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Chapter 298 [297] Bestow Grace on Daming

Chapter 298 [297] Bestow Grace on Daming
Everyone kneels down in the courtyard.

There is both awe and surprise in my heart.

The power of the gods is inviolable;
And everyone's focus was slightly scattered, falling on Zheng He and others.

Among them, the Ming officials headed by Tang Jing felt the most clearly.

No matter Zheng He and Wang Jinghong, or a group of eunuchs and young eunuchs, they are all devout.

This is different from Tang Jing's 'fear is greater than respect' at this time;
The dozen or so eunuchs are now wholeheartedly surrendering to their beliefs, without any intention of alienation, on the contrary, they seem to be close.

Respect your father like a son...

It is full of solemnity and piety, and no longer has the will to resist.

A doubt popped up in everyone's mind at the same time——

What happened this month?
But at this time, there is obviously no answer.

The loss outweighs the gain because of the small loss.

Tang Jing and the others were mostly speechless, only keeping silent with great doubts.


Zhou Wangshan said: "No, we still need to decide on matters such as the establishment of the main sanitation city. It should be just jumping fish."

Judging from the types of grain, it is necessary for the Ming Dynasty to be strong and powerful.

The gods and shamans go first, and everyone dares to give up a position to follow.

With this kind of grain, how can people in the world still talk about famine and starvation?
In fact, Zhou Li'an did not tell them that the yield of sweet potatoes per mu can reach as much as 50 shi.

"Just wait a little longer."

"But I'm warning you to wait—"

Peppers and tomatoes are finished seeds, which can be planted in the soil.

"Hush." ​​Fei Xin was startled, and turned his eyes away, "Don't talk lightly about the gods."

Zhou Li'an felt strange, what does this have to do with Gaza?
At the same time, Ma Huan and Fei Xin immediately translated: "The god said, you can grant the Malindi people a wish."

He has a simple and honest temperament and is immersed in academics.

This thought only passed away in the minds of Zheng He, Wang Jinghong and others.

Enter the temple.

Seek longevity!
Aren't the kings of all dynasties fascinated by longevity?
Want to enjoy eternal power and wealth!

Zhou Li'an has spoken again——

Zhou Li'an waved his hands to create things——

"If you can grow yourself with balanced glory, then you must defend the light and cleanliness of this glory!"

Tiaoyu shuddered, stood up abruptly and walked over: "Tiaoyu is here."

But as soon as the figure of twenty stones came out, the Ming people in the hall were excited.

They all know that the enlightenment given by the gods has led to many law monks who practice the profound meaning of the law.

The first reaction in their hearts was exactly the same as that of Lubain—

Only then did Zhou Yusuo stop reporting.

"I bestow you with three graces;"

Although everyone saw this crop as a novelty, they were not deeply shocked;

With such a strong relationship, Zheng He and the others had no more distracting thoughts, just knelt down and kowtowed, and led the crowd to shout praises——

Zhou Li'an is seated on the throne, no one needs to invite him, the highest position belongs to him.

"But what the gods bestow, cannot be given away..."

Zheng He and others were at a loss, but since our lord has made an arrangement, how could they refuse?


"My lord is above, we will remember!"

However, although Gaza understands that this is a kind of grain, the concept of the unit of mass is vague, and they don't know the specific meaning of "stone".

Zhou Li'an smiled: "Let's talk after entering the palace."

"My lord evenly sent an envoy to visit Daming, it is my blessing, Daming!"

"That's not OK."

Everyone in Malindi in the hall was moved, and people couldn't help looking at Gaza.

But this is exactly what Gaza is trying to do. If there is no reward, then the grace of reward will exist forever.

Everyone in Daming heard in a cloud of fog, only to be shocked that the gods know everything about these days like the palm of their hands? ?
When Zhou Wangshan treated Tang Jing, he would naturally communicate with the medical officer.

A stack of scrolls appears.

But the sooner the vaccine problem is solved, the immune system of the next generation can also be improved.

"We only ask for the balanced glory of our Lord, to watch over Malindi forever, to protect us, and to make the Malindi people happy and prosperous."

"These three people are the best among the cultivators of the laws of the Kingdom of God. They can teach you the black gunpowder creation technique, perfect the firearm manufacturing method, and enhance the combat power of your Ming army."

One of the main purposes of this trip is to capture disasters and obtain smallpox bacteria.

If there is such a thing as secretly cultivating smallpox again, it will inevitably be named in some institutions.

Xue Nu glared at him: "You are full of lies, you should be punished!"

A large pile of grain appeared, and the number of grains was huge.

At the same time, Zhou Wangshan, Zhou Ruoyu and others also exploded.

If He does not speak, no one will dare to speak.

But the problem is...

Sacrifice ceremonies were also held everywhere.

Xuenv interrupted Zhou Yusheng's words: "It's about the development of the Kingdom of God, so there's no need to talk about it in front of outsiders."

When everyone in Daming heard this, they all gasped.

Xue Nu smiled: "They will not only teach you the black powder creation technique, but also the method of making saltpeter. You know how precious saltpeter is."

But Zhou Yulan boarded the boat every two days, if the gods couldn't see him, how could he tell the truth?
in other words……

At last.

Our Lord Equilibrium is omnipotent, let alone a mere longevity, it is only a thought to make Malindi a powerful empire like Ming Dynasty.

Of course, this gunpowder is not as good as God's punishment.

The exclamation of everyone in Daming has not yet settled down.

Zhou Yusheng nodded happily: "My lord, I have completed the survey of the ship's structure and learned the specific data. It should not be difficult to imitate it based on the data."

"My Great Ming's gunpowder is far less powerful!!"

The Malindi people are less interested.

"Then shall we go?"

"I know, you Ming also has gunpowder creations, but how does it compare with mine?"

"Potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peppers, tomatoes."

It is Zhou Zhijun's pathological observation.

And a group of Daming people were shocked.

This means that the true gods acquiesce in their expansion. As long as they follow the balanced teachings and deliver balanced benevolence and glory, they will have no worries.

The group of three were dazed at first, then quickly got up and came to the throne.

"The three of them will go to Daming with Zhou Jianye (Tiaoyu)."

Daming heard that there are gods overseas who established the Kingdom of God, whether he would dare to visit the Western Ocean again became unknown.

But the practical significance of this move is not great. It only depends on how many butterfly effects can be set off in the future.

Isn't their every word and deed under the gaze of the gods?
at this time.

Prince Qiaolan is also asking Gaza what treasures our lord has bestowed on these Ming people.

"I just marvel..."

"One grows vegetables for food;"

"You wait to back down!"

Perhaps, this is the magic technique for cultivating the rank of the immortal family.

Several people suddenly fell into memory.

"The gunpowder research team is out."

"This place is different from my kingdom of God, and there are biological differences. Of course, I need to observe more. In the future, I will practice biological laws so that I can get twice the result with half the effort."

Even though the units used in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties did not change much, he was still a child when he learned Chinese and fled here with his father. Later, the units he used all followed the Romans.

The scene of the earth-shattering God's punishment and destruction of the world was first in my mind, and then I vaguely remembered that after the army of judgment entered the city, they indeed blasted open the gate of the palace with a few gunpowder barrels.

This remark can be regarded as false big empty.

"I know that you have borrowed the holy name of Balance to annex the wooden bones..."

A moment of silence.

Tang Jing and the others couldn't help themselves: "The envoy of Balance, will you return to the court with us?"

Whoosh whoosh.

My lord's voice sounded again: "Jumping fish."

Zhou Li'an raised his hand again and nodded Zhou Ruoyu: "Your elder brothers are all working hard, but you have nothing to do, either ride a horse or watch a phenomenon, and you are still arguing to go hunting?"

"My lord gives them grain seeds, or they may be able to produce a lot."

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not bring the blood samples of survivors of the Dot Disaster back to the present world for cultivation in a secret laboratory.

They live by trade and fishing, and farming is also done by the inland tribes, and they only need to buy transactions.

Zhou Li'an's eyes fell on the old lord Lu Baen, "I promised that everything will be settled, and I will give you a wish to be fulfilled."

Could it be that Balance is coming to Daming so soon?
Everyone looked at Zheng He and the others: "Master Zheng, Lord Wang, do you know about this?"

This is quite disappointing.

The hall was humming.

Although it doesn't matter if there is a delay, there are still decades before the "gate to the new world" opens.

The specific planting income shall be subject to specific circumstances.

The things behind the grain must be more precious.

Zheng He and Wang Jinghong immediately led the crowd to kowtow, and then retreated out of the open space.

"When the gunpowder of the Ming Dynasty is ignited, white mist and smoke are mixed, or there is a thunderous sound but the power is not obvious; or it only burns quickly and stops for a while."

Because even if the corn yield is six stones per mu, it is twice as much as the grain output of Daming.

Zhou Li'an finally looked at Zheng He and the others: "I promised to give you the grace of Daming."

"However, wooden ships are not the technological development direction of the Kingdom of God. I don't think it is necessary to imitate treasure ships. We can use small and medium-sized wooden ships for transportation first. After the mineral and smelting technology improves, we can..."

Zhou Li'an's third sentence fell——

"For your people, if you accuse you of injustice, the glory of balance will leave you!"

So under the leadership of the old lord and prince Qiaolan, all the princes and ministers bowed down——

The two general translators hung at the end, and Ma Huan couldn't help saying: "The gods are proficient in Fanyu, which is almost the same as that of the locals. You and I can't catch up with the people of Ming Dynasty."

Following the soft call of Xue Nu, everyone got up;

It was this smile that shocked Gaza...


"You board the Daming ship every two days, and now you have gained anything?"

No matter how powerful it was, the main city of the Tepanix Kingdom, which was half the size of Yingtian Mansion, was engulfed and annihilated by God's punishment in the blink of an eye and turned into ruins.

Once the chatterbox is opened, it cannot be closed.

There was a faint air of arrogance and prestige.

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

Zhou Yusuo said slowly: "I just said that balancing the future ship technology is contrary to Ming Dynasty, and we should not need to travel far."

"The glory of balance comes to Malindi, how dare we covet more?"

In the closed life for nearly a month, Zhou Zhijun was completely normal.

Still the same sentence, bestowed by the gods, absolutely extraordinary.

Zhou Li'an is still watching the various places with the [Eye of the Void];
Before leaving, the trip around Africa explored the map, and the holy artifacts of balance appeared everywhere, leaving miracles and legends behind.

Zhou Li'an looked at Tiaoyu and the others again: "You didn't slack off in your practice, it didn't take much time, it's a manifestation of your desire to learn."

First, the angels such as Tiaoyu and the Malindi people.

Xue Nu looked at Zheng He and the others: "You should have seen the appearance of the army of judgment breaking open the gate of the blasphemer's palace with gunpowder creations..."

But if you want to compare it with Daming——

"Fishing rope..."

Including Zheng He and others serving the emperor, how can they not know the careful thinking of the Malindi people?
Zhou Li'an looked at Gaza and smiled slightly.

"The gunpowder used by the army of judgment is powerful enough to shake mountains and shake the earth!"

His expression changed.

Running around the valley these days.

For the people of Ming Dynasty, only grain seeds are the fairy goods that can change the fate of a country.

"What, what does this mean?"

From their point of view, farming is too cumbersome.

At first glance, several types of grains are not very beautiful.

But for Zheng He and others who have seen the terrifying divine punishment of the "Lord of Balance" in the past month.

"Brother Jumping Fish is going to Daming?"

In addition, it is to pay attention to the movements of the Ming fleet. If they want to abandon Zheng He and others first, he must chase them back, otherwise the line of deploying the Ming will be broken.

"The medical skills and principles practiced by Wangshan have made progress. You and the medical officer of the Ming Dynasty have dialectical medical principles. You can learn from each other's strengths and make up for your weaknesses, and you can also pass on the teachings. It is a merit."

But if my Lord says it is, it must be.

"Can you remember it later?"

Zhou Li'an's meditation at this time is thinking...

Only then did the voice of the gods appear: "I understand what happened these days;"

They were terrified.

Zhou Li'an said: "Among the people present, you are the only one with the highest realm of laws, so you will take these secret scrolls, travel with Zheng He and others to the Ming Dynasty, and teach them the laws of the earth along the way..."

It will attract everyone's attention.

"There may be changes in the profound meanings that you have mastered, but you can tell it at a glance."

The words fall.

"Praise you, praise the equilibrium!"

"It's rare to process the ship's wood technology, how to improve the hardness and durability."

If there is an angel of balance accompanying him, he will be able to explain this overseas adventure more clearly.

This will affect the subsequent material support and technology acquisition for the balanced time and space.


How can mortals rival the gods?

Daming trying to resist the equilibrium?

In this situation, they have to let their imagination run wild.

Just in time.

Upon hearing this.

However, one second before he spoke, Zhou Li'an preempted: "Since this is your common will, I agree!"

Wait until this matter is settled.

Zhou Wangshan praised immediately, because he knew that our Lord balanced and penetrated all things in the world.

The current balance group is in the limelight, and the attention is too high.

at the same time.

Because the law of the earth is a compulsory course, everyone has borrowed and transcribed it.

Now, it depends on how the Malindi people choose.

With the thinking ability of a modern person, Zhou Li'an instantly penetrated their minds.

Then, His voice faltered and turned into contemplation.

Everyone was overjoyed.

Twenty stones is ten times.

But what is the meaning of God's actions like this?
He is not afraid, Ming is strong and resists balance?

Gaza was frightened, and immediately wanted to kowtow and beg for forgiveness.

"Second, it is the secret code of 'Law of the Earth'!"

"My lord!" Zhou Ruoyu hurriedly called for his savior.

Zhou Li'an smoothed things over: "That's all."

Everyone including Jumping Fish felt novelty——

Then to the black powder creation technique, it will enhance the strength of the army.

But following Wang Jinghong's words, there were exclamations: "My lord once said that the three types of grains are potatoes and sweet potatoes, which can easily produce more than [-] shi per mu."

Corn is slightly inferior, and it is counted as six stones in the calculation method of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhou Ruoyu got used to this, and said with a pouty face, "My lord, riding horses, observing phenomena, and hunting are all part of practicing the profound meaning of the law."

My lord, the true god, knows everything that happened this month; doesn't that mean that his plans and plans have long been seen?

Daming and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, filled with overwhelming confusion.

Then came Daming and the others.

"My lord is above!"

There was a buzzing and whispering in the arena.

Speaking of it.

So he skipped it.

But they know, is there anything mortal bestowed by the gods?

The people of Daming looked at each other in blank dismay, again shocked.

The old lord Lu Barn greeted us in a hurry: "My lord, God, on behalf of the thousands of people in Malindi, I thank you for coming again in glory."

"On behalf of His Majesty Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, we worship the grace bestowed by the gods!"

He turned his head and shouted to the Ming officials: "You wait and shout with me!"

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"Equilibrium exists among all things!"

(End of this chapter)

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