Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 209 [208] The Road to Vitality

Chapter 209 [208] The Road to Vitality

"forty thousand."

"Forty thousand..."

There were two faint tremors in the side hall of the mansion, like the whispers of a lonely ghost wandering outside the sacred temple.

An army of [-] is actually not that much. Many vassal states under Tepanix's command can easily mobilize more than [-] people.

But this number is also not a lot.

There are only [-] people in Tapdong City, and they are still in their own camps, belonging to various countries without unified jurisdiction.

The key is not in the number.

And the armor, magic soldiers, and beasts mentioned in the intelligence.

They have already seen the majesty of the gods, and the army that is now blessed by the true god must have nothing to look down upon.


The lord of the hill city was judged, and the will of the gods was revealed.

People thought that the punishment of God's wrath was caused by their belief in false gods; but what is presented now is not the case.

The people of the hill city once believed in false gods, but now instead of being judged, they have shared the wealth of the owner of the hill city.

Verhuter committed a crime?
What crime?

The crime of selling slaves and oppressing people.

But in the eyes of the monarchs and nobles of the city-states, this is a matter of course.

I am the king, and you are the people, so I should dedicate everything to you.

So now the logic of judging the will is very straightforward.

The gods do not allow the kingdoms to continue to exist, but to replace subversion with the kingdom of God, and establish a brand new...


All monarchs and nobles will be judged.

If the city-states are lucky, they can only die.

Just like the lord of the hill city, he turned into rotten meat on the high platform of judgment and was scolded by thousands of people.

Look at the pair of father and son who brought the information.

When repeating this passage, even though the middle-aged man tried his best to restrain himself, he still vaguely showed joy and excitement.

Weren't they once a member of the people of the hill city, standing under the stage to initiate a trial against their former master?

Slaves who were once like dogs, now want to bite their masters?

A hint of disgust flashed across the face of the paunchy nobleman.

He said, "Is there any more?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "No more! This is everything I knew before I fled."

He grasped the key point: "Wait? Besides Ni and his son, is there anyone else?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, but said bluntly: "There should be thirty or forty people..."

"Before I entered the city through the secret road, it seemed that someone was going to climb the mountain."

The face of the aristocrat suddenly turned cold, and then changed into a smile in an instant, and said: "Okay, I already know these things, you two go down and wait to receive the reward."

At this moment, the young man couldn't help but said: "I, we don't want rewards, we want..."

But before he finished speaking, the old servant angrily said: "Shut up! The master ordered you to wait and wait, just wait!"

"Come here, take them to my room to rest!"

Several guards stepped in and left with the father and son.

Just wait for the door to close again.

The old servant could no longer control his emotions, and said in panic: "Master, why did the true god judge us? The city-states of various countries have begun to build balanced god statues and dedicate their faith to him..."

"The Lord of the Hill City is not stupid, he will definitely follow suit, but now he..."

"Don't you understand? What the gods want is not only faith, but also everything we have!"

"Then, shouldn't we consecrate?"

"Dedication?" The nobleman sneered, "Didn't Verhuter dedicate everything, and in the end even his family members also dedicate themselves!"

"This is a dead end. There is no luck at all. The only way to survive is to contend with the army of judgment."

The old servant said again: "Yes, but what if God's punishment comes again?"

Hearing this, even the noble lord showed a bit of panic, but the fear finally turned into ferocity, "It's death anyway! The monarchs of all countries want to die, and I want to die too..."

"Do you think you can escape?"

The old servant trembled violently, and unconsciously looked at the "Statue of Balance" placed on the table.

Almost all noble families have changed their faith.

But now the facts have proved...

Merely changing the faith is useless.

"Master, what shall we do then?"

"This news must not be leaked, and the foolish people must not be allowed to know everything, otherwise it will cause great changes!"

"Immediately summon the messenger, and I will write a secret letter to the country of Tepanix and present it to Tezozomok."

"The Judgment Army is only [-] people. Even if it is as described in the description, it can control beasts, has hard armor and magic weapons, but there is only one way through the pass of Tadong City!"

"Don't say [-], even [-] can be kept!"

"Once the secret letter is delivered, each city will definitely send troops to come; as long as we defend Tadong City, we will have no worries."

"Unless." He also looked at the god statue on the table, "unless the true god can really destroy the world with divine punishment!"

Talk to here.

He shouted out the door again, "Come on."

Another guard stepped into the room, and he issued an order: "Immediately send someone to check all the secret passages into the city, and anyone who enters the city through the secret passage will be killed!"

"Yes!" The guard turned and left.

The old servant said again: "Master, what about the father and son?"

"Kill it! Before the arrival of reinforcements from all cities, everything about Hill City must not be passed on!"

"I will gather with the affairs officials of various countries in the city and order together to close the city of Tadong!!"

The words fall.

He left in a hurry, leaving only the old servant in a daze.

After a long time, someone walked into the room and woke up the old servant, "Father, why are you still here? The father and son have been asking, when can I see you?"

A guard came in front of him, it was the old servant's son.

The old servant woke up startled, looked at his son and said, "Why are you the only one left?"

"The rest of the people were sent to search the secret passage! The rest also went out with the master, and I was the only one left in the mansion to guard the father and son."

"Father, does the master have any orders?"

The old servant took a deep breath and said, "Kill them and silence them! Come on, take me there!"

The backyard of the mansion.

There are three huts in one place, which is the residence of the old servant.

The father and son who sent the information had been waiting for a long time, and finally saw the old servant arrive, and hurriedly prayed——

"My lord, please save my eldest son! Get rid of his slave status and let him go home with me!"

However, the old servant's son drew out a long copper knife.

Although their copper smelting technology is backward, copper knives are not as strong as weapons such as stone axes, but they are equipped with noble guards, but they can be beautiful.

Of course, killing two powerless untouchables with this copper knife is as easy as pie.

Under the illumination of the four-corner brazier in the house, the blade continuously reflected the cold light.

The middle-aged man was frightened, but he did not forget to protect the only remaining young son behind him, "What are you going to do?"

"You don't keep your promise! You promised me..."

The old servant said blankly, "Your eldest son was indeed sold by my merchants, and I know where he is."

"But is it so easy to get rid of slavery?"

"Unless he makes his own achievements in battle and is appreciated by his master, it will be useless to take my word for it."

"I can only tell you that your eldest son is still alive, the rest depends on fate!"

"As for the two of you... the master wants you to die! What happened in the hill city will cause turmoil in the kingdoms, and nothing should be revealed!"

"What?" The middle-aged man seemed to be struck by lightning. He had been working hard for the eldest son for more than a year, and he supported it with a sense of faith.

I thought that hope was right in front of my eyes, but what I got was this answer.

His vitality seemed to be pulled away, and his eyes were gray.

"Kill them!" the old servant said again.

The guard has already stepped forward.

But at this moment, the boy stood in front of his father, "Kill! Kill us, and you will die too!"

"The envoy once said that anyone who commits crimes will be judged!"

"Do you know why Verhuter died?"

"because of him……"

Before the boy could finish speaking, the guard kicked him over and swung the copper knife down.

But the old servant felt his heart palpitate again, and suddenly shouted: "Wait, let him finish."

"Father? How can you disobey the master's order?" the guard said in amazement.

The old servant slapped his son on the face, "Master, master, master..."

"You worm-like waste, how did I give birth to you?"

"Being a servant is something that cannot be changed, but I spent my whole life trying to find the position of bodyguard for you. I hope you can make contributions and be promoted to nobleman!"

"However, as a guard, you act like a servant, how can you improve?"

"You need to know that one day, you will climb to a high place and not be enslaved by others!"

The guard was shocked by his father's words, which were definitely rebellious words, and if the master heard them, he would surely die.

He looked outside anxiously, and he was relieved to confirm that no one was peeping.

However, the copper knife was also put away, and he stepped aside without making a sound.

Seeing such a scene, the old servant restrained his anger and looked at the boy again.

The boy was kicked in the chest, rolling all over the floor in pain, unable to breathe.

The old servant was not in a hurry, he sat by the door and waited until his breathing became stable before continuing to ask: "What did you want to say just now? How did Verhuter die?"

The boy glared at him and said, "Now you know you're afraid? I won't tell you!"

"Hehe." The old servant chuckled, "If you tell me, I might let your father and son live."

"You untrustworthy person, I won't be fooled."

The old servant said solemnly again: "What if I make an oath? In... the name of the true god!"

The young man was angry and frowned, "Really?"

The old servant said nothing more, folded his arms sincerely, as a sacrificial etiquette, "I would like to swear in the holy name of the only true God in the world, the Lord of Balance, and if what the young man said in front of me satisfies me, I will Give them life!"

The boy finally believed, "What do you want to know?"

"What you wanted to say."

The young man took a deep breath and organized the words: "Verhuter didn't have to die!"


"When the envoy came, he also gathered with the envoys and held a feast, but after the banquet..."

The boy recounted the story of Queztitko.

Regarding Verhuter's father, he conspired to plunder Queztitko's family property and demote him as a slave.

When the envoy arrived, Weihuter had a ghost in his heart, so he wanted to kill.

"According to Naquiztitko's self-report, that night was a fatal disaster, but he saw the light... the light that can dispel the darkness of the night."

"Because of this, the divine envoy came and rescued their family from certain death."

"Some people say that he saw the coming of the true god!"

"At the time of the trial, the divine emissary said... If Queztitko hadn't committed the crime of murder, he wouldn't have been sentenced to annihilation!"

"Do you understand now? The only true God in the world is watching the world all the time. If you kill us, you will die too! This is judgment!"

The old servant was horrified.

It wasn't that he didn't believe in the true God, but he was shaken by his master's words, knowing that he had no way out for the sins he had committed for many years.

But who wants to die if they can live?
"Just because of this crime? What about the crimes committed before?" the old servant asked again.

The boy was speechless.

The old servant smiled wryly because of this: "It seems that whether I kill you or not, I will not escape the trial!"

However, the young man was quick-witted and looked at the old servant's son: "No, if you really committed a felony, you might die, but what about your son?"

"Do you know Dulan, the warrior commander of Hill City?"

"Dulan? I know him! All the slaves in Hill City were sent by his team leader. Dulan is still alive?"

The boy shook his head and said, "No, he's dead too!"

The old servant frowned, but continued to listen without interrupting.

"But Dulan's relatives are still alive! The envoy will not implicate his relatives for his crimes! Originally, his relatives will be judged together, and the lightest punishment is imprisonment."

"But when my father and I left, they had returned home, and life was no different from usual."

"The angel said that those who believe in balance can be redeemed! When everyone commits crimes, as long as they are not evil, our Lord is willing to cast a merciful gaze and give them a chance to reform themselves."

"Because of this, everyone in Shanqiu City used to believe in false gods, but now they are still happy and cannot be judged!"

"The ones who are really judged are the wicked!"

When the old servant heard these words, his expression was uncontrollable, and he couldn't help looking at his son.

His son also knows...

His father protected him very well, and he was never involved in those dirty things. If he really faced trial, he would definitely survive.

The premise is, let this father and son go!

The old servant said, "How can I trust you?"

The young man said: "If you send someone to the hill city to investigate, everyone will know about these things! Or, I can also make an oath in the name of balance!"

"You swear!"

The boy imitated the appearance of the old servant and began to swear.

Wait until it's done.

The old servant got up and said to his son, "Bind them up and follow me!"

The boy yelled: "You don't keep your integrity! You even broke your oath!"

The old servant snorted coldly and cursed: "Shut up! If you keep yelling to attract others' attention, even if I want to let you live, it will be impossible!"

"However, I said I won't kill you, but I didn't say how to deal with you!"

"You can't go back to Hill City, and you can't stay in Tadong City! Don't you want to see your brother? I'll send you there! As for being a slave, whether you live or die depends on the glory of the true God." , Have you cast your gaze on you..."

When these words are exported.

The middle-aged man who had been dazed for a long time also came back to his senses, "Can I see my eldest son?"

"Wait, you want to sell us as slaves!"

"No, no... I can go, but please let my son go..."

"I fought with you!"

The old servant's son knocked him out, and the old servant finally questioned: "This is the last chance for the two of you, do you want to?"

The young man was in grief and indignation, and fell into powerlessness. In the end, he could only nod his head deeply: "Wish!"

"Go, carry your father on your back. If you can't keep up with me and miss the opportunity, no one can save you!"

The old servant has redemption in his heart, and only fights for a chance of life for his son.

He took the two of them to a slave trade house, and woke up the caravan leader he was familiar with—

"How many slaves are there?"

"89 people, less than a hundred! I don't know what's going on in the North, I haven't seen their caravan for several days!"

The old servant sneered in his heart, the mountain roads in Shanqiu City will be cut off from tonight!

He said: "There are 11 people missing, let's set off immediately and send them to the country of Tepanix!"

"I have two more here, both are strong men, and they can be sold for a good price!"

The caravan leader was stunned: "Leave now? Are you too anxious?"

The old servant said indifferently: "It's okay if you don't leave! But don't blame me for not reminding you! Starting tomorrow, Tadong City will be recruited! All the slaves in your hands will be recruited without any benefit!"

"Believe it or not, this news from me alone is worth the deed of a big house in the city!"

"Conscription? Why conscription?"

"Do you think you are entitled to listen?"

The man finally realized the seriousness, called his buddies, and hurriedly prepared to leave.

One last look at the old servant: "If the news is true after I leave, there will be a thank you afterwards!"

If it is false, I will not mention it, because both of them know in their hearts that they must settle accounts after the fall.

The old servant said again: "Then you must spend a lot of money! If you return to the valley, you can immediately start hoarding food and various goods, no matter how much the premium is, try to collect it!"

"Trust me, this is your chance."

The man sensed that something was wrong, "What happened?"

"You will know in the future!"

The old servant didn't say any more, and before leaving with his son, he only left one sentence: "It is appropriate to take care of the father and son! Even if you don't want to, don't be too harsh!"

The figures of the two gradually drifted away.

After a long time, a group of merchants set off to the south overnight...

There is no curfew in Tadong City, only the northern pass is closed, and the southern valley is unimpeded.

(End of this chapter)

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