I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 82 Huge Impact 【Subscription】

Chapter 82 Huge Impact 【Subscription】

"dirty dirty..."

This is not a normal train slowly entering the station, but a crazy state of acceleration to the final sprint.

Do a full-on rear-end crit on another train that stops at the station!

The platform crew and the passengers staying on the platform saw this posture from a distance, and witnessed all this in shock.

Bang bang clang clang clang...

The huge impact generated by the contact between the front of the car and the rear of the car in front directly crushed several carriages!
The car in front was knocked away and moved forward, making a creaking sound of sour teeth.

However, this buffer did not play a greater blocking effect on the inertia of the impact.

The carriages behind the G256558 train chased up one after another, like a dozen continuous violent rear-end collisions.

And because of the connection between the carriages, the carriages behind were overturned and flew up with great force.

As a result, the carriages in the back actually flew out of the track, flicked their tails in the air, rolled and flew towards the platform...

Those stunned station attendants and passengers seemed to have just woken up from a dream.

This kind of explosion scene that can only be seen in blockbuster movies, did not expect to happen alive in front of my eyes.

Screams, wailing sounds, one after another in an instant.

People fled in all directions to hide.

Some survived, but more people who were too late to avoid the collision fell under the roar of the flying steel behemoth, which was horrible...

And the passengers in the two trains of high-speed trains have no chance to dodge or leave at all. They can only resign themselves to their fate in the impact and whirl of the carriage package!

During the rolling process, a part of the carriage broke away from the connection with the front carriage, flew into the air, and smashed into the building of the passenger passage!
Then, something burned in the compartment, and black smoke filled the air.

In the waiting hall, passengers looked around in bewilderment. At first, everyone didn't know what happened, until someone shouted that the train was rear-ending!

Everyone didn't know whether to run or what to do.

The broadcast that was originally pleasant and soothing to remind you to check the ticket was replaced by a hurried voice: "There has been an emergency train rear-end accident, please don't panic, leave the waiting hall quickly and orderly, leave the waiting hall..."

"Go, get out of here!"

"It's really not suitable to go out today, I've read the almanac, why do I still have to come out..."

"Everyone, don't crowd around and follow the arrangement, otherwise none of them will be able to get out."

"What the hell, who stepped on Laozi's shoes..."

There are staff in a hurry, ready to guide everyone's evacuation work.

But the thick black smoke has filled here, and some old people and children are already coughing uncontrollably, unable to move an inch.

The disaster didn't stop there.

People ran to the exit of the waiting hall, only to find that it was blocked.

The security guard was knocked down and trampled under his feet. There was a fierce look there, and the ones with fierce eyes were a group of gangsters who suddenly appeared.

Someone recognized that this group of gangsters were also waiting for the bus together just now.

Therefore, the train rear-end collision, collision, burning, and then the blockade of the waiting hall, the series of operations of this emergency, I am afraid that it has been planned for a long time, and it is prepared, and it will not be easily let go...

Some people slumped on the floor powerlessly, some became hysterical and crazy, and more people rolled up their sleeves and rushed forward, trying to fight the criminals to the death.

The station staff didn't flinch. A few of them were young and strong, and quickly took out some sticks, shields and other weapons in the security room of the waiting hall, shouting at each other and charging forward.

However, under the attack of these people under the super genetically modified tank, any resistance seems so weak and weak.

The three waves of breakthrough attacks before and after were easily stopped.

Moreover, station security and heroic passengers suffered heavy losses.

A genetic soldier raised a whole luggage security inspection machine with both hands.

In his hands, the huge security detector was rubbed into a ball like a newspaper, and then smashed hard on the floor.

The shiny marble floor was immediately smashed into a big hole.

Now, everyone is quiet.

He took off his coat, revealing his special combat vest, a tank with full tactical equipment, and with a smile, walked in front of the shivering crowd.

"Don't resist. After all, resisting... Hey, it's useless. All of you are not our targets. As long as you are obedient, back up, and sit down, you can avoid unnecessary harm. Now, follow the instructions, everyone to the designated place..."

The men of the tank, all with swollen muscles and stern eyes, gathered everyone in the center of the waiting hall.

Some people can sit on the row of chairs, while others can only squeeze in the middle, or squat on the floor, all in disorder.

The wounded were also dragged here.

And several security guards and station staff who were seriously injured and showed no signs of life were piled up in a corner.

This scene makes people tear up.

The wounded were quickly helped by brave passengers to sit in the crowd and received temporary care.

The tank let his men firmly guard all the passages, and he came to the command and control room of the train station.

Passengers held hostage.

Some took out their mobile phones and wanted to make a call, but there was no signal at all.

Some wanted to take pictures of the scene.

But the strange thing is that the picture is blurry and it is impossible to focus at all.

They didn't know that it was controlled by the killer whales. The network, monitoring, and the use of various electronic products were all paralyzed during this period of time.

It is the outside world, in addition to hearing the impact sound from the direction of the train station, there is also thick smoke billowing.

But the fire brigade will not receive fire calls for help, and the Public Security Bureau will not receive any reports.

At the platform, the scene of two high-speed trains rear-ending is shocking.

The ground is full of debris and a mess, broken walls...

There are countless wailing and moaning wounded people.

This day, for them, is the end of the world.

On the platform pillar, next to a damaged spherical monitor, a small Zentraedi mecha was lying there.

The rear-end collision just now caught him off guard.

This mecha, as well as the other mechas at the corner of the ceiling of the waiting hall, belong to the mecha team arranged by Lin Feng at the train station.

No one would have thought that the remnant of the time-out would be so insane, and it would be such a big move that hurts nature and reason.

Lin Feng also did not expect it.

So at the beginning, when arranging the monitoring mecha squad for important locations and facilities in Songhai City, the authority given to the small mechas was only responsible for monitoring, and did not require the mechas to take action on their own when encountering special situations.

This is also to ensure their absolute control.

Only with the corresponding instructions and authorizations can the Zentraedi small mechs be followed.

But today, Lin Feng was also caught off guard by the tragic scene of the rear-end collision.

Although he regretted it a bit, he should grant the mechs the authority to adapt to the situation.

However, the short-term regret was quickly covered by the anger in his chest.

"If that's the case, let's go to war!"

(End of this chapter)

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