CEI: This celebrity is a bit busy!

Chapter 4 Once Black History!

Chapter 4 Once Black History!

After taking Guo Jianni to the dressing room, Chu Fan came out.

Didn't spend much time in the room!
Although the other party is a rare and beautiful woman, she is not so beautiful that our classmate Chen Chufan can't move.

In terms of appearance alone, regardless of the opponent's eyes, Liu Shishi's appearance is not inferior to the opponent at all.

Moreover, Master Poetry is blessed with fame, so he is even better.

Guo Zhenni met another one, Bailong, one of the legendary four beauties of the capital, and I don't know when I can meet him.

Remember that the other party married a male model in his previous life!
So far, there is no news.

Later, Sister Lang's show became popular again, but at that time, there was no trace of Princess Yushu in Bailong.

I don't know if it's because of having a child, or because my face is easy to age, and I will always appear in front of the world later...

After thinking wildly for a while, Chu Fan shook his head!

The two beauties are not in his consideration, it's not that he really doesn't feel it at all, it's just that it is difficult for the two parties to have the opportunity to cooperate, and even if there is an opportunity, the cooperation time is not long.

Just like this time, the scene between him and Guo Zhenni only took a few shots in total, and it was over in one day.

What can you do in a day?

Do you expect people to develop feelings for him in a day?

Even if the other party is still filming on the set, he can find excuses to contact the other party, but he must pay attention to the occasion and the place!
To flirt with a younger sister under Liu Shishi's nose, uh, flirt with a younger sister!

How much does he feel?

Chu Fan said: For the time being, we can't afford to offend our first sister!
When he came to the shooting location, Chu Fan wanted to find a place to sit and read the script, but when Li Guoli saw him, he waved to him.

Seeing this, Chu Fan walked towards the other party in a hurry.

"Director, do you have anything to do with me?" Chu Fan looked at the big guy in front of him, and carefully asked him what he wanted him to do.

Li Guoli is Tang Ren's chief director and production director, and all the TV series produced by Tang Ren's film and television must go through his hands.

Some of them were filmed by him himself, and some of them were supervised by him. In a word, Li Guoli is indispensable in Tang Ren's TV series, and the other party is also one of the company's top decision makers.

At the same time, he is also one of the earliest founders of Tang Ren Film and Television!

His status in the company was second only to Boss Cai!

He can't afford to mess with this big guy, so he has to pretend to be good.

It's a pity that Li Guoli was not confused by his performance. He remembered how naughty Chu Fan was.

"Didn't you say you wanted to introduce female classmates?"

"Well, the college is not on holiday yet!"

"What month does your school have holidays?"

"About mid to late January!"

Li Guoli frowned when he heard that it would be in the middle and late January. It was too late, and he couldn't wait that long.

Li Guoli shook his head and said, "It's too late!"

Before Chu Fan approached him, he wanted to help two female classmates get roles, because they were small supporting roles that didn't have many roles.

Therefore, Li Guoli agreed.

However, now the filming is about to begin.

Time is too late.

It is impossible for him to delay the shooting for two small supporting roles!

"The two of my classmates just want to come and experience it, and it's fine to arrange two secondary roles for them."

Let Reba and Yuan Yanyan play tricks...

That's what Chu Fan could say!

Well, there is no way!

The regulations for acting have always been that freshmen, freshmen and sophomores should have good basic skills in school, except for excellent scripts and important roles.

Don't go out to play!

So, now the two really can't get out.

He introduced Reba and Yuan Yanyan to play Bu Bu Jing Xin, naturally not for the sake of taking advantage of Bu Bu Jing Xin's popularity.

It's for his next play, Xuanyuan Sword: Scar of the Sky!

There are two characters in Xuanyuan Sword: Scars of the Sky, Xiaoxue and Ruyan. He personally thinks that they are quite suitable for Reba and Yuan Yanyan.

The actor who played Xiaoxue in the previous life was Guli Nazha!
And Ruyan is played by an unknown actress!

Let Reba replace Nazha, and Yuan Yanyan replace an unknown actress, Chu Fan felt that there was no problem.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world.

If the two want roles, they have to sign a contract with Tang Ren Film and Television Company. In the future, Tang Ren Film and Television cannot be the only one to take the lead, but must have a new Xiaohua to replace Liu Shishi.

When it comes to candidates to replace Liu Shishi, Chu Fan tends to be more popular. In addition to the fact that the other party is more popular, the other is that the other party does not have much black material. The hot bar in the previous life was very popular. However, apart from being complained about his acting skills, there is nothing else It's so good.

It is impossible to say that the other party is hiding too tightly!
It's okay for ordinary stars to talk about it, but it's too difficult to hide some things for top female celebrities who are often searched for in hot bars.

It's okay for a short time, but it will definitely be exposed after a long time.

But just can't find it!

This only shows that the other party really has no black material to dig out!

Even if there is, it can be hidden so tightly.

It is also a skill!
Li Guoli didn't know Chu Fan's plan, so when he saw what he said, he nodded and said, "Okay, you should hurry up and recite your lines!"

When Chu Fan heard the words, he didn't wait any longer, so he hurried out of the way.

The lessons from his previous life were too deep, he was really afraid that Li Guoli would ask him to settle his old debts. In his previous life, he wanted to be a director, and he was also influenced by Li Guoli. He remembered that he used to go on winter and summer vacations and liked to go to the film crew to play, especially with Li Guoli. Watch the other party filming.

After being by the other party's side for a long time, he would often see actors being scolded head-on and face-to-face, and those people basically dared not say a word.

It was this subconscious influence that caused Chu Fan to not want to be an actor in his previous life, but to have a soft spot for directors instead.

For Li Guoli, Chu Fan in the past was a naughty boy who gave him headaches. Every time Chu Fan came to the set, he always prepared an extra lunch box to prevent his lunch box from being stolen.

Several times, because Chu Fan came at such a coincident time, he ate his lunch box, causing him to be hungry several times.

It made Li Guoli want to hit someone!
But because of the friendship with Chu Fan's mother and the fact that the other party is a child, he can only swear a few words every time.

In fact, it's really not Chu Fan's fault. Anyone who has eaten boxed lunches knows that ordinary boxed lunches don't talk about food.

Most of the time, it's also very unpalatable!

As for the crew, whose box lunch is the best?

There is no doubt that the director and the hero and heroine have the best food.

For Chu Fan, who came from a wealthy family since he was a child, ordinary boxed lunches naturally couldn't satisfy his appetite, so he must eat good ones!

He just picks good food, no, he doesn't pick good food, to be precise, he just picks the best food.

Because of his young age, he is not afraid of being scolded by Li Guoli!

Li Guoli's identity is important in the eyes of others, but in Chu Fan's eyes, Li Guoli is no different from other people.

Even Cai Yinang is used to him, who is he afraid of?

Because of the incident of stealing lunch, after he graduated from his previous life and joined Tang Ren's company, he had a rough time at first, and it was really miserable.

Every day I was summoned by Li Guoli, summoned to go!
It can be called the darkest moment of life!

The more Li Guoli doesn't trouble him now, the more afraid he is!

 I am busy writing the outline today, and there is only one chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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