Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 337 [336] Life and death are uncertain

Zuixianlou has a long history. It began in the Western Jin Dynasty. There was a prefect "Sun Chu" who often called friends to drink upstairs. The owner of the hotel later changed its name to Sun Chu Restaurant.

In the Tang Dynasty, Li Taibai imitated Sun Chu and drank upstairs, which became the Taibai Restaurant by the world;

It was not until the Hongwu period that the Zuixian Tower was rebuilt on its former site, and it was included in the Yongle Grand Ceremony, named one of the Sixteenth Floors in Nanjing.

It is only a few decades old now, so it is not considered an ancient building.

So Zhou Li'an didn't feel bad when it exploded.

As for the guests in the building, they can only admit that they are unlucky, and if they are affected by Zhu Gaoxu's halo of bad luck, they will be regarded as early death and early death.

It was an overnight celebration.

The restaurant in the most prosperous street of Xishuiguan collapsed, and there was a terrifying roar, which attracted the attention of all parties.

It was too late to rescue and extinguish the fire.

Only sandbags are used to prevent the fire from spreading around, and let it burn.

Until daylight, the fire gradually extinguished, and people from all walks of life began to gather.

Not many big people are seen, even if Zuixianlou is famous, it is just a restaurant.

None of the governors of Yingtianfu came, so they only appointed the chief of the city's governance department and the general judge to bring the inspection department to the scene.

The inspection department sealed off half the street, prohibited people from entering and leaving, and went door-to-door to visit private households in the block to inquire about the specific situation last night.

A group of elders looked at the Zuixianlou full of sighs——

"When the Drunken Immortal Tower was raised, Emperor Gao held a banquet here for all his ministers. The grand occasion was unprecedented..."

"Why is there water in this fine building?"

Someone heard the news last night and said: "I heard that it was a thunderbolt that struck the fire!"

"Nonsense! If it was struck by lightning, the people in the building would have already fled in shock. How could no one have escaped?"

"It must be that the fire was hidden, and it was discovered when it was burning, and the opportunity to escape was missed."

Everyone stopped discussing and looked at the collapsed ruins in silence.

Not long after, the waterwheel arrived and began to extinguish the embers.

Only after the last wisp of black smoke dissipated did someone issue orders: "Go in and collect the corpses, I don't know how many people can be identified, and then issue a city-wide notice. Those who haven't returned home since last night, hurry up and get them!"

One after another scorched black corpses were dug up, the shape was horrible, most of them were dried coke of human beings.

There is an inexplicable smell of meat paste, with a strange fragrance...

But think again that it is a human being.


There was a lot of vomiting.

At this point, the only thing left is to investigate the cause of the incident.

The inspection department went around and collected the news, but the heads were all embarrassed.

"The row of Donghu is said to have been struck by a thunderbolt, and in that instant, the entire Zuixian Tower seemed to be covered in a ball of fire, and it was torn apart!"

"Some people in Xihu said it was an earthquake, but they also saw flames shooting up into the sky, like... like thunder!"

The chief inspector was so angry that he wanted to scold the street, isn't this absurd.

But everyone said that, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart. In this world, one respects ghosts and gods.

But the problem is...

Why was night ban yesterday?

Isn't it because Zheng He's fleet made a triumphant return and made the crown prince supervising the country happy, which blessed the people.

If the incident of Zuixianlou is linked to the prince and Zheng He, and "unknown" is involved, then the problem will be serious.

How can an unknown person be the heir to the throne?
On a more serious level, is it possible that Zheng He brought back the demon from overseas, which made the Lord of the Heavens angry?
What's more, Daming's prosperity is unknown.

It was the prosperous age when the glorious heavenly power shook the Siyi dynasty.

But helpless, the inspection department could only report the truth: "All the households in the block said that they saw the thunder falling, and the fireball engulfed the Zuixian building in an instant, and the building collapsed immediately, so there was no one there. escape."

"Some people say that this is an ominous sign..."

All the elders looked at each other, their expressions changed.

"Really? Everyone?"

"Yes, it's not like someone is spreading rumors, because when the incident happened, there were still many pedestrians on the street..."

"And the weirdest thing is that the pedestrians on the street are rarely affected, as if the flames are only limited to the drunken fairy tower!"

More and more mysterious.

But with a bit of rationality, it was because the building collapsed immediately that no one escaped.

And there is nothing flammable and explosive in Zuixianlou, what else could it be if it wasn't thunder and punishment from the sky?
Everyone was silent, unable to think of a countermeasure.

But right now.

There was a noise of carriages and horses outside, and when everyone turned their heads, a group of people and horses had already broken through the blockade of the inspection department, coming menacingly.

Almost immediately, they recognized the person coming: "It's the King of Han's Tiance Guard."

Tiance Guards belonged to the Seventeenth Guards of the Imperial Army, which was originally directly under the emperor. In the 15th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang established the Fourteenth Guards of Jinyi, and then reorganized the army and changed it to the Twelve Guards.

Tiance Guard has not been abolished, but has not been included in the pro-military ranks.

It is definitely a great favor for Zhu Di to grant Zhu Gaoxu the title of King of Han, and for him to lead the Tiance Guard.

But it also gave King Han inexplicable expectations, as well as arrogant and domineering capital.

In Nanjing City, Tiance Guard almost walked sideways.

It seems that there are Jinyiwei guards on the top, but no one in the city knows it. The commander of Jinyiwei and His Royal Highness the King of Han mixed oil with each other, and successively dealt with several ministers of the court, including the prince's close ministers.

Zhu Di's several Northern Expeditions also gave his second son Zhu Gaoxu the opportunity to do whatever he wanted, and gradually gained momentum.

The people stopped abruptly.

In the rear carriage, a sick young man was helped by a servant.

The crowd was horrified.

I thought it was Zhu Gaoxu who came in person, but I didn't expect it to be Zhu Zhanhe, the heir of the King of Han.

"I have seen the world!"

The young man ignored him, threw off the support of his servant, and strode to the collapsed ruins, trembling all over...

Commander Tiance Guard hurriedly came to the side and whispered: "My lord, don't be impatient, maybe the news is wrong?"

"If a joke is made, His Highness the King of Han will be furious!"

"A joke?" Zhu Zhanhe trembled, is this the time to worry about being laughed at?

Yesterday evening, the confidants of the father and king went home to send a letter, and they will receive guests at Zuixian Tower and return later.

This is my father's usual practice, so how could it be wrong?

It was not until early in the morning that the news of the collapse of the Zuixian Tower was reported to the palace. When the butler heard the news, he was so frightened that he almost fainted, and stumbled and ran to him to pass the news.

However, Zhu Zhanhe was lucky, and turned to look at the crowd: "Where are... the wounded in the building?!"

Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and they didn't know how to answer.

Where did the injured come from?All dead.

Moreover, looking at the posture of the prince, could there be someone from the palace in the building last night?

At this point, they dare not answer.

Zhu Zhanhe looked around, saw the corpses on display, and instantly understood, his face turned from white to black——

"Go, go and check!"

One of the confidantes hurried forward, one by one carefully investigated, not daring to offend in the slightest.

Although the body was charred black, some accessories, jade pendants, gold and silver could still be distinguished.

"The main thing is to look at the accessories, and then the left arm."

A group of Tian Cewei generals understood it as soon as they heard it.

In the second year of Jianwen, Zhu Di was defeated and trapped in Dongchang. Fortunately, Zhu Gaoxu led the army to rescue him, but he also injured his left arm.

Even so, Zhu Gaoxu did not let go of the battle due to injuries for several years in the Jingnan battle. He made outstanding achievements repeatedly, and Zhu Di praised him, telling him to "work hard, but the son (Zhu Gaochi) is weak."

Generally speaking, Zhu Di did have the heart to re-establish the prince.

And because the experience of the father and son was very similar to that of Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Gaoxu often compared himself to Emperor Taizong and made great contributions to his father's founding of the country.

But this is also a taboo...

Of course Zhu Di would not wish to be imprisoned in the palace like Tang Gaozu.

The emperor's family affairs are elusive.

Soon, the inspection is over.

A group of people came in front of Zhu Zhanhe, neither happy nor worried, and the fact that no one was found was the best news at the moment.

Zhu Zhanhe also breathed a sigh of relief, but continued to frown: "Where will the father go?"

"Let's go, look again, and look for all the places my father often goes to."

But Commander Tian Cewei took another look at the Zuixian Tower, feeling weird. He wrinkled his nose and smelled the strong smell of gunpowder: "My lord, this is not running water, the smell of nitrate is everywhere!"

Zhu Zhanhe was startled, his father was entertaining guests in the Zuixian Tower last night, but this kind of thing happened, and it might involve gunpowder and firearms?

He didn't dare to say anything, but he didn't have time to think about it too much, he just said: "You leave a group of people behind, continue to search the ruins, and the rest follow me!"

Everyone came and went in a hurry, ignoring the inspection department.

However, anyone with a heart can feel something strange——

"What do you mean?"

"His Highness the King of Han was in Zuixian Tower last night?"

"And now people can't find it?"

For a moment, everyone was shocked, and even sent someone to deliver the news.

The governor of Yingtian Mansion was alarmed, followed by the six important officials, and soon the news spread to the palace...

"Prince, the King of Han is missing! It seems that he went to Zuixian Tower last night?"

"Missing?" Zhu Gaochi looked bewildered, how did he disappear, "What's going on? Why is Zuixianlou involved?"

The people below stumbled and said: "In the middle of last night, the Drunken Immortal Building flooded, and the whole building burned down, and no one escaped!"

"Some people say that it was the thunder that landed that caused the Zuixian Tower to collapse. It's for unknown reasons!"


Zhu Gaochi was shocked: "The king of Han...has he been found?"

"Tian Cewei went to the scene to check the corpse, but found nothing. The Prince of Han took people to other places, and there is no more news yet!"

Zhu Gaochi only felt terrified.

The disappearance of the king of Han is not a trivial matter, but the whole city knows that the relationship between the two brothers is stiff, but there is a drunken fairy building, which inevitably makes people think about it.

The commander of the Jinwu Guard stepped forward and whispered: "Your Highness, you still need to be careful inside and outside the palace..."

"I'm afraid that the prince of the King of Han will make trouble in a hurry!"

Zhu Gaochi trembled in fright, and immediately nodded: "Go and settle down!"

"Let's pass on Ji Gang again..."

"What is Jin Yiwei doing? Why haven't they dispatched such a big event as the King of Han's disappearance?!"

For a time, all parties were in chaos.

until noon.

Jin Yiwei enters the palace to see the prince.

Zhu Gaochi thought it was Ji Gang who came, but when he came to him, it was Fei Xianwang, the governor of Jin Yiwei.

"Where's Ji Gang?"

Fei Xianwang's expression turned ugly, "His Royal Highness, can I let this minister speak a little closer?"

Zhu Gaochi nodded, Fei Xianwang paced away, leaned closer and said, "Your Highness, Mr. missing too!"

"What?!" Zhu Gaochi was taken aback.

And Fei Xianwang's words are not finished yet, "The guard said that yesterday evening, Mr. Ji and Pang Ying went out to work after leaving the palace. No one knows exactly what they did, but in the end they were personally sent to the Zuixian Tower by chariots and horses. .”

"This is supported by the groom."

"I also sent people to check with the merchants, street vendors, and residences outside the Zuixian Building. Someone indeed saw Mr. Ji and Pang Ying entering the building."

"Including the shopkeeper of Zuixianlou, he personally welcomed people in."

Zhu Gaochi gasped, and was puzzled again: "Didn't there be no survivors in the Zuixian Tower?"

Fei Xianwang said: "Jin Yiwei started to investigate and found clues..."

"Many people outside the Zuixian Tower have come to claim the body, including guests, staff, and the cook's family members..."

"The family of the shopkeeper of Piansheng Zuixianlou hasn't arrived yet."

"When we arrived, the shopkeeper's family went to the empty building, but we still followed the clues and found him. He took advantage of the night ban last night and fled with his family overnight."

Zhu Gaochi was furious: "This person murdered the King of Han?"

Fei Xianwang shook his head: "Probably not, the shopkeeper went home to rest at Haishi, but not long after he left, he heard that the Zuixian Tower was on fire."

"He was taken aback. He was afraid that he would not be able to explain to his boss, let alone get involved in this matter, so he could only run away!"

"After our interrogation, the shopkeeper knew that Mr. Ji and Han Wang were in the box on the top floor, so after the incident, he was terrified of fear!"

"Besides, both Tian Cewei and our Jinyiwei found out that the fire in the Zuixian Tower was not a leak, but more like a divine machine thunder explosion! Because there is a strong smell of nitric acid around!"

"We invited the craftsman from the Firearms Battalion to inspect it. He also thought so, but in the ruins, we didn't find any traces of the wreckage after the explosion of the Divine Machine Thunder."

"What's more, firearms are banned among the people, and several arsenals in Shuntian Mansion were almost emptied due to His Majesty's Northern Expedition. It's really hard to think of any gunpowder storage that can blow up a building!"

"What's even more weird is that there is no trace of gunpowder burning in it!"

"The shopkeeper said that there is no such thing in the building. From my look, it doesn't seem to be fake. If someone really arranged for him to do such a thing, he would have killed him long ago, instead of giving him a chance to flee with his family. It disappeared a few days earlier."

Zhu Gaochi was confused for a while.

Not only the King of Han disappeared, but also the Commander of Jin Yiwei.

These two are clearly his mortal enemies, but he can't be happy at all...

During the period when the crown prince supervised the country, if a prince died or a favorite minister of the emperor died, there must be an explanation.

If not, from the perspective of interests, he is the most suspicious.

Even if he won't be so cruel, but some things don't look at logic, only look at a result.


Zhu Gaoxu conspired with Ji Gang to play disappearance on purpose, and staged a bitter trick, which shocked the north, convicted him, was rescued by Jin Yiwei, and framed at the same time?

But, as for?
Once the prince disappears, the court will be shaken, and in the end, the father will be displeased.

"Check, check again!"

"No matter what, in life you have to see people, in death you have to see corpses!"


Siyi Pavilion.

The news in the city also reached the ears of Zheng He and others.

"The King of Han and Ji Gang are both missing?"

"How is this going?"

Zheng He and the others just felt baffled, and they were also guessing whether it was a conspiracy between the two to entrap the crown prince.

Wang Jinghong said: "Guan Hanwang and Ji Gang are those bastards!"

"Grandpa has gone to sea several times, and he has not been in the court for nearly ten years. Ji Gang has risen all the way, and gradually he doesn't take grandpa seriously! It's best if he dies!"

Zheng He gave him a white look, got up and said, "I'll go to the palace, no matter what, this is a big deal, if it doesn't work out, I'll report it to His Majesty, when the time comes, I can send a message when I leave!"

"Go, I'm here!"

Zheng He left.

After pondering for a while, Wang Jinghong decided to go to the "Little Angel Envoy" to get close.

I saw the prince and the dinner yesterday, but I left out all the envoys in the cold.

However, when he arrived, he only saw Tiaoyu and Zhou Ruoyu, Zhou Ruonan and Adina missing.

"My lord envoy, where are the two little envoys and the daughter of the national teacher?"

Adina is not considered a divine envoy in the true sense, but Wang Jinghong did not dare to neglect her in the slightest.

During the fugue, both Zhou Ruonan and Adina accompanied him, and they were very much loved by our lord and witch.

Since you can't be called an envoy, let's talk about it from Gaza, the national teacher of Malindi. Although she is not a daughter, her granddaughter can also be called Qianjin.

Tiaoyu and the others were practicing the profound principles of the law. When they saw Wang Jinghong, they put down the books: "Tang Jing is here, if you are foolish and naughty, beg to go out for a walk..."

"Ah, how long have you been out? My lord envoy, why didn't you tell me? If something happens, who can take care of it!"

Tiaoyu smiled, he just didn't want to be taken care of too much, so he used the name of 'God Envoy' to keep those servants from reporting.

The people who looked after them knew that envoys were honorable and did not dare to disobey them, so Wang Jinghong was in vain.

Otherwise, Wang Jinghong will follow, and the two little ones will not be able to see the truest side of Daming.

"I've been away for half an hour. Brother Wang came just in time. Let me tell you about the cultivation methods of three kinds of grain..."

Wang Jinghong was about to cry, and he could see that the envoy wanted to force him to stay because he didn't want him to chase after him.

In his mind, he first scolded all the principals and guards of Siyi Pavilion, and then Tang Jing muttered——

"What a Tang Jing, you said that there is one person and one little god envoy, but you dare to have both. The superficial honesty is all false!!!"

Cursing in his heart, he couldn't neglect the other envoys, and hurriedly went up to listen to the lecture...

It's not useless to hear about the farming methods, and there are some performances after staying north to see His Majesty.

As for King Han, Ji Gang, Zuixianlou, he doesn't care.

Xu is the true appearance of the world described in the gods and the kingdom of God, as well as the law of the earth.

In his mind, he no longer paid attention to the power struggle of Daming, his eyes jumped out of Daming, and he had a new cognition and expectation faintly.

It's just that this is just a subconscious sprout, and he hasn't noticed it yet.

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