Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 232 [231] Bright Road

Chapter 232 [231] Bright Road
The next day, February 5th.

Outside the main city.

Twenty pilot instructors are training one of the newcomers selected.

Motorcycles are not difficult to learn, and it is the same as starting a car with a half-clutch.

And now, starting from three-wheeled motorcycles, there is no need to build a bicycle to train balance.As long as the gear shift is mastered, you can do it with your hands.

"Start in first gear, the torque is the highest, you, you, you... eight of you come up and watch my demonstration."

The master got into the car, and called eight more people to climb into the back of the car.

With the roar of the engine, with almost no effort, the body slightly shrugged and ran forward.

Countless people in the field exclaimed.

Not far away, the onlookers were even more dumbfounded.

"Eight people... No, a total of nine people are riding, but they can run so easily?"

"The strongest war horse in the cavalry army, it will be difficult to carry two people!"

A group of leaders of the battle group who stayed behind in the Kingdom of God was shocked, and among them, a little bit of halazi was about to come out——

"This, isn't this more fun than war horses?"

"Uncles and uncles, have you ever thought that if everyone in the army replaced this 'Land Sacred Artifact', they could easily travel hundreds of kilometers a day without getting tired."

"One car can carry 9 people, and now there will be 500 cars that will be assembled one after another..."

"Five nine six four, that's a total of 6400 people!"

When Zhou Ruoyu was excited, a cold voice sounded beside his ears, "How much is five or nine?"

"Six...six, five?" Zhou Ruoyu raised his head and looked at Xiao Hua with a mournful face, "Sister, I forgot."

"Forget what you're watching here? Go back and study!"

Zhou Ruoyu slipped away in desperation.

A group of battle group leaders asked with a smile, "Xiao Hua, is it possible for this sacred weapon to replace the war horse in the future?"

Xiao Hua was also uncertain.

But she knew that war horses could march regardless of most of the terrain, but this land sacred weapon needed a certain road foundation.

Even if it is not the stone road paved in the 10 cities of the Kingdom of God, it must be a smooth dirt road.

In addition, the war horses only need to be fed with forage, and the materials are obtained locally.

What about the Mechanical Hallows?
Gasoline transportation was a problem, and tin cans for gasoline were mass produced.

The tires of the tricycle are all created by our Lord.

But Xiaohua knows that it is a rubber compound. For the current equilibrium, there are no natural raw materials for production, nor can it be artificially synthesized.

Compared with war horses, mechanical holy artifacts cost a lot to use.

And expand Lenovo.

One day, the road really runs through the earth, which also means that the glory of equilibrium has enveloped every corner.

At that time, will there still be wars?
Oh, yes, on the other side of the ocean there is still an evil land full of sins, waiting for a balanced purification and baptism.

Thinking of this, Xiaohua said: "As long as the people of the Kingdom of God don't rebel against the true God of our lord, and study hard to balance the divine power of science, not to mention this land sacred weapon, one day, when you go out to the ocean, you can ride a huge boat that breaks the waves. Or ascend to the realm of the sky and look down at the suffering beings..."

As for now.

Using a fleet of machinery to improve transportation capacity, Xiaohua is confident that she will pass through the roads of the 10th city before the end of the year, and head to the 11th city of Hohokan.

Our Lord has decreed.

In the coming year, there will be a total of more than 4000 mechanical holy artifacts to bless.

After the great development of the east, the east and west of the Kingdom of God will be connected, and continue down to the south. Resources and minerals from all over the world will gather, and the industrial age will truly come.

Near noon.

The lord and the witch come.

A group of people boarded the Balance Hallows and flew to the No. 2 city Sacramento.

The Sacramento River is now free of hydraulic works and has plenty of water.

No. 2 Ayutthaya has already built a boat terminal.

When everyone arrived, the craftsmen of the people were carrying supplies to the ship, and there were countless fully loaded ships going down the river.


San Francisco.

"The main sanitation city has begun to break ground, and 2 people have been transferred to the No. 5000 big city to start construction. It is estimated that in about two months, a big city with a capacity of 10 'temporary residences' can be built."

After hearing the report, Zhou Li'an nodded to express his satisfaction.

Firstly, it is designed for temporary residence, and it is not necessary to consider one family building, it is all designed for collective residences.

The timing was just right.

It was put into use in mid-July, when it happened to return from Africa, and the vaccination and isolation of the whole population could begin.

After the quarantine is over, Ayutthaya will continue to be put into use.

It seems that God is constantly recruiting manpower, and there are vacancies in every city...

[-] cavalry are on the expedition.

The Great City No. 12 was established, and another [-] people migrated.

Subsequently, Xiaohua has come up with a support construction plan for the "Eastern Development"...

5000 people were drawn from each city, and a total of more than 5 people will be the leaders who lead the people in the south to open up wasteland and land.

At that time, not all the iron cavalry will return, and a certain amount of manpower must be left to ensure the stability of the city-state alliance.

In other words, the Kingdom of God has a population of one million, and there will be a shortfall of nearly 15 people.

However, this part of the deficit will be made up by the people of the city-state alliance, and even more big cities will be built one after another to accommodate them.

Because not all of them are sent to the East for construction.

Some people still need to be relocated to reach the 10 cities of the Kingdom of God, one is to fill the gap in productivity...

The California Valley is one of the granaries of North America, and now there is a sound infrastructure, it is impossible to let it be abandoned, but to continue to build.

The other is to allow the people of New Balance to integrate into the Kingdom of God as soon as possible and to gather their faith.

Therefore, after leaving 15 people, 30 newcomers will be accepted backhandedly to complete the integration of ethnicity and culture with the old Hengheng people.

Urban construction is definitely not afraid of too much.

After a period of stability, the population is bound to usher in explosive growth.

After inspecting the big city No. 2, I met with the printing research team and others, and then took off with the creation H225 out of thin air, overlooking the construction site of San Francisco.

Finally, turn south to the oil factory area.

When the current engine materials are put in place, the importance of fuel output is once again infinitely high.

The round of inspection was over, and it was dusk when we returned to the main city.

Returning to the present world, Zhou Li'an contacted Barbara.Inquire about the vaccine output, and ask her to urge Dash8's order again.

Once all the preparations are ready, it would be ridiculous if the plane does not arrive.

Otherwise, if you miss this time, you will have to wait until 4 years later.



A house in Fangcheng District.

The two Polypomar brothers looked embarrassed.

"Brother, tomorrow is the last day." The young man gritted his teeth angrily, "Why don't I kill him tonight!"

"The city-states are in chaos, and I always have a way to escape."

Polypoma shook his head bitterly, "Tercante must have his brother's permission to rob me of my property. If something happens to him, will his brother let me go?"

"..." The young man remained silent again.

The two had a sleepless night.

Only in the early morning, the servants of the family rushed to report, "Master, Telcante is here!!"

Polypomar took a deep breath, his face was full of compassion, "I see, let them wait in front of the warehouse."

Wait until the servants leave.

He looked at his cronies, "This is the end of the matter, at least we have no losses, and we still have a lot of profits. If you can't control your emotions, don't go out."

After a night of inner torture, the young man still accepted the fact, "I know, brother! I won't argue with him, I will go with you."

When the two came to the warehouse.

Telcante led more than a dozen people and stood in front of them. He didn't need any bragging words. When he was led to the door of the warehouse, the outcome of the two sides had already been decided.

He took out the parchment again, "Polipoma, my brother, let's deal at the market price as we discussed three days ago!"

"Okay! But I want to keep some of the food and herbs I need." Polypoma stopped struggling.

After leaving food for the family and servants, the two sides began to count the supplies.

Telcante took the lead in paying for a bag of "feather coins", which are considered to be large-value tokens circulating in the city-state alliance.

But more are two boxes of copperware and jewelry.

These unforgeable utensils are the hard currency among the city-states, and they can be exchanged for extremely high value no matter where they go.

Transaction complete.

One side left with a smile on his face, and the other side also showed some relief.

Polypoma patted his confidant on the shoulder, "I didn't rest all night, sleep well! When I repay the borrowed goods, I will give you what you deserve."

The young man smiled and said, "No hurry! I want to go to the outer city first and bring my mother! There will be chaos, and I'm afraid something will happen!"

Wait until the young man leaves.

Polypomar didn't think about it any more, went into the room, and fell asleep.

But under the superficial reassurance, the depression in his heart made him toss and turn, and he was always in a half-dream and half-awake state...

Instead of being able to relieve the exhaustion of the night, it felt like being oppressed by a nightmare, his whole body was sore, and he groaned in sleep from time to time.

"Master, master..."

Calling and patting wakes him up.

He sat up almost instantly, angrily shook off the servant's hand, and gasped for breath, yelling, "You idiot with a short memory!"

"Didn't I say, don't bother me?"

Seeing that he was furious, the servant was sweating profusely, and his face was hideous. He was so frightened that he knelt down and knelt down, trembling.

Polypomar just glanced outside the house, the dusk was getting dark, and it was going to be night.

Feeling hungry again, he looked at the servant, "Is Oyer back?"

"The master's brother sent a message that he will return tomorrow."

Polypomar wondered, "What's going on?"

The servant said: "Someone wants to see the master."

"who is it?"

"He would not speak his name."

"Then you're going to wake me up? You idiot!!" Polipoma fell to the ground and kicked the servant down hard.

Immediately, he walked out of the room.

The servant who fell to the ground was already used to all this, so he stood up in an instant and chased after him, humbly saying: "Because I am not sure of his identity, I asked him to wait in the hut in the side hall."

Polypomar didn't bother to respond, but just walked through the corridor, turned around and went to the side hall.

He was also wondering who would be visiting.

There is a high probability that they are merchants who want to collect debts after listening to the chaos in the tower cave.

But that's good too, to save him another visit.

But there is one thing in his heart that is firm——

Borrow and repay.

He has made a reservation in advance today.

Borrowing money, of course, is to pay back the money.

As for whether the current coins still have the purchasing power of the original, it is none of his business.

That's the way it is with merchants, and everyone has to bear the risk.

It doesn't matter whether the other party reached out to help in the first place; if you don't get business opportunities, then you will lose money.

I have already paid you the negotiated interest, so you should be content.

Otherwise, if it wasn't for me to borrow the money, you wouldn't even be able to earn the extra interest.

Polypomar adjusted his emotions in his mind, already raised his aura, and was going to do business.


When he walked into the side hall, he frowned first.

A figure from the back that he was not familiar with was fiddling with the decorations and utensils placed in the side hall.

Although they are worthless...

But the problem is, there is no one left in the side hall?
What if it was a thief?Didn't they already loot all the property in this house?
Polypomar's aura of getting up again diverged, and he glared fiercely at the servant behind him.

After regaining his composure, he let out a hearty laugh and strode forward, "Hahaha, my friend! I kept you waiting!"

Hearing the voice, the man turned around immediately, but he didn't look enthusiastic, but looked at Polypoma with a half-smile——


When Polypomar saw the appearance of the person coming, his expression froze, and his words became stuttering: "Big, big, big... my lord?"

When two words are difficult to spit out.

He trembled again, turned around and shouted: "Get out! Oh, no, go to the main hall and prepare food and drinks. I want to receive... distinguished guests!"

The slaves left as if they were about to be pardoned.

When the footsteps gradually faded away, Polypomar no longer hid his emotions, and knelt down in front of the old man in front of him——

"Master Ziboche!!"

"You, why are you here now!"

Ziboche was quite surprised by his behavior.

Of course there is a distinction between the two. Qi Boche is Tugo's housekeeper and servant, and his status is very important.

But the ritual of kneeling and worshiping has never happened before.

The two are more like a cooperative relationship, but Qiboche occupies the former in the primary and secondary positions.

And from this move, it seems that many things can be tasted.

Qiboche didn't point out, just listen to what he said.

After Polipoma got up, he invited Qi Boqi to take his seat, and then went straight to the point:
"My lord, according to your order, I have hoarded a large amount of goods and goods, but there is a villain in this city. His elder brother is an official in the city, and he bullies me with his power!"

"Just today, he bought all the goods in my hands at the market price, I am unwilling!!"

"My lord, please make the decision for me!"

"If the loss can be recovered, I am willing to share 3% of it as an offering to... Mr. Tuge!"

Ziboche is just a servant of the housekeeper.

Without the authorization of his master, it is not enough to watch.

So Polypomar knew that the point was Tugo.

But he also knew very well that if he wanted Tugo to make a move, he could only ask Qi Boche.

Therefore, it is necessary to bow down just now.

And right now...

Just wait for Qiboqie to make an offer!

The 3% of the promise was for Tu Ge. As for how much Qi Boche wanted, the two could discuss it.

Polypomar looked at the old man expectantly, with quivering eyes.

However, seeing that Qi Boche's expression remained unmoved, and he was still smiling, he became more and more anxious——

I thought to myself, could it be that this old thing deliberately stayed out of the door, and wanted to sit on the ground and raise the price?
But in fact, he had already returned to the Tepanix country, and only waited for his own disaster before making a move at a critical moment!
Precisely because of his clear mind, Poly Poma did not make it difficult.

Because instead of making Telcanter rich, it is better to distribute the profits to Tugo and Ziboche, so that he can earn more.

At the same time, it can be regarded as having a background.

So he said seriously: "My lord, I know that the business opportunity I found this time is all based on your guidance, so you can open your mouth, and I should give you a rich report..."

"But I just want you to say a few good words in front of Lord Tugo, so that he can support me and not be invaded by that villain!"

This is the end.

Seeing the old man's smile getting wider, Polipoma shook his head slightly, "If you want to find support and support behind you, Tugo can't do it!"

"I can show you a brighter path!"

"Oh, yes, I have to tell you first..."



(End of this chapter)

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