Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 37 [37] Surrender!surrender!

Chapter 37 [37] Surrender!surrender!

There is no need to think about the fur thing.

The way to make money has been clarified, even if Lao Wang doesn't do it, Zhou Li'an will still find a new agent to take charge, it's just that the process is a little more cumbersome.

The gold in the future will be the big one. After all, gold mines are buried underground, so there is no need to make excuses to explain its rationality.

At least the last 2000 fur transactions, Wang Defa agreed.

The total value is 840 million US dollars, what is the concept?
The 160 version of the system can be updated by 2.0 million. Even if the functions of the current 1.0 version are not fully used, it does not prevent you from being curious first.

Now, just wait for the tribe to gradually expand, and then swallow the Modoc tribe in one fell swoop, and the first step in the founding of the country will be taken.

And up to now, Zhou Li'an has only activated the system for a little over a month, leaving him plenty of time.

After returning home, he took out his mobile phone and looked at the background message of the job advertisement.

There are a lot of people submitting resumes these days, but none of them are reliable.Either a programmer who completely ignores the recruitment conditions is looking for a job, or a network keyboard warrior is applying for a part-time job...

The former is simply ignored.

But for the latter, Zhou Li'an didn't hesitate to give them a chance to try writing on a topic, and the final result was far worse.

Zhou Li'an felt that his writing was more reliable than those people.

The spiritual control of belief is very important, and it is better to lack than to overuse.So I can only wait for someone with predestined relationship to come to me slowly, and if it doesn't work out, I will take the initiative and go to the church university to find talents.

You might even meet your compatriots.

There are not a few Chinese who study theology in the United States, and church universities have generous scholarships, because the church understands the potential value of cultivating a Chinese pastor.

Often when a pastor goes to study in the United States, he can even rely on the school's welfare bonuses to drag his family to immigrate.

They are in the United States, but they post some preaching videos of pastors on WeChat Moments and self-media accounts... Repeatedly banned.

The next day.

Zhou Li'an came to the tribe early in the morning.

Xuenv got up very early every day, and whenever he came, her hair was still wet, and the sweat room behind the valley was wafting with a gust of heat.

She has made great progress in improving personal hygiene, because it seems that the master doesn't like dirty snow girls.

"Here, brush your teeth." Zhou Li'an took out a toothbrush and toothpaste, and seeing Xue Nu's dazed look, added: "To clean your teeth."

While talking, she made gestures and gestures, but in the end she couldn't do it, so she put it back on again, and took her own toothbrush to show Xue Nu once.

It was only then that Xue Nu understood in a ignorant way, her expression was curious about new things.

After Zhou Li'an squeezed the toothpaste for her, she put it in her mouth and started to brush it.

The Great Elder came at this time and reported today's tribal work arrangements after worship.

More than ten tents and earth houses were built all day yesterday, but this number is far from enough.

Because the goal of climbing the mountain this time is to conquer three tribes at once, and each tribe has a population of three to four hundred people.

Of course, the migration of the tribe will definitely bring their own tents, but the space in Tushi Valley is somewhat insufficient.

The surrender of the two tribes of Earth Snake brought the population of the Tushi tribe to more than [-].

Assuming that [-] people continue to be merged into the three tribes, the existing residences in the valley need to be demolished, and then built more densely.

Zhou Li'an looked into the valley and frowned slightly.

He knows that this place will not be long.

There is no shortage of resources around Tushi, but the problem is that the valley cannot accommodate so many people, and more importantly, the population is too dense, people have to excrete, and the sanitation situation is very worrying.

Disease is the biggest killer of primitive tribes.

It is no problem to bring a large amount of modern medicine over here, but if a large-scale disease breaks out, it is not enough for him to inject and feed medicine one by one, and he will be exhausted.

Therefore, prevention in advance is the correct answer.

Thinking of this, he put health and medical items on the planning list in his mind... After the Modoc tribe is unified, all kinds of vaccinations for all the people will be put on the agenda.

The problems of drugs and vaccines are easy to solve, and they can be solved with money.

More than [-] doses of various vaccines are ordered by several pharmaceutical companies, which will not cause much concern.

And reasonable procurement channels...

Zhou Li'an has several seniors who have been doing medical assistance with their mentors in Africa, and have registered for Doctors Without Borders qualifications.

The big deal is to donate a batch of vaccines to them for free. If you are responsible for the purchase, the excess injections can be kept, and the total cost will not be much. (ps. Some readers asked about the modern germs on the protagonist. In the first two chapters, the system was written as 'sterile time travel'. If you didn't see it, you might have missed it. I won't explain it in the future.)
The [-]-year development period is enough for Zhou Li'an to rule North America before the colonists arrive, and complete the health and medical transformation of the people.

By then...

It's not the Europeans who came to release the virus.

Whoever goes ashore will die, and those who get back alive will become the main source of germs. The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

In fact, when the colonists first planned to establish a colony, they failed because they were unable to adapt to the new continent and developed diseases. A group of sick people were finally treated by the aborigines, and they survived by luck and returned to their hometowns.

After numerous plagues spread in Europe, their physical fitness far surpassed that of the natives of North America.When these people make a comeback, they will officially gain a foothold in America and bring disaster.

Unfortunately, the same thing will not happen a second time.

——What Zhou Li'an said.

"Demolish the existing residence, let's expand it intensively, don't dig the earthen house, just set up a tent." Zhou Li'an instructed the elder.

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to build an earthen house, and it will be demolished and abandoned soon, which is of little significance.

The Great Elder immediately arranged for someone to do it.

Zhou Li'an turned around and remembered to remind Xue Nu: "You don't need to brush for so long, oh, yes, the toothpaste needs to be spit..."

However, at this moment, Yukino was licking the foam on her lips.


She swallowed and smiled brightly: "Master, it's delicious."

"You really deserve it!" Zhou Li'an trembled with anger, didn't he just miss a word, and you just ate it?

Oh, I remember brushing my teeth for the first time when I was a child, and I seem to eat toothpaste too.

Still fruity.

"Remember to spit it out next time, you can't eat toothpaste."

Xue Nu tilted her head, unconsciously acting cute: "Master, it's delicious, sweet, it's a pity to spit it out."

"Toothpaste and chocolate, you choose one, if you choose one, the other will never be eaten!"

When Xue Nu heard this, she was startled, and quickly thought about it carefully. Finally, she clicked her lips twice, and after thinking about it, she said aggrievedly: "Then, it should still be chocolate."

[The same, all the same, they are all put together with the corpse!Little Snow Girl! ! 】

"Shut up! How many systems are as talkative as you?"


Most of the aborigines don't have any tools to keep time.

Only a small number of large tribes used the patterns carved on the land to build equidistant wooden stakes, which acted like sundials.

More tribes only have a general understanding of each day, month, and year.

A sun rise and moon set is a day, and the cycle from one new moon to another is observed as a month.

Many tribes even use women's aunt's cycle more directly to calculate the January cycle.

Because of this, until the massacre of the colonists began, there were still many matriarchal tribes in this continent.

The year is divided by seasons, best judged by temperature, and finally by bison migration.

The forest bison and the plateau bison are similar, except for the difference in cold tolerance. In summer, the plateau bison will come to the foot of the mountain to eat fresh and tender vegetation to nourish themselves.

In order to escape the heat, the forest bison will naturally seek a shady place to live for a period of time.

Human beings have been learning to observe and adapt to nature, and they are also a part of nature.

The battle group led by climbing the mountain has been marching for four days.

They set off lightly, except for the water bag and enough dry food for a day, all the rest were supplied by hunting, and there was no shortage of food wherever they went.

Climbing the mountain also allows people to continue hunting bison along the way to harvest more fur for our Lord. Naturally, slaves will carry the luggage for them on the return journey.

Under balance, all are subjects.

But those who have not surrendered to our Lord are still slaves.

The destination was still far away, and it would take two days to arrive at the nearest raiding target. Before sunset, they collected firewood, lit a bonfire and set up camp.

Under the moonlight, dancing and singing, there is no sign of going to war.

When the happy atmosphere is over, arrange a night watchman before going to bed, climb the mountain and lead everyone towards home, worshiping the Lord of Balance.

After two days and nights.


The people walked across the stream and climbed up the cliff, and finally saw a tribal settlement, emitting sporadic lights on the plain that was about to fall into darkness.

Everyone's expressions were excited, and they were about to move, wanting to stain the divine soldiers in their hands with blood, and to complete a baptism for the weapons bestowed by the gods with the wailing of living beings.

Climbing the mountain sensibly admonished everyone: "Warriors, we carry an important mission, and we must return with a big victory in this battle!"

"Every warrior is a citizen of our lord. We are brothers and siblings. We should die bravely for the glory of our lord, but we should also fight the land for our lord!"

"This is just the first battle, there are more enemies waiting for us to conquer!"

"So, rest on the spot, and the next time the sun god shines on the earth, it will be the oracle that our lord will issue for us; when the brilliance of our lord shines down, victory will always belong to balance!!"

"Praise my lord, praise balance!"

Everyone followed in a low voice and silently, all of them were extremely devout.

When the galaxy dissipates, the shadow of the moon fades away.

Three hundred warriors had already descended the mountain and approached the tribes on the plain below the mountain.

The red deer tribe, a medium-sized tribe named after hunting red deer, they are elves on the plain, brave and good at fighting.

Before the Tushi Department failed to annex Shanhua and Chishui, their strength was far inferior to them.

But now, in the eyes of these [-] people, the Red Deer Department is just like the bison on the plain, even if they are strong and ferocious, they will definitely be their meal.

Red Deer patrols are preparing to change the line of defense.

However, when the first rays of sunlight fell on the ground in the early morning, the tribesmen on duty all night saw rows of crystal lights reflected on the horizon, which made him feel dazzling——

"What are those?"

Following the man's opening, everyone turned to look into the distance, and all squinted their eyes unconsciously.

"I can't see clearly!"

"Unlike the red antlers, the red antlers don't reflect the sun's light."

They stare into the distance, and have a natural curiosity about the unknown.

But when the bright light approached, and the wooden pole of the spear gradually rose under the bright light, as well as the cold faces, several people were suddenly shocked——

"It's the enemy!"

"It's the enemy's invasion!"

"Alarm, go to the alarm!!"

Because there is no defensive geographical advantage, the Red Deer Department's action response speed is surprisingly fast.

As long as the patrolling people rushed into the tribe, the sound of the horn would sound, resounding across the plain.

The Red Deer Department was awakened.

Countless young men rushed out from the tent, picked up stone axes, copper knives and shields, and the archers took off their quiver and hung it on their waists.

The most majestic patriarch of the tribe stepped out with icy eyes, his upper body was naked, and a kind of filtered bear fat was smeared on his bronze skin, which looked even more brilliant under the light.

The women, children and children did not slack off, they also picked up their weapons and looked into the distance vigilantly.

The entire queuing process took no more than five minutes.

Gathering outside their clan, they confronted the invading enemy.

Climbing the mountain let out a loud cry, and everyone stopped in their tracks, and they were within range of the archers.

This is not a fear, because each of them is the best shooter and will give the opponent a fierce counterattack.

When the strong man covered in bear fat came out, he climbed the mountain and took two steps forward, showing the same status as the other party.

The other party was the first to shout angrily, the accent of the aboriginal language, with a kind of inexplicable majesty and domineering——

"Who are you! The Great Chief tribe forbids inter-tribal wars!"

"I, the patriarch of the Red Deer Tribe, the greatest deer hunter on the plain, warn you, leave now!! Otherwise, only blood can calm the anger of the Red Deer Tribe!"

Climbing gave the same tough reply——

"I, the patriarch of the Tushi tribe, the founder of the natural gods, the leader of the gods, the ruler of all things in the world, the most humble and pious servant of the Lord who controls all rules and the balance of laws, on behalf of the oracle of our Lord, spread Balanced glory..."


"Those who submit to the balance, under the balance, are all the subjects of our Lord!"

As his voice fell.

Tushi's three hundred warriors thumped their spears on the ground, hit their shields with hunting knives, and shouted, "Surrender! Surrender! Surrender!!"

The supreme fighting spirit ignited their blood.

The faces of the people from the Red Deer Division were horrified, they had never seen such an imposing warrior, so uniform and menacing.

Even the guards of the chief tribe seem to be far less fierce and mighty than these people.

And they have never heard of the leader of the gods, the master of balance.

I have never seen bladed weapons that can reflect cold light in the hands of those people.

Discussions spread unconsciously in the crowd, restless...

"Shut up!!"

The Chilu patriarch shouted angrily, and instantly controlled the agitated clansmen.

He raised his bronze saber and issued a battle order: "Destroy the invading enemies, sinners who set foot on the Red Deer territory, unforgivable!"


The red deer patriarch took the lead in charging.

Countless warriors rushed forward following him, drew their longbows, and shot piercing arrows.

In an instant, countless bows and arrows formed a rain of arrows, falling overwhelmingly.

at the same time.

The warriors of the Figure and Stone Department followed suit.

They also fired a round of bows and arrows, held up their wooden shields for defense, and rushed towards the enemy without fear.

Death is not scary.

In the light of the glory of our Lord, life is possible for all.

Those who do not respect the balance will be sentenced to eternal death, no longer reincarnated.

"For my lord, for balance, for the conquest of the earth!!"

"Kill them all!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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