Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 286 [285] The sprout of consciousness

Chapter 286 [285] The sprout of consciousness

"My lord has come?!"

Shocked by the news, there was an uproar in the cavalry.

Bullshit's expression also turned serious, without a smile, and he looked at Loboda in a blink of an eye: "Hurry up and return to the city with me, and hold a town hall meeting."

When he turned around and mounted his horse.

Both Loboda and Ziboche breathed a sigh of relief.

They have touched taboos in their hearts, and they dare not explore them. Only when they see their evangelist, Queztitko, may they know the true meaning.

at the same time.

A cavalry came and motioned for Loboda to get on his horse and accompany him.

Loboda first said to Little: "Since the deputy judge has accepted you, you should feel at ease."

"After the army under your command arrives at Kema, don't panic, and listen to the guidance and arrangements of the envoys of God."

And when Little's heart calmed down, he also felt something unusual.

Few of the nobles of Hill City and Tower Cave City fled.

Moreover, the matter of the trial in the city has already spread to other cities.

By now, he can expose it so easily?
He stared at Loboda: "Brother, am I really at peace?"

Loboda was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer him; Qiboche was thinking about it, but he took out the earliest "revelation" and handed it——

"Your Highness, you should know who I used to be when I came here these days."

"Although he is a servant and housekeeper, his hands are stained with blood, and his sins are serious."

"This is the seal of my soul, and it is my Lord's punishment."

"But now I know very well that with balanced will, only by walking in His way can true salvation be obtained."

"I have experienced the hardships of life and death for several months, and finally saw the light of balance. This is my trial..."

"As long as I am ungodly, I am afraid I will not be able to make it to where I am today."

"I think whether we are safe and happy is in our hearts."

When Little saw the "divine revelation", his face changed suddenly, and his voice became trembling...

Because Ziboche's appearance appeared in the palm-sized thing, which was beyond his cognition.

"This, is this the soul seal?"

Ziboche nodded.

Loboda said: "Little, you are willing to be saved, I am naturally pleased, and I am willing to guide you in the direction, but you have to ask the voice in your heart, whether you want to become His people wholeheartedly."

The words fall.

He turned around and was pulled onto the horse by the knight.

After a whistle.

Hundreds of iron cavalry roared with iron hoofs, shaking the earth; a smoke screen stretched in the valley road, and disappeared in front of everyone in a moment.

All of a sudden, thousands of people erupted into an uproar.

"Miracle, miracle!"

"It's really like the legend, the legion of gods can make beasts obey and serve as their arm!!"

"Such an invincible army, how can we and other ordinary people in the valley look down upon us?"

In front of the crowd again.

With tears in their eyes, a hundred Aztecs knelt and bowed in the direction where the cavalry left.

Because they have already seen that what the iron cavalry wears is exactly the magic weapon and armor given to their people by our Lord when he came to the city in the lake.

Now they are part of the balance, His people.

Little woke up from the shock.

When he looked back, all he could see was reverence and worship; like a hungry and thirsty traveler who was lost on the way, he saw the oasis and lake, and his confusion was no longer there.

"...I have no way out."

Qiboche could understand his mood at the moment, just like when he saw the soul seal for the first time, he knew that no one could escape under the majestic judgment of the true God.

"Then go forward, turn around and don't look at the falsehood."

Thousands of people regrouped and went back on the road.

Anxiety and confusion were replaced by inexplicable expectations.

After half a day.

When they stepped out of the valley, they suddenly saw that the big city pass was in front of everyone's eyes.

The iron cavalry who returned first, had brought the news back, and set up camp outside the city——

"Before entering the city, you must be baptized..."

"The statistics of the number and names of each department of the army are collected into a book."

A system of rules and regulations has already matured and developed in an orderly manner.

Another monk from the inspection team came to Qiboche and Little: "The deputy inspector ordered you two to go to the city for a rest, and meet you after the town hall meeting."

at the same time.

Kemah Town Hall.

Loboda had told the story of the city in the lake, which aroused the town hall to be furious.

"The Aztecs surrendered to Kinkou and wanted to make a pilgrimage, but they were blocked by Tepanix..."

"This is rebellion, a crime of blasphemy!"

Standing up from the mountain, looking at the crowd, he said in a deep voice, "The whole army of the Judgment Army obeys orders..."

"The whole army is ready for battle!!"

"Follow the will of our lord true God, step into the valley in His glorious holy name, spread a balanced radiance, defeat the wicked, and annihilate the blasphemers!!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Everyone stood up, with a raging fighting spirit in their chests, and they all spoke in unison——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"Balance exists among all things!!"

At this moment, Dacheng, which had been peaceful for a long time, suddenly woke up restlessly.

Little followed the envoy into the city.

The small border town that was once out of his sight now shows strange things everywhere.

It seems to be busy everywhere, there are urgent shouts, or there are horses and horses running, but everything is not disordered.

It seems that everyone has the essentials of order.

And not just him.

Ziboche was also at a loss.

When he left, it was the night of God's punishment. The flames of God's thunder caused the high walls that had stood for hundreds of years to collapse, and the flames illuminated the night.

Although he also heard his sons Dedege and Loboda's description of Kema City today, everything he saw today cannot be described in simple words.

His mood fluctuated for a while, and he couldn't help but admire——

"This is the kingdom of balance and joy, the glory and blessing of our Lord!"

When they came to the middle of the mountain, which used to be the residence of the nobles, Queztico and Loboda had been waiting for a long time.

The former smiled and walked towards Qiboche. The two people of similar age embraced gently: "I already know everything you have experienced, and you have lived up to the faith in your heart, Qiboche."

Qi Boche nodded deeply: "Praise balance."

Loboda introduced to Little again: "This is Mr. Queztitko, the deputy inspector of the Judgment Army."

Queztitko waved his hand: "Don't call me any adults, just call me my title."

"Little, I've also heard about you, but now I can't give you trial and execution."

Little suddenly became anxious.

But was interrupted again -

"You don't need to worry, just listen to me first."

"Your father, Tezomok, has blasphemed the will of the true god and has aroused the wrath of the gods; tomorrow, the army will step into the valley."

"Among the city-states, anyone who stands in the way will be punished by the law of the army of judgment, the esoteric magic."

"Naturally, you don't know what the law and profound art is. You can look at the high wall from afar."

Queztitko pointed down the mountain.

It was originally a high wall standing between two mountains, but there was a huge hole in the middle, and the only remaining ruins were broken to both sides, full of cracks, and left traces of burning.

Overlooking this scene from a high place, it is impossible to imagine the cause of the destruction that led to all this.

But Queztitco has revealed the answer in advance——

The law, the profound magic, and the punishment came.

Little fell into a daze. He had heard the legend of the punishment of the God of Destroyer, but now he saw the real scene, he knew...

This is not the power of a mortal, but the power of a god.

"When I was young, my family was rich, and I traveled to various cities to learn about the prosperity of the valley city-state."

"However, as you can see, how insignificant we mortals are before our lord true god."

"When the army of judgment sets foot in the valley, all thorns and obstacles will be swept away."

Hear this.

Little shuddered.

He is very clear that this is not intimidation or threat, but simply stating the facts.

At this moment, he was at a loss again, speaking incoherently——

"Am I going to die?"

"Because I am a nobleman, I have bullied common people and enslaved them?"

"Me, what should I do?"

Queztitco said: "Now, I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Little looked up, and then looked at Loboda, because Loboda had also said the same thing to him, 'I don't know'.

Queztitko nodded: "When all the dust settles, it will be the beginning of your trial on charges."

"And at that time, the true god will definitely come."

"The fate of millions of souls in the valley will follow His will."

Little is not alone.

There are countless people who have committed crimes in the valley.

This is no longer something they can decide, and when millions of people surrender to Balance, the Kingdom of God will also enter a new era.

Whether it's bullshit or Zhou Weiguo, all this is still unknown, and he must listen to his guidance.

Queztitko continued: "Perhaps for you, this is an ordeal where life and death are uncertain, but before that, the few of us here have all had the same experience."

"What I can teach you is to listen to your inner voice, then make a choice, and call on His name until He answers you."

Little is still at a loss: "What if there is no response?"

"No." Queztitko stared at him meaningfully, "His response will come, you must know—"

"Thunder, rain and dew are all God's grace!!"

At this moment, Loboda took a deep breath and said, "You should have heard about the origin of the 'naming' of Aha Okema City, that night..."

Ahao, who had sinned, was redeemed by the sacrifice of his brother;

Although Kema was buried under the arrows, he was guided by the true God and turned into an apostle of balance, the embodiment of courage.

When a story was told, Loboda stepped forward, put his hands on Little's shoulders, and smiled—

"If Judgment Day comes..."

"I would like to imitate the good deeds of Brother Aha Okoma and serve as your cover and shelter."

Little backed away abruptly, looking at Loboda in disbelief: "Why? We, we..."

Loboda's expression was still full of smiles, he knew what Little wanted to say...

Although they are half-brothers, they are not close to the royal family because of the age gap.

Not to mention closeness, but it is obviously far from being able to sacrifice himself for him and seek the life of salvation.

Loboda said: "I am old, and I have no desires and desires. Now that I have the doctrine of balance, I have new pursuits."

"I would like to see the brilliance of balance and the grace of his thunder. Even if I am annihilated by judgment in the end, I will be guided by his kindness and step into the door of rebirth."

"Therefore, my brother, do not be afraid, and pray to Him in a godly balance."

"Although we are princes, we have never had real reliance. Now I am willing to be your reliance..."

The words fall.

But Little fell to the ground, with inexplicable tears streaming down his face.

This feeling may not be moving.

It's the grievance after being touched by someone's heart.

As Loboda said, both in the royal family have a high position and authority.

In fact, he has lived in intrigue since he was a child;

If he hadn't exhausted all the organs, he wouldn't have come to where he is today, and became the powerful prince in control of the military power of the Tepanix Kingdom.

Everything you get is based on the word "earn".

Even if he seeks the throne in the end, he can't expect Tezomok's bestowed inheritance, which is also earning!

But in front of him, there is a person saying, I am willing to rely on you, to fight for your life, and I will not hesitate to pay for it with my life.

For a moment, he seemed to have turned into a child, from silent tears to howling.

I don't know how long it took.

The crying stopped.

Loboda stepped forward to support him, and then left under the leadership of a law monk.

After the two brothers left.

Qi Boche took a deep breath and said with a feeling: "My lord, so this is..."

Queztitko nodded with a smile: "Loboda came first and told me everything, and told me the 'taboo' in his heart."

"If you are a fire spreader, you can indeed avoid punishment and judgment, because our road is already full of thorns."

"Like me, I was also facing life and death. My family was almost killed by the Lord of the Hill City that night. It was the Lord who gave me life and made a secret decree to protect my sins. Therefore, I once said, I am the same as you , are all sinners.”

"What about you? After several months of hardships, you finally got a 'divine revelation' to arrive at the city in the lake and pass on the will of our lord of balance to the Aztecs."

"All fire passers have put life and death aside;"

"Thus, trial and punishment were avoided."

"If you want to be a fire passer, you must be alone and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly. If you don't have such a will resonance, you will not be called a fire passer."

"I don't see Littletel's intentions now, but he has brought Tepanix's thousands of troops to submit to Balance, so he is willing to give him a chance, and only then has this compromise."

"When the Judgment Day comes, if I see his sincerity, I will pray to the Lord to save his sins and make him a member of the Fire Bearers."

Qiboche was startled, because he heard the unspoken voice——

"What if he is not sincere?"

Kuiztitke said: "Loboda spoke from the bottom of his heart just now, he...has seen the true meaning of balance!!"

"As the eldest brother, he is willing to protect and support the weak. Even if he bears the thunder, he will know—"

"This is God's favor."

"Just like you, didn't you also give up life and death, and would like to pray for Dedege's happiness and peace?"

Qiboche's pupils were shocked, and he stared blankly for a long time, and finally blessed his soul——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"


Valley, wilderness.

Zhou Li'an opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face: "Is this the natural formation of the inspection system for fire spreaders?"

Of course, this is only the germ of religious consciousness.

It takes time and practice to form a perfect system.

And sooner or later, the fire spreader will go to the other side of the ocean to preach and inherit in the old land.

The old earth is as dark as night, only the fire bearer can walk through the darkness and deliver the balanced fire of glory! ! !


Equilibrium 14 years, June 7.

[-] cavalry out of Kema——

The valley shakes! !
(End of this chapter)

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