I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 57 There is poison in the smoke【For collection and attention】

Chapter 57 There is poison in the smoke【For collection and attention】

Number 897 is just one of the mecha squads lurking in the Dongyuan contact point.

In the case of public action, Lin Feng didn't want to dispatch too many mechas at once.

More mechs are used as hole cards.

And for this kind of battle, the Zentraedi mecha fighters are completely enough for the genetically modified fighters in time and space.

Soldiers are not in abundance, but in quality.

Small mechs are especially suitable for close combat in this chaos.

Even these genetic warriors have all kinds of animal fighting attributes, and possess super physical fitness and fighting skills.

But none of them have the smooth movement of small mechs.

The moment the white smoke filled the air, the little mecha quickly crawled across the ground, and climbed up the back of a genetic soldier along its body.

Then to the top.

The heavy hammer pops out lightly.

The genetic warrior's helmet was instantly torn apart.

The small-scale shock wave just happened to damage this head.

The body of the little mecha quickly deformed, folded and expanded, flapped its wings and turned, rushing towards another genetic warrior.

The second hit was instant.

Three, four, five...

too fast.

No. 1 fell down after all the dozen or so genetic warriors were hammered.

Then No. 2 No. 3...

After the genetic fighters on the roof were all knocked down, 897 left the roof and went to eliminate the opponents in the courtyard.

After a few minutes, the smoke on the roof gradually dispersed.

Lao Li and the others couldn't detect any movement, so they poked their heads out cautiously.

Then he saw the enemies who were lying on the ground in all directions.

"Is there poison in the smoke?"

Matthew talked to himself, then picked up another smoke bomb, puzzled.

If it wasn't for the poison in the smoke, these people wouldn't have fallen so easily and so quickly.

Lao Li made a silent gesture, his ears were shaking slightly.

This is the extraordinary ability of listening to sound.

"I heard the sound of metal colliding just now. They were attacked by something strange."

The movement of this kind of collision is still moving towards the direction where the genetic warriors are densely packed.

"I have a discovery here!"

Little A lowered the camera lens of the drone that was still in the air, and saw a group of gleaming metal creatures rampaging among the genetic warriors. The stance of the genetic warrior didn't even have time to block and defend, and was knocked down by a wave of flashing attacks.

Some people subconsciously raised their guns and shot indiscriminately before they died, and they even hit their own people.

The scene was very chaotic.

"Go out and help!"

Several people crawled to the edge of the roof.

Qin An quickly set up the sniper rifle, fired bursts one by one, and called the enemies one by one.

His heart was still a little hairy. Some genetic soldiers became even more manic after being hit by sniper bullets.

This is the defect of animal genes. They seem to be just a little bit of savage people, but in fact, due to the change of human genes, certain genetic conflicts and disorders are caused. The temper explodes, the spirit is manic, and when they act, they are really crazy. .

"Gene soldiers have a short lifespan and are often accompanied by pain. Let me send you on your way early."

Qin An stabilized his mood and shot each shot more steadily.

If one shot is not enough, make another shot.


On a black car near the Yuyu convenience store.

Wang Defa sat in the car without saying a word.

There is a handful of fine sand in his hand, and his left and right hands are shaking each other.

Not a single grain of sand fell.

He is waiting for an opportunity.

It doesn't matter if there is a boss who knows everything.

Compared with the serious and extraordinary duel, Dongyuan's side doesn't count.

More main forces of Transcendent Sea City Transcendents are distributed around here at this moment.

"Do you want to stand out in the Transcendent sequence?"

"Do you want to become a household name like those extraordinary heroes in foreign countries?"

"Or, no longer just working hard to run a pharmaceutical company, and worrying about business like an ordinary boss... I am a transcendent, so I can't live like an ordinary human being."

"I, Wang Defa, in Songhai City, should be respected by everyone and not dare to look directly at me!"


A burly man, he looked like a genetic warrior.

He swaggered into the Youyu convenience store.

All the members of Chen Xing's team looked over nervously.

The captain secretly reminded in the communication channel: "Steady, don't look."

But this scene has already been seen by the dark whistle of the time and space.

"Eight opponents, each in... position."

When Wang Defa heard the report, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes: "There is only one team inside, and there is only one team outside..."

It seems that this extraordinary battle press conference is not exciting enough.

He still felt a little unsatisfactory in his heart.

"let's start!"

He nodded.

The backbone around him immediately took action.

After the burly man entered the convenience store, he was under the strict monitoring of Qinglong Team A.

But he didn't panic, and there was a little disdain on his face.

After receiving the command in the headset, he slapped his belly, and it suddenly swelled like a drum.

Even the clothes were torn.

A mouth.

A wave of air gushed out from his mouth immediately.

"Mouth gun?!"

The members of the Qinglong team in the store were stunned.

I didn't expect that the legendary genetic warrior who was fused with the frog gene and became a strong mouth cannon was lucky to meet him today.


The captain shouted, everyone is looking for favorable terrain as a cover.

He looked embarrassed.

The equipment can protect people, but the goods and shelves in the convenience store are full of people.

Following the slowly moving attack line of the mouth cannon fighters, the room was flying around.

The paint layer on the walls was also unbearable and collapsed one after another.

The cannonball continued to fire at the wall in the partition.

But what surprised him was that after the outer layer fell off, the golden inner wall inside was exposed, standing still.

But his purpose has been achieved.

The purpose of creating crisis and chaos here is to bring in the surrounding Qinglong B team.

This is the tactical arrangement of Boss Wang.

Sure enough, the explosion-like movement in the convenience store and the scene of various products flying outside looked very miserable.

The captain of team B gave an order, and half of the team members rushed in.

Chen Xing and other teammates stayed at the door to guard.

Things have come to this point, there is no way to secretly protect the Taihang Branch.

All hole cards have become bright cards.

On the other hand, it seems that only one genetic soldier was dispatched!
The surrounding crowd fled the scene of the accident in panic.

Those who fled far away were afraid of being affected by this kind of explosion.

Everyone panicked.

Wang Defa in the black car clenched the sand in his hand, letting the sand leak from his hand little by little.

This time, the sand didn't fall on the floor, nor did it fall into his palm, but disappeared strangely out of thin air.

At the same time, in the convenience store, all members of Qinglong shouted into the communicator: "Sandstorm!"

Good guy, there is sand on the top of the head, and the amount is still very large...

(End of this chapter)

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