Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 184 [183] ​​To get rich first build roads

Chapter 184 [183] ​​To get rich first build roads

Nowadays, the word "industry" is well known in the kingdom of God, and monks of the law often talk about it.

But there is no one who really understands everything.

Because only relying on the book knowledge of the secret volume of laws, it is difficult to understand what the scene of the era after the industrial revolution will be like.

The roads extend in all directions.

You can fly across the world.

You can take the train and walk through the mountains.

There are concepts, but if you don't see them for a day, you will always be trapped in the limitations of thinking.

Because people cannot write and paint colors, shapes, and things that they have never seen.

Some people say that ghosts and gods do not exist but are created by humans.

But taking totem worship as an example, even the shapes of oriental beasts are composed of various animals.

In modern times, there are Western fantasy depicting alien creatures, all of which are based on human and animal models.

So there is the creation of slime alien civilizations like "Venom".

Mucus is also something humans see.

The development of science and technology can also be traced, a little bit of accumulation, development and evolution; but before there is no machinery industry, no one can imagine that this will become the main component of civilization in the future.

It should be said that the balance has been created now.

Heavy excavators, oil plant areas, and even balanced flying artifacts can land in the sky.

But in the eyes of the people, all of these are manifestations of our Lord's divine power and miracles.

It is beyond the reach of mortals.

The combination of balance and science is true, but before it is actually transformed into a major productive force, industrial machinery is a sacred weapon, not a tool.

When Zhou Ruonan mentioned the word "industry", it immediately triggered a violent reaction from the law monks in the temple.

Xue Nu looked at Xiao Hua.

Although Zhou Ruonan has to follow and serve our lord and listen to the grace of the true God, but the main thing is to follow Xiaohua to practice the law and profound meaning.

However, Xiaohua is also shocked, if she has something, she won't be told by my lord to solve the contradiction.

Xuenv looked at my lord again, only to see her smile unchanged, watching Zhou Ruonan with interest.

Feeling Xue Nu's gaze, she turned around and said——

"So, what do you think?"

There was an uproar in the arena and silence again.

Then he listened to the wizard and said: "I agree!"

The silence of the previous second exploded again.

Everyone is talking about it.

Although he was ignorant of the concept of industry, he was extremely shocked by Wu Xiang Zhou Ruonan's approval.

The Great Elder was already in high spirits among the crowd.

Just the word "approval", the glory he received was far more joyful than his own blessing.

Only "parents" have this experience.

At this moment, he felt the same as climbing a mountain.

Both sons and daughters are favored and favored by our Lord.

Now, it can be regarded as his turn.

"Great Elder, this is my Lord's grace to you! Balanced glory shines on you all the time."

"If the male is my heir, even if I am buried in the ground immediately, I am willing!"

"Don't talk about being buried in the ground. Before being buried in the ground, an old bone is exiled to the wilderness. I can die with a smile when I fight with wolves!"

Although these words were exaggerated, they were not flattery, but the elders of the ant colony spoke from the heart.


Xuenv scolded, and finally calmed down the venue.

Zhou Ruonan was stared at by all eyes, his face was flushed, and his body was trembling slightly.

Xue Nu said: "Only the word 'industry' is the answer, which is not complete. Do you have any detailed thoughts?"


Under the tension, Zhou Ruonan was speechless for a long time.

Zhou Li'an laughed, "Don't panic, how do you think, how do you answer, if there are mistakes or omissions, I will not punish you;"

"If I can get three points of resonance with my will, I will have a reward!"

Zhou Ruonan felt dizzy.

If he hadn't been used to seeing big scenes from the Supreme Elder Hall, he might faint at this time.

She hastily adjusted her breathing.

And Xiaohua also came to the side, and said softly: "I probably understand your thoughts, so speak boldly! What you did today is not in vain of what I and the Great Elder taught you that day!"

Zhou Ruonan was so moved that he wanted to cry, but finally held back, nodded vigorously, and began to organize his words.

After about three to two minutes, she finally spoke tremblingly——

"My lord above."

"Because I follow the chief to practice the law and know the salt road, I also questioned it at first, but the chief has something to say..."

"When things happen, you need to speculate, think about the possible and the impossible!"

"So I've been thinking a lot these days."

"If the salt road can be connected, it will be nearly a thousand kilometers long, and it will take more than ten years if manpower and animal power are used."

"If I balance the cities and start building roads, but there are cities along the way to supply supplies, there is no need to worry about supplies, and I can build 5 kilometers of roads in just five months."

"But there is another important factor to accomplish such a feat."

"It is the mechanical holy weapon blessed by our lord. Only when the monks of the law control and activate it can the roadbed be leveled and a lot of labor be relieved."

"Therefore, I thought, if industrial machinery replaces manpower and animal power, the construction of the salt road can be completed!"

A Temple Mount monk couldn't help asking: "The mechanical sacred artifacts are extremely precious. Only the mining area has been blessed by the grace of our Lord. If you want to build a salt road, do you know how many such sacred artifacts are needed?"

Zhou Ruonan heard doubts, but he was already prepared, "The monks of the law practice the law of balanced scientific divine power, what they do is to obtain the art of creation, benefit all people, and make the kingdom of God prosperous!"

"Why can't it be imitated with the holy vessel given by our lord?"

"Today there are nearly a thousand monks on the Temple Mount, and there will be thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands in the future!"

"The chief has something to say, Niu... the son of the patriarch has already grasped the breakthrough of the law of Dzogchen!"

"After I balance the kingdom of God, I will usher in the second law Dzogchen after the chief!"

"And what about the more distant future?"

"Collecting tens of thousands of Dzogchen monks, can't they create mechanical holy artifacts?"

"And I have a vision..."

"When the Kingdom of God possesses countless mechanical holy artifacts, not to mention building a salt road, we will even build the 'Balance Road' from various ministries!"

"From the west of the earth to the extreme east, the extreme north, and the extreme south; so that the people of all cities and tribes can walk on a flat road in their spare time and return to their former homeland..."

"Lead future generations to see the sufferings of the past people's lives, and the difficulties and obstacles they have experienced along the way!"

"Only in this way can we know that under the light of the balanced glory of our Lord, the joy we get is precious!"

The more Zhou Ruonan talked, the more excited he became, and at this moment he looked at his grandfather in the crowd——

"The Great Elder is my grandfather!"

"When he decided on a name, he named himself 'Zhou Tushi'."

"He wanted to return to the 'Tushi Valley', to see his former homeland, and to reminisce about the time when he served our Lord when the Kingdom of Balanced God was sprouting!"

"If I have a mechanical holy artifact, I will personally build a road from the Kingdom of God to the Tushi Valley, so that whenever Grandpa wants to go, he can take a carriage and arrive smoothly!"

In the hall, a needle can be heard in the silence.

Following the girl's imagination, everyone fell into a period of boundless imagination and long memories——

Not just building salt roads.

Do you want to build the Balanced Road so that all ministries can go to their former homeland at any time?
In the Kingdom of God, except for the Miwok, Mono and Paiute people in California, they have not been tempered by migration.

Even the Modoc people spent several months marching through the wind and rain. In the most difficult time, people were killed along the way, and finally the Kingdom of God was established.

If you can go to Zeng clan land, who wouldn't want to see it?
This is not disobedience, but a memorial to the past.

with this moment.

Even Xuenv couldn't help being moved, walked to the side of my lord and knelt down, a trace of water vapor flashed in her bright eyes, which was rare for a long time——


"When I have the opportunity, I pray for your grace to return to Tushi Valley to have a look..."

"I miss her, miss... Wu."

"I want to tell her that the prosperity of the Kingdom of God and the joy of the people..."

The appearance of the old woman in Zhou Li'an's memory was completely blurred.

I just remember the two talking about each other...

If she hadn't been negligent at the beginning, she might have been able to enjoy joy and peace like the Great Elder.

And now...


Seems to be still buried in Hood's Farm, Oregon?

Xue Nu said again: "Master, is the witch living in that happy world?"

Zhou Li'an didn't panic at all, he had already explained to Xue Nu about the funeral of the witch.

When her spirit stepped into the gate of rebirth, she would be reincarnated.

Now she is a 14-year-old girl, and she has forgotten everything in her previous life.

Zhou Li'an rubbed Xue Nu's head, "She's fine, but she doesn't remember everything anymore."

"But if you want to go to Tushi, I will give you grace."

In fact, Xue Nu's longing is not a memory of her own past.

The small tribe Detu Shibu fought and fought, and witnessed the deaths and injuries of relatives, who died in a pool of blood.

If she hadn't grown up in the savage primitive world, it would have made her a little crazy like Patricia.

Environment creates character.

Fighting in the primitive era was the survival instinct, and there are laws and moral constraints in this world... It can't be said that people become weak, but the cruelty they experience is no longer the same.

Later generations cannot appreciate the cruelty of primitive times.

Primitive people can't even understand that 10 doesn't even have an SSR, they have to work overtime on Saturdays, there is no seasoning for instant noodles, and the idol's heart is ashamed.

and so……

Civilization needs to be inherited, and it should always be remembered, remembering bitterness and thinking sweet.

And for today's balance.

Zhou Li'an is not worried that his people will embark on a weird development path.

After balanced development, it is the journey of the world.

There is no need for any cultural invasion, now the game is full of punches and headshots...

Adhere to a firm nuclear peaceful development line.

Xue Nu was favored, not to mention how beautiful she was in her heart, she quickly changed her face after getting up, and returned to the majesty of a witch.

Inside the hall, it was still boiling.

The great elder was already in tears, and he ate the big cake drawn by his granddaughter.

Only Zhou Ruonan, after cheering up the whole room, kept his eyes on the true god of our lord, and was envious of my lord's love for witches.

Seeing that Wu had got up, she immediately said: "Praise the balance! My lord, Wu, this is what I think about the Salt Road."

Her voice fell.

Seeing the majesty of the witch, everyone quickly calmed down.

Xuenv took another look at the True God of Our Lord, and he smiled and nodded before showing a smile——

"My lord has something to say, if you get the resonance of a balanced will, you will be rewarded."

"Do you have expectations?"

Zhou Ruonan was ecstatic, Wu's words had completely approved her answer.

But before she could speak.

The Great Elder has come out to worship, "Praise my lord, praise the balance!"

"If the male is enlightened by the grace of our lord, it is already a supreme grace, how can there be any extra expectations?"

Zhou Ruonan said obediently: "My lord, Wu, Ruonan has nothing to ask for, but to listen to the teachings of my lord and witch."

Zhou Li'an smiled faintly, "No one can disobey the will of our Lord!"

"Like Zhou Jijun, the rewards are temporarily stored."

"But you must know that merits and demerits do not offset each other, and you should not follow Zhou Jijun's example. If you commit a crime, you must also bear the punishment."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Zhou Jijun?Just him?Can I still get the temporary storage of my lord's reward?

But my Lord speaks, and it must be true.

Zhou Ruonan and the Great Elder praised in unison, "Praise my lord, follow the decree of Balance!"

Zhou Ruonan's answer cannot be said to be a correct answer, it is more like a child's imagination.

For example, art classes in the present world, painting the underwater world, giving children imagination, drawing submarine trains, and enjoying the underwater world.

In fact, the subsea tunnel has existed for a long time, but it is obviously not made of transparent glass, and there are no fish and corals.

Or as she imagined, digging a road by herself and letting her grandfather go back to Tushi in a carriage.

Heavy machinery already exists, and it is used as the cornerstone of the association, but the existence of automobiles is unknown, so the horse-drawn carriage is used as a means of transportation, showing a bit of childishness.

Without balance, all this is just children's raving.

But with the coming of our Lord, the true God, to bless the creation, everything can become reality.

Otherwise, why spend so much time building an oil plant area?
The current world is still acquiring engine manufacturing companies.

at this time.

Zhou Li'an has already stood up.

Countless people in the hall are blessed to the soul, and they all kneel down to worship.

Then His will came—

"No. 6 Dacheng mining area, the mechanical driver needs to select the monks of the law for education and training as reserve members."

"The 'Cement Creation Research Group' was established in the 11th city, and after the results were obtained, [-] people were transferred from each city to complete the migration and injection, and fully started the production of cement creations..."


Zhou Li'an's eyes fell on Zhou Ruonan, but when he opened his mouth, he called Xiaohua by her name——

"Chief of the Temple Mount!"

Xiao Hua immediately responded: "Yes!"

"Aiming to balance the colleges in each city, an art course is held every week, which can be used for music, painting, craftsman, weaving, etc., to practice innovation and cultivate imagination!"

"And with the imaginative words of 'Zhou Ruonan', it was included in the [Law of Language] textbook, and it was a compulsory essay topic for low-level promotion to middle-level monks——"

""My Vision for the Future of the Kingdom of God"!"

What a group of law monks didn't understand, was explained by Zhou Ruonan's children's fantasies.

A strong youth makes a country strong!

"at last……"

"Temple Mount and Kinkou Military Academy, jointly set up a 'Road Research Group', guide the route with a large atlas and Kinkou road signs, and complete the planning of the 'Salt Road' construction project!"

The Balanced Military Academy is not only a group of big bosses, but also law monks like Tiaoyu and others.

They returned in triumph, sorted out and perfected the balanced road signs in various places, and are more familiar with the geological conditions in various places, so they are the best candidates for planning.


That night.

No. 2 big city Sacramento.

The printing research team started working overnight and stayed up all night.

Just because the next day is the publication day of the newspaper.

Equilibrium 13 years, June 6.


Equilibrium News--

[Balance God's decree: build a "salt road" to run through the north and south, the road is the cornerstone of the prosperity of the Kingdom of God! 】

[The Cement Creation Research Group was established! 】

[All urban colleges should offer art courses...]

When the newspaper arrives at the jail.

A certain person looks like a madman, laughing endlessly——


"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"My lord will definitely come and watch, and know that my art law is great, so let the colleges in each city start the education of art law practice!"

"From now on, all the monks in the cities will be disciples of my Zhou Weiguo!"

Didymar, Sin King, like a devil boy, congratulates the devil ancestor on his exit——

"Praise my lord, praise the equilibrium! I also praise the greatest painter in the world, my teacher defending the country!"

The bullshit didn't move in his yard, he smiled wryly and shook his head, "Crazy, all crazy..."

Bow your head and write quickly.

He has decided that the assessment will be conducted in a few days to break through the shackles of the law of great perfection! !
(End of this chapter)

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