I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 76 You Blue Star Are Really Interesting

Chapter 76 You Blue Star Are Really Interesting

The virtual structure model of the preliminary distribution of gray forces.

It was quickly placed in front of the big bosses in the sky.

This is a demonstration mode centered around the Zentraedi warship.

In the entire space of the gray realm, the Zenith Star is undoubtedly just an insignificant dot.

And around this little dot, surrounded by the extraordinary forces of the empire.

The extraordinary forces of the empire are widely distributed and occupy almost most of the range.

In the remote surrounding area of ​​the Gray Realm, there are scattered tribes.

Among the tribes, some form alliances, and some are self-reliant.

Overall, this is an irregular space of different dimensions.

"Is this where the Li clan is located?" said Fade Chen, the leader of the sky, pointing to an edge of the virtual gray realm.

"Yes, this is also the edge of the space that our team is most likely to enter, perhaps just adjacent to our enchanted land."

Several Sky leadership groups around him analyzed this one after another.

The joint team of Chaofan and Gatekeeper will definitely continue to be sent in.

There have been more extraordinary awakened talents on Blue Star in the past few years, showing a state of blowout.

But Fade Chen considered such early awakeners to be very rare.

What he awakened was the extraordinary ancient martial arts, with a wide-mouthed epee, an existence that was so powerful that it could even cut off flying missiles.

This kind of existence is also the existence of Huaxia deterring the extraordinary forces of the foreign alliance.

When the seal of the Demon Sealing Land was loosened, causing huge hidden dangers, there were also some opinions within the sky.

These opinions are to invite extraordinary people from other alliances to come over and form an extraordinary combat force for the entire alliance to jointly resist the extraordinary in the gray realm.

But Fade Chen rejected it.

After all, once external forces join in, there will be many disputes and it is easy to mess up.

What he meant was that before the final critical moment, Huaxia's own extraordinary people would first handle the extraordinary affairs in China.

We, Huaxia, don't beg for help at this time!
"This time I will lead the team!"

At this moment, Fade Chen will make a decision!
Many senior officials expressed their opposition.

"Commander Chen, if you go in, the Huaxia Alliance will lose its deterrent power to the outside world!"

"Although you want to set the battlefield in the enemy's world, your decision is too risky..."

"It's not enough to ask you to go out in person!"


Listening to everyone's persuasion, Fade Chen had firmness flowing in his deep eyes.

"The Huaxia Alliance's deterrence to the outside world has never been one person or two people. Besides, my actions this time, as long as they are kept secret, no one knows where I am, and there is no risk or risk. Those captured comrades are in danger. If the situation continues to drag on, it will be even more difficult to recover."

Fade Chen's decision was unquestionable, and no one could persuade him.

That's how things settled down.


When the members of the team heard the news, they were immediately excited. After all, this is the No.1 in Huaxia Chaofan and will fight side by side with everyone!
Don't miss the mission!

The number of purchases in the sky system suddenly increased.

This is to arrange a set of Skystar armor for all three hundred members of the Death Squad.

Chen Xing has been working overtime recently.

He can make it quickly, but if it is a battle armor that requires special defensive strength, it will take more energy from him.

In addition to the Skystar armor, Lin Feng's fish and octopus meat, and other mutated super commodities have also increased their supply.

This is completely within the scope of Lin Feng's supply.

A large amount is full.

Lin Feng knew that this was the ration that the death squads would bring into the gray realm.

For this reason, he specially rushed to make a batch of hand-shredded dried fish that can be eaten directly.

This reduces the hassle of needing pots and pans to heat oil and heat the stove.

This is the guarantee of combat logistics, Lin Feng felt that he could not be sloppy.

He is also considering whether to assign some mecha squads to mix in. On the one hand, it can strengthen the strength of the Zenith Star battleship, and on the other hand, it can also take into account the Huaxia team.

However, Rowling reminded that unless Lin Feng himself went in, otherwise with the current level of leaks in the seal, the mechas after entering would lose contact.

Then this is not acceptable, without disciplined and unorganized mechs, it will not be able to form an effective combat force, and the loss will be nothing.

"Should I go in? No, no, no, if I don't go in, I will continue to hang on..."

Lin Feng has no such plan at all.


Rowling, the Zentraedi queen who has a mobile phone and a computer, is completely addicted to the Internet world and cannot extricate herself.

Lin Feng was a little worried that buying a mobile phone and a computer would harm her.

Except for eating and sleeping, this girl spends all her time surfing the Internet.

A few days later, Rowling concluded: "You Blue Stars are really interesting!"

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "Good boy, you have finally not become an Internet addicted teenager, so you don't need to accept the master's electric shock therapy..."

Rowling thought Blue Star was funny.

But Lin Feng has a different opinion on this. What is interesting is not the blue star, but the people on the blue star.

If Blue Star does not have human existence, human technology, and human thinking, then Blue Star is still that Blue Star.

However, maybe the environment of Blue Star will not be destroyed, but it will lose its interesting soul.

"The higher-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking..."

One day Lin Feng passed by the hall on the second floor and heard Rowling watching a food show.

It's no wonder that the girl was troubled by hunger as soon as she came out.

So when I have a basic understanding of the way of life on the Blue Star through the Internet, I have a higher level of pursuit, of course, the delicacy on the tip of the tongue is the first choice.

Hearing Lin Feng's footsteps, Rowling ran out.

"Well, can I use the kitchen?"

A face of a little excitement, ready to move, a fair face, white with red.

"No problem at all."

There are only two people in this building, a man and a woman.

Use the kitchen as you like.

And the Little Mecha Chef knows, Lin Feng thinks it's not a big problem.

Rowling made a yes gesture, then cheered and led her team of mechas, and ran towards the kitchen in a hurry.

During this period of time, Rowling didn't go out with her, and it was Mecha Chef who always made meals for her.

This posture!Looks a little overexcited.

Lin Feng had no choice but to follow to see what good food this girl wanted to cook.

"do not come!"

Being rejected by others... Lin Feng stopped far away.

He heard the liquefied gas stove turned on, the oil pan heated up, and there was a sound of chopping onions and vegetables.

Then something should be put into the pot on a plate, clanging.

Looking at the back view, this person is wearing an apron, denim shorts, and a small T-shirt. This posture of cooking with a shovel is quite seductive.

Lin Feng guessed that it must be something like fried conch.

Since the construction of the underground passage, some seafood in the ocean can go directly to the kitchen of Haoyue Villa.

So it is within reason for the little mecha to get some snails to change Rowling's taste.

Turn off the heat, arrange the plate...it really is done in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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