I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 60 Fire Fighting Drone【For Collection and Attention】

Chapter 60 Fire Fighting Drone【For Collection and Attention】

He was caught in an illusion, and was burned by Huang Yaohui's fireball, and he didn't even know it.

Chen Xing is in danger.

Though he definitely has zenith gold armor.

But metal armor can only protect against "cold damage" after all, and this kind of fire must be impossible to guard against.

"Quick, fire extinguisher!"

Lin Feng couldn't think of a faster way.

He took out two foam fire extinguishers from the space, let the little mech swoop down with the fire extinguishers, and sprayed them all over Chen Xing.

Chen Xing finally came to his senses, he raised his arm and looked.

Except for the place covered by the zenith gold armor, the rest of the skin was scorched and sizzled, and there was a smell of burnt meat.

On the other hand, Huang Yaohui was also uncomfortable.

He was hit with thousands of needles and hundreds of holes, except for the vital parts, the rest were also pierced by fine needles, almost half useless.

Chen Xing's tactic of hurting a thousand people and hurting himself by eight hundred has indeed worked.

It's just that he fell into Jiang Mingjie's illusion.

Huang Yaohui was very angry, his whole body was tingling, almost unbearable, but he was full of curiosity about the two small mechs flying in the air in front of him.

When did Huaxia have this kind of aerial fire-fighting drone.

He subconsciously picked up two balls of blue fire and threw them towards the two "unmanned fire extinguishers".

The fire ball met the small mech, burned for a few seconds, and then went out.

But the little mecha was unharmed.

But at this time, Huang Yaohui saw that the two "drones" turned around, and the large red fire extinguisher was not hung up, but was lifted high on the top of the plane and flew towards him.

It's like after being provoked by someone, you turn around and come back to fight.

"Fuck..." Huang Yaohui was a little stunned when he saw this posture.

Still subconsciously pushing forward with both hands, two flames burst out vigorously.

But in the flames, the two "drones" came out through the flames.

The two fire extinguishers hit Huang Yaohui's head with two clangs, one in front and the other in the back.

"It's the first time that our dignified Zenith Hammer Mecha hits someone with a foreign object, and you are really the first."

The little mechs were still chattering to each other.

"That's right, the one who sneaks up is the worst!"

"Smash him to death."


Huang Yaohui's fate is undoubtedly miserable.

First, he was hit by Chen Xing's thousands of needles, and then he was smashed in the head by the little mecha.

Just before the moment, he was still feeling: "Modern technology is really too advanced, and the fire-fighting drones can be so intelligent, and attack the arsonists so ruthlessly, who would dare to set fires indiscriminately in the future..."


At the same time, Jiang Mingjie's "good foot" suffered the same heavy hammer as his lame leg!

He clutched his feet where the leather shoes burst, sat on the floor and cried loudly.

It was really painful to cry, how big a person is, sitting on the floor so heartbroken that the scene of dying is really sad for those who see it and tears for those who hear it.

But no one can empathize with it, only Jiang Mingjie has experienced the kind of trauma that hurts deep in the soul.

"Made, why is it always me who gets hurt, my feet!"

He remembered the process of sending him to the doctor last time, the doctor suggested amputation very professionally.

But he resolutely rejected other people's suggestions.

This time I have to think carefully about the doctor's advice... Uh, no, both sides have the same injury, and both sides are limping, so walking may be normal, and I won't be limping.

So, this time still do not need to accept the doctor's advice.

While thinking wildly, he saw those two shiny flying things flying towards him.

He didn't dare to move for a moment.

Lin Feng jumped down from the roof.

He stepped heavily on the roof of the black car.

The roof collapsed into a big hollow.

Wang Defa couldn't straighten up in the car.

A stream of sand floated out of the car window as silky as silk, entangled Lin Feng's feet in the golden shrimp armor form.

And circling upwards, forming a bondage to control Lin Feng's actions.

Panlong Sasol!

In Wang Defa's Shaba combat method, the effect of putting pressure on a single opponent is extremely good, and the opponent is always caught without a fight.

Even if you have unlimited means, you can't use them.

Lin Feng didn't panic at all, and opened the entrance to the virtual space.

That strand of Sasol, as thick as the body of a boa constrictor, was immediately sucked into the space...

"I see that your sand is not endless!"

All extraordinary abilities require physical and mental support.

Similarly, Xiangsha, or Chen Xing's stainless steel spoon, the attack means extended by these extraordinary props, the attack form, naturally is not an unlimited supply.

And Lin Feng's Zenith star mecha space opened up another dimension, which is too big to imagine.

To devour a supernatural item, it really takes as much as it needs.

The Golden Pippi Shrimp Lin Feng turned into a giant sand-swallowing beast. The flow made Shaba himself a little uncontrollable.

It was as if the body was going to be hollowed out all of a sudden, but I couldn't stop.


The sand was finally gone.

In Youyu Convenience Store, the space is filled with sand.

Only leave a gap of about ten centimeters from the ceiling.

Shen Mengqiu, members of Taihang, Team A, and Team B/2 all raised their heads, exposing their faces in the ten-centimeter space.

The body did not dare to move.

There is also the unconscious long-handed monster Jiang Yong.

He was facing the ceiling with his eyes closed, and his long hands held everyone tightly.

In fact, it was a few small mechas that were dispatched secretly to "pull" everyone for Jiang Yong at this moment.

"Hey, it seems the sand has stopped."

"Well, it seems like..."

"What now?"

"I don't know, just wait and see."

Everyone dare not move, if you move, you will fall...

The wait didn't take long, and the sand sank little by little.

The space gradually becomes wider:

Twenty centimeters... thirty centimeters...

One meter...two meters...

Until the sand that appeared out of thin air disappeared out of thin air.

The team members were lying on the floor one by one, in a mess, in a panic.

Then they got up one after another, slapped the dust off their bodies, and asked each other if there was anything wrong.

Only then did I realize that Jiang Yong hadn't gotten up.

Worrying for a while, and after Shen Mengqiu checked, everyone let out a long breath: "He just fell asleep."

That's right, he fell asleep. In the first ten minutes or so, he had exhausted his physical strength and had no energy to stay awake at all.


"He was so brave just now, and his long hands have been rescuing us."

"Then let him sleep well, we should go out and fight!"

"Yeah, go to fight..."

The members of the Qinglong team were ashamed.

They are members of the battle sequence of the sky, and they did not expect that the entire army was almost wiped out at the beginning of this mission.

Among them, no matter whether they are strength-type or attack-type extraordinary players, in this quicksand field, they have no power to parry at all.

If you meet another opponent this time, you must call him good-looking!

Lost face, I have to get it back by myself...

(End of this chapter)

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