Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 85 [84] I am balanced!

Chapter 85 [84] I am balanced!

After the update of version 2.0 of the system, a lot of changes have been brought to the balance station.

【Weather Forecast】Warning, the first heavy rainfall after summer is about to arrive.

Zhou Li'an ordered people to dig ponds outside the resident, and planned a number of urban drainage networks inside the resident.

Whether it is him or the natives, it is the first time to build a city and has no relative experience; the existence of the system has largely avoided trouble.

Then, a torrential rain fell for three consecutive days. When the people saw the accumulated water rising and being quickly led into the pond by the drainage channel, they all praised the greatness of our Lord.

Zhou Li'an can only be thankful that [Time Acceleration] was not carried out prematurely, otherwise, after the flood disaster, it will inevitably cause chain negative effects.

Heat and humidity breed disease.

But it is obviously not the time to start the popularization of vaccinations for various viruses and diseases at this stage.

Inactivated vaccines are not infectious.

But it's hard to say if it's a weakened active vaccine.

For example, common BCG vaccines, smallpox vaccines, measles, chickenpox vaccines, including yellow fever vaccines are all attenuated live vaccines.

Such vaccines have a very small probability of virus strain mutation.

The person being injected may have a severe reaction, which is why, after injection of this kind of freeze-dried live vaccine, most of them need to stay in the hospital for observation at the injection point.

Of course, there will be no problems with small-scale injections, but if tens of thousands of people are vaccinated, if a few people are unlucky, then the joke will be big.

It was supposed to be vaccinated to prevent diseases, but now it has become a 'natural disaster'.

Today's North America is still a virgin/women's land that has not been ravaged by the virus.

It is a kind of poisoning behavior to rashly bring those weak and active vaccines.

Therefore, the popularization of vaccination should be put in the future, when North America is unified, population migration and census are completed, and then unified vaccination prevention will be carried out.

At the very least, there must be the most basic medical unit, ready for isolation and prevention, and inject batches batch by batch.

It's a long way.

In addition, [Academic Center] is not in a hurry to launch.

I haven't read all the words yet, and putting in the construction is a waste of a "miracle of creation". Zhou Li'an wants to hold a large-scale sacrificial event after the reunification of North America is completed.

Let more people witness together and balance the greatness of creation.

At that time, some children also have the foundation of self-study.


7 month 26 day.

Zhou Li'an arrived in Juarez.

Before setting off to explore the map of North America, the buffalo hides for the next two months must be handed over to Wang Defa in one go.

A total of 18000 bison hides, enough for him to work for two months.

At the same time, the 7 pieces of furs in July accounted for 11000 million US dollars, bringing Zhou Li'an's deposit to 2970 million, of which 7500 need to be used for horses, and the remaining 3500 million can be used at will.

However, this money has no direction of use for the time being, and it is temporarily stored.

In the barbaric era, everything needs to be cultivated and enlightened. Xuenv is completing the germination of culture, and the people are also stepping into a self-sufficient living standard.

All that needs to be done now is to give them time to develop and transition.

Krypton gold is only an auxiliary function, and the road needs to be walked out step by step by themselves.

Zhou Li'an and Wang Defa clarified the current month's accounts, and sat in Lao Wang's office in the factory to drink tea.

Wang Defa suddenly remembered another thing, "By the way, the expatriates from the woodcarving factory arrived in Juárez a few days ago, would you like to meet?"

Zhou Li'an asked strangely: "Expatriates? What are you here for?"

Lao Wang put on an attitude of 'you don't eat fireworks': "For a business worth tens of millions, of course I'm here to collect the money."

"People are afraid that you will go back on your word, and they will produce it in 10 days, and then ship it quickly. They are afraid that you won't pay the final payment when the product is shipped, so they must come here to watch."

Zhou Li'an laughed for a while, and was about to ask when the goods will arrive.

Lao Wang suddenly took out a wood carving from under the coffee table, and his expression became playful: "So, Zhou Sheng, what are you going to do if you order 10 sets of your own wood carvings?"


Zhou Li'an's smile froze on his face, "The things...the things have arrived?"

"No, no, these are samples brought by expatriates. There are dozens of them, and I temporarily put them at Jonah's house."

"Zhou Sheng, although I admit that you are suave, are you sure you can sell so many wooden head portraits?"

"..." Zhou Li'an couldn't help but fell into social death.

The wood carvings are expected to arrive in 4 days, and Zhou Li'an doesn't plan to leave, lest he have to come back when he gets it.

In the afternoon, the two went to the supermarket to purchase.

Coincidentally, it's time to meet Jonah and his daughter.

When Jonah was released at the beginning, Zhou Li'an ran away to prevent him from exploding when he learned about the situation. After such a long time, according to Lao Wang, he has already digested it.

What's more, this is a good thing, and the revenge will be avenged.

Come to the villa in the rich area.

When the car drove into the courtyard, the door of the villa opened, and Jonah greeted him with a smile.

Closed in the villa, he can't see outsiders. Pharaoh has no friends in Juarez. They come and go, and the two often sit together. You drink your coffee, I drink my tea, chatting, and they become friends.

But when the car door opened and Zhou Li'an's face appeared, Jonah's smile froze on his face.

"Long time no see, Luke!" Zhou Li'an spoke first, breaking the calm.

Jonah came back to his senses, the tense expression finally relaxed, and after exhaling a long breath, he bowed slightly to Zhou Li'an——

"Thank you for this."

His emotions are mixed.

Waking up from a dream, but in a foreign country, and having to listen to Patrice's description of the assassination, Jonah's first reaction was anger.

He had long thought that Zhou Li'an often took his daughter away, which was very abnormal, but he never expected that the two of them were doing shooting training.

In the end, Zhou Li'an even asked Patricia to go to the worship center to assassinate her.

Unreasonable! !
But after he calmed down, he cried again, and the 13-year hatred was released at this moment.

At least, the result was good, the assassination was successful, and they were able to escape unscathed.

only one thing...

He felt that being himself and being a father didn't help him at all.There is no sense of participation at all.

This makes this revenge very tasteless.

It's like lending my game account to others, and the next day someone tells me that I have cleared the game.

This is by no means a joyful thing, but rather embarrassing and aggrieved.


Patricia actually got redemption.

Over the past few days, Jonah found that her daughter gradually became more cheerful, and sometimes she would take the initiative to talk to him.

Therefore, he couldn't continue to resent Zhou Li'an.

Lao Wang saw that the two were a little deserted, so he couldn't help smoothing things over, "Okay, now that the matter is over, don't be jealous of each other; Luke, Zhou helped a lot in this matter." Busy, escape from Oregon to Mexico, do you know how difficult it is?"

It's fine if Wang Defa didn't say anything, but just mentioning it, Luke Jonah's expression became weird. He walked down the porch steps in a few steps, dragged Zhou Li'an, and hurried in the door.

This scene made Lao Wang directly confused.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Inside the house, when the two entered, Patricia, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, was naturally startled.

When she saw Zhou Li'an coming, she also noticed her father's abnormal state, so she got up immediately.

Zhou Li'an smiled at her, indicating that it was okay, and followed Jonah's pull into the room.

"how did you do that?"

"Why does my memory stay on the day you came to me... There is no way that there is any medicine that can keep people sleeping for such a long time without damaging the body."

"I've read Spencer's report that Patricia almost disappeared after being assassinated in the worship center."

When Zhou Li'an heard these words, he knew that Patricia had reservations about her father.

In fact, at this point, there is nothing that cannot be open and honest.

It happened that the dog followed them into the bedroom.

Zhou Li'an squatted down, stroked the dog's head, and then looked up at Luke Jonah, "You that so?"


The dog that was in front of Jonah's eyes disappeared.

Another half minute later.


Appears out of thin air.

At this moment, Jonah's face suddenly turned pale, and he couldn't help but staggered back two steps, almost falling down.

The experience of being a human being for more than forty years told him that this is not magic, and it cannot be interpreted from a scientific perspective.

If there should be an explanation for this situation...

"You, who are you?"

Zhou Li'an glanced at the desk next to Jonah, on which his handwritten manuscript was still placed, walked over, and clicked on the words on the paper——


"I am Balance."



Only Zhou Li'an, Lao Wang and Patricia dined.

After receiving Zhou Li'an's frankness, Jonah fell into doubts about the world, beliefs and outlook on life.

In fact, Zhou Li'an didn't say much, just one sentence was enough, 'I am Balanced. '

Concise and concise, the amount of information wrapped is enough for Jonah to digest for a while.

After all, their father and daughter will become their own spokespersons in Mexico in the future. If they just understand the reason and let them repay the kindness of revenge, it is inevitable that the driving force will not be enough.

Entrepreneurs and leaders must learn to draw cakes.

For example, Zhou Li'an prophesied disaster to the people of Balance, and described a bright future for them.

On Jonah's side, there was no need to say anything.

It's all up to them to figure it out.

Then, make your choice...

Live a life of mediocrity, or in the middle of your life, seize the opportunity, take advantage of the style of balance, live out the splendor of life, and explore the "unknown balance".

This multiple choice question is not difficult.

The dinner table.

Pharaoh felt the atmosphere was stuffy.

Patricia was a boring gourd, and because Jonah hadn't arrived, he was always curious about what the two talked about after entering the door.

"Luke, is he okay?"

Zhou Li'an shook his head: "Don't worry about him, he is accepting a brand new world view."

"What new worldview?"

"That is, are there any gods in this world?"

Old Wang was even more confused.

But Patricia raised her head and looked at Zhou Li'an, "Does Dad know?"

"Yeah." Zhou Li'an nodded, "Why didn't you confess directly?"

The girl pondered for a while, "Dad won't believe it, and, without your consent, I shouldn't talk too much."

"Then are you ready? Help me do things."

"Well, anytime."

"Hey, hey." Old Wang couldn't help it, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Zhou Li'an turned to look at him again, "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Ah, this..." Old Wang hesitated, and finally just bowed his head to cook.

Curiosity killed the cat.

There are two people on the table, one is a ruthless man who can get a large amount of bison hides and help people smuggle into Mexico, and the other is a little lunatic who dares to openly assassinate at the age of eighteen.

It's better not to get involved in what they are talking about.


Lao Wang also stayed in the villa, and there were many vacant rooms. He and Zhou Li'an hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they had a few drinks together.

When they entered the house, Patricia was still watching TV in the living room.

But at this moment, footsteps came from behind.

Patricia turned her head and saw her father with an ugly face. He seemed to have stayed up all night, his spirits were sluggish, and his face was glowing with oil.

Jonah said, "Patricia, you already knew that, right?"


"Let's talk..."

What the father and daughter talked about is unknown.

After Zhou Li'an entered the room, he locked the door behind him, traveled back and forth, and continued to give Xuenv study tutoring.

The next day.

Jonah returned to normal, and took the initiative to hand over the manuscripts of these days to Zhou Li'an, and asked about the follow-up writing content.

Zhou Li'an didn't make an outline when he came, so he just started dictating and asked Jonah to record it.

It can be seen that Jonah is forcibly restraining the curiosity in his heart and asking himself questions.

But even if he asked, Zhou Li'an would not answer.

Because I need two tool people to do things for me, whether I have awe or fear for myself, in short, I need to maintain it with a sense of mystery.

Just like love, once the mystery between men and women is broken, the ambiguous relationship will end.

Once the licking dog finds out that the goddess he has been chasing all along, he will actually pick his boogers, and even if he picks his boogers, he will wipe them indiscriminately...

Can a licking dog still lick it?Maybe, but the mobility will definitely be greatly reduced.


The third day in Juarez.

Zhou Li'an didn't take Lao Wang with him, but met with David Liang alone.

It's not about the new identities for Jonah's father and daughter, it's still too early.but...

"Mr. Zhou, do you want to buy gold mines in Mexico?"

Zhou Li'an nodded: "Yes, there are plans in this regard."

David Liang is very good at dealing with people. Even though he felt that this matter was not very feasible, he did not show the slightest disdain, but explained it very seriously——

"Mr. Zhou, the Mexican gold mines are all in the hands of large mining groups, and they also have financial exchanges with local gangs. State-owned gold mines will not be contracted to private individuals."

"To put it simply, the industry has been solidified for a long time, and it is impossible for newcomers to enter the market, even if there are mines listed for sale..."

"Trust me, that's a trap, too."

Zhou Li'an directly showed his cards: "What I want is not a mine with gold reserves, but an abandoned mine."

"Abandoned mine?" David Liang showed a stunned expression, but he had already started to think about Zhou Li'an's plan in his heart.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhou Li'an directly said——

"Yes, the waste mine is just a camouflage and cover for me to sell a large amount of gold."

At this point, there is no need for David Liang to pretend to be stupid, "You mean, you have a large amount of gold that you want to sell?"

"Also, the amount has reached the level where legal mining must be used as a cover?"

Zhou Li'an nodded: "It's always a pleasure to deal with smart people."

David Liang gasped. There is no need to continue talking. The origin of this batch of gold must be abnormal, otherwise there is no need to cover up and pretend.

He only asked the key: "How much is the quantity?"

But at this moment, Zhou Li'an accepted it as soon as he saw it, "We'll talk about the specifics later. This is a big deal, and it's not something you and I can negotiate in a few words."

"We all know that doing this kind of business in Mexico is a dangerous place, and there are many sides to balance."

"This requires you to mediate in the middle. Help me find a mine first, and it is best to find a suitable and capable partner... We are all Chinese and understand the truth that we can't get fat by ourselves, so I don't mind sharing profits. Share it with everyone and make a fortune together.”

1200 million ounces of gold is not as simple as making money and touching people's hearts. This is almost the total mining volume of a large gold-producing country in a year, and the value exceeds [-] billion.

The meaning of Zhou Li's security department's taking away is not really significant. What he wants is to win over many parties and form his own forces in this world, which can provide high-tech and equipment for the equilibrium.

[Academic Center] is not a panacea, what it has is only a reserve of public knowledge in this world.

Of course, Zhou Li'an can propose scientific research directions, and there will always be geniuses born among the people of Equilibrium, who will achieve results.

But if they can have ready-made equipment, products, and machines as a reference, and let them disassemble and learn, they can avoid many detours.

After all, scientific research takes time, so why...

Why not just copy it?

When Zhou Li'an finished drawing cakes for David Liang, and let him be shocked, he asked another thing, "Mr. Liang, is there a way to help me get a large amount of aviation kerosene? The more the better!"

David Leung was blinded again.

You were talking about gold a moment ago, why did you suddenly jump to aviation fuel again?These two things are not next to each other at all.

(End of this chapter)

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