I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 71 Broken Heart for an Alien

Chapter 71 Broken Heart for an Alien
Noodles sprayed out from his nostrils laughing.

This is a big joke made by Lin Feng in front of the Queen.

But having said that, when the Queen of the Zenith Star came to the blue planet of this era, Lin Feng felt like he was ignoring life.

She doesn't know how to use bowls and chopsticks, and it's the first time she's seen all kinds of electrical appliances at home. Even the ordinary sweeping robot, she thought it was transformed from a small mecha, and she even bowed her head to communicate with it.

"Don't call me stupid, I just haven't been exposed to these things... So next, I need your advice."

Obviously, she was not overwhelmed by the cruel status quo, but was full of interest in learning.

Sure enough, Wei Lan's current state of development did not disappoint her.

The Blue Stars, no matter the one that existed hundreds of millions of years ago, or the one that Lin Feng belongs to at this moment, all the Zentraedi people are impressed.

I couldn't help shouting in my heart: "The Blue Star people are really awesome, 666..."

To be able to live like this.

The original Zentraedi came to Azure probably because they yearned for life on Earth.

It took light years to travel through the stars, and finally arrived.

"Okay, I'll teach you, no problem."

Lin Feng didn't rule out teaching Her Lady Queen who couldn't take care of herself.

"When you came here, did you only have this set of clothes?"

Although Rowling's skirt is long enough, the upper part is still a bit disheveled.

She subconsciously lifted the suspenders of her skirt, and this action immediately made her chest less concealed... Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

Is this intentional, or do you really don't understand, and then don't defend?

Girls should protect themselves.

"Uh, let me see." Rowling touched a ring on her finger, which was still a storage space.

Some rough industrial equipment fell out of it, two pairs of shoes, and some hair jewelry...

Then she patted herself on the head with annoyed expression: "Oh no, I forgot to take my clothes."

Looking at those two strange shoes, Lin Feng didn't know where to start complaining.

This kind of primitive thing will be treated as an antique if it is thrown outside, right?

"Well, you go take a shower first, then go to bed and rest, I'll go out and buy you something..."

Lin Feng turned around and went out.

Before going out, a team of mother's mechs were left guarding outside the second floor.

in case the emergency.

It also prevents Rowling from running around unintentionally.

I hope to buy two casually before the various stores close.

Lin Feng's car drove out of Haoyue Villa quietly.

The performance of the mecha this time is very stable, without any violent chugs.

Lin Feng found a nearby shopping mall, and went on a blind and ruthless shopping spree.

Bought everything I saw.

Including women's pajamas, daily necessities, autumn coats, furniture and regular clothes, and even bought two sets of underwear under the snickering of the shopping guide lady.

Anyway, when the shopping guide lady asked the size again and again, Lin Feng's answer was:

"bigger than you……"

"Not enough, it's still big..."

"More than that, a little bigger."

Wave after wave of gestures made the shopping guide sister envious, jealous, and a little bit ashamed and indignant.

She also remembered that Rowling's appetite was amazing, and she ate up most of the pot of noodles, so she snapped up some snacks and fruits.

In order to prevent her from starving and fainting in the middle of the night, she has to be responsible.

"I'm worried about an alien, I should be the first person on Blue Star."

Lin Feng drove the car a little self-deprecatingly, and returned to Haoyue Villa.

However, the human character of the Zentraedi Queen is quite good.

If he met that kind of unreasonable, strange woman with a bad face and airs, then Lin Feng would not be so kind as to run errands for her.

knock knock knock...

Just as she was about to say to put things at the door, Rowling opened the door.

"It's fine if you come back. How do you use the water heater?"

Rowling looked hopeless.

Feelings How long has it been since you completed the life challenge of taking a shower?
Lin Feng had no choice but to move all the things in, put them away, and went to the bathroom.

In the big bathroom, it was already filled with white mist.

"I boiled the water just now, but it's always hot..."

Rowling explained.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and adjusted the knob of the water mixing valve, and the outlet water can adapt to the temperature normally.

"So simple?"

"It's that simple."

"I'm afraid that if the screw is broken, it will make Tiantian not respond to it and it won't work, and you are not here..."

"Where did you learn this Chinese language?"

Lin Feng felt that Rowling's language talent was not directly proportional to her life talent.

Having said that, Rowling obviously paused.

"By the way, do you know that there is a small team of Azure Extraordinary that entered the gray realm, but was caught by the people of the Li tribe and imprisoned... My Chinese language is from listening to these team members The information we speak to each other, we obtain the Chinese language."

This message is important.

This is the extraordinary team of the Huaxia people!

Lin Feng's scalp felt a little numb after hearing this.

Is our Huaxia Chaofan so awesome that we can already pass through the seal and enter the sealed gray realm?
But what I hear now is bad news.

In addition to the extraordinary soldiers who died, more than 200 people were taken prisoner.

"Can you elaborate on this situation?"

Lin Feng turned off the water.

"I guess you must be hungry again. I bought a lot of delicious Lanxing snacks. How about you talk while eating?"

Rowling was a little conflicted. Although she wasn't hungry so soon, she heard that snacks were not enough.

and so……

A few minutes later, Rowling was sitting by the bed, and Lin Feng moved a stool and sat opposite her.

"...That's how things are, and that's all I know. After all, the Zenith Stars are trapped in the battleship, and the remote intelligence message capture cannot be too complete and clear..."

Lin Feng frowned.

He is not a high-level internal member of Huaxia Chaofan, so he knew nothing about this operation before.

But Lin Feng absolutely believed that the situation Rowling mentioned had really happened.

In the gray realm, there are Chinese transcendents who are trapped and captured.

If this information is not known, Huaxia may continue to send extraordinary people in, but they will not have the right direction and are very likely to be captured again.

This is death and points.

"Well, I should go to Sister Qiuqiu's for dinner tomorrow, and get some information by the way..."

How can such news be sent up, and how can the head of the sky be convinced of the reliability of the information?
Perhaps, you can only do this with the identity of the golden pippi shrimp.

Spicy strips, potato chips, waffles, Coke and orange juice from childhood to adulthood...

Queen Rowling was intoxicated by the snacks and drinks of the Celestials, unable to extricate herself.

"Well, by the way, what is this, can it be eaten?"

Rowling pulled out what Lin Feng bought for him from the shopping bag, and gestured with the shopping guide lady for a long time, whether it was big enough, not enough, and the little clothes that needed to be bigger...

(End of this chapter)

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