CEI: This celebrity is a bit busy!

Chapter 72 Nanshan Pizza Hut!

Chapter 72 Nanshan Pizza Hut!
in the office
Chu Fan handed over the design drawings of Xiaoxiaole and Snake to General Manager Xu Qiang, who planned to develop Xiaoxiaole first.

After all, Xiaoxiaole is much more powerful than Snake Fighting.

Naturally, Xiaoxiaole must be developed first!
After reading the game design drawings, Xu Qiang asked in surprise, "Boss, who designed these two games?"

Although the design drawings of the two games are very rough, in his opinion, the two games are absolutely fine.

Especially the Snake Battle!
Three modes of Snake:

Online mode, endless mode, and open room mode.

Especially in the final room opening mode, players can create a room and invite friends to enter a separate room to play games together.

This is simply too suitable for the current game environment!

He dared to believe that once this game was developed, it would definitely attract countless players in a short period of time and make the company a lot of money.

Why does he think he will make a lot of money?

The reason is simple, greedy for snake skin!
As long as the greedy snake fights the fire!

Xu Qiang felt that it would be difficult for the company not to make money.

Chu Fan didn't answer his question, but asked, "What do you think of the two games, which one is better?"

Xu Qiang thought for a while, then said cautiously: "Both games are very good, as for which game is better, I'm not sure."

"I personally think that the two games focus on different things. The web version of Snake Battle may be more popular with everyone."

"As for Xiaoxiaole, I think it is more suitable for mobile phones."

Chu Fan continued to ask: "Then which game do you think we should develop first, or in other words, which game can make a short-term profit."

Although he has already made a decision in his heart, he still wants to hear Xu Qiang's opinion. He is not very familiar with the game industry.

Regarding the game, Chu Fan said:
He can only play!
Without hesitation, Xu Qiang said, "Greedy snake fight!"

Chu Fan was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

Xu Qiang explained: "At present, the domestic game market is mainly dominated by online games, and the mobile game market accounts for a very small proportion."

"Although mobile games have grown rapidly in recent years, compared with online games, there is still a big gap."

"Boss, if you want the company to make a profit as soon as possible, it is more appropriate to develop the Snake Battle first, and Xiaoxiaole can be put aside."

"According to the growth rate of smartphones in my country, I think it will not be too late for us to enter the mobile game market next year or two."

After listening to Xu Qiang's suggestion, Chu Fan couldn't help but fell silent. He didn't know very well when mobile games started.

However, at this stage it is indeed the world of online games.

Chu Fan thought for a while and decided: "Divide the technical staff of the studio into two groups, and develop Snake Fight and Xiaoxiaole together. I will give you three months to develop the web version first."

"After three months, I want to hear the news of the successful development of the game. If there are not enough people, you can recruit people."

Chu Fan is not planning to delay the development of Xiao Xiao Le!
The main reason is Le Elements, the parent company of Xiao Xiao Le in the previous life. If he delays the development of Xiao Xiao Le, Le Elements will catch up.

Then don't open his game company!
In his opinion, Xiaoxiaole is the head of the game company.

More than half of the income of Le Elements in the previous life was earned from the game Xiaoxiaole, which shows how profitable this game is.

As for Snake Battle, he doesn't know much about the profitability of this game and how long its life cycle is.

So, to be conservative, the two games were developed together.

If the funds are not enough, you can fool the fairy sister again, if not, let your mother subsidize, anyway, it is not short of this money.


After handing over the two game development tasks to Xu Qiang, Chu Fan only stayed at the game company for two days before leaving.

He doesn't know much about game development.

Well, to be precise, I don’t know anything about it.

I don't understand, he won't command blindly from the sidelines.

Anyway, the principles of the two games are very simple, and not as complicated as other large-scale games. In essence, Snake Fighting and Xiaoxiaole belong to the category of small games. If it is not that he requires exquisite picture quality, and the network is not stuck... I believe the development time will shorten a lot.

He is mainly afraid of being copied by Penguin. He really has nothing to do with Brother Ma and Penguin who own Nanshan Pizza Hut.

If you don't make it better, people will kill him with a backhand.

In order to avoid being manipulated by Brother Xiao Ma, Chu Fan decided to cooperate with Penguin after the game was developed.

Of course, the game is just a stepping stone.

His main purpose is to use this to connect with Penguin.

In the previous life, the Internet industry was divided into two major departments:

Penguin and Ahri!
As for Boss Li, that buddy is too far behind.

As far as Chu Fan is concerned, it is undoubtedly the best choice to choose Xiao Ma!
There is no other reason, Ari prefers to play acquisitions, but if the old horse likes it, he will find an opportunity to take you into his pocket.

The strategy of Pony and Penguin is that I will do it first, and if it doesn’t work, I will give money, traffic, and train you to be your own.

Simply put:
Follow the pony brother to have meat to eat, follow the old horse to wait to be eaten!

Chu Fan was very greedy for Penguin's money and traffic, and wanted to develop rapidly in the Internet industry, so he followed Xiao Ma.

Undoubtedly a straight road to the sky!

After all, giving money to traffic is not something old horses can compare.

Seeing that Chu Fan had returned to the company, Cai Yinong finally breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that the little guy would not want to come back.

Then her subsequent plans will not be easy to unfold!
You must know that Chu Fan is the candidate she arranged to replace Brother Hu. If Xuanyuan Sword: Scars of the Sky succeeds, Tang Ren's TV dramas, especially costume dramas, will be based on Chu Fan.

Only in this way can Tang Ren's status as the first brother in costume dramas be continued!
No nonsense, Cai Yinong has a full schedule for Chu Fan, mainly recording songs, filming MVs and action training.

In Xuanyuan Sword: Scars of the Sky, because of Chu Fan, the role of Chen Jingchou has a lot of martial arts scenes.

So, you need to do some training in advance.

As for commercial performances, endorsements and so on.

Cai Yinong didn't pick up anyone for Chu Fan, mainly because Chu Fan's reputation is too small now, and the prices for commercial performances and endorsements he contacted are too low.

Therefore, she didn't want Chu Fan to waste time and energy.

Chu Fan had no objection to this either.

Leaving aside commercial performances, he won't take up the endorsement easily.

Even when his fame rises, he won't accept endorsements casually, unless the price offered by the other party is too high.

Make it impossible for him to refuse!

Throughout the month of May, Chu Fan obediently listened to Cai Yinong's arrangements, spent time in his busy schedule, and occasionally visited the game company.

Little days are very fulfilling!

(End of this chapter)

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