Chapter 246 [245] To Kema
Following Mondaya's voice fell.

All the people around couldn't help gasping...

And Qiboche looked down again, and found that it was different from his own soul seal.

The people standing on both sides seem to be communicating with each other.

Everything in the big city is vivid, and there are people in the city around, as well as a flock of birds skipping in the sky.

It fits even better when Mondaya says it's "prophecy and guidance."

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

"How do you know this is City in the Lake?"

Polypoma asked tremblingly, there is a kind of expectation... But it must not be a soul seal!
Mondaya looked again and became more confident: "I have been to 'City in the Lake'."

"Didn't I say that? The seventh princess of our lord's grandfather is the wife of 'Viz Livitel'!"

Oyer was stunned again: "Who is Vizliwitter?"

Ziboche said: "It is the monarch of the Aztecs!"

Mondaya added: "No, it's the previous one! The person who is now succeeding to the throne is my 'cousin' Chimal Popoca, whose title is 'King of Sin'."

Hearing this, even Keya became excited: "I have heard this story before, the sin king took his sins and set foot on the road of redemption to the north, praying to the only true god in the world to forgive the sins committed by the Aztecs. "

"And the starting point of God's punishment is also the city in the lake! The previous monarch and queen both died in the trial of Thunder God Flame."

Mengdaya nodded: "Brother Keya, this is not a story, it happened for real!"

"Before my cousin embarked on the road of redemption, he came to seek help from the Lord's grandfather, but the Lord's grandfather also ordered him to go north. This is the only possibility of redemption!"

"But I don't understand, why the Lord Grandpa asked my cousin to make a pilgrimage to the balance, but he himself is unwilling to submit to our Lord Balance?"

Qiboche took a deep breath: "Mengdaya, there are some things you need to know sooner or later, so I will tell you now..."

"Tezzomok, rebel against the Lord God!"

"Even if the king of sin was sent to embark on the road of redemption, it was his persecution, in order to get rid of the crime, make the Aztecs offend and judge, and let the city-states escape from disaster!"

"But in fact, who in the world can escape judgment?"

When Mengdaya heard the truth, he couldn't believe it: "Yes, Kechimal Popoca is also the heir of the lord's grandfather, flowing with the blood of the ancestors!"

Qiboche said: "Then let me ask you, why are other heirs not favored, but you are very popular with Tezomok?"

"Those people also flow from your grandfather's blood!"

"This is the likes and dislikes of people, the difference between closeness and estrangement!"

Mengdaya said again: "So, is the grandfather of the king also a bad person?"

She was about to cry.

Keya was so anxious that he couldn't speak at all...

But I heard Cook say: "She is your grandfather, because he loves you, you can't hate him!"

"But he did commit a crime and deserves to be judged!"

"But if you can persuade him to move towards equilibrium, maybe the true god will cast a merciful gaze?"

Mengdaya actually understands everything, but he just doesn't want to face the reality: "I may never see Grandpa Lord again, even if I do, he will only confine me and punish me!"

"Okay." Qi Boche interrupted everyone's conversation and reconfirmed: "So, Mengdaya, are you sure that this is the city in the lake?"

Mondaya compared again, nodded and said: "I'm sure! I can recognize 'Izcoatl', and the Aztecs have been blocked by the cities for more than two years, it is impossible for him to appear in the second place." in a city."

"Besides, look at this big city..."

"There is no other big city in the world that has such lush gardens, and even the buildings are covered with flowers and vegetation."

"The high platform in the distance is the sacrificial temple of the Aztecs, which was once used to worship their god of war 'Wezilopochtli'."

"But now, there is nothing on the high platform, instead it appears scorched black, and it was once shrouded in divine punishment!"

Only then did everyone discover the many details that Mengdaya said.

That small card seemed to be filled with a world, or in other words, the world was sealed within it.


Ziboche knelt down and praised the empty sky—

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"Praise your benevolent gaze, and send down prophecies and guidance to your servants!"

A group of people dare not neglect, and among them Oyer is the most pious and respectful.

Just as he finished his bet, the prophecy and guidance fell from the sky.

How can my master's balance be questioned at all?

While kowtowing with everyone, he secretly said in his heart——

"True God, I would like to keep my oath, order my descendants to believe in you, serve you, and be the most humble servant of Balance!"

When the praise is over.

Qiboche immediately said to everyone: "Keya, prepare to hunt food!"

"Wait for me to fill my stomach, then I will go to the place of guidance given by God!"

"Polipoma, Oyer, do you know the way to the city in the lake?"

Polypoma nodded: "Although I have never been there, I have already familiarized myself with the map directions of various city-states! It is similar to our current direction, just in the southeast of Lake Texcoco; the big city in the lake is the city in the lake! "

Qiboche looked at Mengdaya again: "How is Izkoater?"

Mengdaya shook his head: "I don't know, I only know that many people have praised him as a wise man! After the Sin King embarked on the road to salvation, I once heard the grandfather of the king say that Izkoater is now the city in the lake. The ruler of the world, everyone listens to his orders!"

"The relationship between my cousin and I is actually very good, but... his life and death have long been unknown, and it is very likely that he died under the punishment of God."

"God's punishment?" Everyone cast puzzled eyes.

Mengdaya revealed another anecdote: "You don't know, the city-states sent troops to escort the sinful dynasty, the Holy Balance, but on the way, the true god sent divine punishment, and the valley where they stopped was reduced to scorched earth and death!"

"Out of the two thousand people, less than a hundred survived, and even among those hundred people, only seven or eight survived!"

"These seven or eight people are all insane now, and they repent day and night."

"And this news was banned by my grandpa!"

After Qiboche heard this, he shook his head slightly: "That's why I say that Tezuo Mok violated the equilibrium! God's punishment has come, and he still hasn't walked to the equilibrium, and confessed his crime!"

"Even if our Lord Equilibrium has issued an oracle and the army of judgment will no longer go south, but decades later, disaster will strike... the valley will be devastated!"

"He only lives for himself, not for the people of the valley, and he is no longer worthy of being the master of the valley!"

Seeing that Mengdaya's expression was depressed because of these words, Polipoma smoothed things over again: "My lord, let's discuss the next itinerary."

"How to enter the city, and how to gain Izkoatl's trust..."

"Or, judging from this prophecy and guidance, maybe the Aztecs have completely believed in the balance of our Lord? It is for the people of Balance! That's why our Lord guides us to go!"

When several people discussed.

Zhou Li'an returned with satisfaction.

The figures and appearances of several people were taken from the [Eye of the Void], and combined with modern technology, they were combined with a photoshop to synthesize a prophecy photo.

Qiboche doesn't know where to go to the south, so it's better to go to the "City in the Lake".

The Aztecs were banned for two years and had already been excluded from the city-state alliance.

They have nowhere to go, only the balance of faith is the last way to life.

At the same time, the Aztecs also praised the "balanced fire" that had already been sprinkled in the valley.


shield city.

The prince's mission entered the city before sunset.

But Tiers did not return, and finally revealed the truth.

The eldest prince was stunned: "You mean, Mengdaya has surrendered to Balance, so he escaped from Tepanix?"

Tiers was furious: "Your Highness, how can you talk nonsense! Mengdaya was taken away! The king loves her so much, how could she disobey the king? And from now on, the king..."

He slipped his tongue for a moment, and his voice stopped abruptly.

The eldest prince had already recognized the voice at the end of the sentence, but he didn't break it.

I just sigh in my heart...

If Mengdaya didn't want to leave, how could he sneak into the mission without making a sound?
As for the throne.

The old lord may still be stable when he is there, but once the old lord passes away, things will be unpredictable.

After a while, he said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Your Highness, I can't hide this matter anymore, I can only go back and report to the King!"

"But please check their whereabouts all the way. If you find anything, you must kill those thieves who dare to rob the princess, and send someone to send the princess back!"

"I will also send troops to block and search all the way."

The eldest prince didn't say any more, and nodded slightly: "I will help you find Mengdaya!"

As for killing the so-called thief, the eldest prince did not make a promise.

Therefore, when he traveled to Kema City, he himself didn't know whether he could return, so how dare he kill the people of Balance?
That night, Thiers didn't stay for long and left quickly.

to the second day.

The prince's mission set off again.

On the road, what I saw was mostly desolation.

An accompanying official said: "The city-states have been closed for two years, but the trade with the Northland has never been interrupted..."

"If it was before, the road going north would be more prosperous, but now it is empty."

The eldest prince said: "Isn't there someone who returned to Kema with his family and was about to migrate and make a pilgrimage to Balance?"

The official said: "It's just a small number. The cities are ordered by the king not to allow them to meet with their relatives. How can they persuade their families?"

The officials again exclaimed: "We cannot look down on the wisdom of the king! If it hadn't been for this move, the city-states would have been in chaos and even caused wars."

The eldest prince laughed in his heart.

If it is subject to balance, how can there be chaos?

They could have been the people of the true God, but because of the desire for power, the old lord was unwilling to let go.

On the other hand, the true god has shown mercy, and has not allowed the god to punish the world. Even if the army of judgment has broken the hole in the tower, it will not go south again.It is about giving people the power to make their own choices.

As for the disaster that will come decades later...

The eldest prince wasn't too scared, he had already buried himself in peace.

Those who can be the masters of the valley should really have the heart to help the world and the people, and they should also listen to the oracle and pray for a peaceful future for the people.

"Your Majesty, if you can make peace and return this time, you will inherit the throne and hold the scepter of the Lord of the Valley!"

"The people who returned from Kema City to other cities have already said that the army of judgment will not go south..."

"I have thought about all this before I know your vision!"

"Other people think that this trip is mostly dangerous and difficult, but in reality, maybe they can easily return in triumph!"

The eldest prince smiled and didn't say much.

And he didn't have as many thoughts as the official had speculated.

It's just that when people get old, they want to come out to see, see the true knowledge in this world, which is for consummation.

He is not afraid of life or death.

When he gave up the battle for royal power, he looked down on everything.

The third day of the mission's departure.

They met the migrating valley people, and heard the latest trends in Kemah City——

"The army of judgment is about to return, this is the last chance for me to bring my relatives to go."

"All the ministries in the Northland have also surrendered to Balance. In the future, the Northland will also be barren, and this trade route may be interrupted."

After hearing this, everyone in the mission was both happy and surprised.

The army of judgment is about to return, and the matter of seeking peace must be completed.

And to my surprise...

There are at least [-] to [-] people in the various tribes of the Northland, which has exceeded the population of the capital of Tepanix.

Compared with other small cities, it is equivalent to five or six.

Just imagine, if five or six city-states are removed, what impact will it have on the entire city-state alliance?
Not to mention, most of the working population of the city-states came from the northern lands.

The eldest prince frowned slightly at this.

He knew the great power of the true god, but he couldn't understand why in such a short period of time, hundreds of thousands of people from various tribes in the northern region decided to return with the army of judgment.

In his mind, no matter what, it would take a long time to think, and the various ministries would discuss together before making a decision.

And the tribal people are more loyal to the "clan land" than the city-state alliance.

For example, the primitive jungle in the south of the valley is the tribe of the Tescala people.

They did not build city-states, but existed in the form of tribal clans.

The city-state alliance also wanted to accept them and build cities for them.

But they were extremely conflicted, and even fought when they disagreed.

For hundreds of years, the Vale and the Tescalans have been feuds.

Therefore, the valley has been peaceful for a long time, but soldiers still need to be recruited to fight against the Tescala people all year round.

Of course, submitting to balance is the glory of the people of the true God, and it cannot be compared with belonging to the city-state alliance.

But even so, the great migration to the north in such a short period of time is still unbelievable.

A great doubt was cast in the eldest prince's mind.

He eagerly wanted to visit Nakema City and witness the joyful city-state that had manifested the glory of God in the legend.

And everyone in the mission also wanted to get a result earlier and return with meritorious service.

Their speed can't help but increase.

To the fifth day, dusk.

The shadows of mountains appear in the distance.

The people in the team who had held official positions in Tower Cave City shouted——

"It's here, it's almost here!"

"Among those mountains is the pass of Tadong City!"

On the side, the people who were traveling with the mission couldn't help laughing and said, "That big city isn't called Tadong City anymore!"

"It is the city of Aha Okoma, the city of brothers, the holy place where balance brings all people back!"

"Moreover, there are no more passes!"

"When you go, you will know that the pass was destroyed under the law and profound meaning that our lord true god bestowed on the envoy, and the huge high wall was razed to the ground!"

Some people were ashamed and angry when they heard it.

Another person was frightened.

The eldest prince caught the point: "What do you mean by that? Isn't that pass destroyed by God's punishment?"

Everyone said: "We thought it was God's punishment at the beginning, but later we realized that it is the profound meaning of scientific divine power law bestowed by our Lord!"

"All the people of Balance can practice the law and know the admonitions of heaven and earth!"

"And the thing that destroys the pass is a divine technique of the law's profound meaning!"

Speaking of this, the migrating people became lively——

"My son has already entered school, and has been praised many times by the envoys of the gods. He has a great talent for practicing laws."

"Hehe, how can you compare to my granddaughter?!"

"My daughter is already the fifth wife of Chief Dou Crocodile. Chief Dou Crocodile said that when he returns to the Kingdom of God, he will let my little granddaughter meet the Chief...Do you know what a Chief is? He is the most powerful woman in the Kingdom of God." The wise monk of the law is in charge of the legendary temple mount that stores the secret tome of endless laws and mysteries!"

Everyone exclaimed after hearing this.

But someone found something strange——

"Your daughter already has heirs, how can she still marry the leader of the crocodile?"

The old man blushed and cursed: "My granddaughter is born to my eldest son. My daughter has just come of age this year. Because of her beauty, she was favored by the big boss. How dare you talk nonsense. Be careful when I go back. Let the leader of the crocodile deal with you."

At this moment.

The eldest prince has been completely fooled.

I was shocked by the profound meaning of the law, but also at a loss because of the laughter of these people.

God's punishment that almost destroyed the world, but it was performed by humans?Is it the law and profound meaning given by the true god?

And these migratory people, whether they are richly dressed or shabby, are full of joy.

That smile is something that the eldest prince has never seen on the people of all the countries in the valley...

"The Kingdom of God, what kind of place is it?"

He murmured silently, and gave orders—

"So far today!!"

"After rectifying your appearance, you will enter Kema City tomorrow to pay homage to Kinkou, and to meet the Kinkou God Envoy!!"

(End of this chapter)

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