Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 311 [310] Come on a pilgrimage

Chapter 311 [310] Come on a pilgrimage
Both No. 6 and No. 9 are in the north of the Kingdom of God.

The people of the Ma clan first left the Owens Valley and gathered in Sparks, the No. 6 big city, and then the people of the two cities set off together to head for the main health city.

After the completion of the two cities, the four cities in the north of the Kingdom of God will all be completed.

There are only six major cities remaining in the follow-up, and it is expected to be announced in more than two months.

The main city of the Kingdom of God.

Under the Temple Mount, the place of imprisonment is still heavily guarded.

When Xiao Hua came, the Templars greeted him respectfully: "Praise my lord, praise the balance, and pay my respects to the Chief."

"Open the door, I want to see these two people."

When the Templars heard this, they all looked at each other.

During the calamity trial in the main city, the two people in this courtyard were also taken there and passed the trial.

Before that, my lord's will had already been made known to all the cities in the Kingdom of God.

The Aztec crime king, Zimal Popoca, will be the "Deputy Leader of the Eastern Development Supervision Team", assisting the chief Li Huai'en, and supervising the land reclamation.

It can be described as a step to the sky.

Today, all the Knights of the Temple Mount are thinking about it and are terrified.

This prison was originally a place of punishment, but it happens that there are many talents...

First, Xiaohua, Niu Shi, and Zhou Weiguo were fined;

What next?
Xiaohua was named as the first monk to break through the law of Dzogchen, established the name of the Chief of the Temple Mount, and entered the Supreme Elder Hall.

Bullshit is the second person, promoted to the deputy chief judge of the army of judgment.

Even that Zhou Weiguo broke through to the Second Stage Dzogchen and became an inspector.

After going through the trial, he established the name of the chief of Temple Mount, the "Land of Salvation", and supervised the establishment of the Balance College, which will be in charge of the affairs of the Valley. Except for not entering the Supreme Elder Hall, his power is almost equal to that of Xiao Hua.

And now, the king of sin is pardoned, and he also holds an important position...

It can't help but make people think;
Could this prison be a blessed place?

The door opened, and when Xiao Hua stepped in, a young man and a middle-aged man stepped out of the house to greet her.

"My lord, why are you here?"

Didymar's current language laws have been mastered, which is much better than most law monks.

Xiaohua smiled, because she knew the efficiency of this prison's closed-door practice best...

With no distractions, the realm of law can advance by leaps and bounds.

However, it is not yet known how the sin king will enter the country.

She didn't answer Didymar's words, and looked at the young man with hidden sternness in her eyes.

Didymar immediately said: "Sin King, you haven't seen the chief yet?"

Zimarpopoka only felt that the girl in front of her, who was not a few years older than her, had a terrifying aura...

Especially those eyes, like a knife light.

But he still took a deep breath, and said in a straight voice: "Zimal Popoka pays his respects to the chief."

At this point, Xiaohua showed a satisfied smile: "The two of you took bullshit and Zhou Weiguo as your teachers, so you didn't lose face for them."

"A few months ago, my lord's decree came, and you should have heard it too!"

"Zimal Popoka, you will be my assistant and contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom of God."

"Let's go, my lord and witch want to see you."

Hear this.

The two masters and servants looked at each other in shock.

Of course they heard the decree, but they couldn't believe it, and they were really blessed and appointed by the gods.

Now that the chief came to summon me, I realized that my fate had changed.

Xiaohua takes them to the temple.

Many people have gathered in the hall.

At a glance, they saw many familiar faces...

The judge climbed the mountain and rescued them in pursuit;
Zhou Wangshan is the benefactor who brought Didymar back to life.

The two of them didn't dare to look too much, their hearts and minds were united, and they quickly walked to the high platform and knelt down to worship the two noble figures——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

"Equilibrium exists among all things!"

Xue Nu said: "Get up! The Aztecs have been redeemed, and they have surrendered to the balance, and are the people of the balance of our Lord;"

"The sins of both of you are also forgiven."

"From today, the two of you will follow Li Huaien and learn to deal with everything."

"After the trial of the Kingdom of God's disaster is over, you will set off for the No. 12 city, so that the people of the valley can also go through the trials of the disaster, and then go to the east to open up wasteland and work hard for the growth of the Kingdom of God."

Zhou Li'an watched with a smile, and added: "When the barren land in the east is full of fruit, I will give your clan a surname."

The words fall.

There was an uproar in the hall, and everyone was envious.

Didymar and Zimal Popoka immediately knelt down and praised.

Immediately, he came up the mountain and took out a letter, "Since the two of you have mastered the laws of Chinese, you can read it yourself. This is a letter written by Izkoater for your teacher Zhou Weiguo."

When the two heard this name, they were all moved.

Especially Didymar's eyes filled with tears.

It is precisely because of Izkoatl's kingly name that he is the attendant of the sin king and escorts him on the road to redemption.

Now that the redemption is accomplished, all the clansmen return, and Izkoater is safe, this is the most satisfactory ending.

At this time, everyone in the hall also empathized with the emotions of the two.

Just like when they surrendered to Balance and belonged to the Kingdom of God, the emptiness in their hearts was filled and fulfilled, and they just wept with joy.

The half-day pilgrimage ends.

My lord and witch leave.

Xiao Hua arranged a residence for the two of them, and from tomorrow onwards, she will follow her to learn how to deal with official affairs.

Zimal Popoca is only the deputy leader of the supervision team in name, at least until his law realm has not reached a high level, everything still has to be done by Didymar.

This man is a wise man, bullshit and Zhou Weiguo praised him a lot.

Xiaohua can also reduce a lot of burden.

And the eastern development was led by the Aztecs, and giving them the position of king of crimes could also stabilize the hearts of the people.

the present.

Zhou Li'an opened the [Time Flow Configurator].

Two months to speed up and start.


Equilibrium 15 years, November.

On the 6th and 9th, the big city trials are over, and the glory returns.

"Equilibrium News" continued to report on disaster topics, cheering for the subsequent six major cities.

Afterwards, No. 3 and No. 4 big cities set off to participate in the trial.

to early March.

The trials of the two cities on the 5th and 7th will start.

In a blink of an eye, it is already April.

Ayutthaya on the 8th and 10th were the final trial participants, and 10 people have been immunized against smallpox so far.

And in these days.

In addition to leading the pox vaccination, Zhou Wangshan also filled the medical law research team with many members.

And began to study the establishment of health centers in various cities.

Because the next stage is the population explosion growth stage, pox vaccination will become the norm.

At that time, there will be no need for isolation and treatment, but the health centers in each city will be responsible for the immunization law.

It is also necessary to improve the categories of disease treatment.

There are many medicines involved in the laws of medicine, which are not yet the law of creation. Antibiotics bestowed by our Lord are precious medicines.

However, the trip to East Africa also made Zhou Wangshan understand the efficacy of herbal medicine.

The medical skills of the Ming Dynasty are similar to those of the witch doctors of the kingdom of God.

They all use herbal medicine to treat patients.

Zhou Wangshan intends to sort out the cognition of various departments on herbal medicine, and then use the principles of medical skills and biology as a reference to sort out some prescriptions, which can be used as prescriptions for diagnosis and treatment in health centers.

In this regard, he asked our lord earlier, and he had to answer.

Although Zhou Li'an is a Western doctor, he does not reject Chinese medicine.

The development process from ancient medicine to modern medicine is inseparable from the development of medicine.

The kingdom of God has a temple of the law of balance, and all the characteristics of animals and plants are collected into a book.

The development of pharmaceuticals in the future also requires a corresponding accumulation of knowledge about these herbal medicines.

Just like wanting to build an engine, one needs to dig out minerals before smelting, synthesizing and casting.

4 month 9 day.

Our Lord came, after more than three months.

The calamity trial of the 10 cities of the Kingdom of God has been completed, and the trial process will advance to the next location.

Zhou Li'an had planned for a long time: "The cultivators of the law and the warriors of various ministries who have presided over the disaster trial work will set off today to drive the cattle to the No. 11 big city."

"Zhou Wangshan brought the medical law research team with me to the No. 12 city for personnel training and vaccination cultivation."

"Two cities running side by side can improve efficiency."

The vaccinia is taken from the body of a cow, but I want to take the vaccinia directly to No. 11 Ayutthaya, for fear that there will not be enough vaccinia.

Only by constantly infecting the cattle breed can there be a steady stream of vaccinia.

Therefore, drive the bull breed to the 11th Ayutthaya.

On the 12th, Dacheng brought the seedlings for re-cultivation of the vaccinia.

If Zhou Li'an came without the monks of the law, they would go on their own way, and it would probably take several months.


The first batch of valley people have arrived at the 12th big city, and the Lord God will come down and bestow grace and blessings.

The decree came.

All parties mobilized and prepared.

And Zhou Wangshan and others carried the seedlings and followed my lord to board the balanced holy vessel.



No. 12 Ayutthaya.

The prosperity of the big city even far surpasses the main city of Balance.

The Aztecs, Kema City and the Northland tribes formed more than 40 troops, which were included in this big city.

There was not enough housing in the big city, so a temporary camp was built outside the city.

However, the Sanitary Vice City has not yet been used, and it still needs to wait for the will of our lord to come.

The scene in the big city is certainly not as good as the cities in the valley.

There are no huge stone walls, no majestic buildings, let alone gardens and courtyards.

However, the people of the valley were not disappointed, on the contrary, they were filled with joy and happiness.

Food that fills the stomach, and the salt of God that is inexhaustible.

warm clothes
In fact, this "land of the extreme north" is not as cold as they imagined.

There are also law monks passing down teachings, constantly revealing the true knowledge of the world in front of everyone.

to noon.

There was a roar in the sky.

In the camp outside the city, the first to respond to the vision of the sky, because the power of our Lord's coming has long been imprinted in the hearts of every valley citizen——

"It's a true god!"

"True God is coming!"

Without the guidance of the monks of the law or the people of the big city, they gathered spontaneously and knelt down to the shadow of the holy vessel in the sky.

The big city was also boiling, and one after another rushed out of the city to greet them.

Beside Zhou Qin, the dean of No. 12 Balance Academy...

Izkoater, Queztitko, Mondaya and others were all there.

Mengdaya was established as the head of the interim court of the Land of Salvation, but before reaching the high level of the law, he still needs to go to the Kingdom of God to practice.

Previously, it was temporarily managed by Quez Titko.

However, when he returned this time, Quez Titko also accompanied him for the purpose of pilgrimage to balance.

After the pilgrimage, he will turn back and take charge of everything in the valley.

Today, the valley is still dominated by bullshit and Zhou Weiguo, so there is no need to worry about maintaining stability.

at last.

The holy artifact landed outside the city.

When the dust and sand blown up by the strong wind settle down, you will see the appearance of our lord and witch.

The praise and shouts of tens of thousands of people made every inch of this world tremble——

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"


Also at this moment.

The dharma body of the true god is condensed, showing miracles, and overlooking all living beings.

Hearing the familiar female voice again——

"Under balance, everyone is a citizen!"

"When you come to Him with all your heart, you are in His way..."

"And His Word will give you wisdom, courage and hard work!"

"The joyful and powerful Kingdom of God will be established in your own hands!"

"Praise him, praise the balance!"


The sound of praise shook the world again.

The members of the medical law research team behind my lord and witch all felt their hearts pounded violently by that sound wave.

Goosebumps appeared all over his body.

They only knew that the people in the valley were prosperous, but they never thought that there were hundreds of thousands of people in the first group of immigrants.

Since the Kingdom of God was established for 15 years, even if it is New Year's Day every year, the main city of Balance can accommodate at most 20 people.

Therefore, the magnificent scene in front of you has never been seen before.

And it makes people think.

When the valley is truly integrated, how huge is the kingdom of the gods with millions of people.

Among the kneeling crowd...

Queztitko, Mondaya, Loboda, and Ziboche all tried their best to see the appearance of the god clearly.

"Same, exactly the same..."

"It's Him, it's my Lord Balance!!"

They trembled and murmured uncontrollably.

The real image of our lord has long been imprinted in their minds, and they dare not forget it. Now that they can see the true face of our lord, the long-awaited expectation in their hearts has finally been fulfilled.

Mengdaya stared blankly, and after a while, shifted to the woman beside my lord...

"Then, that's the witch, right?"

"The "Balanced Book" records that Wu is the first human race to witness the coming of our Lord..."

"She was born on the snow mountain, so she is called the daughter of the snow mountain!"

"After sacrificing oneself, motivating the people, and establishing the Kingdom of God, you will be given eternal life!"

"In my eyes, a witch is the most holy person in the world..."

"She is more merciful to save the people of the valley..."

While she watched the whisper;

But he saw that witch's gaze collided with her.

Mengdaya trembled all over, trying to avoid sight, but seemed to be attracted by that pure gaze, and it was hard to separate.

So, she saw a smile.

The witch raised her hand and summoned her, and heard her voice spread outside the big city——

"You come."

At this time, the eyes of my lord also followed and fell on Mengdaya and the others, also showing a smile.

at the same time.

Tens of thousands of people were shocked, and they looked sideways, looking for the figure of the person summoned by the witch.

"Mondaya, no, don't neglect, go quickly..."

Loboda reminded that in fact, His Royal Highness, the eldest prince of Tepanix Kingdom, is also trembling all over now, unable to control himself.

Not to mention the girl Mondaya.

Her mind was blank, probably only relying on her physical instincts, she stood sluggishly, standing out from the crowd of hundreds of thousands of worshipers.

"Who is that person?"

"It seems to be the people of the valley..."

"Why can she get the attention of my lord and witch?"

"No, I seem to have heard that she is the princess of the country of the valley, who was chosen by our lord to personally judge the source of evil in the valley."

"That's no wonder."

In full view.

Mengdaya stepped through the crowd and came to the front of our lord and witch, but forgot to bow down.

Xue Nu raised her hand and stroked her face.

Mengdaya smelled a strange fragrance, which made her wake up suddenly.

She didn't know why there was an elegant floral fragrance on Wu's body, but she felt that this was the appearance of Wu in her fantasy.

"You have followed my example and redeemed your people;"

"The people who made a contract with you, have they all come?"

Mengdaya quickly nodded, and pointed somewhere: "It's them, kneeling beside me!"

Xue Nu looked away, and said to the soldiers of the Tepanix Kingdom: "Don't let down the benefactor who begged for your salvation."

"The people of Ruheng are willing to protect our lord with their lives, protect the kingdom of God, and protect me..."

"I hope that you, like the brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of God, will dedicate everything to our Lord, the Kingdom of God, and your benefactor."

Thousands of people were moved and tears filled their eyes.

Not only to be grateful to their princess, but also to the gods and witches;

Because praying that day happened in front of their eyes, and it was the kindness of the witch that gave them a life-saving path to salvation.

"We have all made an oath to serve our Lord and worship Balance with our flesh and blood, soul, and the devotion of our descendants from generation to generation!"

"Only listen to his instruction and follow his law..."

"Praise the Lord, praise the balance;"

"Praise you too, great witch!"

(End of this chapter)

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