Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 29 [29] The Teaching of Language

Chapter 29 [29] The Teaching of Language

"Can't you just shut up?"

Zhou Li'an took a deep breath and calmed down, before continuing to write on the paper.

Several columns of pinyin letters are neatly arranged on the paper.

He never thought that the first step in the founding of the country would be to become a language teacher.

"Xue Nu, read after me, aoeiu ü..."


Hanyu Pinyin is a very good auxiliary tool for character learning. After learning the spelling and spelling, you can use dictionaries and books to recognize characters.

In the future, Zhou Li'an's workload can be reduced a lot.

The high-intensity language learning can achieve initial results in three months.

The life of the tribe is extremely monotonous, and the children of the tribe also have learning courses, but they are all outdoor physical education classes.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an plans to introduce indoor culture classes.

It took half a year to complete the popularization of Pinyin and basic Chinese among the tribes. Not only children, but also adults must learn.

If you don't study, you are disrespecting God.

So far, it has given them enough motivation to learn.

People in 1400 will also taste the fear of being dominated by exams!
And when it comes to external promotion, it needs to use some means.

Religion and belief are always the most beneficial tools for disseminating information.If the popularity of English can be traced back to the source, it is inextricably linked with the first English book, the Bible.

The earliest Bible was written in Latin on parchment, which was not conducive to dissemination; when it was translated into English, it was first recognized by the English-speaking community, and because of the promotion of missionaries, on the one hand, it gained a large number of believers, and on the other hand, it completed a wide range of languages. universal.

Even in modern times, many house churches still use the sign of learning English to attract newcomers to join.

In the United States, many homestay families have churches behind them. They are very willing to accept foreign children, teach them English, and incidentally... preach.

So, this afternoon.

The creator of the natural divine domain, the head of the gods; the ruler of all creatures; the "Lord of Balance" who controls all the rules and laws of the world appeared.

Only those who believe in balance will be rewarded by the Lord of Balance and have inexhaustible salt; and devout believers must learn the language taught by the Lord of Balance! !
Faith is the bond of loyalty, and language is the cornerstone of cultural progress.

Zhou Li'an didn't make up such a persona for himself on a whim. He never does meaningless things.

In the stone house, under the light of several torches, a master and a servant are studying hard.

The girl has a very high interest in language, or she is fanatical enough for her master's piety.

Even though the pronunciation was awkward for her, she read it over and over again with great patience.

Zhou Li'an handed her the pen and paper again, and asked her to copy and familiarize herself with it, while reading it silently, while he supervised it.

If it is just a simple language teaching, this matter seems boring, but if we look to the future...

It's like pouring drops of diesel into the fuel tank of a war machine, starting from nothing, building up bit by bit, until the engine is running.

After the first explosive bomb is fired, it will cause a sensation in the whole world.

Everything needs a source of power, and Jianguo is Zhou Li'an's ambition.

The night was getting darker.

The whole day of carnival is over.

After the bonfire was extinguished, the entire valley fell into darkness, and only a few places were lit with torches, which were replaced by night guards at regular intervals.

After climbing the mountain and becoming the patriarch, he obtained a residence under the opposite cliff and lived with his wife and son.

His wife, Kong Wuli, gave birth to a pair of sons and daughters for him.

The woman was standing in front of the doorway and staring at the opposite side, and she could vaguely see the figure under the light and shadow of the torch in the stone house.

"Mountain climbing, what is the snow girl doing?"

Climbing whispered: "Don't watch! Come back and sleep!"

The woman quickly looked away, glanced at her son who was exhausted and asleep after a day of playing around, and smiled contentedly.

Only then did she climb onto the soft bed that was once uncovetable, and lying in the arms of her own man, she couldn't help but whispered: "Do you think Xue Nu will be blessed by the gods and send down the son of the gods?"

Hearing this, climbing the mountain was both surprised and delighted.

Surprised that his wife's words were disrespectful to God, and delighted that he had never had such an almost crazy idea.

He hesitated for a while, and then whispered: "Xue Nu is still young and has not reached the right age, but she is the only one who can communicate with my lord and win my lord's favor..."

"If the future really happens, it can only be Snow Girl!"

"...You have to remember what the witch said at the beginning, remind Xue Nu to serve the gods well, but don't tell Xue Nu what to do, don't offend my lord, everything should be respected by my lord."

"I understand... Our little Snow Maiden is now the witch of the tribe, and you have also become the leader of the tribe. I never dared to imagine such a life."

Climbing the mountain couldn't help laughing: "The days to come will get better and better. The Great Elder and I have gathered the most heroic warriors tonight, and we will set off tomorrow to spread the will of our Lord to the earth..."

"Those who disrespect our Lord will die, and those who submit will live!!"

At this point, he couldn't help trembling with excitement...

The woman worried: "You have to pay attention to your safety."

"Hahaha, under the light of our lord, we will have a combat power that no one can look down upon!!"


Zhou Li'an glanced at the system time, it was already eleven o'clock, and asked Xue Nu to stop: "Okay, today's study is over, it's too late to waste your eyes."

He looked around and already had a new plan.

When I come here tomorrow morning, I will go to the home improvement department of Katsuko, buy some batteries, and connect energy-saving lamps to the house for lighting.

Lest you blind your eyes.

Xuenv got up and rubbed her eyes unconsciously.

Zhou Li'an saw the pencil dust on her hands, and quickly knocked her hands off: "Go out and wash your hands with clean water, and then come back to sleep! Don't rub your eyes."

"Oh." Xue Nu responded obediently, and quickly trot out the door.

After going out again, it changed into a steady pace in an instant.

Zhou Li'an thought it was funny, and didn't know who taught her these things, maybe her father?

In order to ensure the majesty of witches.

Being uneducated doesn't mean you're stupid.

At least this mountain climber looked much smarter than the tribal leader at the time, but he was far less strong than that person.

But he is dead, which is a pity.

Xuenv came back not long after, her hands were wet, and she was dragging a small golden basin.

Zhou Li'an just glanced at it and lost interest. He now hates the red copper utensils of the Indians, and he won't be fooled again.

However, after Xue Nu walked in, he discovered that there was actually something in the basin.

A few grains of corn that are not yet full, some hazelnuts and unknown beans, and some lumps that look like stones.

Xue Nu knelt down, holding the basin in both hands: "Master, please enjoy it. The corn is picked today, and the hazelnuts and beans are the tribal food. Only the most valiant warriors and elders can enjoy it."

"Also, and... that meatloaf is delicious. Xuenv only tasted it when she came to the Tushi tribe."

Zhou Li'an asked her to get up, and he took a so-called 'meat pie' and tasted it.

After lightly biting into the mouth, the meatloaf broke crisply and was harder than biscuits, but when it encountered saliva, it quickly began to melt in the mouth.

A strong milky and meaty aroma burst out, with some hazelnut fragrance, it is not greasy to eat.

Seeing his eyes lit up, Xue Nu was very happy: "Master likes it, can I get some more?"

"No, these are enough to eat, you can eat too."

Zhou Li'an is very curious about how the meatloaf is made. The specific process is probably similar to the air-dried beef of the northern herdsmen in China.

But this piece of meat has no meaty shape at all, and it should have been processed many times, otherwise it would not have such a crispy, melt-in-the-mouth taste.

And it can be tasted, with a slightly starchy taste.

This is very good ration for the army's long journey.

Sure enough, the aborigines in North America are really rich, and there is no shortage of anything to eat.

Thinking back to the same period in China, it cannot be said that it is terrible. If the villagers in the mountains suffer from famine, they will not find a few prey in the mountains and fields, and they will all be eaten up! !
After the master and the servant had supper, Xue Nu climbed into bed to pack up...

I didn't wash my hands again.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an will definitely not rest here.

"Xue Nu, I will come over tomorrow afternoon. You can continue to study after you get up. It is best to choose a few smart children to familiarize yourself with what I teach you. After I come, I will teach you together."

Xue Nu nodded happily: "Okay, master, I will arrange your orders."

After she finished speaking, she tilted her head again, wondering: "Master, don't you live here? Xuenv will serve you, fan you, and rub your tiredness away. Mother often praises Xuenv's craftsmanship."

[Craftsman?You want to talk about it...]

"To shut up!"

Zhou Li'an smiled at Xue Nu, and rubbed her head again: "Next time, good night, Xue Nu."

"Master, will you look at Xue Nu in your dreams?"

Xuenv seemed to be looking forward to it, her big eyes were shining brightly.

It's like a child before going to bed, waiting for the blessing of "good dreams" from his parents.

"I will."

Whoosh, he disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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