Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 306 [305] Crossing the Third Ocean

"Well, that's the only way to do it."

Make up your mind.

The ship sailed slowly, and orders began to come out.

Zhou Ruoyu, Zhou Ruonan and Adina were also invited to the "Zhengwei Hall", which is the largest hall on the treasure ship, used for official business, meetings, and sentencing.

It's not the first time for a few people to come here.

The Ming Fleet has been moored in Malindi for more than two months. Zhou Yusheng wants to observe the structure of the Daming ship, and a group of monks of the law also board the ship to increase their knowledge.

The internal structure of the treasure ship is not luxurious.

Only the Zhengwei Hall is the facade for foreign reception, carefully crafted by hundreds of craftsmen.

Everywhere they went, they would invite people to visit to show the greatness of Ming Dynasty.

And in front of the envoys, Zheng He and others don't need to brag or show off.

"Okay, then I won't say any more!"

He took the initiative to say——

When they woke up the next day, Zhou Ruonan and Zhou Ruoyu were not in a good state.

The leader was none other than Wang Jinghong. With a face full of surprise, he ran towards Zhou Ruonan: "Oh, my little envoy, you are impulsive, impulsive!"

About half an hour.

If you go north to Arabia first, you can drive all the way close to South Asia and the coast.

Zhou Ruonan was the one who tricked him into boarding the boat! !
"Ruo Nan, this matter..."

Or it was because of this that His Majesty made the two match up, Zheng He set the tone for major matters, and Wang Jinghong was tactful for minor matters.

"Breakfast is ready, just wait for the two little gods to make adults go to eat."

"Sailing the sea is not as simple as you think... A little god makes a big..."

Wang Jinghong followed him all the time, and talked about the next arrangement: "The main ship sent a message earlier, the original route was to return by the same route, first go straight north to Mugudushu, and then make plans..."

He was already happy to please Zhou Ruonan, but now he is even more fanatical.

The two, one master and one mate, are the highest rank in the entire fleet.

In fact, Zheng He followed the same path.

Wang Jinghong slandered for a while, and immediately changed his expression and said: "Master Tang, since it is an appointment with the envoy of God, how can you break it?"

"This bird-haired soldier is out of shit luck! There will be success in the future! It's better to ease the relationship early!"

Tiaoyu sighed, he knew that even if he wanted to control them, he couldn't control them.

Some heroic words, just uttered from the mouth of a child, only made everyone present feel inexplicably shocked.

"Hehe, you also know that I have a temper, always right things and wrong people!"

Tiaoyu nodded: "There is still a long time to sail, if you have time, I can pass on the refined method to you."

Unexpectedly, Zheng He said at this time: "The little angel is a woman, is there something wrong?"

"In the Kingdom of God, before the rice is refined, it also has this kind of rough yellow texture, and the entrance is rough."

Wang Jinghong's spirits were brightened, he glanced at Zheng He gratefully, and quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Yes, yes, men and women always have private defenses; what's more, the distance between the two ships is not far, and every three days, we have to gather at the Zhengwei Hall to discuss sailing. schedule."

The two have completely torn skins apart. If they get along together, they will be bored with each other.

Only in this way can there be such a shocking move across the ocean.

Zheng He then interrupted: "Okay, Mr. Wang, this matter has been clarified..."

Tiaoyu's calm expression suddenly disappeared, and he glanced at him: "Shut up!"

When Tiao Yu heard the situation, he said urgently: "How can we separate? The cabin is spacious, and the few of us can squeeze together."

Tiaoyu said again: "Then you are thinking, what if they care about you?"

And when the "Third Ocean" secret code presented the real land and ocean outlines, they realized the danger of crossing the ocean.

Speaking of it.

Zhou Ruoyu heaved a sigh of relief, and laughed again: "Hahaha, that's right!"

While Wang Jinghong was talking, his eyeballs were still rolling.

After sitting for a while, everyone had dinner together and said goodbye to each other.

"Come here!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering: "Is there such a technique?"

When Zhou Ruoyu heard the name of the first mother and second mother, the speed of chewing slowed down, but he still didn't say a word.

There is not much wind and waves in the offshore, and if there is any problem, it can take seven or eight days to go to the shore to replenish and repair.

But now thinking of grandpa, she really realized the seriousness of the problem.

But Zhou Ruonan is not picky about where to live, not to mention how can she refuse to jump a fish?


Every once in a while in the formation of ships, there are drums and horns, and the orders are constantly sent, and the shifts are changed, making it difficult for them to sleep.

But before leaving, Zhou Ruoyu greeted again: "Tang Jing, what are you doing in a daze? Come with us!"

"Give this son of a bitch Tang Jing to Grandpa!!"

"Wang Jinghong, I've said it, don't call me a little god envoy!" Zhou Ruonan was furious, and always looked down on Wang Jinghong's flattery.


He doesn't care about martial arts competitions, it's Wang Jinghong who does.

Tiaoyu had nothing to say, he could only say: "Ruo Nan, then you can decide for yourself."

"My god envoys, how about this, I will take two little angel envoys to my ship, there are still vacancies there!"

Then, he changed the subject and looked at the three little ones: "Even if, as you said, my lord acquiesced in allowing you to go to Daming, have you ever thought about the consequences you will have to bear?"

But the order has been issued, and the owners of the ships should be notified.

Tiaoyu's words were as gentle as possible.

The matter has come to this point, words and reprimands are meaningless, it is better to let them understand the truth.

However, Zhou Ruonan raised his hand to wipe away his tears, his eyes were extremely firm: "If Grandpa knows my choice, he will definitely support me!"

"Wait for you and me to sharpen all the way and gain true knowledge, and we will surely achieve something in the future..."

But in other words, it is understandable why this girl is favored so much.

Wang Jinghong led the way, first he had to go to the side of the middle cabin ship, then he boarded the second-class ship as a bridge, and finally he was on another first-class treasure ship.

How dare Daming be compared with the Kingdom of God.

Tang Jing frowned suddenly.

"Well, everyone has heard about it."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Tiaoyu interrupted and asked again: "Ruo Nan, are you sure about your will?"

Everyone present was shocked, but most of them knew Wang Jinghong's way of life...

"Longevity, longevity! This is longevity." Wang Jinghong muttered in a daze, "This matter must be dealt with tomorrow..."

"I have no regrets!"

In this situation, everyone is happy.

"The upper class cabins of this ship are full..."

Now that the first-class cabins are full, and there are two more envoys, he can naturally get his wish.

The fleet set off again.

"..." Tang Jing was expressionless and motionless.

On the side, Zheng He and others also learned about the situation.

As long as it is beneficial, he will never let it go.

Involuntarily, tears welled up in his eyes.

"As for the little god envoy, you can't be negligent!"

Zhou Ruoyu was also in a hurry, he didn't want to be restrained by Tiaoyu along the way, so he quickly whispered to Zhou Ruonan: "Hey, say something, Brother Tiaoyu is rigid, if we really want to get along all the way, you and I won't even think about it."

As he spoke, Wang Jinghong bowed.

"When I become a talent, I can be like the chief, and contribute my strength to the great prosperity of the Kingdom of God!"

"Looking at each other across the boat, we can also communicate with each other."

"Don't forget our agreement, you and I will compete in martial arts."

Although they don't know the rank and status of the Great Elder, there is one key piece of information that cannot be ignored...

Tang Jing was baffled: "It's the fine grains that are reserved on the ship for your lords!"

Adina is the one who adapts the most to the environment. Compared with the two darlings who were born in equilibrium since childhood, why hasn't the little girl suffered?

Zhou Ruoyu shrank his arms, looking weak and weak.

He was halfway through.

Wang Jinghong was even more confused.

This person is just watching people order food, and he has already perfected the thick-skinned set of servants in the palace.

Tang Jing couldn't stand this, he replied with a red face, and agreed: "Then bother Mr. Wang!"

When the two went out, they saw Wang Jinghong arriving "just in time". In fact, they were ordering people to pay attention to the situation in the two rooms, and to report immediately if there was any movement.

"En." She nodded heavily, "sure!"

But the problem is...

Zhou Ruonan took a deep breath, and finally said: "Brother Jumping Fish, don't worry, this trip is of great significance, I will not act recklessly again, and I will restrain myself like a fool!"

"Even if the Great Elder receives a balanced blessing of glory and is in good health, but this trip will not last for several years, have you ever been mentally prepared?"

Outside Zhengwei Hall, there were hurried footsteps.

"What are the consequences?" Zhou Ruoyu grinned. He didn't intend to think at all. Anyway, he put on a look of what you can do to me, and made up his mind not to go back.

If the four envoys want to stay, they must be on Zheng He's main ship. Even if Wang Jinghong intends to fight for it, he can't find a reasonable reason.

With Wang Jinghong's recommendation that day, the more everyone drank, the more they felt superior.

Zhou Ruoyu also panicked, but he wasn't worried about the eldest mother and the second mother. Anyway, Wu and the third sister were still there. At most, he would go back to fight in a few years.

After dinner, go to the deck to visit again.

When the door was pushed open, more than a dozen figures were involved together with the sea breeze...

On the contrary, in the debris compartment before, the sound insulation effect is good, and I can sleep peacefully.

Zheng He also knew his selfishness.

"Hiss." Wang Jinghong gasped, and whispered to Zheng He: "Did the envoys really say that, the grandpa of the little envoy, the grandpa, must be granted immortality?"

Tiaoyu said: "Rice milling and polishing can separate the cortex and endosperm of brown rice. The resulting refined rice is pure white and soft in the mouth. It is two completely different experiences."

"Hahaha, that's right, well, I'm sure I'll be obedient, [-]%!"

"Although the rice on board is not as plump as Shennong rice, the texture is the same."

"If you really feel resentful towards me, what's the point of me, my elder brother, saying no to you?"

Wait until they board the ship.

"Why do you turn your face and deny people!"

"However, Mr. Zheng discussed with the envoy last night. From this morning, we will go straight eastward to Ceylon and officially cross the 'Third Ocean'."

At this point, in fact, there is no need to convene everyone to discuss, even if the plan is finalized.

"How can you sneak aboard?"

Returning all the way can be as short as a few months and as long as a year;
Such a long time is enough to cultivate feelings, whether it is to obtain information about the Kingdom of God for Daming, or to pave a way out for himself, there is a lot to do.

Speaking of Zhou Ruonan's grandfather.

"Traveling the countries and gaining true knowledge, this is also the way to practice the profound truth of the law!"

There is no difference between day and night when sailing, and the "helmsman" is rotated every two hours, while the "squad anchorman" works in three shifts, listening to the helmsman's orders at any time to adjust the mast and sail.

After these words, Zheng He and others were amazed: "The stocks on the ship are already japonica rice, how can we refine it?"

Tiaoyu was not upset, and continued: "The presiding judge and the teacher are away on an expedition, and the chief is busy with affairs. There are only your eldest mother and two mothers at home. Can you not worry about them?"

This word just fell.

One side is startled——

at this time.

The words fall.

Rest overnight.

Compared with Zheng He, it is more rigid.

After several people are seated, some will serve tea and snacks.

Regarding this point, Tiaoyu and others also found out: "Ruoyu and Ruonan both practice the law in the academy, and do not take care of farming."

As soon as he turned around, he turned his face faster than Zhou Ruonan, and he was about to raise his voice: "I heard that what happened..."

"It will take several years to go to Ming Dynasty, far longer than the presiding judge and teacher's expedition..."

Zhou Ruonan's grandfather had once received the grace of immortality, but the old man declined, and instead asked for Zhou Ruonan's name.

That is longevity, how can you give up so easily?

I also saw that Tang Jing was valued by Zhou Ruoyu...

It was exactly what Zhou Ruoyu said that they were acquiesced to go to Daming with the decree of some kind of god.

Zhou Ruoyu, on the other hand, gorged himself on dim sum, glaring at Tang Jing while eating: "What did you feed us yesterday? Rice is not like rice, and it only feels choked when you swallow it."

It’s just that in their own concept, no matter from East Africa to Ceylon, or from the Arabian Peninsula to Ceylon, the distance between the two routes is not far, and they are parallel.

He managed to find an opportunity, but if the envoy was unwilling to end it, wouldn't all the advantages be taken by Zheng He alone?

But Wang Jinghong didn't take it seriously, and he still smiled when he met the cold face: "Okay, okay, I won't bark, I won't bark, I will listen to the little... God envoy."

He looked at Zhou Ruonan again: "The great elder is old, and my lord once offered him the grace of eternal life in front of everyone; but in the end the great elder declined and begged my lord to give you a name."

He will just discuss, and many "guesses".

The girl's grandfather is the Great Elder of the Kingdom of God? !

Zhou Ruonan was already dumbstruck.

He could only pile up his expectant eyes, waiting for Zhou Ruonan to speak.

But now, Wang Jinghong is only looking forward to bringing the little envoy aboard as soon as possible, the so-called grievances are not worth mentioning at all.

How could she have thought of so much, after being bewitched by Zhou Ruoyu, her mind was full of feats of traveling to various countries and gaining true knowledge.

On the other side, Zheng He also immediately said: "The envoy is right, if you want to return, I can send a few ships to take you back to Malindi."

However, Zhou Ruonan glared at him again: "Shut up! I really have ambitions, what about you? You just want to have fun!"

A group of eunuchs were hesitating to speak, as if they wanted to fight for the opportunity to receive the envoy, but because of Wang Jinghong's status and power, they dared not speak.

Immediately after, Tiaoyu said: "You have to repent, there is still time to turn around."

But if you go straight from East Africa to Ceylon, you have to cross from the upper edge of the "third ocean" and sail into the deep ocean.

Unless they reach the destination Ceylon smoothly, there will be no supply places in the front, back, left, and right.

The original time and space or by accident, made the feat of crossing the Indian Ocean.

But up to now, it is a real clear goal, knowing it is difficult and bravely challenging it.

"Based on the God's envoy's calculations based on ocean currents, wind direction, and sailing speed, we can reach Daming within nine months at the fastest, and see the magnificent mountains and rivers of our Daming... This is a feat!"

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