CEI: This celebrity is a bit busy!

Chapter 60 Was Actually Blocked!

Chapter 60 Was Actually Blocked!

"the number you have call is unavailable…"

"the number you have call is unavailable…"

"the number you have call is unavailable…"

Chu Fan looked at his phone in surprise, whether he was blocked, or blocked, or blocked...

Just now he sent a text message to Liu Shishi, and he sent...

There is no response from the other side!
Calling now, the prompt is turned off again.

Chu Fan couldn't believe it, Master Shi blocked himself.

He is so sticky and handsome, how can the other party block him, there must be a problem with the signal, and he wants to complain.

By the way, what is the complaint phone number of Xingdong?
Well, let Xiaoyu try first.

"Hey, Xiao Yu, call Master Shi."

"It's nothing, just check to see if her phone is turned off."

"Don't talk nonsense, just call."

"Hurry up, I'll wait!"

After speaking, Chu Fan hung up the phone.

If Master Shi really blocked him, it means that his trick of using the fairy sister is indeed effective, and the effect is very significant.

It's just that the sequelae are a bit big, and it accidentally flashed to the waist.

He just praised Sister Immortal for a few words, and the other party directly blocked him, which shows that Master Shi did not act so indifferently.

If Liu Shishi knew what he was thinking, he would definitely spray him to death with a mouthful of salt soda, a few words, she would definitely be able to bear a few words.

However, the other party praised Sister Immortal for more than ten minutes.

Who can stand this?
Liu Shishi said: Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it.

Soon, Xiao Yu called back.

"Hey, Yu, how are you doing?"

"No? Then I know!"

The other party really blocked his phone!

Xiaoyu was able to get through to Liu Shishi's phone, which meant that the other party's phone was not turned off, but his phone couldn't get through.

"What are you kids doing asking so much!" After finishing speaking, Chu Fan hung up Xiao Yu's phone without talking nonsense to her.

"Unload the mill and kill the donkey!" After Chu Fan hung up the phone roughly, Xiao Yu snorted twice, thinking: I must teach someone a lesson today. Spent.

Then, ask Boss Chu for reimbursement.

"I thought that if my phone was blocked, I wouldn't be able to find you!"

With a flick of his little finger, Chu Fan clicked on the Penguin.

To be honest, he actually prefers to use WeChat, not because WeChat can grab red envelopes, but because WeChat is more convenient to credit, but WeChat just came out in January this year.

At present, Jiugongge has not been perfected yet.

In addition, there are not many people who use WeChat/Xin now, so he has no choice but to continue to use his two little penguins of the sun.

Open the friend list and find that Master Shi is online.

Chu Fan decisively clicked on Master Shi's Penguin account!

Then start editing: "Gentle, beautiful and generous Poetry Master, my phone and your phone have been out of contact for 5 minutes and 20 seconds. When do you see when they can get back in touch..."

Edit good news, click send!
Message sent successfully!
Did not receive the red exclamation point!
On the other side, Liu Shishi received a message from Chu Fan.

Click to take a look!
Seeing that he lost contact for 5 minutes and 20 seconds, Liu Shishi rolled his eyes, hesitated for a while, and then decided to talk to someone.

Liu Shishi: "The signal is bad, and it won't recover for the time being!"

After receiving Master Shi's reply, Chu Fan couldn't help beaming with joy. It seems that this sister has not been killed, and there is still a chance to turn around.

Chu Fan: "Then how long will it take to recover?"

Liu Shishi: "That depends on when the signal is restored!"

When will the signal be restored?
Chu Fan looked puzzled: How did the signal recover?

Could it be that you take back what you said about Sister Immortal?
How can I take back what I said?
Delete text messages?

Does deleting this help?

Chu Fan thought for a while, but couldn't think of an answer.

In his previous life, as the horse boy next to the director, he had always been a popular figure in the crew, and basically women took the initiative to hook him up, so he didn't need to spend too much effort to please women.

As for those female stars, he had no chance to please them.

There are many people who please!
There is no need for him to come up!
On the contrary, some disgraced aunts like him more, think that he, Xiao Chu, Xiao Fan, has a bright future, and they are especially willing to talk to him, and even want to discuss the philosophy of life with him...

Under normal circumstances, he only talks with his aunts what is in his heart.

As for discussing the philosophy of life, his realm is not that high.

The philosophy of life is too profound!
He, Chen, and Chu Fan couldn't figure it out!
If you can't figure it out, then don't be ashamed to ask, and don't be ashamed.

Chu Fan: "May I ask the gentle, beautiful and generous... Master Poetry, when will the signal be restored, it is very urgent (emoji package)!"

Seeing Chu Fan's emoji, Liu Shishi pursed his lips and smiled.

Then, continue to play riddles for Chu Fan.

Liu Shishi: "When the weather clears up, the signal will be restored!"

Is the weather good?

Does that mean Master Shi is in a bad mood right now?
Chu Fan: "I understand!"

Master Liu: "What do you understand?"

Chu Fan: "Master Shi, I'm going to read the script, let's download it first."

After sending the message, Chu Fan resolutely quit Penguin.

Master Shi was in a bad mood at the moment, so he stopped coming.

When the other party is in a better mood, release him from the blacklist, and he will go to talk to the other party about the beauty of the fairy sister.

Once raw, twice cooked.

When the other party gets used to it, the mood will not change.

Women, don't get too used to it.

If you get used to it, it is easy to get used to it.

Think about Master Shi being such a good person, now blacklisting people every now and then, the impact is really bad.

You must teach the other party a lesson!
Chu Fan decided not to send text messages to the other party for a week, no, three days, to make the other party realize the seriousness of the matter.

Thinking of this, Chu Fan couldn't help but feel happy.

Read the script, read the script, the script is the most important thing.

A woman will only affect the speed at which he draws his sword!

Seeing Chu Fan's originally bright penguin head suddenly darkened, Liu Shishi was a little confused, so he left?

Shouldn't you praise her, be more obedient, and beg her to release her mobile phone number from the blacklist?
For a while, Liu Shishi did not regain his composure.

Chu Fan left, it was too straightforward.

Caught her a little off guard and a little convoluted.

Press, the mood is very complicated!
I seem to have met a person who doesn't play cards according to common sense!
Thinking of Chu Fan's insistence on praising Sister Immortal just now, Liu Shishi gritted his teeth and decided to teach Chu Fan a profound lesson.

If the other party does not realize the mistake and the seriousness of the matter, then she will keep the other party in the blacklist.

Let the other party never even think about calling her!
After making up his mind, Liu Shishi's mood improved immediately, then he put away his phone and picked up the script on his lap.

Read the script, read the script, the script is the most important thing.

Men will only affect the speed at which she becomes an A-list actress!


(End of this chapter)

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