and wood as imitation models for splicing, and finally complete the simulation before you can start the actual operation! "

It is impossible to teach by hand.

Zhou Li'an also doesn't know how to do it. He needs to spend a lot of time on self-study, and then teach and pass it on.

Equipment manuals are available, so let them teach themselves.

If you don't know how to lead a team, you will only be a genius until you die.

Today's equipment is the lowest level, used by micro-exploration companies and individual owners.

In the United States, many individual owners will explore for oil in their own land, and after mining the output, the crude oil will be sold to oil companies.

Such devices are therefore not complicated.

Now we start with basic equipment, and in the future, we can launch higher-end equipment, and finally we will develop independently.

"In addition, hanging and hoisting heavy objects requires you to use the power of the rules you have learned. The practice of the rules is to learn and apply them flexibly. Don't let me and your teacher down."

Of course, it is impossible to launch a crane or something.

The original hoisting can be completed by setting up roller skates and ropes with wood.

California has no shortage of lumber.

Moreover, the house construction technology has long been mature, and hoisting is a compulsory course for craftsmen.

The 18-year-old led a group of project team members to kneel down——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"We will live up to the grace of enlightenment bestowed by our lord, and use the power of scientific laws to rejuvenate the balance!!"

(End of this chapter)

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