CEI: This celebrity is a bit busy!

Chapter 97 Snake Snake Finished!

Chapter 97 Snake Snake Finished!
Of course, Mango TV's removal of Bu Bu Jing Xin from the summer program has a great impact on Bu Bu Jing Xin.

Especially in terms of ratings!
Due to time constraints, Bu Bu Jing Jing, which was not released in the summer, will inevitably lose some student fans.

You must know that student fans account for a large part of the audience of TV dramas. Part of the reason why the Qiang Palace is so popular is that it is released during the winter vacation and has the support of student fans.

Now, Scarlet Heart cannot be shown in the summer vacation, and it must be lower than Gong Gong in terms of ratings and topic popularity.

In addition, both dramas are Qing court dramas.

This kind of overlapping theme will also lose part of the audience:

The reason why Jingxin Bubu became popular in the previous life was all because of its quality advantage, otherwise, because of the two items of not being able to be on the summer schedule and having the same theme as the palace, there is a great chance that Jingxin Bubu will hit the street.

However, Tang Ren made up for all of this with quality.

In terms of word-of-mouth, it completely beat Da Mi Mi's Palace.

Of course, Liu Shishi didn't know all this. In such a situation, this sister would inevitably feel a little depressed at the moment.

After Chu Fan found out, he immediately comforted: "Master Shi, don't worry, we all know the quality of the startling step by step, and now it's just broadcast at a different time..."

Startling by every step was not released in the summer file!

most disappointed person!

Except for Cai Yinong, it will belong to Liu Shishi.

After the broadcast of Da Mi Mi's Palace, Liu Shishi has been holding back his energy and trying his best to play the role of Ruoxi well.

The purpose, of course, was to catch up, or even surpass Da Mimi's palace, but he didn't expect to lose a round first during the release period.

It is impossible to say that Liu Shishi is not uncomfortable.

Seeing that Liu Shishi ignored Chu Fan, Brother Hu hurriedly comforted him: "That's right, Shishi, don't worry, I heard from Sister K that I didn't make it to the summer vacation this time.

Tang Yan opened her mouth, not knowing how to comfort Liu Shishi.

She didn't expect that she would mention it casually and make the atmosphere like this. If she knew it, she wouldn't mention it. Tang Yan felt a little regretful.

Fortunately, Master Shi is not Xiao Guliang, and he recovered quickly. Facing everyone's concerned eyes, Liu Shishi forced a smile and said: "I'm fine, you two don't worry!"

Chu Fan said: "That's right, I should be the one who should be worried. Startling every step of the way is my first play, if it goes wrong."

"Then it won't be easy for me to be in Tang Ren in the future. You must know that I want to replace Lao Hu and take his position as the first brother."

As he said that, Chu Fan gave Brother Hu a look.

Brother Hu rolled his eyes very cooperatively, and said in a bad mood: "I say you are almost enough, even if you are thinking about my first brother's position, keep a low profile for me and don't say it."

"It's best to be my younger brother for a few years first, so that I can show mercy and give you the position of first brother."

Chu Fan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Ms. Zhang has already said that you should be famous as early as possible. In a few years, the day lily will be cold!"

Let alone a few years, one or two years later, it will be too late when the big four, three small ones, and the flow of small fresh meat come out.

If he can't make his mark in the entertainment industry and become famous in a year or two, how can he compete with those people?

If he can't compete, even if he knows that those dramas will be popular, it's useless. If he wants to get a role, he still has to rely on his fame and strength.

Therefore, it is impossible to be low-key and low-key.


"Hey, Mom, what's the matter?"

"Really, that's great, I'll ask for leave tomorrow."

At the end of July, Chu Fan finally received the good news that his game company had finally produced Snake Battle.

Starting from the beginning of May, it took nearly three months, and this long-awaited game was finally produced.

Next, as long as the test passes, it can be put into the market.

Of course, before entering the market, one must first find a good agent. There are currently many domestic game platforms, and the choice is in his hands.

As long as it's a good game, you don't have to worry about making money.

However, in order to avoid being copycat, you still have to contact Penguin first, otherwise rely on Penguin's huge users.

It's too easy to mutilate him!

In contrast, other platforms do not have the user advantage of Penguin, even if it is a copycat, it will not shake its basic disk.

Of course, the premise is that the penguin can't be too greedy.

Fortunately, in the current domestic game market, Penguin has not become the dominant player. In this regard, he doesn't have to worry about Penguin's unsightly eating.

End the call with my mother!

Chu Fan immediately called Liu Yifei.

He waited for this moment for too long.

"Hey, Yifei, it's me!"

"Uh, Aunt Liu, that, I'm looking for Sister Yifei."

"Excuse me, does she have time now? I have something to ask her!"

Facing Aunt Liu on the other end of the phone, Chu Fan lowered his voice again and again, and his tone was the lowest.

In this way, reduce your own sense of existence.

If there are other people around, they will definitely say something cowardly.

You can't be cowardly, the mother-in-law's aura is too strong.

Well, the main reason is that Chu Fan misses his daughter. The previous agreement between him and Liu Yifei has already expired.

It's a pity that Liu Yifei left after filming the four famous shops.

The agreement has not been fulfilled until now!
Of course, Liu Yifei did not break the contract, and said on the phone every time that he would wait until the next meeting, and kept hanging on him.

This time, the Snake Battle was successfully developed, and his chance finally came, using the guise of the game to invite someone over.

When the time comes, find a way to let Liu Yifei complete the agreement.

If the other party makes excuses again, then he will not play with the other party, and he may not have time to spend with the other party.

I just didn't expect that the person who answered the phone was Aunt Liu!

This made him feel a little unfavorable!

On the other side, Liu Yifei, who was putting on makeup, saw her mother walking over with her mobile phone, and couldn't help asking, "Whose phone is it?"

If it was an ordinary person, my mother would reply directly.

For some reason, the image of Chu Fan suddenly appeared in Liu Yifei's mind. Recently, that guy called her every day.

Every time, he reminds the two of them of their agreement explicitly and secretly!

Until now, she didn't know what excuse to delay!
"Xiaofan's call, he said he has something to do with you!"

After speaking, Aunt Liu handed the phone to her daughter.

Liu Yifei took the phone and put it to her ear, wondering why the other party called him at this time.

Before, the other party called her at night!
Is there really something wrong?


With doubts, Liu Yifei yelled at the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Chu Fan's voice quickly came.

Hearing Chu Fan mentioned that the game was successful, Liu Yifei was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly remembered it.

If Chu Fan didn't say it, she would have almost forgotten it.

"Tomorrow, but I have a commercial to shoot tomorrow."

"No, listen to me!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go, let me go!"

"what time tomorrow?"

"Then I'll go there in the morning and come back in the evening, okay?"

"Why can't you take my mother there?"


(End of this chapter)

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