Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 267 [266] Are you Yuan people?

Chapter 267 [266] Are you Yuan people?

In the afternoon, a feast was held in the palace.

The news of the coming of the true god also began to ferment in the city.

——Equilibrium is the only true god in the world.

The people in the city were restless and boiling, but they didn't understand what it meant.

But for the miracle that descended from the sky, it was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the people were in awe.

The court has not made any redundant explanations for the time being.

On the one hand, they have to receive the "Envoy of Balance";
On the other hand, negating the previous beliefs and advocating the true God requires a suitable opportunity.

And what this opportunity is, we still need to ask the will of our Lord for balance.

Qiao Lan first took everyone to stay in the best courtyard of the palace.

Even if there is a language barrier, the golden paint everywhere and the Persian carpets are enough to show the importance that the Malindi royal family attaches to the envoys.

Get settled.

Returning to the palace again, the banquet has been arranged in place.

The golden-grilled lamb smells of exotic spices.

When the meat was divided into trays, it was the first to be delivered to Tiaoyu and the others.

Several people looked at each other, and looked at Zhou Wangshan at the same time——

"Can we eat their food?"

After arriving in the old land of Africa, my lord asked Zhou Wangshan to promulgate the health regulations of the old land.

Avoid eating old earth foods.

But at the moment, my lord and the witch left, leaving only them present, and the problem of food and clothing must be solved.

Zhou Wangshan hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's not raw food, the bacteria and poison are destroyed by high temperature as much as possible."

"And my lord bestowed the precious medicines and injections created by medical techniques and laws, which can greatly prevent diseases."

After hearing what he said, Zhou Ruoyu couldn't bear it long ago: "Is that edible?"

"...Eat less!" Zhou Wangshan could only bite the bullet and say.

After getting the answer, Zhou Ruoyu picked up the mutton and gnawed it down. The smell of complex spices made him frown, but he could barely accept it.

But after chewing for a while, the sound of "click, click" sounded faintly.

"Ah, bah bah bah."

He spat out violently.

It shocked the few people who hadn't had time to move in the future.

During the banquet, the noble waiters were also startled, and some people knelt down immediately, shouting something.

"Toxic?" Zhou Wangshan was very nervous.

If something goes wrong, he is the first to bear the responsibility.

"Fart poison, this bitter salt is full of debris." Zhou Ruoyu picked up a cloudy white flake and showed it to everyone.

After Tiaoyu took it, he smiled wryly: "They probably don't know how to make things with salt, so they can only collect natural semi-finished products from salt lakes and salt mines like we used to do."

"Maybe roughly processed, but not purified."

He got up and came to the center of the hall.

The salt that our lord has blessed the creation has been contained in clay pots by them, but it is still standing in place, and they dare not take it at will.

Including those gold is the same.

With all eyes focused, Jumping Fish grabbed a handful of salt from the salt shaker, then went to the roasted lamb outside the temple and sprinkled it.

Pointing to their big piece of bitter salt, he waved his hand.

Everyone panicked because of this series of situations, but they couldn't understand the meaning well.

However, with Zhou Ruonan's teaching example earlier, Tiaoyu followed suit, cut a piece of lamb, and sent it to the old lord Lu Baen.


"Don't eat."

The lamb mixed with bitter salt was put together with the salt lamb, and after he winked, the old king finally understood.

He took a sip, tasted it carefully, and his face was bright——

"This salt has no bitterness, and no sand or stone mixed in!"

"The salt bestowed by God is the purest thing in the world!"

See how surprised they are.

Jumping fish will know that they understand.

He picked up another jar of salt, put it on the grill, and signaled them to use it to cook food.

At this point, the feast really begins.

Due to the language barrier, everyone just warmed up with embarrassing laughter, and the atmosphere was extremely weird.

At the same time, they whispered to each other, speaking in a language that they didn't understand.

Zhou Ruonan said: "What shall we do next? Wait for the arrival of my lord and witch? But after my lord leaves, the time of arrival is often uncertain."

Tiaoyu said: "My lord once said that the Deming fleet will arrive within these three months, at least it can be confirmed that within three months, my lord will definitely return."

"Taking this opportunity, we can teach the prince the laws of language, and at the same time travel around the city to increase our knowledge."

"We are one of the very few people in the Kingdom of God who can follow the glory of our Lord, so naturally we cannot let go of this precious opportunity to experience the old land."

Zhou Yusheng, who seldom spoke, said, "The four of us are waiting, can we go to the coast and see their ships?"

Another ship research team member said: "Yes, when we entered the city today, we saw the prosperity of the coastline in the sky."

Tiaoyu was silent for half a second, but still nodded: "Yes!"

"Although we cannot speak the language well, but we have to step out of the palace, they should send people to follow, but every time we go out of the palace, we have to agree on a meeting time, and no one should delay!"

"Check the time again."

Hear this.

Everyone stretched out their arms, revealing mechanical watches.

Yesterday evening, they checked the latest East Africa time to cater for the rising and falling of the sun and the moon.


"me too!"

"Don't forget to wind your clockwork every night."

"it is good!"

the other side.

Lubaen also called his son Qiaolan, "Is there any reply from the person you sent?"

Qiao Lan shook his head: "Not yet, but the merchant station in the city is very close, so there must be something after the banquet."

"As for the survivors of the 'polka dot disaster', we still need to send people to the distant tribes to find them!"

"Father, I have already offered great rewards to the major slave traders. If one can be found, I will reward 10 gold!"

Lu Baen smiled bitterly: "Who would have thought that it was originally the source of disaster that even slaves could not do, but now it is worth 10 gold?"

Merchants from the north would not even take a look at slaves with dots on their bodies, because it represents disaster.

Hearing this, Qiao Lan said abruptly, "Father, don't discuss the will of the true God lightly!"

"Since the true God sent down a test, we should obey it unconditionally!"

"What's more, you also know that the survivors of the source of disaster are not the people of absolute disaster..."

"In ancient times, the great Lord of the Nile River was also infected with the 'polka dot disaster', but he survived the disaster and was the chosen one!"

"Now, the True God of Equilibrium descends, but he is looking for the survivors of the 'Dot Disaster'. Isn't it the same as the ancient legend?"

Lu Barn shook his head: "You don't want to say that I, Malindi, will produce a noble existence comparable to the ancient pharaoh? Besides, I'm just feeling emotional, how can I really talk about the decree of God?"

Qiao Lan said again: "Even if that person really achieves something in the future, don't forget that we are No.1 witnessing the coming of the true God. As long as we pass the test of the true God, the true God will definitely give us grace."

"Malindi has always been weaker than Mogadishu in the north, and was oppressed by the lord of Kilwa in the south in the early years. How can he be called the lord of the coast?"

"If we are gifted by the true God, we may replace it!"

Having said that, he looked towards the hills of gold and salt in the center of the hall.

Although they dare not take it lightly now, this miracle of creation has shown the supreme power of the true God.

Even if the true God no longer bestows grace.

With so much gold alone, a large number of war horses can be bought, hundreds of knights can be trained, and the combat effectiveness can be greatly improved.

Lu Barn showed a gratified smile: "Qiaolan, my son, you never disappoint me!"

Qiao Lan was not arrogant, and said again: "Father...the True God of Equilibrium wants to find merchants and travelers who have set foot in the East, it must be because of the third will!"

"If the great eastern country can really sail across the ocean, how can it do it if it doesn't understand Qin's language?"

"After we complete the test, we won the favor of the true god, and maybe we can also promote business contacts with Qin..."

"The oriental porcelain and silk are extremely precious."

The father and son chatted freely, and it seemed that they had seen the future prosperity of Malindi.


Before the banquet is over.

Someone stepped into the messenger outside the hall.

At the same time, it attracted the attention of Tiaoyu et al.

Not long after, a skinny man in his 5s or 60s was brought in and knelt down in the hall.

Qiao Lan said: "You are Sha Ka? Have you ever been to that distant Qin?"

The man named Gaza said: "No, I have never been to Qin, Qin has long been destroyed, and the 'Yuan cavalry' conquered the four directions!"

"When that invincible cavalry set foot in my hometown, my father became a general's servant. Later, he migrated to this place because he was doing business for the general, but there was no way back."

"Yuan? What Yuan!" Qiao Lan babbled, "Since you have never been to Qin, why were you brought into the court?"

Jiasha said: "I can speak Qin's language, because the Yuan people can also speak Qin's language! They have a high evaluation of Qin's culture."

There was a sudden restlessness during the banquet.

It attracted Tiaoyu and others to be extremely curious, but they were unable to communicate and inquire.

Qiao Lan pondered, not daring to make a judgment lightly, but Lu Baen suddenly said: "Do you know that the true god descended today?"

"I know!"

Lu Baen said again: "Then you must understand that it is not me who is looking for a master of the Qin language, but the supreme true God!"

"Do you know the cost of deceiving the true God?"

The skinny old man trembled with fear, but his voice was firm: "I will never dare to deceive the true God, the Lord of Malindi!"

Hear this.

The father and son looked at each other with peace of mind.

But they couldn't explain the situation to the envoy, so they could only say to Na Jiasha: "Okay, then you should first meet the envoy and servant of the true God!"

"When the true God descends again, you will have to see the glory of the true God!"

Gaza was ecstatic, tears filled his eyes.

As he said, he was not originally from Malindi. He came along with his father on the business road when he was young, but he encountered bandits on the way.

The so-called not knowing the way back was actually because his father did not dare to go back.

The ferocity of the Yuan people is frightening, and they have lost a lot of property, how can they return?
Finally wandered here.

So far, his father has passed away.

However, relying on what he had seen and heard in his youth and the languages ​​of various places, he served as a communicative friendship for merchant groups and fleets coming from afar.

If he gets the glory of meeting the true God, he is likely to turn around and become a nobleman.

at this time.

Only then did Gaza dare to raise his head. He had to meet the dignitaries of the court first, and then he recognized the lord of Malindi, Luban, and Prince Qiaolan.

However, it was discovered that the two kings were sitting in the second seat.

The real master is someone else.

His thinking was active, and he immediately thought that the person in charge was the messenger and servant of the true God.

Gaza crouched forward before making a formal kneeling posture and kowtow: "Worship the messenger of the great true God. Gaza is willing to dedicate everything to the true God."

This is the situation.

Everyone in the palace gave Gaza a high look.

Although the news of the coming of the true God has spread throughout the city, the name of "Equilibrium" is not sure in the hearts of the people, and they don't know what it means.

But what about Gaza?
Seeing the messenger, but only talking about the true God, without mentioning "Allah", can be said to be watertight.

Of course Tiaoyu and the others couldn't understand his words.

However, this kneeling ceremony is obviously to worship the true God...

Zhou Ruonan's immature voice pretended to be majestic: "Get up!"

After hearing this, Gaza became more ecstatic and stood up.

But just as he stood still...

He froze suddenly.

"Get up...come up...!!"


He got up subconsciously because of those words, and it was only two seconds later that he suddenly realized the problem.

The other party did not speak the language of the Swahili, nor Arabic nor any of the Semitic languages ​​of Africa.


Gaza raised his head suddenly, and in the banquet in front of him, the appearance of a dozen teenagers and young people appeared in front of him.


Gaza exclaimed, his body became even more unstable, he staggered and fell backwards, and finally fell to the ground.

Even if he fell to the ground, he still kicked his legs in fear, kept backing away, raised his hand subconsciously, and pointed at everyone——


"You, you are Yuan people!!"

Gaza shouted with determination, because it is impossible for him to admit his mistakes.

When he was young, he followed his father to serve the Yuan Lord, and there were occasional real Qin people in the Yuan people's army camp.

The appearance of the Qin people and the Yuan Lord is different.

The faces of Qin people have smoother edges and corners, while Yuan people have three parts close to the appearance of the West, and three parts are different from Qin people's roughness, and then they are similar to Qin people, different from the West.

at the same time.

Tiaoyu and the others also stood up abruptly.

Because they understood the cry of the skinny old man—

"Yuanren? We are Yuanren..."

"Wait a minute!"

"He actually knows the language rules?"

"Am I right?"

Several people are asking for proof.

Nagaza changed into obscure native language again: "No, no, no, this is impossible!"

"I once heard merchants who came from afar say that Yuan has been destroyed!"

"Why did people from the Yuan Dynasty appear in this far away place!!"

Gaza seems to be a madman, talking to himself alone.

And in the hall, there is already agitation here.

Qiao Lan almost jumped out in one step, pulled out the divine weapon dagger that he was gifted with, and yelled loudly——

"You lowly slave!"

"How dare you offend the envoy?"

"Death to me!"

Qiao Lan was about to stab the dagger down.

Only then did Gaza come back to his senses, but the dagger was already in front of him, and he closed his eyes in fear.

But I heard a call like a savior——


Tiaoyu shouted, and unexpectedly stepped out.

Because of this shout, Qiao Lan's movements were delayed for a second;
Tiaoyu, who had been on an expedition with the army, was not mediocre. He knocked out the dagger in Qiao Lan's hand with a single blow to his wrist.

In the iron cavalry army, the combat technique that my lord once passed down, performed a back throw.

boom! !

Qiao Lan's body was suddenly overturned and hit the ground.

The sudden situation caught everyone by surprise.

Some palace guards subconsciously pulled out their blades.

But right now.

Zhou Yusheng and others also moved.

They stood up one after another, yelling loudly——

"Are you going to be an enemy of Balance?!"

"Those who violate the balance will be annihilated by God's punishment...and turn your kingdom into ashes!!"

Everyone in the hall did not understand the rules of language, but they could see the wrath of the envoys.

Even though Qiao Lan, who was thrown to the ground, was in unbearable pain and unable to make a sound, he waved his hands anxiously.

At this point, the old lord Lu Baen finally came back to his senses and shouted angrily: "Throw your long knife on the ground!"

"Whoever violates the majesty of the forbidden God Envoy, I want his whole family to be cut off, and his flesh and blood will be exposed to the scorching sun for punishment, until he turns into a human body and is pecked to death by the seabird vulture!"

Clang clang clang.

A weapon fell to the ground, and the guards all knelt down.

And Qiao Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and knelt down, begging for forgiveness.

But at this moment, Tiaoyu and the others had no time to pay attention to him.

But Gaza was surrounded.

Tiaoyu stared at him and said, "Can you understand us? You can also speak the language of balance?"

Gaza was also shocked by the scene just now, and was out of his mind.

"Answer me! Can you understand our words?"

Gaza woke up suddenly, nodded again and again——

"I, I understand! I understand!"

"Why do you understand?"

"Why... I, my father was a servant of the general of the 'Great Yuan Kingdom'; I wait for the people of Fengyuan to be masters!"

"Great Yuan Kingdom?" Everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

Except for Zhou Ruoyu, Zhou Ruonan and Zhou Yusheng, the others are all Temple Mount monks.

In order to break through the shackles of the Dzogchen Law, besides the Five Great Laws, the Law of History must also be mastered——

Tiaoyu immediately took a deep breath, looked at the crowd and said: "Before the Ming Dynasty... it was for the Dayuan!"

"The dynasty established for the great unification of the northern nomadic clans!"

(End of this chapter)

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