Chapter 212 [211] Crazy Keya

The town hall, which was once the residence of the city lord, was boiling with the arrival of a decree.

It's a joy...

Our Lord watches over them all the time, penetrating everything in the world with his supreme power.

I am even more envious...

Queztitko, the one chosen by the Lord God; how many people in the world can get such grace and glory?
Countless eyes stared at the decree Zhou Damin took out, eager to see through it.

Climbing is also impatient.

But he cares more about what our Lord's guidance is.As for the matter of Kuiz Titko, didn't bullshit and Zhou Weiguo have already predicted it?
And in the past month, Queztitko has served as the mayor of the town, and he has managed the hill city in an orderly manner, which is no worse than that of the other cities in the balance. This alone can prove that he is a "person of great fortune".

Wasn't Xiao Hua the last person selected?

First, he was the dean of No. 6 Ayutthaya Balance Branch, almost commanding a city; immediately after that, he became a member of the "Supreme Elder Hall" and became the chief of the Temple Mount.

Right now, what is more important is the sign of judgment.

It has been a month since I arrived in Hill City, and I have been in a state of preparation for war, hoarding food, training sergeants, and preparing for the "Black Powder Creation Project".

But if you don't send troops for a day, you will panic and feel ashamed when you climb the mountain.

He had hoped that the will of the gods here would be able to receive the will and guidance of our Lord, so that they could truly swing the sword of judgment and cut off the sins of the southern evil land.

"Quickly call Quiztitko and Cowshit!"

As soon as the mountain climber gave an order, a cultivator of the law rushed out quickly.

Dou Crocodile scratched his head beside him, "Brother, when the two of them arrive, there will still be one missing."

Climbing the mountain slapped his forehead, "I forgot Weiguo!"

It has been a month since Zhou Wei went abroad, and there has been no reply for a long time.

For a moment, everyone looked at Zhou Damin again, "My lord does have a will, we need all of us present to see the will of God?"

Zhou Damin felt a little pressure, and quickly thought of the balance in his heart, before nodding deeply: "Yes! This is my lord's will."

Everyone is discouraged.

Calling Zhou Weiguo back would take two days, even if he rushed on the horse?
God's decree is right in front of you, but you can't accept it. This is the most uncomfortable thing.

But no one dared to disobey the will of God.

Shortly after.

Queztitco arrives in a hurry.

When everyone saw him, they quickly got up again.

The old servant has been swept away from the dust, and his face is radiant; although he has been busy with his affairs for a month, he seems to be ten years younger and full of energy.

Haven't noticed it before.

But today shocked everyone.

Could this be the grace of our lord to rejuvenate this old man?
Queztitko noticed that the atmosphere in the room was different from the past, and his eyes stared at him, which made him at a loss, "Judge, leaders, what happened? Or did I make some mistakes when I was doing things?"

"If this is the case, I will accept the punishment willingly."

Cultivator Law looked at him differently, and quickly waved his hands: "No, no, no, you didn't make any mistakes."

Immediately afterwards, I translated it again with people on both sides.

Announce the arrival of God's decree.

"The messenger brought the decree of our lord, and the true god of our lord named it, and asked you to be present to receive the decree."

The words fall.

Queztitko was also shocked, "My lord named me? How does my lord know me..."

Halfway through his speech, his voice stopped abruptly, and his expression trembled, already flattered:

"My lord, I must have read correctly that night, I was able to see balance; He sprinkled light on me, and only then did my family come back to life from desperation!"

"Praise you, praise the equilibrium."

The old man came to the statue placed in the hall and kept kneeling down.

Everyone felt his piety and praised him together.

Until here.

Only when I climbed the mountain did I wonder: "Where's the cow dung? Why hasn't the cow dung come yet?"

The monk who went to summon people just now said: "Zhou Xiangxi said that the deputy judge left the city early this morning, and seems to have gone to look for the supervisor."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't laugh or cry.

It is impossible to imagine God's decree today.

But it was a coincidence that the bullshit had already gone to find Zhou Weiguo, which was nothing but the manifestation of the will of the gods in the dark.

Climbing the mountain, he ordered: "Send a quick ride there immediately, and recall the two of them!"




The hottest time of the day in the city-state valley.

It seems that the air has been melted by the sun, and there are faint ripples.

A long line of business groups, the outline of the big city can be seen in the distance.

Someone shouted a chant at this time: "Everyone is working hard! When we arrive at the 'Shield City', the master invites everyone to eat corn soup! Everyone is full!"

People in the queue cheered accordingly.

Another person showed a look of "astonishment and trance", only feeling that this trip has gradually become bizarre...

"Father, are we still slaves?"

"Why do I feel more like a caravan's helper?"

The boy's father was not so optimistic: "We haven't arrived in the country of Tepanix, who knows what will happen to us in the end."

"As I said before, the change in Hill City will increase the price of all goods."

"This 'Polypoma' was able to set off on the eve of conscription in Tower Cave City. I must have heard from that old servant."

"Otherwise, in the past month, he would not have spent a lot of money to purchase supplies as he passed through the cities, and let us slaves transport them."

"Instead of selling us off and hiring helpers, it's better to let us be used by him first, and bring a large amount of goods to the country of Tepanix before making plans."

"Right now, this cargo is far more valuable than us slaves!"

They were the father and son who brought the news into Tadong City that night and were sold into slavery.

After a lapse of one month, the father and son followed the business group all the way to the south and reached the hinterland of the city-state alliance.

Just as the father had guessed.

A slave owner named "Polypoma" is planning to make a fortune in the country of Tepanix.

No matter what era, information channels represent the way to make money.

And the time goes back to a month ago.

Polypoma was very depressed.

Has Taphole City changed?Conscription to the military of various countries?But what is the reason! !
Do the northern tribes still dare to break the ban?

If something really happened, Hill City would have noticed it a long time ago and would have sent the news in advance.

Several times, Polypomar felt that he was being played.

But after calming down, he suddenly woke up again, the other party didn't need to deceive him.

But he still felt that he needed to find out the truth.

When he left Tadong City that night, he slowed down the team and sent his cronies back to Tadong City.

Just five days later.

Only then did the cronies return, bringing shocking news: "Tadong City has been sealed off."

Polypoma said: "Is everything really as the lord said? The northern exit from the city will be blocked?"

However, the cronies said: "It's not the north gate, it's the south gate we left from!"

"The entire Tadong City is blocked, and everyone can only go in and out; many caravans I know are stuck at the door and blocked by the garrison!"

"Someone was loud and dissatisfied, and was killed on the spot."

"I knew that something serious must have happened, so I squatted outside the city for a long time. For two whole days, no one was able to leave the city. It is simply unheard of."

"But on the third day..."

The confidant paused, making Polypomar anxious: "What happened on the third day?"

"On the third day, someone left the city!"

"It's the relatives and family members of the nobles and gentlemen in the city, escorted by the garrison. I also saw the wife and brother-in-law of that adult!"

"Now they are behind us. I traveled all the way so fast that I came back early to report!"

The amount of information in these words is huge, it seems that everything has been said, and it seems that nothing has been said.

The blockade of Tapdong City has become a fact.

But in the end why it is blocked, only by observing outside the city, nothing can be found.

But Polypomar knew that this matter was definitely not trivial.

Just as he was pondering, he said personally: "But I don't understand one thing, why did that lord take extra care of us! Let us go out of the city overnight!"

"Our business group is not the only one that cooperates with him!"

As if some sensitive point had been triggered by these words, Poli Poma slapped his thigh fiercely: "Purchase supplies! He wants us to purchase supplies!"

"If there is a change in Tadong City, if there is a real war, all the city-states and major powers will send troops here, and the market for trade materials will rise!"

"If the news is handed over to many people, it will inevitably leak!"

"He knows that I have always been the best at keeping secrets, so he deliberately chooses to cooperate with me!"

"After this matter is over, he will definitely come to ask for dividends!"

A friend said: "But he didn't contribute any capital, just based on a piece of news, isn't it afraid that you won't admit it afterwards?"

But Polypoma sighed, "When the battle of Tower Cave City begins, his master will definitely rise, and he will be able to do his best. At that time, how can I, a slave trader, fight against it?"

"More importantly..."

"Tadong City also needs material support. Do you think it is worthwhile to give up future transactions for one transaction?"

At this point, things are completely transparent.

Polly Poma strictly ordered his cronies to keep their mouths shut, and then let the team set off immediately, fearing that they would be caught up by the rear team.

When they arrived at the next city, they quickly placed the team and waited quietly.

a few days later.

The team of relatives of the nobles in Tapdong City arrived, and he approached the accompanying sergeant at the hotel, and bought news——

The conscription of Tadong City is a fact, and the affairs officials of all countries ordered to start making weapons!

Going to war!

The news made him ecstatic.

He waited for the nobles' team to leave first before he set off, and began to search for supplies in the cities along the way.

To this day, he has spent almost all of his belongings.

I began to borrow from relatives and friends in the cities I passed along the way, and I was desperate.

Now you can make a lot of money just by waiting for the country of Tepanix.

And what I saw along the way, the cities were still kept in the dark.

This is normal!

If there is a change in Tadong City, unless reinforcements from various countries are dispatched, it will be difficult for civilians to know the situation and avoid causing turmoil.

And messaging is tough.

Walk through the cities with the legs of a messenger.

shield city.

Polypoma visited his friends again to borrow property; at the same time, he listened to these rich people and reconfirmed that the matter of Tower Cave City had not been leaked.

Two days later, he left Shield City and set off for the final destination "Azka Pochalco"——

That is the capital of the Tepanix Kingdom, and it is also the most prosperous and powerful city in the entire city-state alliance.

a few days later.

The caravan finally saw the legendary giant city.

No matter who have visited before or saw the appearance of the giant city for the first time, they are all in shock.

The ten-meter-high city wall has already brought a sense of oppression to these tribesmen and the people of the small city, but there are still pyramids, palaces, and altars standing tens of meters inside the wall.

Make people unconsciously fantasize.

If you can climb onto the high platform, you may be able to see the gods and listen to his voice...

Into the city, unimpeded.

The matter of Tadong City hundreds of kilometers away is still the most confidential secret of all countries.

Even the ordinary helpers and slaves in this caravan don't know anything about it.

Although it was a long journey, there was a touch of calmness in Polypoma's expression.

To Fang urban area.

He kept saying hello to friends and colleagues.

In Taphole City, he is one of the best merchant group owners, but in Tepanix...

People like him who earn meager profits by traveling far are the lowest end.

Ability to conduct business around the core trade area of ​​the city-state alliance.

But this requires great financial resources and personal connections.

"Polipoma, you are finally back! You have eaten a lot of dust along the way, right? Let me see what you brought back this time?"

"Dozens of slaves? Huh, so many herbs? There are still more than a dozen packets of yeast powder, and the rest is all salt?"

"Hahaha, Polipoma, are you planning to open a herbal medicine shop? There are so many herbs that you can't sell them all in two or three years!"

"There is also this yeast powder. If you use it to brew fine wine, you can sell it all over the city! I just don't know if anyone will come to patronize your business!"

"These salts are coarse yellow salt from the northern city-states, right? My dogs don't even want to eat them!"

Polly Poma is humiliated in public and almost turns his face.

But the elder brother of the person in front of him is a palace official, he dare not provoke him, so he can only swallow his anger.

He also heard this man boasting: "I don't know if I have been away for several months. I am no longer in the salt business. My brother introduced me to the best craftsman, invested all his wealth, and will open a workshop for incense burners!"

"If you want salt, I still have a lot of old salt from the year before and last year, isn't it better than your rough yellow salt?"

Polly Poma's cheeks were shy at first, but after this sentence, he suddenly lifted his spirits: "Really? You are willing to sell me the overstocked old salt? That's really great! I would like to buy them all, I praise you generosity!"

The man was stunned for a moment, wondering why Polypoma was having trouble, if he had been teased before, he must have run away in desperation, why are he still talking about business today?
"Polly Poma, do you really want my backlog of old salt?"

"Of course, I want it all! It's just that I just came back from shopping, and I have..."

"It doesn't matter, it's all old salt, how about I give you a [-]% profit?"

"make a deal!"

The two embraced, and became as close as brothers for a moment.

Polypoma sneered in his heart, so what if his brother is a court official?Isn't it because they didn't know what happened in Tadong City, so they opened some kind of incense burner workshop at this time?This is not a way out! !

At this time, a father and son in the team couldn't help laughing.

After the two of them negotiated a deal, the team continued to set off, passing through Fangshi to a compound at the end of the street, where the goods were piled up and arranged.

Polly Poma glanced at the crowd, and said to his subordinates one after another: "Take these people to have a good rest, give them enough food, and refresh their spirits; other matters will be discussed after I finish my work in these few days!"

After hearing this, all the slaves vaguely understood the meaning.

After eating and nourishing their spirits, they can be sold as slaves. This is their fate.

The father and son, who were amused a moment ago, suddenly changed their colors.

"Father, you fainted that night, he promised me to let us meet my brother!"

"If you don't make a sound at this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see this Polipoma again."

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

But he has had the previous experience, so he will not be stupid anymore, and said to his son: "Don't stand out, I will deal with it! If something happens to me... Well, in short, you have to take care of yourself, I know you are smart since childhood, Make good use of your wisdom, unlike your elder brother, who is a reckless man who fears brute force!"

"Even if you are really a slave, you won't be unable to live!"


"do not talk!"

The middle-aged man strode forward, knelt down and said, "My lord, I have to beg, please have mercy!"

Polypoma looked at this man, feeling familiar, and looked at his cronies beside him.

The confidant thought about it for a while and suddenly recalled it, and whispered: "It was the slave sent by the lord that night... and was knocked out at that time!"

"But I remember that the lord said before he left..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Polypomar will understand.

The big man's housekeeper asked him to take care of them, but because of the busy journey, he had long since forgotten about it.

"I remember that there are two of you, why are you alone?"

Middle-aged people dare not answer.

And the boy was also hiding among the people.

Polipoma probably saw his vigilance, and said, "What do you beg for? If you have unrealistic ideas, don't mention them!"

Take care of.

These slaves must be sold in exchange for more property before they can continue to purchase materials.

He had already planned along the way.

Herbs must be in short supply, not to mention salt.

As for those yeast powders that are necessary for brewing tequila wine, when there is a war, the trade of each city will be blocked.

The demand for alcohol in the whole big city is bound to increase, and he can make a lot of money.

The property exchanged by these slaves will be used to purchase the agave in the city.

The middle-aged man said: "I have a son who was trafficked to the country of Tepanix a year ago. That evil... The lord promised to make my father and son meet again, and I beg you to help me!"

After hearing this, Polypoma found it not difficult.

If the steward made this promise and sent the two of them, it must be because the heir of this person was sold by himself.

"What's the name of your heir?"

"His name is Koya, and he is a strong young man."

Polypomar tried to remember, and said, "But there's a scar on the chest?"

"Yes, yes, you know him?"

Polypoma nodded, and directly ordered to his cronies, "Fulfill his begging and send him to the mansion of the 'garden officer'. I have reached an agreement with the garden officer before, and his family still needs 9 slaves."

"You can send it in advance."

The good thing happened, the middle-aged man kowtowed in gratitude, but Polypoma ignored it and turned to leave.

By dusk.

The confidant led the rescuers and set out, came to a mansion in the inner city, and sent the father and son and the rest of them into it.

The confidant paid special attention to the father and son, thinking that in the future, he might continue to do business with the lord of Tadong City...

In case someone asks about the result, there must be an explanation.

He said to the steward of the mansion: "These two belong to the same family as one of the slaves sent a year ago."

"If you are willing to come here as a servant, if you treat him kindly, you don't need to worry about being loyal."

The steward understands as soon as he hears it.

A family gathered together can be used as a check and balance for coercion;
It would be a good thing if after they had made meritorious service, they would reward their female relatives and give birth to offspring, so that they could be slaves in the house for generations.

Send that person away, and the door closes.

The steward asked the father and son, "Who are you looking for?"

The middle-aged man said anxiously: "My lord, that is my eldest son, named Keya, and he has a scar on his chest!"

However, as soon as these words came out, the steward's face changed drastically: "Keya? Crazy Keya?!"

"Haha, good! You came at the right time. Among all the slaves, he is the only one who cannot be tamed! He even intends to blaspheme the prince's daughter!"

"It's hard to vent your anger by killing him, you two came at the right time!"

"Catch them and report to the master... I bought the father and younger brother of the madman Keya, and now I am not afraid of that Keya's rebellion!"

"If you don't follow the master's name and go to fight the beast in the cage, you will kill his family!"


The father and son were struck by lightning.

How could they have imagined that just after leaving the wolf's den, they would fall into the tiger's den again.

Before they could recover, they were caught by the guards, pressed to the ground, tied with hemp ropes, and headed for the depths of the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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