Chapter 158
The Empire will launch a massive attack on the Zenit?
Both Lin Feng and Rowling became nervous at the same time.

After all, the technology of the empire is also changing with each passing day.

And the Zenith Stars, sticking to the Zenith battleship, are just struggling to support it.

Moreover, the power of Tiandinghao is almost exhausted.

Any large-scale, even the usual small-scale, or even the maintenance of basic defense, is almost impossible to carry on.

Lin Feng let the Zenith Gold energy source brought in by the second batch of warriors, isn't it because the warriors were all trapped in a certain tribe, and they were released at this moment.

Therefore, the power supply of the Zenith has not been supplemented accordingly.

"Let's go to the Zenith first!"

Lin Feng made a decision.

The eye of the sky has not yet recovered its teleportation power, so Rowling knew that this decision made by Lin Feng would be a dangerous journey.

Because, from Meditation City to Zenith, it is necessary to pass through the encirclement of Zenith by the entire Gray Realm Empire.

The surrounded Zenith could not break out.

Naturally, it is equally difficult for outsiders to go to the Zenith.

But after staying in Meditation City for so long, Lin Feng also learned a little about the situation of the empire.

Then the next step is to deal with the people of the empire.

Promotion of Jianfeng's series of products.

Naturally, it has long attracted the attention of the empire.

Although in Meditation City, everyone is anonymous.

However, among the clients that Lin Feng received, there was a group that aroused his speculation.

It was a boss named Beihai.

Come to negotiate with full sincerity, saying that he intends to contract all the products of Jianfeng Company.

And in price, give the highest level.

Of course, Lin Feng has not agreed to the Beihai boss.

This Beihai should belong to the empire.

Inside and outside the words, this kind of message is being revealed.

This Beihai also said that if Jianfeng Company is willing to supply all aspects and exclusive supply, then in all the teleportation point cities in the gray world, Jianfeng Company can have a corresponding foothold.

At that time, Lin Feng said that Jianfeng Company promoted its products through pre-sale and snap-up, and did not carry out exclusive supply business.

And temporarily do not intend to change this business strategy.

Bei Hai was not angry either, but asked Lin Feng to think about it, or change his mind, and have opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Inside the villa.

In the past few days, the two Fengying sisters said that they had something to do, but they never came to visit.

Following Lin Feng's example, Rowling sat at the tea table and honed her tea skills.

Sitting opposite Lin Feng, watching her plain hands rise and fall, the fragrance of tea lingered for a while.

"It may not be wise to provoke people from the empire now."

Seeing Lin Feng's leisurely complacency, Rowling was very worried that he would act rashly and radically, which would reveal his intentions instead.

Lin Feng shook his head: "My queen, it's not the first day we met, do you think I'm an impulsive person?"

Rowling thought: Yes, sometimes I am really too impulsive.

Thinking of how the two get along most of the time, wouldn't it be more interesting if he was a little impulsive?

Immediately her cheeks flushed, she lowered her head to clean up the tea dregs in the tea tray, to hide her guilty conscience.

"Sooner or later, we will have to deal with the empire, and we can't wait for the situation of the Zenith and the Li clan!"

Can't wait, the situation is already very urgent.

Moreover, Beihai, which represents the empire, is probably preparing for large-scale battles with the purchase of armor this time.

They also want survival pods and super mechs.

I'm afraid they are still eyeing the energy cannon of Jianfeng Company...

Lin Feng noticed Rowling's expression, but he didn't know the reason for this expression.

He was thinking about his own problem: "Actually, if Jianfeng doesn't compromise a little, this Lord Beihai, who hides a knife in his smile, will probably come hard."

As the boss of the Gray Realm, how could the empire tolerate a new high-end product and super weapon appearing in front of its eyes, and instead of letting them use it, it sold it to the tribal warriors.

Jianfeng Company, which looks good on the surface, has actually planted the seeds of disaster.

Lin Feng saw this very clearly.

Rowling held her chin and looked at Lin Feng: "Then what are you going to do?"

Lin Feng drank the tea in the cup and asked Rowling to refill it.

"Cooperation, we must cooperate. Let's start with the practical performance test of the armor."

Rowling put down the tea sea, thoughtfully, and then nodded: "This is possible."

Spike Corporation's Disguise Armor.

Although the function is mainly based on disguise, the original function of the armor is deliberately reduced and weakened.

The strength of the armor is only [-]% of the normal state.

Even so, those Meditation City residents who successfully purchased the armor also had various evaluations on the armor's protective strength.

Shocking, the strength of the disguise armor is considered the best in the market.

And the price, generally speaking, is not expensive.

This is probably why the Imperial Legion took a fancy to this set of armor.

Lin Feng also once instructed Jianfeng Company to publish a message on the official website, saying that it will always work hard to develop stronger armor, and will continue to test the materials of the armor.

This time, we can take advantage of this situation to cooperate with the empire.

The best material evaluation is to discover it in actual combat.


The way the two discussed was very relaxed and casual.

At the tea table, on the sofa, in front of the balcony, and in the kitchen...

But Rowling always felt that something was missing.

Most of the time, the two of them were alone, and this guy was always polite, so polite.

There are even times when Rowling prefers to go out.

In that way, you can naturally hold his arm, and sometimes hold hands when he is not paying attention.

"People are always taking the initiative..."

"Could it be that he can't?"

"Don't he like women..."

Sometimes, all kinds of speculations are troubling the Zentraedi Queen's mind.

It made her extremely entangled and had nowhere to complain.

"It's true that she is an alien, but the body of this blue woman is also fully functional..."

"People are thinking about it, why is he indifferent?"


Lin Feng, who was sitting opposite, noticed the queen's dazed look again, and couldn't help snickering in his heart: This alien woman sometimes looks cute and cute, as if pinching her face...

That's how things are, Lin Feng thinks this relaxed way of getting along is very good.

As for when to take the relationship further, doesn't it require the right time, place and people?


On this day, Bei Hai came to visit again in person.

And expressed the sincerity of cooperation.

In the bright and spacious reception area of ​​the peak headquarters office.

Lin Feng gave Bei Hai an affirmative answer.

Cooperation is possible, but it must be led by Jianfeng.

First of all, the two sides can now carry out the first wave of cooperation on the armor test.

Bei Hai was overjoyed. This matter that had troubled him for a long time finally had a clue.

There was a smile on his face, but he was muttering in his heart: "Forget you are a smart boy, if labor and capital come this time, if you don't receive any cooperation progress, then within three days, whether your peak can exist is a problem."

The imperial power is not a tribe of cats and dogs, what's the use of having a large number.

Those that are useless or disobedient, of course, should be eliminated quickly.

This is the style of the empire.

How could a company like Jianfeng be allowed to rise?

That would be a big joke.


"Okay, Mr. Jinxia, ​​happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The two sides soon had in-depth talks, and discussed the specific details of the armor evaluation.

What made Lin Feng a little excited was that the evaluation of the first batch of [-] sets of armor was about to start with the empire's attack on a small tribe.

In other words, the Armor R&D Department of Jianfeng Company will follow the combat members of the Empire and enter the front line to personally witness and evaluate the materials and shapes of the armor.

The armor research and development department, of course, is Lin Feng and Luo Lin.

Of course, it must be anonymous to the outside world.

As for the empire, the people who are connected are no longer big figures like Beihai, but the staff involved in the cooperation.

This also greatly relieved Lin Feng's pressure.

After setting off, Lin Feng and Rowling were both wearing disguise armor, covering up their original appearance.

Followed by his own team of super mechs.

This is the security team on the bright side.

Lin Feng and Rowling showed that they were technical engineers who could only immerse themselves in research.

At Rowling's behest, it's a team of technical engineers on the relationship between male and female lovers.

The team was escorted aboard a transport ship in Thumb's public airfield in Meditation City.

This kind of transport ship was described by Rowling before.

It is similar to the shape of the Imperial battleship, imitating the Zenith.

I believe that the empire also has corresponding scientific researchers who are doing various research work on equipment and weapons.

In the cabin of the transport ship, Lin Feng and Luo Lin shared a room.

The other is a large room for mechs.

"You two, this trip is quite far away, and you will need to stay on the ship for three days before you arrive."

A young man named Xiaohao was responsible for the docking.

He is also the owner of the Disguise Armor. This handsome and aggressive image should not be his original face.

When you speak, you are polite.

Lin Feng responded with a smile: "It's okay, if there is something that needs cooperation, just say it."

"Okay, but there is basically nothing on the road, so I won't disturb you two for these three days. At the same time, I also hope that the security of the two of you will not run around. Thank you for your cooperation."

Xiaohao brought over some necessities for survival in the gray realm, and then left.

That's fine, for these three days, Lin Feng and Rowling only need to stay in their own rooms.

There is no need to contact more people.

Arrange mechs to guard the door. After the door is closed, it is a good time for the lonely men and widows to be alone in the room.

Rowling went to her studio as usual.

And Lin Feng also went to the practice area.

His blood inheritance, through daily exercise, all kinds of abilities are improving day by day.

Moreover, Li Feng felt more and more that the power of this inheritance should be very terrifying.

In the earliest time, it was Rowling who had a swordsmanship duel with him.

Rowling is using Zenith Star swordsmanship, while Lin Feng is honing and inheriting basic swordsmanship.

But now, Rowling could no longer be Lin Feng's sword practice target, because her sword skills were already too weak in front of Lin Feng.

In turn, becoming Lin Feng can serve as Rowling's swordsmanship instructor.

Rowling was also quite convinced, and often came to ask Lin Feng humbly for advice, dragging the epee.

In addition to swordsmanship, those awakened in the bloodline inheritance, such as identity, skills, and more fighting methods, are like uncovering dusty memories, and sometimes they suddenly come to mind.

Then when he made a move and used it, it was like a cloud and rain, even Lin Feng himself would be startled.

"I'm actually so strong!"

The most obvious is the power aspect.

A large amount of Zenith gold materials are stored in the warehouse.

Zenith gold should be the hardest thing in the world.

Only Pippi Shrimp Mecha and Chen Xing, the supernatural beings who shape everything, can change and cut metal materials like Zenith Gold at will.

Originally, Lin Feng couldn't do it either.

The very beginning of his strength training was to use Zenith Gold as an opponent.

With a punch, his arm was almost broken, and the golden hill that day was still standing still, unscathed.

On the surface, what was it before, is still what it is now.

But gradually, with the activation and awakening of Lin Feng's blood inheritance memory.

His punches and strength are also coming little by little.

Then, he punched out and hit the gold surface of the Zenith, causing a loud vibration.

The arm became unharmed.

Go ahead, have a set time each day to punch and punch.

Once, after a punch, the golden surface of the Zenith was no longer unscratched and safe, but a small depression was pushed in.

With a fist-shaped depression.

Following Lin Feng's bombardment again and again.

Every time it can leave corresponding depression marks on it.

Although the strength continued to awaken, the depression left after the boxing was getting bigger and bigger.

In Lin Feng's fist, the Zenith Golden Hill was deforming bit by bit.

From square to round, and from round to square.

Lin Feng's fist was like a big hammer in a blacksmith's shop, only hitting metal materials.

In the end, under Lin Feng's fist, Zenith Gold was manipulated by anyone and deformed at will.

Finally, Lin Feng knocked down a metal ingot from the golden hill on the Zenith.

This is the first time he has separated Zenith Gold.

After that, the boxing practice was even more terrifying.

Every time Lin Feng punched, he left a deep pit on the hill.

Zenith Gold began to become a dough-like existence, and under Lin Feng's fist, his dignity disappeared.

Inheritance is great.

That's all Lin Feng could say.

Now that the Zenith gold material is under Lin Feng's fist, it no longer has the dignity of the hardest metal.

Then the armor made of zenith gold material became meaningless under Lin Feng's fist.

When Lin Feng told Rowling about this situation, the latter was also very surprised.

And staring at Lin Feng with eyes like looking at a monster.

In front of Rowling, Lin Feng pierced a set of armor with 100% protective strength on the spot.

Rowling, who opened her eyes wide, believed all this.

After that, Rowling was even more reluctant to come to train with Lin Feng.

After all, this frustration is too obvious.

Zenith's No.2 swordsman has long been willing to bow down...

(End of this chapter)

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