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Chapter 50 [50] Master, the snow girl is so open!

Chapter 50 [50] Master, the snow girl is so open!

Boom boom boom.

Four warriors galloped across the wilderness riding steeds. Their clothes were blown by the strong wind. They were heroic. Each of them had arrogance written on their faces, and they showed provocative expressions to their companions from time to time...

Probably, the kind of will-o'-the-wisp boy who just learned to ride a motorcycle.

In the sky and on the earth, I am the only one with the fastest speed.

Everyone here is a hot chicken.

"Yu, green, green..."

The leader tightened the reins and slowed the horses to a stop.

The other three followed suit, and the horses seemed to be dissatisfied with the sudden deceleration, circling restlessly.

Everyone has already grasped the habits of the horse, and they are not panicked.After being appeased, he followed the leader's gaze and looked into the distance.

The leader was climbing a mountain, and he asked, "Is the crocodile beach ahead?"

The former warrior from Xiaohe Department nodded seriously: "Yes, the warriors from my Xiaohe Department will fight crocodiles with bare hands every year for trials; I know this way."

Another person was shocked when he heard this: "You, Xiaohebu, can kill a crocodile with bare hands?"

The rest are also unbelievable.

The Xiaohe warrior pulled his collar arrogantly, and said: "The crocodiles I have killed in Xiaohe are more than the bison meat you have eaten. It's just crocodiles. I once hunted three of them in one day and pulled out their fangs. , hangs on my neck now."

Everyone looked at each other, dumbfounded.

One cannot be "too much salt" in life. A person with too much salt will make tribal people brag, and they all use the same sentence pattern.

Perhaps it was the climbing gaze that made the crocodile boxer at a loss, so he explained with a silly smile: "As long as you master the skills and methods, the crocodile is not difficult to kill, and it is not difficult for the three thousand army of the chief tribe to cross the river."

Climbing nodded slightly, and looked towards a low hill in the distance: "Go there and station there. There are knights sent by our lord to guard the three main roads, and there will always be something to gain."

Before night falls.

They felled bushes, picked up branches and leaves, and quickly built a temporary shelter.And after lighting the bonfire, eliminate the open flame, leaving only the dark flame, and be vigilant to avoid being discovered by the enemy.

But if there are wild animals approaching, you only need to quickly add firewood and fan the wind, and the fire will start again, and the wild animals will not dare to approach when they see the fire.

What's more, the spears and steel knives in their hands are not vegetarian.

They did not bring any food when they went out, only water bags; but they brought corn and salt for their horses, and they needed to be fed with concentrate after eating the grass.

However, some people soon caught wild birds. As long as there is salt, a little roasting is a delicacy for them.

When climbing the mountain, four people are arranged to be on duty in turn. At the same time as the night watch, it is necessary to go to the low hills for observation at intervals.

Large troops march without fear of wild beasts, but instead avoid the scorching sun during the day, which allows them to speed up their advance.

All with caution is the best policy.

Never delay the great event of our lord.

The same thing happened in two other places.Each of them is stationed in the valley or wasteland, and with horses as companions, they are not so afraid, and they can run away on horses when they encounter danger.

The night passed without incident.

But instead of being happy, the four people who climbed the mountain were a little anxious.

They want to make a contribution, and they don't want the glory to be taken away by the other two teams.

"Why hasn't the chief's army arrived yet?"

"Perhaps other warriors have discovered something?"

"A chief as humble as a flea, could it be that he has already felt the power of our Lord and dare not attack?"

"Patriarch, should we go back and have a look, maybe the other two channels already have news?"

Warriors who have never served as scouts are very restless. They don't know the meaning of scouting, and they don't have the so-called military qualities.

There was also some restlessness including climbing the mountain, but he finally held back: "My Lord has issued a will, and we need to obey His words."

"If there is news from the other two channels, they will definitely send someone to report it, and wait."

After waiting, two days and nights passed.

It has been three days since they left.

At noon that day, the scorching sun made them more and more upset.

Climbing the mountain: "Go up and take a last look. If there is no trace of the chief tribe, we will go back and report!"

The other three lost their patience long ago, and they climbed the hill together.

Climbing the mountain and the other person began to pack their things and prepare to return.

But at this moment, a whistle sounded from the hillside, and a warrior put his finger in his mouth and blew it, and ran down quickly.

"Patriarch, here we come, the chief's army is here!"

Instead of fear, they were ecstatic.

Climb a mountain, throw away what is at hand, and rush up the hillside.

In the distance, there was some kind of creature floating up and down in a shoal river, and on the horizon farther away, it was the black shadow of a huge army that was slowly moving towards this side.

The warrior on the side said: "Patriarch, hurry up and order!"

Climbing the mountain kept taking deep breaths: "Don't worry, look more clearly, it may be a herd of bison."

Even though the others were excited, they still obeyed the order and quietly lay on the hillside to watch.

This lie is an hour.

And the black shadow of the army finally appeared a little more clearly.

Climbing finally issued an order: "You and I rush back to the Tushi Valley and report to my lord! The other two divide things and inform the other two groups..."

"Remember, after you meet up, don't go back directly. Continue to observe the chief's army from afar. You only need to send one person back to report the situation."

"Warriors, I will definitely report your achievements to my lord, so that your family, wives and sons will be blessed!"

"Set off!!!"

Everyone went down the mountain, quickly packed up their things, divided into three groups, and galloped on horseback.


That night.

Two fast-moving figures in the wasteland attracted the attention of the tower.

They quickly confirmed that it was the knights of the tribe, some of them rushed out to respond, and others ran into the valley to report.

These days, Zhou Li'an stayed in the tribe as long as possible to avoid missing the army's attack.

At this time, he was writing his future plans under the illumination of energy-saving lamps.

The snow girl on the side frowned, completing a final exam.

Xuenv panicked, because the master said that the test score was lower than 80, and there would be no chocolate for the next month.

She wanted to say, master, chocolate is innocent.

Why should chocolate be punished?
Chocolate must also want to be eaten by the snow girl, it is really pathetic.

In two months, Xuenv has mastered pinyin. As long as she passes the examination paper, she can enter the next stage of language learning.

But there are no new textbooks yet.

Zhou Li'an plans to find someone to compile his own textbooks, avoiding Chinese historical allusions and myths and legends.

Everything is original;
Or in other words, magic reform.

For example, he has already completed part of the outline of the textbook.

For example, the first chapter: "Equilibrium Comes"——

[46 billion years ago, the great Lord of Balance came to a remote void, saw the loneliness and darkness here, and sprinkled stars and life. 】

【As a result, the solar system was formed, the stars brought warmth, and the first life was born. 】

[After 46 billion years, the Lord of Balance felt the call of the human ancestors to pray, so he sent blessings, enlightened them with wisdom, and spread the fire of civilization. 】

It combines metaphysics and science.

Even if it advances to the industrial and information age later, and people start to study celestial bodies and the universe, at this time, if you look back at "The Holy Book of Balance", not only can't find any faults, but you will still be dumbfounded.

The solar system was born 46 billion years ago. Who dares to say that the Lord of Equilibrium is a fake, so why did the Holy Book of Equilibrium propose the birth time of the solar system so early? ?

Furthermore, the existence of other life civilizations in the universe has been recognized by the public.

Then, the Lord of Equilibrium is likely to be a great life form from high latitudes.

Couldn't fault it at all.

Only after tens of thousands of years, if human beings can really cross the void, will they discover the true truth of the universe.

At that time, Zhou Li'an was already dead.

He only needs to consolidate his theocracy during his lifetime.

After I die, it doesn't matter if other people's plans collapse or not.

Pure pretending is not advisable.

Putting the cloak of theology on the basis of science is not superstition, but can promote the progress of science and technology.

Because Zhou Li'an has already pointed out the scientific pursuit goals of modern people——

Space exploration.

In addition, he will also give various subject knowledge and materials brought from the present world.

Science is given by the balance. Without the master of balance, there would be no progress in the age of science. All academic theories are proposed, invented, and rewarded by him.

Who can question his divine supremacy?

Even after one's own death, the rights of future generations will not necessarily be emptied.


The Lord of Balance is immortal.

It's just that his travels in Blue Star are over, and now he's going to play in the depths of the void.

Even if the descendants of the Zhou family have prodigal sons, they can still be protected because of the greatness of the "Patriarch Balance". At worst, they can be used as mascots.

Besides, Zhou Li'an's personal achievement has been achieved, as to whether the unworthy descendants can pass it on, that's not something he worries about. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

Closer to home.

"Equilibrium Scripture" is not only the enlightenment of Chinese culture, but also the core of promoting the integration of science and technology and faith civilization.

It not only washes the brain, but also promotes technology.

At that time, only academic books such as "The Biological Divine Power of the Balanced Book" and "The Chemical Divine Power of the Balanced Book" will be published.

If you don't believe in equilibrium, you still want to be educated?
Is this reasonable?

Just like in this world, when it comes to mechanics, even the first graders know Archimedes and Newton, and when it comes to atomic bombs, everyone knows Stan, who would think of Jesus?

But in this parallel time and space, it is completely different.

Our Lord Equilibrium bestows biology, physics, and chemistry. All scientists are believers in Equilibrium. The beginning of the book always reads——

Praise the Lord, praise the balance.

Praise must be given before class.

Then, equilibrium is no longer a simple belief, but a branch of the wisdom civilization of the universe.

The whole planet prospers and progresses because of balance! !

The big frame in Zhou Li'an's heart is very clear——

Technology and theology will combine.

The theocracy is supreme and cannot be shaken by anything or thought! !
He only needs to develop step by step, and he will surely let the balance sweep the world.

And at this moment, inside the stone house.

He just outlined the migration plan of the Modoc people after they were unified.

After all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

If you don't do it, it's just fantasy. It's better to lie at home and sleep.

But Zhou Li'an is only in his twenties, at his age, at this stage, how could he be able to sleep well.

Just as Zhou Li'an was writing furiously, there was a noise outside the door.

I only heard a shout of worship from far away, 'my lord, pay homage to my lord', before people saw the sound, they came first, followed by a group of old men who rushed in and knelt on the ground in a hurry.

Snow Maiden stood up immediately.

Zhou Li'an glanced at her: "Continue with the exam, be careful, chocolate... hum!"

Xue Nu was aggrieved and sat down again.

Only then did Zhou Li'an look at the elders, and calmly said, "Is the climber back?"

The great elder nodded again and again: "My lord has insight into everything in the world, praise my lord! It is the return of the patriarch and he is about to enter the valley."

When they reported, they could already hear the faint sound of horseshoes.

Zhou Li'an got up unhurriedly, walked out of the stone house, and a group of elders got up to follow.

outside the house.

Two silhouettes of steeds came and slowed down to a stop far away. The horses were panting exhaustedly. The two people who got off the horses glanced at the horses distressedly.

"Meet my lord, praise the equilibrium!"

"My lord, I found the chief's army on Crocodile Beach. It is estimated that they will arrive outside the valley after a day and night."

Zhou Li'an smiled and nodded, approving: "You are worthy of being my bravest knight, well done, climbing the mountain!"

Climbing a mountain and laughing with another person is a joy from the heart.

Then he said: "My lord, I also ordered the other two knights to go to the other two roads to report, and let them meet up, continue to watch the movement of the chief's army, and come back to report at any time."

After hearing this, Zhou Li'an smiled even wider.

At the beginning, he only briefly told the role of the mountain scouts, but he didn't expect him to comprehend so quickly, and make judgments and instructions on the spot.

Zhou Li'an was not in a hurry to reward them. After the great battle, they will be rewarded in one go. At that time, they will perform miracles in the tribe of chiefs to win them back.

After some compliments, let them go down to rest.

There will be no more errors in the arrival time of the Chiefs, and even if there is... it will only be too late.

Because they came here through mountains and rivers, they must take a rest before the battle, otherwise their combat power will decline.

So Zhou Li'an is still not in a hurry, and can even continue to return to this world to sleep for a good night's sleep.

Come over tomorrow morning, the scouts behind should be able to bring the latest information.

It's time to make preparations.

Go back to the stone house.

Keep planning and proctoring Yuki.

After a long time, the exam was over, Xuenv brought the exam papers, and she couldn't put it down... If the exam fails, the consequences will be disastrous! ! !
Seeing her appearance, Zhou Li'an was angry and funny...

If it wasn't for the fact that the chocolates were all bought in big shopping malls, he would have wondered if he had bought some flavored version, but the price of the flavored version must be more expensive.

Can you be addicted to chocolate?

It's really a big bird, and there are all kinds of forests.

Correction completed.

When Zhou Li'an scored 99 points, Xuenv knelt on the ground in surprise, wept with joy, and hugged her thigh: "Master, master, did Xuenv pass, woooooo... Xuenv is so happy, really happy. "

happy?Are you afraid that you have never experienced the fear of being dominated by exams?

"You can't even get 100 points in the test, how dare you say you are happy?"

"Reflect on yourself, why didn't you get a perfect score!"

"Go, copy the wrong question twenty times, and bring it for me to check!"

Snow Maiden was stunned.

The tears in the eyes seemed to be frozen.

Something seemed wrong to her, but she couldn't tell.

 o(╥﹏╥)o, my stomach hurts, my whole body is limp, and today I still have 1 words for 4000 update...I owe 4 updates, cry! !Thank you for your rewards, baby, I'm going to sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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