Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 324 [323] Daming!Ming dynasty! !

Chapter 324 [323] Daming!Ming dynasty! !
Indonesia, Sumbawa Island.

The Ming Fleet docked at a natural deep-water harbor, which was later called "Bima Port", named after the indigenous kingdom established by the local Bima people.

If the original plan had been followed, the Ming Fleet would have sailed into the South China Sea, and would be able to return to Daming before June.

But because of the grace bestowed by the Lord on the Great Atlas, Zheng He also had the desire to explore the unknown.

This is not the first time that Chinese people have set foot on Bima. As early as the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Dayuan, a private navigator, arrived here.

He also wrote Daoyi Zhilue, which introduced in detail what he had seen and heard during his travels.

After several months at sea, after reading this book, Tiaoyu became interested in a special product of Sumbawa Island——

black oil.

It can be used for ink processing, and can also provide ignition source for fuel.

However, Wang Dayuan confirmed through on-the-spot investigation that this object was the raw material for the army to manufacture the "Fierce Fire Oil Tank" in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

This thing can be understood as a flamethrower, which does not go out when exposed to water, and is used no matter in siege or defensive warfare.

But those who know about it are very few.

Due to the lack of production areas, only the locals in the production area know its characteristics, and it cannot be fully popularized in the military.

And for jumping fish and others from Balanced, they are all too familiar with this thing.

"Oil, a steady stream of surface oil gushes out, and there must be extremely high reserves underneath!"

Outside the big city No. 5, the oil plant area under the charge of the oil research team has been in operation for two years.

Numerous law monks have made a pilgrimage to the "Hallows Factory".

Now that the mobile group has been established, the value of oil is fully revealed;
Not to mention, the monks of the Temple Mount are all above the high-level and low-level of the profound meaning of the law, so how can they not know what the next industrial development depends on?


No. 6 major city mainly produces coal;
The No. 5 city mainly produces oil.

Only when mortals learn to control and utilize energy can they truly surpass primitiveness and enter a new era full of balanced scientific laws of divine power.

When Zheng He and others saw the "black oil", they also felt the magic of its characteristics and were very excited.

But the excitement of the two sides is very different.

Zheng He was inspired by the navigation of the big atlas, which made them set foot on unknown lands, and verified the description in "Dao Yi Zhi Lue", and what he said was true.

The fog of the world is being lifted little by little, allowing them to see the true outline of the world.

It turns out that not far to the south of Ming Dynasty, there are endless islands, lands, and kingdoms that are unknown to the world.

The fleet stayed in Bima for 10 days.

The Bima Kingdom warmly received the distinguished guests from the Celestial Dynasty, and even in front of this powerful fleet, they swore to submit to the Ming Dynasty. Like envoys from other countries, they will visit Daming and present gifts to His Majesty the Ming Emperor.

And at the same time.

Tiaoyu and others marked the oil location.

They had no knowledge of the creation of oil, so they could not prove the reserves, but they did record Aboriginal accounts of the emergence of "black oil".

This black oil has existed since countless generations of their ancestors, and it will never dry up for hundreds or thousands of years.

Bima is extremely far from equilibrium.

However, Tiaoyu and others already knew the will of our Lord and the future development of the Kingdom of God.

Accession to the WTO is an inevitable result.

Daming has been able to sail overseas, so there is no reason for the balance to stop.

When they were in Malindi, they had been listening to the thoughts of Zhou Yusheng, the leader of the ship research team——

"The Shenguo mobile team uses fuel engines as their power source, so why can't ships?"

"After the fuel engine is installed, the ship no longer depends on the wind direction, and can sail through the waves anytime and anywhere."

"Of course battery life is a big problem..."

"However, the profound meaning of the law of the earth has long been described. The world is vast, and all parts of the earth have resource reserves."

"Everyone may wish to imagine, if there are my balanced 'oil factories' all over the world, then when the ship travels to any place, it can be replenished with fuel!"

Up to now.

Didn't Bima's discovery perfectly cater to Zhou Yusheng's imagination?
"Although Zhou Yusheng's temperament is simple and honest, his understanding of the profound truth of the law is much higher than mine."

"When I return to the Kingdom of God, tell him the news, he must be ecstatic!"

6 month 2 day.

The Ming Fleet set sail again and will cross the Makassar Strait and sail along the west coast of Luzon into the South China Sea. According to Zheng He and Tiaoyu's calculations, it will reach Daming in mid-July.

same day.

Dash8 is flying over Xiangjiang.

The hills and mountains are barren and uninhabited;

Villages and towns appeared only near the sea, and they all inherited the legacy of the inspection department of the Yuan Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty banned the sea, and the pirates knew that there was nothing to find, so they stopped intruding, and the Xiangjiang Inspection Department existed in name only, and it was no longer prosperous in the past.

Continuing to go north, you will arrive at the estuary of the Pearl River.

Zhou Lian controlled the flying altitude of Dash8 to above 5000 meters. Although the roar of the engine will still be transmitted to the ground, at least it is hidden in the clouds and fog, and the naked eye is very small.

And overlooking from high above.

The vast river rushing out to the sea is a different feeling from sailing the sea. There is a clear boundary between the rivers on land and the sea, which only makes the three Xuenv feel the magic of the planet created by our Lord.

Going north along the river, there are naturally not a few bridges across the river, and there are no heavy cargo ships coming and going.

I saw spots on the surface of the river that were as big as sesame seeds, either densely or scatteredly distributed.

Xuenv had already taken out her binoculars, and exclaimed after looking down: "Those little dots are all ships? Hundreds of them!!"

"I thought Guangzhou was not as good as Palembang, but before it even reaches the city, the population is booming just on the river."

He passed the telescope to Kukmo and the Great Elder, so that they could see the most powerful country in the world today.


The city of Guangzhou is already under your feet.

Compared with Palembang, the ancient city is cramped and narrow. The city was only built on the north bank of the Pearl River, while the south bank was still barren.

This was expected by Zhou Li'an. The development of Guangzhou had to wait for the orthodox years, when wealthy smugglers funded the construction of a new city and began to gradually expand.

During the Longqing period, the sea ban was abolished.

The wealthy smugglers jumped onto the stage and laid a solid foundation for the later Guangzhou Thirteen Bank's foreign trade with years of operating capital at sea.

But from Zhou Li'an's point of view...

There is no need to wait 200 years for the development and rise of Guangzhou.

Because the historical trajectory has been deviated due to equilibrium.

Dash8 flies across the city of Guangzhou.

Zhou Li'an repeated his old trick, landed in the wilderness far away, then changed to the H225 to fly nearby, and made his way to the big city.

Before night falls, stay at a merchant's inn.

I thought that someone would ask for travel documents, because the household registration management was strict during Zhu Di's time, and local people were strictly prohibited from fleeing.

But probably because the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, no one cares here.

Because Guangzhou is a commercial city, if the locals make things difficult for businessmen, it will be difficult to pay the grain tax every year.

Yes, Guangzhou is not a grain-producing area. Even if the climate is suitable, the road out of the province is difficult.

Instead of growing food locally and transporting it to the capital at a loss, it is better to settle it directly with money, and then buy food and grass elsewhere and hand it over together.

Therefore, Guangzhou focuses on commerce, which saves a group of people the trouble of being checked.

The next day was dark.

Zhou Li'an entered the city together with the merchants staying in the store.

The city gate was not checked, and the double carriage frame played a role again.

The first impression after entering the city is probably the colorful and intoxicating fragrance of flowers.

Guangzhou is also known as Yangcheng and Huadu;
The former is due to myths and legends such as Wuyang Immortal, and later Wuyangmenfang City was established in the city, which became a prosperous commercial area and became famous far and wide.

And the latter is quite straightforward...

Because flowers are produced in four seasons, Guangzhou people love flower art. They can arrange flowers in vases and place them on tables to cultivate their sentiments.

It is also a tribute for daily worship of gods and ancestors.

With extremely high demand, a thriving industry has naturally developed.

Passed down to future generations, it has become a custom for Guangzhou citizens to visit the flower market during festivals.

And now.

There are flower farmers everywhere, whether it is fresh flowers or artificial flowers.

Zhou Li'an was aware of this situation, and such a scene had a huge impact on the three of Xue Nu.

"My lord, can flowers still be traded?"

"What is the practical use of flowers? Don't they all wither in a few days."

"It's hard for me to imagine that if the flowers are supplied in the balanced supply and marketing cooperative... the people will definitely not exchange them."

Zhou Li'an said: "Folk customs, regional customs, beliefs and legends, and even everyone's cognition is different, and the needs will be different."

"To give the simplest example, you know that petroleum is precious, and it can be used to refine gasoline, diesel and many by-products."

"But others don't know, when you sell that black crude oil, others won't understand..."

"Because you have different perceptions, they don't know the value of oil! Only you know."

"Looking at the present, the flowers are fragrant and refreshing, and everyone has the vision of pursuing beauty; but most beautiful things are difficult to achieve."

"But now, you only need to pay a copper coin to reap good things. Isn't it worth the money?"

"In Daming, and even in old Europe, flowers carry the meaning of good wishes."

"It can even be used as a medium to convey friendship."

Speaking of this, Zhou Li'an walked to the side of the road, made some broken silver, and took a bunch of flowers.

Ignoring the flower farmer's grateful praise, he came to Xue Nu and handed the flowers: "In my heart, our Si Nuo is as beautiful as this flower..."

Snow Maiden was stunned.

In a daze, her cheeks were flushed, but she must feel the transmission of this friendship.

"Master..." Her voice was soft.

Provoking a kind smile from the elder, and seeing Kukemo staring blankly, the elder turned his head away: "Don't be profane."

A group of people toured the city.

With the lessons learned from Palembang, I left Guangzhou City before the evening curfew.

The city of Guangzhou is still too small, even though there are many merchants everywhere, a new face will still arouse suspicion.

6 month 4 day.

Dash8 headed eastward and arrived at Anxi County under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou Prefecture in one hour, which is one of the sources of the Jinjiang River.

At this point, Zhou Li'an will stay in Quanzhou for more than a month until the return of the Ming Fleet.

Of course, Anxi is still some distance away from Quanzhou Fucheng.

To land here is to learn about the customs of the people, and go south all the way to the Quanzhou government station.

Only three days later.

Zhou Li'an met a tea merchant in Anxi County and bought "Wen Yin".

Citation is similar to an ID card, which states the origin of the ancestral home, where it comes from, where it is going, and also states the height, appearance, and purpose of travel.

Just like Guangzhou City, Quanzhou Prefecture attaches great importance to commerce, especially after Zheng He's three voyages to the West, Quanzhou Prefecture gathered many merchants and travelers from Southeast Asia and even food.

It is true that the Ming Dynasty strictly enforced the sea ban, but these merchants are different, and belong to the "Siyi Pavilion".

Zhu Di hoped that countries from all directions would come to the court, so he set up the Siyi Pavilion to recruit envoys from various countries to cultivate language and culture...

Let all the countries know the background of the Ming Dynasty and the prosperity of literature and Taoism.

Since the Tang Dynasty, Dongtu has been a model for the surrounding countries to imitate and learn from, and it can be said to be the representative of the earliest cultural invasion.

Under the Siyi Pavilion, a group of Nanyang and big cannibals have a reasonable and legal identity.

Even though hong merchants are not mentioned in name, they can travel between the two countries at any time, and the items they bring with them are not included in the category of commodities.

The officials and merchants of the Ming Dynasty also took advantage of the loopholes in the law to openly trade and sell foreign specialty products, earning a lot of money.

Therefore, in Quanzhou Prefecture, as long as you have money, it is not difficult to obtain "citing".

The tea merchant's surname was Dong, and he was about to sell tea at the Siyi Pavilion in Quanzhou, so he walked with Zhou Li'an all the way.

Zhou Li'an was "open and honest" to him, bluntly saying that he is an overseas survivor, and this time he came back to find the roots of his ancestral home.

If he wants to sell tea overseas, Zhou Li'an can also help him clear the way.

With the temptation of "trade routes", this brother Dong was so enthusiastic that Zhou Li'an paid for everything he spent along the way.

After arriving in Quanzhou Fucheng, he took them to a small courtyard in the city, "Young Master Zhou, you and I have met for several days, and we fell in love with each other, just like Boya Ziqi, we are bosom friends."

"If you don't mind, you can stay with my little principal. When the Western imperial envoy is leading the fleet to triumph, you and my brother will go to watch the ceremony together."

"The first three fleets arrived in Hong Kong, and there were celebration ceremonies in Quanzhou City. Anyone who is in charge of a registered commercial bank under the Quanzhou Chamber of Commerce is eligible to participate in the banquet."

"Last time, Mr. Zheng and I were only separated by one floor of Taishui Pavilion. He was on the main building in the east, and I was downstairs in the side building! You can see Mr. Zheng's heroic posture!"

This person's name is Dong Chengfeng.

It's not a wealthy family, but a small businessman with two tea shops in Quanzhou City.

As soon as Zhou Li'an talked about meeting Zheng He's fleet, he volunteered to make suggestions.

Because Zhou Li'an revealed some overseas foreign silver coins and jewelry, which convinced him that it could unblock some shipping routes and sell tea abroad.

Otherwise, with his net worth, he would not be able to reach the threshold of the Siyi Pavilion.


Zhou Li'an settled down with peace of mind, and got together with Dong Chengfeng every now and then to chat about overseas experiences.

Dong Chengfeng might have doubts at first, but with the deepening of communication, he only heard that the overseas affairs that Mr. Zhou said were basically consistent with some cipher texts circulated in the Siyi Pavilion, so he no longer had any doubts.

He tried his best to maintain this relationship, and strictly guarded Zhou Li'an's origin so that he would not be cut off.

Because of his actions.

It also saved Zhou Li'an a lot of trouble.

Every morning, the Great Elder and Kukemo went to the market to buy, and prepared meals after returning.

When the food is fragrant, my lord and witches will come on time.

After dinner, they either wandered around the city, or went out for an outing with Dong Chengfeng, what a pleasant day!
Time is growing.

The four of Zhou Li'an seemed to have integrated into Daming and truly became a member of the Quanzhou Prefecture.

He didn't turn on time acceleration.

Because it is now July.

The battle of Ceuta is already in the preparation stage, and the Portuguese army will capture Ceuta in August.

In addition, the traces of the Ming Fleet were also re-locked by [Eye of the Void].

Equilibrium 1415 years, June 7.


[Eye of the Void] Consciousness descends.

The Ming Fleet has passed through the Penghu Islands, only 150 kilometers away from Quanzhou.

Even if it is night.

Each ship formation is also brightly lit, and the orders are constantly sent, raising and lowering the sails, and adjusting the course.

As everyone knows...

As soon as you pass Penghu, you will see Daming in front of you.

There was no sleep on board that night.

Zhou Ruonan brought Adina to the deck early, and Wang Jinghong, who was loyal and flattering like an old dog, was beside him.

He ordered someone to bring the cloak: "My lord, little Adina, it's windy on the deck, so don't catch a cold."

After several months of getting along, Zhou Ruonan had already gotten used to Wang Jinghong's flattering attitude, no matter how he tried to stop it, it was useless, so he could only acquiesce.

After a few hours.

When the first light of day falls.

The clouds and mist on the sea are scattered due to the light, and a stretch of east and west stretches, and the endless horizon is impressive.

Even Wang Jinghong couldn't help shouting loudly——

"Land, it's land!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"We're back!!"

"Master Little God Envoy, Lord Little God Envoy...Look, that's me, Daming, that's Daming!!"

Zhou Ruonan was dizzy from being shaken by Wang Jinghong, but his heart was ecstatic, and he couldn't help but mutter——

"Da Ming! Daming!!"

(End of this chapter)

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