I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 9 Conscience was eaten by his wife

Chapter 9 Conscience was eaten by his wife
It was precisely because of Chen Xing's successful awakening.

It also covered up the consequences of the damage to the physical and mental health of several other students.

To a certain extent, the crisis of trust that Jiang Mingjie encountered was resolved.

This time, it became one of his achievements.

So the lecture on Sunday afternoon continued as usual.

Lin Feng also went to listen.

Jiang Mingjie did not attend, but the other black suits conducted relatively normal awakening counseling and experience teaching.

Lin Feng didn't know the severity of Jiang Mingjie's foot injury, so he guessed that he was fine.

I have experienced the awakening of people around me.

The mentality of the students has actually undergone subtle changes.

It would be a lie to say that you are not envious or jealous.

Chen Xing's super power display was played repeatedly on the big screen in the auditorium, the random transition between metal solid and liquid.


That's not magic, that's real technology.

It is a very heaven-defying ability.

"Why is he the one who awakened?"

"When will I wake up?"

"If I'm destined to be just an ordinary person, then..."

Few people can maintain a balanced and peaceful state of mind under such circumstances.

"Lin Feng, please drink milk tea later, to comfort my wounded heart."

"Well, yes."

Lin Feng did not refuse this time.

Even if milk tea can't heal a wounded soul, it can make it fat...

Life seems to be going from normal to normal.

Chen Xing was naturally recruited by the research institute.

Before leaving Songhai, he had a dinner with Lin Feng and other classmates.

This farewell banquet cost thousands of dollars, which is a bit high-profile, but it is also human nature.

This trip can be regarded as the ideal prosperity.

With such a special ability, it can play a very important role in some special positions in the motherland.

Large to heavy machinery, small to precision metal parts.

Chen Xing's super power can be said to be a smart mold.

"Respect everyone!"


Beverages and fruit wine, stirring in the cup, this is a preview of the end of youth...

Societal reactions to the onslaught of superpowers.

The honest fishmonger couple finally felt that it was necessary to have a good talk with their children about this matter.

So on a weekend night after the holiday, the couple called their eldest son Lin Hai and eldest daughter-in-law Zhuang Xiaoxian home for dinner.

Lin Feng was very happy. After all, his brother's conscience has been eaten by his wife since he got married, so it's rare for him to come back.

The two brothers haven't had a good time together for a long time.

Lin Hai is eight years older than Lin Feng, but he has a deep brotherhood.

This time it was my sister-in-law who did the cooking, and my parents were at home, so Lin Feng finally didn't have to go into the kitchen.

Escargot Girl Brand Pippi Shrimp: Aha, today is finally off!
Lin Hai was standing in front of the fish tank, watching several peacock mantis shrimps inside.

This fish tank was built by my elder brother before, and later I raised several batches of large and small fish, but all ended badly, so it was left vacant.

"Feng, you haven't enabled water temperature monitoring, and there is an oxygen supply system?"

"It's okay, these few of mine are patient."

"Oh, it's not easy..."

After all, the suitable water temperature for peacock mantis shrimp is more than 20 degrees, and it is summer now, so there should be no problem.

Lin Feng thought to himself: After activation, Pippi Shrimp Seven Boys, boiled water and ice caves, are all fine.

During this period of time, the progress was not very good. Lin Feng only got two new Peatail Mantis Shrimp, named Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi.

In the future, when there are too many shrimps, the name will be simply numbered, which will cause a headache...

(Xiao Liu Xiao Qi: I should be at the bottom of the tank, not in the tank.)
Brother Hai was assigned a task by his parents, so he took the opportunity to smoke on the balcony and dragged Lin Feng along.

"How's school going?"

Hai Ge took out a cigarette, but didn't light it.

Looking at his younger brother, there is a soft light in his eyes.

"There are still some turbulent hearts, but I am not affected by it."

Lin Feng told the truth.

Brother Hai patted his younger brother on the shoulder: "It's normal to have turmoil in people's hearts. After all, only a few people are awakened. Most of us still have to live on. Front……"

Lin Feng knew that this brother was purely comforting himself.

My brother was a soldier, and he is a very passionate man. If something big happens, he will definitely be the first to rush forward.

Lin Feng nodded, and said in a low voice, "Did sister-in-law bully you?"

"It's her turn to bully me, and I'll be fine if I don't give her face."

"Hey hey hey..."

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing, he had heard his father complain before: "When will the men of the Lin family stand up!"

Of course, the men of the Lin family also included Father Lin himself.

Later, my mother gave him the opportunity on the spot to change the broken light in the bathroom, and that time he stood very high.

"Ah Hai, Ah Feng, what are you two whispering, it's time to eat!"

Zhuang Xiaoxian pushed open the screen window of the balcony with a smile on her face.

Seeing the cigarette in Lin Hai's hand, his face changed slightly.

Lin Hai quickly put the cigarette back into the case, and explained: "I didn't smoke it, I just took it out to smell it."

When passing by his wife, his head was patted lightly.

Zhuang Xiaoxian said: "Xiaofeng, don't follow your brother's example. Smoking and drinking are disgusting."

"Yeah, yes, it's too hateful... Sister-in-law, you have to watch him carefully."

Lin Feng was very skillful when he fell into trouble.

During the meal, the protagonist was not Lin Feng.

Lin Yingjun and Lin Hai, the father and son, filled a bottle of white wine. From the beginning, they were the two of them talking, trying to figure out who drank more and who drank less.


On the contrary, Zhuang Xiaoxian said a lot to Lin Feng.

He also asked Lin Feng not to stay at home all day after the holiday, but to go out more and walk around with his classmates.

Before leaving, he secretly stuffed 500 yuan into him.

Tell him not to tell his mother, so that the pocket money will be deducted.

cough cough...

Lin Feng liked the atmosphere at home very much, even though his father and elder brother often said that they were oppressed by women, in fact, they were very relaxed and harmonious, very sweet.

But next, Lin Feng will live a single summer vacation life.

Mom and Dad eat and live in the store, busy buying and shipping.

It was the same way before, Lin Feng could handle his own food.

Haha, that's pretty good too.

The family is his, the shrimp king, and the shrimps and shrimps.

Thinking that in the current Songhai market, it is not easy to buy peacock mantis shrimp.

Lin Feng also tried to place a few orders online.

In addition, during the first few days of the holiday, he had to go around the seaside, especially the pier.

Look at the catches of those fishermen's brothers returning from the sea, there will be those things.

Lin Feng has also done a certain amount of understanding. Pippi shrimps usually appear on fishing boats fishing offshore.

Especially those trawling.

Another part is the fishing method of putting ground cages.

Hard work pays off, as long as you go around more, you will definitely gain something.

After all, there is only this kind of stupid method before the strength of the Shrimp King is perfected.

(End of this chapter)

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