I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 80 What Should Come Always Come

Chapter 80 What Should Come Always Come

President Luo took Assistant Lin on his arm and took the escalator leading to the underground supermarket hypermarket.

In addition to looking around, Rowling also peeked at Lin Feng's reaction from time to time.

This is a completely new experience for her.

Lin Feng pinched his arms, signaling to her not to act like a country bumpkin entering the city.

The dazzling array of products in the various areas of the supermarket is dizzying, and there are lively activities of various promotions, attracting people to gather.

Today is the weekend, and it coincides with the anniversary of the store, so there are many people.

Lin Feng felt like he picked up a girlfriend for nothing, and lived a life without shame or impatience ahead of time.

Hold hands, hold arms, eat and live together (although it’s just the same building), if the relationship goes to a higher level...

Ahem, I don't seem to be very repulsive, and sometimes I can't help but be a little fanciful.

Originally, Xu Jinwen hadn't aroused Lin Feng's various beautiful fantasies about women in his adolescence, but now the fugitive little queen from Zenith Star beside him has aroused his curiosity perfectly.

And since Rowling came, they have been together every day, this kind of contact is too close.

"I think Zenith can buy a little of everything in the supermarket, what should I do?"

Rowling fell into choice syndrome.

This can only be blamed on the fact that there are too many items in Blue Star Supermarket, and the classification is too detailed and complete.

What is a strategic material, any one can be counted.

Lin Feng had his own ideas.

These items in the supermarket are basically daily necessities, which are actually not important at all to Zenith.

At most, it can only be regarded as a souvenir brought in, or a small souvenir from Blue Star.

To the people of Zenith Star, she said that the queen is very good outside, her life is safe and secure, and her life is good.

Therefore, it is a good choice to pick some living security supplies.

But he still respects Rowling's idea, as long as the things she chooses are not too outrageous, anyway, the small warehouses of the little mechs can hold them.

Even if the chances of the little mechas successfully delivering the items to the Zenith Star are very slim, but at the same time, they can give the death squads of the sky an extra guarantee of survival.

After all, in the Gray Realm, there should be very few things that can be eaten and drank by the Blue Stars.

Looking at the area one by one, browsing the shelves one by one, Lin Feng pushed the shopping cart and followed slowly behind.

At this time, a storm was secretly brewing in the periphery of Songhai Commercial Center.

Several waves of time-space remnants lurking in through various paths, under the command of Cao Shuiqing's remote control, decided to create some crises in Songhai.

Songhai City is the origin of the collapse of time and space.

So get up wherever you fall, this is their idea.

Moreover, no one has been able to find out who the huge target of the golden pippi shrimp is.

Make a few big moves, and according to the pissing nature of that golden shrimp, it should come out as a hero.

In the promotional video officially released by the sky, the golden man Pipi Shrimp is such an existence.

Cao Shuiqing and others have been planning for a long time.

This kind of humiliation of fleeing to the foreign alliance and living under the fence, how can this kind of hero be able to endure it forever.

This time, it was Cao Shuiqing's two backbones who came to Songhai City and organized sabotage activities.

One named Tank, a super-successful genetically modified warrior.

Under the effect of genetic engineering, his body strength has far exceeded the level of ordinary people.

This is a humanoid fighting machine with a calm mind, excellent physical and psychological qualities, and both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Tanks are responsible for leading the action.

The other backbone of Cao Shuiqing is called Killer Whale.

Killer Whale is a superman in technology. He can use ordinary mobile phones or computers to invade the city's network and monitoring equipment at any time.

Such an extraordinary talent alone is enough to paralyze and disrupt the normal order of the city.

The members who followed the two into Songhai City were all elites under Chaos Dimension and Cao Shuiqing.

Some of them are superhumans, and some are genetically modified warriors.

There are hundreds of people, all of whom are at least C-level.

Four past five in the afternoon.

Failures of traffic lights appeared one after another on the streets of Songhai City, causing traffic congestion at major intersections all of a sudden.

Traffic accidents also occur frequently.

Because it is in the urban area, the accident of scratching and rear-end collision is not too serious, and no major casualties have occurred yet.

However, many small accidents, coupled with the lack of smooth roads, paralyzed the main transportation hub of Songhai City.

[Traffic lights at Chunhui intersection were paralyzed, traffic was blocked, and many traffic accidents occurred...]

[At the intersection of Nanjiang Road and Shui'an Avenue, a truck collided with the vehicle in front because it couldn't dodge in time, and the passengers in the front and rear seats were injured...]

[The traffic jam at the gate of No. [-] Middle School has been as long as three kilometers...]

[A small car on Haibin Road slammed the steering wheel to avoid a pedestrian crossing suddenly in front of it, causing the car to roll over, and the car behind did not slow down, resulting in a series of rear-end accidents involving eight cars. Many people gathered at the scene. 】


Lin Feng has already formed his own monitoring distribution in Songhai City, all through the way of spreading small mechas, and has another network besides the city's official traffic command and public security joint defense.

Now, there was a sudden traffic failure in the whole city, and the information was immediately concentrated at Haoyue base, and then the base immediately fed back to Lin Feng through the unique communication method of the Zenith Stars.

The situation of each mecha monitoring terminal was gathered in Lin Feng's mind almost simultaneously.

He stopped the shopping cart, frowning slightly, analyzing the sources of these messages.

What should come is always coming.

Lin Feng also deduced at the first time that this was a sabotage activity against Songhai City by a transcendent.

Moreover, he must have regarded the golden war shrimp as the first target enemy.

Judging from this prelude to things getting more serious, the whole situation is not optimistic.

Although it hasn't caused too much damage yet, Lin Feng has already made mental preparations in advance.

I really don't want to spoil Mr. Luo's first pleasant shopping experience.

"Lin, follow up quickly."

Rowling in front put her hands behind her back and walked briskly.

Turning around, he saw Lin Feng's slowness and urged him.

Lin Feng continued to push the shopping cart and walked forward.

"I know, I know, isn't it boring for you to go shopping with me like this, and you are gnashing your teeth in your heart... I read on the mobile phone or in the computer posts, many boys are complaining about the misery of shopping with their girlfriends, are you Didn’t you also secretly hit me with your fist from behind?”

Rowling turned around and took Lin Feng's arm again.

"Otherwise, I will push the car."

Lin Feng said quickly: "No, no, I don't want to lose face by letting girls push the cart?"

Rowling giggled.

This arm-holding movement is becoming more and more familiar, and I am still a little reluctant to let go...

(End of this chapter)

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