Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 315 [314] Great Ming Outer Enclave

Chapter 315 [314] Great Ming Outer Enclave
What the Kingdom of God lacks the most today is talent.

Grassroots talents only need to spend time to cultivate and popularize education;

Like cow shit, Xiaohua, Zhou Weiguo and the like, which one was not trained by Zhou Li'an himself?
This is also the reason for taking Kukemo on a long journey.

Knowing the appearance of the heaven and the earth, seeing the customs of various countries, and the good and evil of human nature, can have extraordinary vision.

Arrived in West Africa again, at 12 noon.

The flight lasted 6 hours and spanned 3000 kilometers.

Zhou Li'an did not come to the "Empire of Mali" this time. During his first trip, the gods had predicted that the disaster would come decades later.

As for how to do it, they can only look at themselves.

At present, the territory of the Mali Empire has been drawn on the maps of some European countries, and some people have visited it by land.

And the place that must pass is nothing more than two points——

The next route is well planned.

Every night, he returns to the present world with Xue Nu.

"So, if you look like a 'Chinese', it is safest near the capital city of Palembang; because this place was originally established by the Chinese."

21st, Ceylon;

Today is 1415.

When you arrive in Daming, you don't have to worry about your identity.

or unequal treatment.

The final stop in Africa is still in Malindi.

5 month 24 day.

Zhou Li'an asked a few more people separately, and did a simulated situation answering. After confirming that there were no questions, he waved his hand——

Overseas Chinese also benefit from this, and their status is superior to others.

The Great Elder still wanted to help, of course Zhou Li'an would not stop him...

Seeing her clever appearance, Zhou Li'an couldn't help laughing: "You can't call Xue Nu anymore, your name is 'Si Nuo' this trip, it's's the young master, I spent thousands of dollars to buy the girl and maidservant!"

But you must know that all the places are barren now, except for the main big cities, the villages in every place still use the aboriginal language and cannot be civilized.

The H225 landed in southern Sumatra.


Only at the moment of landing.

"Master, Si, Si Nuo has written it down!"

Without going through this complicated environment, the Great Elder has been smooth sailing since the Kingdom of God was established;
But for Kukmo, the customs and customs of this place are somewhat similar to the existing Valley City-State Alliance.

Down south to Sri Lanka.

Lu Baen and the princes and ministers knelt down to greet them, and reported everything for several months.


On the 22nd, head north from Ceylon to Bangla (Bangladesh).

This is the prosperity of Srivijaya Palembang.

"The Ming Fleet passed through this place and asked for Zheng He's assistance. They bowed their heads and professed to help them wipe out the sea thieves. For Palembang, Daming set up the 'Palembang Propaganda Department', which belongs to the enclave of Daming."

It is also necessary for Xuenv and Ku Kemo to see the truest sentiments of the people.

But now, this place has not yet been built by the Portuguese fleet, and it is deserted everywhere.

It also saves the trouble of explaining the origin of Daming.

But there are also strong men with weapons hanging from their waists, who never leave their eyes.

Due to his previous flight experience, Zhou Li'an customized a pressure pump belt in this world. It only needs to be connected to the aircraft circuit, and Cookmo can complete the operation by himself.

["Asian Language Pack" (Southeast Asia) unlocked. 】

"Kukmo, why don't you help the young master and Miss Si Nuo to board the car?"

However, if you want to bring a dozen or 20 people, the goal is too big after landing.

Swish, swish.

"Can you remember?"

Zhou Li'an just smiled lightly: "They dare not do anything to me!"

Even if she is favored and favored by her master, Xue Nu never takes pride in being favored, because in her eyes, the more favored she is, the more pious she must appear.

As far as Malacca and Sumatra, it radiates to the countries of Southeast Asia, and there are brand-new language pack divisions.

However, Xuenv still dissuaded him.

"As long as someone loots, burns and kills, once the news is leaked, the whole family will be wiped out."

This trip passed through many countries, but none of them came;
Only overlooking from a high altitude, most of them look like Walled City tribes.

Xuenv understood and felt the malice.

Zhou Li'an said to the Great Elder again: "As for the Great Elder...he will be named Mo during this trip. You two call him Mo Lao. He is an old servant in my family. His full name is Modoc."

Based on the current time, at most 3-4 months before returning to Daming Quanzhou Port.


The island of Sumatra has just been through war and chaos, and the people's conditions are complicated;
The high-profile deeds of the four of them can't help but arouse people's greed.

Even Zhou Li'an couldn't bear to fly for a week.

That would make sense.

"I... have no problem. It is my honor to serve the young master."

"Before departure, I have a decree—"

Malay is the mainstream because of its population size.

Finally it was Cookmo's turn.

Then, Zhou Li'an made a background supplement——

Ku Kemo didn't know what it meant, but he understood from the gestures that he wanted to serve our Lord and the witch to get on the car.

What can Zhou Li'an do?
Pay for skills!

It is for their glory that the people serve the true God.

"My surname is Zhou;"

"Young master..." He only knew one address, so he whispered in Valley dialect: "Those people are walking with us, and they have evil intentions, should we speed up and get rid of them?"

The whole journey is 4000 kilometers, which meets the Dash8 battery life standard.

All the bones are bound to surrender to Malindi.

If you can't witness the national conditions of the countries with your own eyes, it would be too stupid to judge the strength of the big cities based on the size of the big cities.

"This is also the reason why Zheng He destroyed Su Ganra, because Su Ganra was regarded as a false king by the Ming court, and he did not pay tribute to the Celestial Dynasty to get his name corrected."

As early as 3 months ago, they should have arrived in the "Mountain Country" (Maldives), or even farther "Ceylon" (Sri Lanka).

Not only now, I set foot in West Asia a few days ago and unlocked the West Asia language pack;
Go to India and unlock the subcontinent language pack.

If it weren't for the lagging behind in technology, it wouldn't be overwhelmed by a small Spain.

Most of the maps in Africa have been opened, but there are also "small shadows" in some corners, and this trip can be fully opened.

"Master, what should I do?"

Zhou Li'an switched to the valley language: "You still don't know the rules of language, so you are still called Kukemo. He was an orphan I took in when I visited Xiyang, and I kept him as a servant."

For later generations, English, Cantonese, and Malay can be spoken in this area.

"The Chinese established the Three Buddha Qi Kingdom in the Old Port, led by Liang Daoming. He was later recruited and returned to Daming, and his deputy Shi Jinqing took over."

It would be better to wait for the return of Prince Qiaolan and Gaza. If they are smart enough, they will hire a "teacher" in Daming with a lot of money to return to the country.

But they are mortals, and they have not set foot on the earth for a long time, and they always feel empty and inexplicably frightened.

"You are like a person from the Yuan Dynasty, they don't know it, but my mortal body, which came down to the mortal world, looks like a person from the Ming Dynasty."

"Old Mo, can you remember?"

They were mostly shocked when they saw the two-horse carriage driving.

Dash8 flew across the Strait of Malacca, then transferred to H225, and finally arrived in Sumatra.

English is the blessing left by the colonists;

Xue Nu raised her head immediately: "Master...young master, Xue Nu is here."

"Snow Girl!"

Xuenv was the first to ask the question, and even asked the voices of the Great Elder and Ku Kemo.

Of course, the cruising range is insufficient, but it is hundreds of kilometers short, and there is no take-off and landing supply point in the middle sea area, so Zhou Li'an can only choose to detour.

Zhou Li'an created a map and planned a route.

Isn't the pronunciation of Modoc's language rules the homonym of the "Modoc" tribe in the tribal language?
"My lord, I remember..."

After several people boarded the car, Zhou Li'an pointed out the direction, and then the Great Elder drove forward.

Where have the old and the young seen such a battle.

Followed by.

And in this land of Southeast Asia, the ancestors of Chinese people from all over the place have the same experience, either they were exiled by criminals, or they moved overseas due to the turmoil of the current situation.

Loads in a second.

"At the same time, it also serves as an important naval base for Zheng He's fleet in Nanyang."

This move is to open the sea route map, so as to facilitate the monitoring of Zheng He's fleet on the way to the Western Ocean.

The system is old fashioned.

Cookmo is on the gas.

Take off from here, turn back and go straight to Malindi, explore more than 2000 kilometers and turn back.

5 month 17 day.

It is impossible to land and take off as flexibly as it is now.

However, Dash8’s modified battery life is already the most high-end among civil aircraft. If you want to increase the mileage, you need not only expand the fuel tank, but also renew the engine components.

Although there is a mountain country in the middle, the largest island in the Maldives is only three kilometers in diameter. It is impossible to find an 800-meter takeoff and landing runway on the three-kilometer island.

This itinerary can be regarded as completely opening up the system map of the South Sea coast, and the [Eye of the Void] can monitor the maritime business situation at any time.

This made Zhou Li'an wonder, is it because the number of people in the "travel group" for this trip is too small?

"I am the rich merchant who holds your slave contracts."

"Master, are we going to visit this place for a few days?"

As for why not fly straight from Malindi to Sri Lanka...

Zheng He may be in Palembang, even if he is not there, the deterrent power of the Palembang Proclamation Division is extremely terrifying.

But if this is done, taking off and landing on non-paved roads becomes a problem.

My Lord left, and the people of Dacheng were reluctant to leave; and this is the first time that Zhou Li'an sailed to a region other than Africa and set foot in Asia.

Because Gaza and his three sons all went to Daming for a visit, there was no one proficient in the language of God in the country, so Zhou Li'an did not leave Xuenv and the others behind, and they went together all the way.

When the Great Elder heard the name, he immediately laughed.

There may be three or two people who are curious about the coming of the true god, but the misty legends will not attract language experts.

On the second day, the route exploration departed.

To the limit mileage of 2000 kilometers, no footprints of Daming were found.

"Kilwa", once known as the Sea King of East Africa, also sent envoys to show favor to Malindi and send tribute.

Generally speaking, Zhou Li'an has achieved the optimal configuration under the current conditions.

However, Lu Barn said last night that he has ordered people to travel far away to find merchants and travelers who can understand the language of God. If possible, they will promote the language of God in the city.

Zhou Li'an chose the language pack, which was naturally the "Deluxe Premium Edition".

After all, when the Ming Fleet returned and held a grand sacrificial ceremony, people from all cities and ministries on the coast of East Africa came to worship, and countless people witnessed the manifestation of gods and miracles.

Assuming that Zhou Li'an appeared as a descendant of God, officials and nobles would naturally usher in to clear the way, but the problem is that the purpose of this trip is to visit Weifu and make a real trip through ancient times.

Such news is also spreading farther north, and the "Name of Equilibrium" has begun to enter the Arab world.

"Although my Zhou family's ancestral home was in Daming, due to the disasters in the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, they lived abroad in the Southern Song Dynasty and established a foothold in a distant place. This trip is to find our roots in the homeland of China."

It's not like some blond-haired little demon girl who doesn't know how to behave!
Zhou Li'an continued: "From today onwards, you can no longer call me 'my lord', but call me 'master' and 'young master'."

Therefore, it was a period of turmoil in the Ming Dynasty.

Instead, there was a carriage and two horses.

Route selected.

For the weak of the country, he suffered all kinds of discrimination and injustice.

But from ancient times to the present, the morals of the world have never changed, and the law of the jungle preys on the strong;
For those who are prosperous for the country, the people are proud and rampant;


【Congratulations on your first exploration of Southeast Asia;】

Zhou Li'an only smiled when he heard this.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the guide system was strict.

So far, the main shipping route of the third ocean has been opened.

Having been in the upper position for a long time, Xuenv has mastered the principles of human nature.

The Chinese commit homicide, as long as they can pay compensation, they can be exempted from punishment.

The prosperity of the city-state alliance is indeed very few.

On that day, there was another big celebration in the city.

Again, Zhou Li'an doesn't want to change the original track of the "Battle of Ceuta" for the time being.

Cook nodded repeatedly, and silently recited several times in his mouth.

Xuenv is the one who understands Zhou Li'an's jokes the most. Both the master and the servant get a bad taste, and they laugh so beautifully——

Too lazy to talk nonsense with the system.

This is also normal.

to Saudi Arabia on the 18th;

If you go further, you don’t need to look at those hundreds of years, just look at decades later...

My lord comes to Malindi.

"The name Li'an was chosen by the master of the family, and it means the peace and happiness of the common people!"

"The native kingdom is adjacent to the Chinese kingdom, and Suqian is tyrannical by nature. He is not as close to the Chinese as the old king, so it was wiped out."

"How dare a group of barbarians invade?"

After arriving, Zhou Li'an will fly and explore the open sea for 2000 kilometers, and then turn back.

Flew over the Persian Gulf on the 19th to Horumos on the north shore;

It was not yet morning.

If you go forward, the village is prosperous, and the vision in the sky will inevitably attract the attention of the people when it lands.

"Then, the witch is Si Nuo, and the great elder is Mo Lao. You have to write it down."

Ideals are of course full, but any Arab businessman who has the strength to travel to Ming Dynasty to do business, how can he look at Malindi, a small country.

In the name of Nanyang merchants, the origin can be explained.

The later generations are called the Seven Islands of Mumbai. Because of its geographical location adjacent to the sea, and its modern development is similar to Shanghai, Ah San exclaimed that the latter is Little Mumbai.


Then depart from Malindi, along Somalia, Arabia, and finally arrive in Pakistan.

"As early as a few years before this time, about 7 years before the balance, there were pirates raging in the local area, harassing the Chinese resident in the old Hong Kong."

And Zhou Li'an is the main one, or his ancestors enslaved some Mongolian troops that were defeated overseas when the Mongolian Yuan declined.

Cantonese is a blessing handed down by all dynasties and generations of ancient Eastern countries;

Cookmo also filled up the fuel, collected one of the oil drums, tables and chairs, and the group continued to set off.

After a day of exploring.

Xuenv took the lead, and the Great Elder and Kukemo all bowed down.

After walking for an hour, we encountered many businessmen and travelers.

Therefore, Zhou Li settled down in Sumatra as a stopover and rested for a few days.

How can it usher in development if it has not been moistened by the colonists?

The realm where the balanced sacred weapon flies into the sky is certainly miraculous and has a special taste.

It is now mid-April.

H225 disappeared.

"Zheng He visited this place before going to Malindi. At that time, there was a military turmoil in Sumatra, and the prince Suganla of the indigenous kingdom rebelled. Afterwards, he was suppressed by Ming Dynasty and brought order out of the chaos."

And then extended from Burma to Siam.

And the place he chose to land was only 70 kilometers away from Palembang, the great city of the Srivijaya Kingdom.

The Great Elder could understand the laws of language, but Ku Kemo had only rested for a short time, so he couldn't even understand it.

"And this would not have been possible without the promotion of the Lord of the Three Buddhas, the Chinese leader 'Shi Jinqing'."

Equilibrium 15 years, June 5.

Only then did Zhou Li'an explain the reason——

"Kukmo, you learn how to drive with Mr. Mo, and Mr. Mo's next trip depends on you."

It has been said before that the natives commit homicide and are punished by death.

Zhou Li'an created a large amount of fuel and ordered Cookmo to replenish it.


The Arab world has very close contacts with Europe, so if you start the game too early, what will you do later?
On the 20th, arrived in Gujarat, which is already India.

Kukmo sighed several times: "The kingdoms of this land are so small, far less than a city in a valley."

And this trip, isn't it just to see the sights of the countries?
Zhou Li'an nodded: "The specific number of days to visit depends on the situation;"

For example, set sail from "Guli" and arrive at Hulumos on the 25th with the wind.

This place is close to "Palembang", and when we just landed, we looked down from a high altitude, found the main road to the capital city, and got on the right track after a while.

This place is also one of the main supply places for Zheng He's fleet, which has been recorded in historical materials many times.

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu looked at him jokingly, and then the elder suddenly came to his senses: "Young master, young master, this old servant has made a note."

Zhou Li'an did not descend in West Asia.

Cook in the wilderness after landing.

Therefore, the wings of the butterfly are restrained as much as possible to avoid any accidents.

The Great Elder and Ku Kemo were having a hard time, showing signs of exhaustion, as if they were working like trapezemen in this world.

Horses are expensive in the local area, not like ordinary people can use, and seeing that the four people have extraordinary appearance, most of them dare not get close to them.

No matter the Snow Maiden, the Great Elder or Ku Kemo, they all look like people from the Yuan Dynasty.

The Daming Sea is banned and closed.

Nanyang no longer sees the majestic Daming Fleet flying the sun and moon flags.

In 1470, the Srivijaya Kingdom established by the Chinese was destroyed by the indigenous kingdoms.

A prosperous era, a paradise for the Nanyang Chinese, has come to an end, and the dust has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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