Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 332 [331] The Fall of Ceuta

Daming, Ying Tianfu.

In the courtyard my lord and witch come;
Both the Great Elder and Ku Kemo were dressed as Ming people, and they wore turbans like some foreign merchants in the big city.

After all, the two look too special, and they can only dress like this for low-key considerations.

As long as you don't have too much social contact with the outside world, you won't violate any religious taboos.

And the neighbors are not surprised by this.

It is not normal that there are two more Hu merchants in the alleys. The Ming Dynasty banned the sea, but there were also people who came to the capital by land.

I heard that there are more Hu merchants in Xi'an Prefecture, and some of them took Han names and took root in Daming.

The capital is now in Nanjing, and the number of foreign merchants is naturally huge, not to mention the establishment of the "Siyi Pavilion". The number of envoys, servants, and guards from various countries is also an astonishing number.

"What happened recently?" Xue Nu asked.

Because she is a mortal, unlike my lord true god who can penetrate everything in the world.

The Great Elder carefully glanced at Zhou Li'an, and found that my lord knew his face well, and said to Xuenv: "The Ming Fleet should not have returned, but there has been a letter from a fast horse, and it will arrive in a few days."

"Recently, the Siyi Pavilion has started to purchase a lot to facilitate the reception of envoys from various countries..."

"In addition, I also heard that the Emperor of Ming Dynasty is not in Yingtian Mansion, and the Ming court is the crown prince's supervisor of the country."

"I don't know more about it. Ku Kemo originally proposed that he wanted to rent a tea house to buy and sell with the money rewarded by the young master, so that he could listen to the news from all parties, but I was afraid of making too much noise."

Xue Nu nodded, and looked at my lord as if asking for advice.

Zhou Li'an said: "Zhu Di is still in Shuntian Mansion. He has postponed his Northern Expedition, but he is also worried. He is also afraid that Wala will pretend to surrender and counterattack, and he is negotiating with various ministries of Wala."

"There is nothing to pay attention to in Yingtian Mansion. Prince Zhu Gaochi's life is thinner than paper."

The Great Elder and Ku Kemo were shocked when they heard this;
Could it be that this prince is about to perish?
Zhou Li'an would not explain too much, and looked at Ku Kemo with interest: "Tell me about your idea of ​​opening a teahouse."

Kukmo quickly stood up straight and began to report in Chinese.

For a month, he did not let go of his law practice.

There are not only the secret code of laws given by our lord and the witch, which can systematically improve the realm of laws, but also a suitable language environment for practice.

Now with some strange accents, he stumbled and said: "As Mo Lao said, the teahouse can collect information, so that I won't be ignorant..."

"Just like in the valley, most of the merchants in the city-states are spies, so that information can be communicated and communicated. They know both business and war."

"And I'm more curious about the method of Ming Dynasty's business and trade."

"This place is different from the valley, there is less barter here, and most of them are measured by copper coins, which is similar to the feather coins in the valley... but the valley is easy to break, while the copper coins are strong, which is a good way to trade."

"I have seen the operation of the 'Equilibrium Supply and Marketing Cooperative' in the No. 12 city of the Kingdom of God. People can exchange items with paper tickets of 'contribution points', which is also very convenient..."

"It's like that precious banknote. You can buy everything you want with just a piece of leather paper."

Zhou Li'an asked again: "Then what's the difference between treasure notes and paper notes?"

Kukmo immediately replied: "Precious banknotes can be bought and sold, but paper bills can only be bought...that is, exchanged."

Zhou Li'an was very satisfied after hearing this. The so-called true knowledge comes from practice, which is what he said;
Since Kukmo is interested in business affairs, and now he is staying in the world's largest city, it can be cultivated.

"According to Kukemo's intention, run!"

"Since you want to do it, make it bigger and better!"

"Try intelligence gathering, but don't act too hastily, everything is based on safety as the first criterion;"

"The second is to earn money, but this vulgar thing is useless. I hope that you can see the true knowledge from the platform medium of business; at the same time, you can comprehend another higher-level law, the economic law."

"Whether you get something or not, you have to write it down. When you return to the Kingdom of God, you can also go to the Temple Mount to communicate."

After hearing this, the two were a little excited;

It's not that the Great Elder doesn't support Cukmo's proposal, it's just for the sake of safety.

Now Kukemo's plan has been affirmed by my lord, and he is quite pleased with the child's growth.

Only Xuenv pondered and said after pondering: "Young Master, if you don't show the glory of balance, opening a restaurant may be too loud, and it will be difficult to stabilize the situation with only the Great Elder and Ku Kemo in control."

After all, this is someone else's land;
The farce on the Wanghai Pavilion in Palembang, Sanfoqi left a deep impression on Xuenv.

The old land is full of crimes, and mortals are lost in their desires, losing balance in a blink of an eye.

One old and one young look like aliens, their identities are too conspicuous;
If someone with good deeds is investigated, it may alert the Siyi Pavilion;
When the Siyi Pavilion came to inquire again, they knew that the identities of the two were unknown and they were afraid of being arrested and interrogated.

However, since Zhou Li'an raised this matter, how could he not consider it accordingly.

He smiled lightly and waved his hands to bless the creation——

Swish swish.

Cardboard boxes with no printed text and patterns appeared out of thin air.

Xue Nu was startled at the first moment, and even couldn't choose what to say: "Praise Balance, Master...Is this Braised Beef Noodles?"

"And the mutton hot pot base?!"

Although there is no logo on the box, Xue Nu has cooked it many times, and she is amazed by the taste... Oh, no, this is the creation of the true god of our lord.

Braised beef noodles and Little Sheep hot pot base are all ordered domestically, and the packaging is deliberately banned.

Of course, there is still a plastic-sealed seasoning packet inside.

But it doesn't matter, just burn it after use.

Even if someone steals it, no one knows what plastic is.

Today's food is scarce, and the spices are far less comprehensive than later generations, let alone these "technical and ruthless products" in this world.

After these Ming people tasted it, they would surely bite off their tongues.

Braised noodles are the basic meal;

The Little Sheep Hot Pot is the top-level set meal. Freshly cut mutton is soaked in the hot pot and served with sesame sauce. It is called a top.

Not to mention the authentic mutton hot pot in the present world, and now the main selling point is "technology and hard work".

Zhou Li'an pointed to the box and said, "Xue Nu, cook mutton hot pot tonight, and then you can cook a bowl of braised noodles for each of them to taste."

"With these two products, it is enough to move the capital."

The Great Elder and Ku Kemo sighed in admiration, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

All the way from the Kingdom of God to Daming, they were fortunate enough to taste a lot of delicacies bestowed by the gods;

And this month, my lord and the witch left, they ate bland Ming food, which was already tasteless.

It's hard to go from luxury to frugality.

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

The two couldn't help sighing, Zhou Li'an didn't blame them for their slip of the tongue.

And Xuenv murmured for a while: "Famous for moving the capital, famous for moving the capital..."

"Ah, son, I understand!"

"The greater the reputation, the more people dare not provoke it easily..."

"Besides, Ruonan and Ruoyu have both eaten hot pot. If they visit because of their reputation, they will know that this restaurant is related to Balance!"

Zhou Li'an nodded: "Ku Kemo stays in front of the stage, and the Great Elder hides behind the scenes. If the two younger ones really come, unless it is absolutely necessary, the Great Elder is not allowed to show up, and Cu Kemo will deal with it."

"Don't admit it, don't veto it, that's all."

Not rushing to conquer Daming does not mean not making advance preparations;

For example, within the Kingdom of God, there is now a complete development direction, and Zhou Li'an can tour the countries of the old land at any time without having to guide the direction with his hands.

From now until the Ming Dynasty, Song Feiyin, the Three Buddhas in Jugang, first sowed the fire of balance, and then Dong Chengfeng from Quanzhou was the middleman.

Since Cookmo has the corresponding talents, it is natural to make some early layouts, and the next three will communicate with each other, laying the foundation for a balanced development of the East.

Otherwise, time would speed up and there would be no progress in Daming and Nanyang.

Hearing Wu De's explanation and my lord's will, the two immediately responded: "Yes, son."

Cookmo went to buy mutton for tonight's tasting.

The great elder was not idle either, and went to the tooth store to find the toothman to search for the shop.

It is impossible to enter the city, but the prosperity of the outer city is not weak at all. As the saying goes, those inside the city want to come out, and those outside the city want to enter.

In the restaurant business, there are not many restrictions.

Xue Nu served a pot of tea, and then served the massage for my lord.

Zhou Li'an closed his eyes.

[Eye of the Void] is opened, and the consciousness of the gods has descended into the distance;
North Africa, Ceuta.

The commercial centers of the Berbers and Arabs also needed military protection because they were profitable.

But now, there is no prosperity in the city, and the city walls still have traces of burning fire and gunpowder explosion.

At the same time, large firearms should maintain their world-class status. Taking the iron Hongwu cannon as an example, the weight was as high as [-] catties.

Zhou Li'an saw this kind of big guy on the main ships of Zheng He's treasure ships to deter overseas.

In the old Europe, the development of firearms is also progressing steadily, and there is even a trend of gradually catching up.

At this time, it was not the first time that Ceuta was full of war.

As early as last month, Joao I of Portugal attacked Ceuta, but was blocked by the Ceuta people.

The civilians in the city lit extra torches and candles to illuminate the night sky, using this as a measure to deceive the Portuguese from invading, so that they had a chance to breathe.

However, compared with the expedition of the [-] Portuguese army, Ceuta appeared weak, and the big city was besieged for a month, and it was exhausted physically and mentally.

It is still the night of the 23rd, and the big city is silent.

But in the silence, the undercurrent is raging.

Smart people have seen the signs of defeat, and merchants value profits, they will never live and die with the people in the city.

Then the best way is to surrender.

Far away on the sea.

The Portuguese ships are ready to go, and will launch a general attack with 2 navies and more than [-] ships on the water, and nearly [-] people on land.

Having seen the size and strength of the Ming Fleet, the first army that was the budding colony, now looks more like a group of fishing boats gathered to fight.

From this point of view, Zhou Li'an can't help but sigh...

The decline of a powerful dynasty in Ming Dynasty was ruthlessly abandoned by the times.

Based on the inspection calculation, the Portuguese would still have to wait until nightfall the next day. Zhou Li'an didn't waste any money. He only used the [Eye of the Void] to record the scene in the city and the size of the army, then turned and left.

Only when the great war really starts, come to witness a piece of history.

in the afternoon.

Ku Kemo and the Great Elder returned, and both of them gained a lot.

It is the end of August, when the lotus leaves are blooming, the market butchers will wrap the meat in lotus leaves and deliver them to the customers.

Before the leaf bag was opened, there was a smell of mutton, far less bland than later generations.

It's not that it's bad.

Ku Kemo said: "The butcher shop guy said that this is castrated lamb, the taste is the most tender and sweet."

Jie sheep is the mutton that has been castrated and grown, and the smell of mutton has been weakened. As long as it is properly processed, the taste is not much different from that of later generations, and it has the taste of sheep.

And you must know that there is no fresh-keeping and imitation parasite technology nowadays, the meat in Yingtianfu is slaughtered and sold on the same day, without the freezing process that takes several months, the taste will not be much worse.

The Great Elder also said: "I will leave letters to several dental shops, and they will help find the shops."

After the matter was settled, Xue Nu instructed the two to start a stove and learn how to make the main products of the restaurant.

In fact, it is to wash the mutton, marinate it with ginger, onion and yellow wine to remove the fishy smell, then tear off the package, boil water in a pot, and cut the meat to eat.

"If you buy it in the store, you have to surround the stove with charcoal fire. Then you go to the market to order it immediately. The capacity of the pot must be well designed, otherwise it will be difficult to calculate the amount of base material..."

As Xue Nu said, Cuo Kemo wrote it down in a mix of words and pinyin.

Instant noodles are the easiest.

Serve with eggs and green vegetables and cook for 2 minutes.

When the two of them tasted the first sip, tears almost came out of their eyes, and the last sip of instant noodle soup was wiped out.

Then came the main course hot pot.

"In addition to meat, you can also add various vegetarian dishes. You have lived in Yingtian Mansion for more than a month, so you should have experience, and you can try many things in the future."

When Zhou Li'an moved his chopsticks, the three dared to taste carefully.

The last four catties of mutton were all in the belly, and I was sweating profusely after eating, but I also felt refreshed all over.

The great elder said: "If it is in winter, the extraordinaryness of this god-given thing will be more apparent."

I saw his face full of gluttony, it is true that the people depend on food;

Life is not just for appetite.

Before I knew it, it was night.

A super city with a population of one million seems to have been pressed on the mute button, and the hustle and bustle is no longer there.

Only on the Qinhuai River, there are boats and boats lit up with lights, which is the only noisy place in the night.

But the only ones who can benefit are the upper class nobles.

Until midnight.

Xuenv is still reading at night with the lamp on, learning English with electric storage energy-saving lamps, and she has never let go of this homework.

Zhou Li'an felt that the time was almost up.

[Eye of the Void] came again.

The city of Ceuta is equally silent. Although there is no curfew, it is no longer prosperous in the past, and everyone is at risk.

And in the distance, the dark clouds and shadows of the conquest of the army are oppressing...

in the city.

In a pavilion hall, people gathered, all dressed up by merchants and wealthy people.

"Ceuta's defeat has already been revealed. This big city only relies on our support, and the army and the people have different opinions. It is difficult to become a force of resistance."

"Oh, then let the heathen capture Ceuta? How can they spare us so easily?"

"Flee, I heard that in the south of the great desert, the Mali Empire is strong and rich, where there are business opportunities."

"Mari? I have heard of the legendary lord, Mansa Musa; who visited Mecca and squandered a great deal of gold, and stories of him are still everywhere."

"That happened hundreds of years ago, and I heard a news a few months ago that a god descended in the Mali Empire, witnessed by countless people, it is absolutely true..."

"And the god also sent down the language of disaster, and the evil spirits in the distance will drive the ship to land. Only when the Malians are united can they resist the invasion of evil spirits."

"That's enough, the illusory legends can't be trusted! Let's vote, fight, surrender, or escape from a foreign country!"

The main combat faction stood up and glanced at the crowd, as if threatening.

However, at this very moment.

A person broke into the hall, stumbled and fell to the ground: "The city gate has been opened! There are traitors, among us there are traitors..."

The sound of guns and guns continued to roar! !
Palembang in the north, which had stood firm for more than a month, was finally brutally torn apart and fell.

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