Chapter 89 [88] Tool Man
late at night.

At the end of a math class, cow dung respectfully pays homage and leaves.

back home.

Parents are waiting in the living room.

It can be said that the summoning of my lord is a great event. Even when climbing a mountain today, when facing my lord, besides awe and praise, there is also great fear in my heart.

They were the first to witness the coming of the true god, and they also witnessed the wrath of the true god descended several times by our lord.

The most unforgettable one was, of course, that Xuenv's sacrifice.

To be wiped out of the world out of thin air, and to be able to return intact after more than two months, to them, this is a terrifying power that can reverse life and death.

Of course, our Lord is merciful.

Now there are [-] people in balance, happy and happy, no one is sad, even those old people who are old and suffering from old diseases, let their bodies be tired and ache, and smile all day long.

As soon as Niushi entered the door, he saw his parents under the shadow, and was startled: "Father, mother, why haven't you rested yet?"

Climbing opened his mouth, but his wife's voice came out first: "What did my lord call you to do? Have you seen the witch?"

"My sister and I... Wu can be seen every day, Wu is very good, and is being transformed into more profound knowledge by my bishop."

Climbing the mountain: "Then what about you, what did you do?"

Niushi suddenly became proud: "Father, mother, my lord passed down another profound law, and asked me to practice it. I learned it very quickly, and my lord praised me!"

Climbing a mountain and his wife looked at each other, got up almost at the same time, walked to the spiritual altar in the house tacitly, and kowtowed to the "Statue of the True God of Balance, My Lord".

After the worship was over, he climbed the mountain and asked, "What kind of profound law?"

Niushi said: "My lord said that it is called mathematics; if I can master this law, I can go out with my father, and then the glory of balance will sweep the earth and make contributions."

The mountain-climbing couple gasped...

A series of stories have begun to emerge in my mind.

If he could go out with the army and make contributions, wouldn't that be the power of a god? ! !

Mathematics... They kept the name of this law in their hearts.


the following few days.

Zhou Li'an taught Mathematics to Niu Shi, starting from the basics, giving him a lot of exercises every day, and taking him out to measure and apply what he learned.

For the balance at this stage, mathematics can only help in counting and weighing and craftsman purposes, but it is still too early to be popularized on a large scale.

Therefore, language education is actually the most important thing.

When the literacy rate increases and the [Academic Center] is completed in the future, the systematically summarized knowledge can be used for self-study.

However, for the consideration of the expedition, the mathematics learning of bullshit has another huge use, it depends on whether he can master it to a corresponding level before departure.

11 month 20 day.

Zhou Li'an left a new math test paper and preview questions for the next lesson early in the morning, then returned to the present world and set off for Juarez.

The tool factory, grain processing factory and woodcarving factory have all been purchased in place.

This trip to inspect, of course, this month's bison hides will also be sent; in addition, the three-month experience has been summarized into an outline, and Jonah has new materials for writing, which will enrich the "Balanced Book".

As for the mathematics textbook, it was all stripped and sorted out by Zhou Li'an himself; there are not many allusions and quotations involved in mathematics, it is all numbers and formulas, so it is very simple.

I also taught them basic numbers and simple addition earlier, so the learning progress of cow shit these days is quite gratifying.

Like his elder sister Xuenv, he has an extremely intelligent mind.


Zhou Li'an came without warning, and only called Lao Wang to rent a container in the processing area, and then took a dozen cars to the leather factory.

Meet at the factory.

Lao Wang was shocked when he saw more than a dozen trucks of containers.

"40000 pieces of cowhide? Hiss..." He gasped, but then thought again, "Oh, yes, it hasn't been delivered for three months, but the quantity is really amazing."

Arrange for manual transport into cold storage for storage.

The two went to the office to reconcile accounts.

The bison leather market has plummeted month after month, and now it is quoted at US$2000 per piece, which is expected.

Fortunately, the amount is huge this time, and Lao Wang's investment has already returned to the capital, and all the rest will be net profits.

The income of 3500 million in three months is still huge.

After excluding the cost of acquiring the three factories, Zhou Li'an's assets exceeded 3 million after accounting.

Wang Defa was a little dissatisfied, and suggested: "Zhou Sheng, leather companies keep prices down, and there is nothing we can do in the buyer's market. Otherwise, how about we start a leather goods company? Start with a small brand. The quality of leather is good, and there is a market for it."

Zhou Li'an looked at him with a half-smile, "You don't need to ask me what you want to do, you know, I'm just a wage earner, as long as the fur income arrives in the account every month, I don't care if you sell it to other companies or collect it yourself." goods manufacturing."

"But if something goes wrong, it's your responsibility."

As long as the bison hide comes from a normal source, how can Zhou Li'an increase his profit?Instead, the leather company kept pushing down the price.

The problem is that the origin of these furs cannot be checked, and after the number of listings expands, the rarity disappears, and it only belongs to one category of cowhide, and its value will definitely drop.

start a company?

If Lao Wang can withstand the pressure of being shot, Zhou Li'an is happy to see that he can charge himself a high price.

However, when it came to this point, Wang Defa immediately withered.

Are you joking?
He didn't dare to take such a big risk. He also knew that the origin of the fur was unknown, and his calculation in his heart was nothing more than relying on people's power. He wanted to test the power behind Zhou Sheng and see if he had any ideas to develop into an industrial chain.

But now, Zhou Li'an's attitude is very clear.

"Ha, Zhou Sheng, I just mentioned it casually. In fact, the income is enough now."

Zhou Li'an joked, "Hehe, Lao Wang, I just like the way you can bend and stretch, so that you can make a fortune safely and securely."

Lao Wang followed closely behind: "Of course, as men, we must be able to grow long and short, hahaha."

After laughing, no one took the discussion just now seriously.

Zhou Li'an also mentioned that he was asked to buy a cotton spinning and garment factory, and Lao Wang didn't bother to ask why, so he started contacting after changing hands.

Winter is coming, and the warm clothes and bedding for [-] people need to be prepared.

And it involves the acceleration of the next time, and the necessary material reserves must be fully prepared for them.

They can also make clothes with fur and a small amount of hand-woven clothes, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. If they have more time, they might as well go down the river to fish for gold, give birth to more people, and learn languages.

Acquiring a factory is an investment with unlimited benefits. Self-production and self-sale are far more cost-effective than placing orders with merchants.

In the afternoon, Lao Wang took Zhou Li'an to inspect the three factories. Each factory had its original production orders, and now it was just a change of owner. How should they operate, everything remained the same.

"Now we just need a professional manager to help you manage it, Zhou Sheng, I'm too busy."

Lao Wang is already old, and it is unrealistic to work on four factories at once.

After recruiting professional managers, the two can check and balance each other.

Zhou Li'an nodded, and decided to contact a professional intermediary agency to recruit people.


The two dined with David Liang, and went to the karaoke hall to sing after the meal, mainly to connect with each other.

Lao Wang held up the microphone and sang a few old Cantonese songs. He held a dancer who was about the same age as her youngest daughter in his arms, and clinked glasses from time to time, laughing and joking.

David Liang said seriously, "Brother Fa is still very young and very energetic."

Zhou Li'an nodded: "The main thing is to do charity and create jobs."

"Hahaha." David Liang was amused, and then naturally talked about gold.

"It's hard to find a mine, mainly because it's hard to get the qualification approval. Unless it's an investment from a large mining group, the officials won't trust us."

"If you cooperate directly with the gang forces...then you have to hide under the water all the time, and the sovereignty will also be controlled by them, which is not good for long-term cooperation. These gang forces will turn their faces when they say they turn their faces."

Zhou Li'an is not afraid of turning his face, the mine is just a cover for the goods in my hands; but I asked David Liang to set up this shelf, so that the gold can be washed ashore instead of hidden under the water.

Making money is only one of them, and the more important thing is to open up contacts from all walks of life in Mexico.

"A good project can't be rushed, so you can think of a way?"

David Liang nodded: "I'm afraid that Mr. Zhou is too anxious, so I will explain to you."

After the happy event, Lao Wang and Zhou Li'an returned to the residence of Jonah and his daughter.

Recently, he doesn't live in a hotel anymore, so he simply lives here for a long time, which seems lively; although it is a rich area, the neighbors around him don't communicate like American communities, unless they are acquaintances.

Therefore, the Jonah father and daughter have been safe.

The gold mine has not yet been completed, Zhou Li'an is not in a hurry to let their father and daughter show their faces, let's live a peaceful life for a few days.

The next day, deliver the outline.

Zhou Li'an withdrew.

Patricia has a withdrawn personality and doesn't like to ask too many questions; Luke Jonah dare not ask too many questions. His world cognition is still shaking and has not yet calmed down.

Lao Wang has long been used to it, so let's throw away the shopkeeper.

Not to mention that so many buffalo hides are shipped every month, and Zhou Li'an also has to contact the source of the goods, so it is impossible to be free.

Wang Defa sent him to the airport, and when he picked up the ticket, he was still surprised: "Flying to San Francisco?"

"Meet Lawyer Lu."

"Oh, please speak for me, Lawyer Lu is a nice guy."

Lawyer Lu was in charge of the offshore company registration, and accompanied Lao Wang on a trip to Bermuda; however, Zhou Li'an was too busy for the past six months, and Zhou Li'an didn't have much contact with him. Occasionally, when he was free, he would send a few greetings on WeChat during the holidays.

Zhou Li'an is asking for something when he comes to visit now.

But that's how it is among adults.

It is no longer the three or two people in the afternoon when they were children, chasing all over the mountains and plains, and kowtow to make oaths, two brothers in the same life; when they grow up, they go their separate ways, except for occasional encounters during New Years and holidays, they are usually just acquaintances who like each other in the circle of friends.

Relationships between interests and colleagues can maintain communication; of course, there is an exception, the relationship between lovers.

If you are lucky, you will meet someone who will accompany you into the grave in this life.

Unlucky, just like Zhou Li'an, she went to the court to be released on bail and divorced; she didn't pay back the money, so she had to file a lawsuit to teach her how to behave.

Oakland Airport, San Francisco East Bay.

Across the sea from San Francisco.

Lawyer Lu came to pick him up in person, and Zhou Li'an was flattered; when they met, they hugged in an American style, and everyone was used to the superficially enthusiastic way of getting along with Westerners.

But as soon as I took a sip of Chinese essence, I felt a sense of closeness: "Grass!! I kept saying that I would come, but I didn't see you. A few months ago, I drank too much and I was able to send you a WeChat voice chat; later on, you boy just refused to answer. gone?"

"Okay, if you get rich, your relatives won't recognize you."

"Busy." Zhou Li'an admitted with a smile, "I invite you tonight, and I will accompany you as much as you want!"

When the two got into the car, Lawyer Lu asked in a measured manner: "I originally wanted to ask a few old classmates to form a game together, but it's up to you, how do you decide, how many days?"

"Two or three days, it's just the two of us who are so lively. Besides... I'm here this time to ask for something. I want to find a professional manager in the factory manufacturing industry. Do you have a suitable intermediary to introduce to me?"

Lawyer Lu asked strangely while driving, "You broke up with that old Chinese man?"

"That's right, I opened three new factories, and I'm too busy."

Lawyer Lu was startled, and immediately started cursing, "Fuck!! Are you really crazy? I don't think Powerball has won a big prize recently!"

Spent two days in San Francisco.

Through Lawyer Lu, I had several interviews with professional managers, and finally decided on a woman... Don't think too much about it, a 47-year-old obese black aunt, a modern fried food lover, with one buttock topping two normal people.

As long as this body shape reaches a balance, regardless of the dark complexion, it is definitely the kind that can overwhelm the country and bring disaster to the country and the people.

19 years of experience as a professional manager in the factory manufacturing industry.

It was supposed to be the age of financial freedom and preparation for retirement. Who would have thought that his son would be too good to be admitted to the world's top four art academies, and go to Paris to double major in oil painting and sculpture...

What can I do?Saving money for my son to buy clay and watercolors.

In addition, this man is proficient in Spanish and his hometown is Mexico. He finally worked hard to go to the United States. Who would have thought that he would settle in Juarez for a long time now.

When it came to Juarez, she didn't resist much.

First of all, the wages are in place, and secondly, the managers of the processing industry are clear about the Juarez processing zone. They did not seek death on their own. Sin City is not that scary.

On the third day, after saying goodbye to Lao Lu, Zhou Li'an bought two first-class tickets and threw them directly to Juárez for the black aunt to meet Wang Defa and hand over the work.

He himself flew to Texas to buy horses.

With 7000 million in hand, it would be unreasonable not to expand the horses.

I can't go to Montana anymore, so as not to make too much noise and attract attention; I also said goodbye to the Stone family before, and I just waited for the lease of the old mute's horse farm to expire, so we can get together and break up.

Zhou Li'an contacted a horse farm on the Internet, rented a small ranch again, and began to hire people to transport it.

Now that the horse market has been figured out, the price for horses under two years old is 1500, and a total of 4000 horses are required.

600 million to buy horses, 4000 million to invest in the tribe, and more than 2000 million working capital on hand just in case.

It took a week to inspect the horses for epidemic prevention, and then moved to the rental horse farm, choosing a dark and windy night late at night.

Whoosh whoosh.

4000 horses all income system.

The next day, Zhou Li'an retired and returned to Oregon; the rented horse farm was just left unused, not short of the small money of a hundred thousand.

Time will speed up in the future, and 8000 horses will be more than enough for the origin of species, and there will be no need to continue to buy more horses in the future.

Equilibrium 1 years, November.

Temperatures plummeted in California.

It was night. Professional managers who had been employed for a week had to follow Zhou Li'an's orders and only contact and call at night.

Her name is funny, "Barbara?"

"Boss, there is news about the cotton spinning and garment factory. It is a brand foundry factory with complete equipment and personnel. The operation is in good condition. The package price is 2200 million yuan, and a 3-year long-term order contract is included. I expect to pay back the cost within 10 years. It depends on you now. Decide."

Zhou Li'an didn't care about this money for a long time. He happened to deposit more than 2000 million yuan, and made the best use of everything. The extra money was transferred as operating funds for several factories.

"That's it. After the procedures are changed, arrange the factory to rush to produce a batch of winter ready-made clothes, including jackets, upper and lower underwear, gloves and socks; the suit design, the size is uniformly produced in large sizes, regardless of aesthetics, wear-resistant and practical. , I want 6 sets."

After hearing the sound of typing on the keyboard on the phone, Barbara said quickly: "Got it, boss; I will send the first version of the costume design to your email. Do you have anything else to do?"

Zhou Li'an felt extremely comfortable because of her ability, "Thank you, Barbara."

"Hehe, this is my job, so I won't disturb your rest, good night?"

"Good night."

Powerful tool man in this world, online.

(End of this chapter)

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