Chapter 235 [234] To witness
The next day, early in the morning.

Ziboche stayed behind closed doors.

Polypoma went to persuade him, but was stopped. He only listened to Qiboche's instructions: "Make preparations according to our plan yesterday!"

He had no choice but to start arranging manpower and inquire about the situation according to the list given by Qiboche yesterday.

Oyer was increasingly dissatisfied.

If you want him to die, he is naturally unwilling.

Although, he already knew everything, the prophecies of disasters brought by the true God of the world.

Decades later, evil spirits will descend.

But when he thought about it, he was not sure whether he could live until then, why should he panic about things that hadn't happened yet?
And more importantly...

"Since the army of judgment will not go south, what is there to be afraid of?"

"It's just that brother was bluffed by Naqiboche, and worried about the punishment for committing a crime!"

"If brother insists on me doing those impossible things, I can only obey!"

As Polypoma said.

Oyer is grateful.

Even if he doesn't believe in equilibrium, he is still willing to give everything for Poly Poma.

As for faith...

The logic of his belief is simple.

He will trust whoever treats him well.

What happened when he was young created his disrespect for ghosts and gods.

Because, when he was seriously ill when he was young, his father could not save him, and he had prayed to the gods in the dark countless times, but he had never seen any god extend a helping hand to him.

In the end, it was Polypoma who saved him, gave him herbal medicine, and gave him a mouthful of food and clothing.

Therefore, he believed in his elder brother, who was the only person in the world who treated him well.

Polypoma gave him part of the list, and Oyer began to travel around the big city to inquire about the news, to check the current situation of the people on the list, and to see if it could be used.

Day two.

Ziboche still stays at home.

Oyer became more and more disdainful: "Brother, why hasn't the true god given guidance to Sir Qiboche?"

Polypoma heard his eccentricity and glared at him, "Don't blaspheme the true God! Do you want to die?"

"Hehehe." Oyer shook his head and said, "How dare I blaspheme the gods, brother, eat, eat! I won't say anything!"

On the third day again.

Oyer continued to go out and explore.

At noon, crowds gathered in the streets and alleys suddenly, and there were bursts of exclamations——

"The people of Tadong City are back!!"

"They came from Tower Cave City!"

Oyer gathered with the crowd and squeezed closer. He saw more than a dozen people who were busy in the world, and the people who were swarmed kept making inquiries.

"How is Tower Cave City?"

"Didn't it mean that God's punishment for destroying the world will come? How can you survive?"

The dozen or so people laughed loudly: "We have not committed any crime, so we can live naturally and enter the kingdom of joy!"

"God's punishment came to annihilate that wicked man!"

"Do you know that the nobles and lords in the city who once oppressed us were all judged by the angels!"

"One after another crimes are listed, and their property is distributed to us!"

"We were also afraid, but the messenger sent by the gods is kind and friendly."

"They give us plenty of food and beautiful new clothes. We can eat three meals a day. Even the poorest people can have enough food and clothing."

"Also, have you ever eaten the salt given by God? The salt is pure, as white as the clouds in the sky."

"The salt bestowed by the gods has no bitterness! Dip it with cooked meat, and that taste is the best food I have ever tasted!"

Someone exclaimed: "How can there be salt that is not bitter, you are lying!"

The dozen or so people laughed again: "Tadong...ah, no, Kema City has long been open, and people are free to come and go. Whether there is any salt given by God, you can go and see it!"

"Anyone who believes in the true God and is willing to repent of his sins is His people!"

"The balanced people all have joy and food and clothing. Salt is free to eat, and meals are eaten until they are full!"

"I came back this time just to pick up my relatives and family members, return to balance together, and step into his happy kingdom!"

"If the time is too late, the army of judgment will return to the Kingdom of God, and we will have no chance to obtain balanced glory and grace!"

The crowd kept exclaiming, and they were mostly unconvinced by the remarks of these dozen people.

How can there be a free meal in the world?Not to mention the salt!
Bitter salt is precious, and the people in the city cannot enjoy it every day.

However, there are also people who are immersed in fantasy, "Tadong City is really beautiful as you said?"

"Then can you see the only true God in the world?"

Oyer listened quietly, and stared at the expressions of those people with a pair of bright eyes...

He has traveled all over the world for many years, and he is the most proficient in human skills.

Whether it is true or not, he can tell at a glance.

Immediately, I heard those people say: "Before we set off, the true god did come to Kema City... Yes, Tadong City has been renamed, and now it is 'Aha Okma' city."

"It means city of brothers."

"On the night when the army of judgment entered the city, a warrior opened the locked city gate and called out the name of Balance..."

They told the story, talking about the names of the brothers Ahao and Kema.

Then, talking about the miracle that happened that afternoon——

"On that day, the holy artifact of balance came to the realm of the sky, just like two years ago, countless people saw the true god descending from the sky!"

"But this time, what came was not God's punishment, but a gift."

"We heard a holy and kind female voice. She thought about the thoughts of the relatives of the people of God's country for the army of judgment that came from afar, and said..."

"When the sacred vessel was about to leave, the sky sprinkled 'colorful' gemstones, and the gemstones fell beside us like a rain curtain..."

"We don't know what those colorful gems are."

"Just listen to her learn our language and say to the children in the city: Children born in suffering, remember this sweetness!"

"I wish the glory of Balance will protect you and grow up safely!"

"A child picked up the gem, and when he ate it, it smelled sweet."

As he said that, someone took out the sheepskin from his pocket, and when he opened it, it looked like a bunch of "gems".

"Here, this is what I collected that day, and I want to bring it to my wife and my children to taste!"

"This is the most precious blessing in the world."

People around were in an uproar because of the colorful "gemstones". Someone asked for a price and wanted to buy it, but they declined.

"This is the grace bestowed by the witch, and I only have so much, how can I wait for you?"

Someone continued:

"At first we couldn't understand the language passed down by the god, but then, the envoy told us the origin of the 'female voice' and the story of the kingdom of God."

"It turns out that it is the witches of the Kingdom of God who bestow grace on children!"

"She is the one chosen and favored by our Lord in balance, and she is also the most benevolent and holy person in the world!"

"The people in the far north, like us, believed in false gods and committed crimes."

"It is said that one day, people offend God's wrath due to greed and laziness, and the true God will abandon the humble people on the earth, no longer bestow grace and glory on them, and let poverty and hunger accompany them."

"At this moment, the witch made a prayer. She is willing to sacrifice her body and spirit to the true god, so as to calm the wrath of the true god caused by the people!"

"Our Lord God forgives everyone because of her sincere repentance!"

"However, a test has been brought down..."

"The people of the world should cleanse their hearts, no longer be blinded by sin, listen to His precepts, pass the test of migration, and establish the Kingdom of God in the land guided by God."

"And that witch, in front of all people, suffered the punishment of annihilation!"

"However, when all the peoples of the earth followed in His footsteps and finally established the Kingdom of God..."

"The gods bestowed grace and used the 'Great Recovery Technique' to revive the already annihilated 'Witch'!"

"And set this day as the night of recovery, and it is also the beginning of the founding of the Kingdom of God, to teach all people to know..."

"Abandon the old sins and move toward a new light!"

"You can see that the true god also gave the witch 'eternal life' on the night of recovery."

"Wu has never aged since then, but across the long river of time, the wind and frost no longer left scratches on her face!"

"When the countless angels talked about 'witches', they all showed piety and worship. Some people had received the gifts and teachings of witches when they were young, and now they have grown up and become wise men in the kingdom of God!"

"They have changed from childish to adult, and some have stepped from adult to middle-aged; the face of the witch has never changed, and it is as holy as ever!"

Speaking of this, they actually uttered praises at the same time——

"Praise the Lord, praise the true God!"

"Praise her too, great witch!"

One piece of information was disclosed.

The doubts in people's eyes gradually turned into bewilderment and fantasy.

"Eternal life?"

"A person who died and revived?"

"How is this possible?"

"That's a god, what can a god not do?"

Another person said: "Tadong City was renamed? Brother City? And it was established after a pair of brothers in the city. What an honor it is!"

More than a dozen people were also yearning, saying: "When the Balanced Sacred Artifact came, the True God also bestowed a huge golden sculpture in the city, which was created in the shape of a 'Kema'."

"Moreover, the shaman has an oracle to give—"

"The fire spreader who went to the distance, Ahao, my lord said, don't be sad, Kema is already the most devout apostle under my lord's knees, and has become the embodiment of courage!"

"If one day you find the road of salvation, go on firmly! At the end of the road, Kema is waiting for you!"

"Nowadays, the citizens of Kema City are all envious of these two brothers!"

"If you know that the first person to reach equilibrium can become the 'incarnation of courage', and even the apostle of our lord, we would have been ahead of him!"

sizzle, sizzle...

The sound of gasping for air was endless.

The decree from the gods turned a mortal in this world into a manifestation of "courage and will". Such a glory can be recorded in the annals of history and passed down for thousands of years!
At the same time.

In the crowd, the young man named Oyer finally frowned, and the uncertainty in his heart became more chaotic and swaying.

He could see that what those people said was true.

It may be exaggerated, but the looks of pious yearning cannot be faked.

But there is one thing that he doesn't understand.

"Qiboche said that the person who spreads the fire is for the sake of secrecy, and will walk in the dark night to spread the balanced fire!"

"Why do these people know the name 'Fire Passer'? And it was mentioned in the witch's precept..."

He wanted to ask about it.

However, before he could open his mouth, he saw a group of figures approaching from a distance.

Oyer's heart tightened, and he turned around and ran away.

Just when he walked to the far distance to hide in the alley, the unanimous roar resounded through the street——

"Catch them!!"

"Tadong City has long been destroyed by God's punishment. They fabricated rumors, which are the secret work of another country, and want to disrupt the stable life of our Tepanix country!"

The army in the city arrived, and amidst the exclamation, the people dispersed in a rush.

But the dozen or so people shouted angrily——

"We have surrendered to Balance, and we are the people of Balance!"

"If you want to hurt me, you will be punished with punishment!"

They were allowed to struggle, but they were all arrested.

And this scene was all seen by Oyer.

Although the city guard came in a menacing manner, he clearly grasped the measure when dealing with these dozens of people...

The most exaggerated thing is that they didn't hurt anyone, they just tied their hands and feet, gagged their mouths, and escorted them away!

This is the notorious city guard.

Walking in the city, domineering.

Not to mention a group of "refugees" who fled, they were merchants with small fortunes in the city. When they met them, they were all rude and treated them roughly.

When the city guard left, the people on the street gathered here——

"I just said, how can there be such a good thing in the world? It turns out that it is the secret work of another country!"

"But the colorful gemstones they present are something I have never seen before!"

"Besides, when have you ever seen Sosaku so ostentatious?"

Oyer heard the discussion and was thoughtful.

Without further delay, he hurried back home.

Polypoma was quite puzzled when he saw him come back in a hurry.

Do not wait for inquiries.

Oyer told what happened on the street.

Upon hearing this, Polypoma knew the difference, "These people are definitely not spies from other countries, otherwise how could they know the name of 'Fire Bearer'?"

Oyer frowned and said: "But, brother! Didn't Qiboche say that the fire spreader is secret? And what happened now is contrary to what he said before."

Polypoma was also puzzled by this, and got up to call Ziboche.

However, at this moment.

Qi Boche, who hadn't left the room for two days, came out by himself with a smile on his face.

All doubts in Polipoma's heart were diverted. Seeing his appearance, he couldn't help asking: "My lord, you are so happy...have you been guided by the true god?"

Hearing this, Oyer was startled.

Combined with what happened in the street just now, he regained his awe of the true god.

But Qiboche shook his head: "I'm just a sinner, how can I easily see the glory of the true God, I just beg him to protect the father and son!"

"However, I have an idea of ​​how to rescue them!"

When Oyer heard it, the awe that had been gathered just a moment ago became shattered again.

So, after two days in the room, he still hasn't given up, and wants our brothers to accompany him to die?

But at this time, Qi Boche said again: "I heard your discussion when I came, but what happened in the city?"

Polypomar then told Oyer what he had seen and gained, and finally mentioned the message of the 'fire spreader' in the witch's precepts.

Just at the end of the sentence.

The two saw that Qi Boche's expression suddenly became excited, and his whole body trembled——

"Guide! This is the guidance of the true god!!"

The two were at a loss again.

Only then did Qi Bo anxiously say: "You will know that the name of the fire bearer is not bestowed by the true god!"

"But the true God knows the name we set!"

"This is His approval of the fire passer!"

He repeated the precept again:
"The fire spreader who went to the distance, Ahao, my lord said, don't be sad, Kema is already the most devout apostle under my lord's knees, and has become the embodiment of courage!"

"If one day you find the road of salvation, go on firmly! At the end of the road, Kema is waiting for you!"

After finishing speaking, he laughed loudly: "Hahaha."

"Ahao's Fire of Equilibrium is what I passed on! It is precisely because of this that Kema will open the city gate!"

"That night, the Lord Deputy Inspector told Ahhao that Kema's move will definitely attract the attention of our Lord and True God!"

"And now, everything has come true!"

"Kema turned into the incarnation of courage, and became an apostle of the true God!"

"The true God even named Tadong City after the brothers Ahao and Kema, telling us that although sinners will be judged by thunder, if they make meritorious deeds and glory, they will also receive rain and dew! "

"The deputy inspector once said, my lord has a word, thunder, rain and dew are all God's grace!!"

The more he talked, the more excited he was, grabbing Polypomar's shoulders with both hands and shaking: "Besides, don't you guys understand?"

"After I sent out my request, these dozen or so people came with the oracle..."

"This is His guidance to us in the dark!"

"If one day you find the way to redemption, go on firmly!"

"Saving the father and son, isn't that our way?"

"And 'at the end of the road, Kema is waiting for you', this sentence is not only a comfort and reward to Ahao, but also a symbol!"

"If we can really go to the end of the road, we can get the same grace as Kema!!"

At this point, Qiboche was out of breath, almost fell down, and was supported by Polypoma.

And this moment.

The eyes of the two brothers fluctuated again...

It's true that they didn't covet the divine grace, but as Qi Boche's words were connected with this matter, the resonance they produced was just right.

If you find the way of redemption, go on firmly! !
Doesn't this fit in with their current situation?

At the same time, it also made Polipoma think of the precepts that Ziboche sent to him in the name of Balance a few days ago——

'You need to ask your own voice, are you ready to move towards equilibrium wholeheartedly? '

at this moment.

Suddenly, Polypoma became transparent——

The true God has never forced him to believe in and dedicate himself, and the power to choose has always been his own...

He can ignore Qiboche, and even betray him in exchange for rewards from the court and dignitaries.

Or, towards that equilibrium! !
There is no entanglement between the two, and there is no need to question Ziboche.

Believe, then surrender.

If you don't believe me, just give up!

Just listen to your heart.

Just like right now, the difficulty of the 'Road to Salvation' has emerged, and whether they want to go on firmly is all up to them, no one will force them! !

"Brother?" Seeing that Polypomar was in a daze, Oyer couldn't help but make a sound to wake him up.

Polypomar trembled slightly, and after regaining his senses, he smiled at Oyer.

And in the next second, he seriously said to Ziboche——

"grown ups!"

"I would like to go to him and walk on the path he leads!"

"Although I don't know what the final result will be, I... want to witness, experience, and feel!"

"When I see that the truth is not false... I will sincerely send praises to Him and to Balance!"

Ziboche was stunned for a moment, and only then did he understand Polypoma's sincerity.

But immediately, he smiled sassyly: "When you walk towards him, you are already in the way of balance!"


Oyer pondered for a moment, and then made a choice: "Brother, I would like to be with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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