I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 90 Gentle and Intimate

Chapter 90 Gentle and Intimate
Just when Lin Feng and Rowling were having dinner on a sweet fishing boat.

Shen Mengqiu is very busy here.

There was so much destruction in Songhai City, there was really too much work to do to deal with the aftermath.

She can't wait to kill the killer whale directly, and save him from interrogating and guarding him.

This killer whale is an extraordinary person who can invade the entire city's network and surveillance from afar.

Being so busy at the moment, it was impossible to conduct an effective interrogation.

I was also worried that he would make trouble.

Shen Mengqiu's extraordinary ability has broken through from C-level to B-level, which is very fast.

After eating super fish meat, he reached the top of B-level, and was one step away from reaching A-level.

Only when she reaches level A can she read out some of the psychological activities and thought trajectories of this big fish, the killer whale.

But it has not been achieved yet, so I am helpless for a while.

So in the system group, Shen Mengqiu also complained.

"The headquarters doesn't know how to deal with this guy."

"Killing can't be killed, and leaving it alone is another big hidden danger."

"I'm sick!"

This is actually an internal group.

But this internal group happened to be with Lin Feng as a partner.

He saw the message.

This is easy to handle, as long as she borrows a small Zenith star mech, she can block any operation of the killer whale.

Before the accident happened, he couldn't find the killer whale's location, so he was able to break into Songhai City's city defense system so easily.

Later, in places like the train station, after the small mechs took over, the killer whales could no longer penetrate into that place.

The little mecha used its Zenith star method to erect a safety barrier.

It is just that a Zentraedi Mecha is needed to "accompany" the killer whale, and there is enough security.

But it's not easy for Lin Feng to participate in this matter.

Lin Feng still gave a suggestion: "Give him a general anesthesia first, and let's talk about half-dead."

Then he added: "It's best not to let him eat enough, just hang himself alive, otherwise he will have the strength to do things..."

This suggestion is more or less useful.

Shen Mengqiu also said that he would give it a try, anyway, regardless of 21, give him a big injection first.

In fact, there was another thing that gave Shen Mengqiu a headache.

This time, the Sky Headquarters issued an order to use all means to find out the identity of the Golden Man.

In the big incident, Lin Feng actually left many doubts and loopholes.

His sudden flash on the ground floor of the shopping center was fast enough, but if some people on the rooftop thought about it carefully, it would be hard to say whether they would find it strange.

In addition, after leaving, he and Rowling went to the supermarket again while part of the monitoring had not been restored.

This will inevitably be exposed.

In addition, Lin Feng was in this group before and "made suggestions".

If Shen Mengqiu and his fellows have a more careful mind, I'm afraid this will soon be located on Lin Feng's head.

In fact, Lin Feng has almost formed a close relationship with Shen Mengqiu's Taihang branch now.

Even if you expose yourself to these people, it may not affect anything.

But Shen Mengqiu still has superiors, and the whole sky.

On this level, Lin Feng still has some scruples.

"Fun and play, you still have to pay attention to hiding your identity in the future."

Although revealing one's identity is at most defined as an extraordinary person, it seems to be more interesting with a sense of mystery.

Shen Mengqiu ended the group chat cursingly.

I haven't seen her complaints since then, which means that the injection should still be effective.

If not, get two shots.

After all, killer whales have fat heads and big ears, so it doesn't matter if you get a few more injections.

Lin Feng and Rowling finished the dinner on the boat by the sea, and walked on the beach hand in hand.

The queen also took off her shoes and stepped on the fine sand with bare feet, looking very happy.

"When you were fighting, I was actually... a little worried."

The voice was so small that Lin Feng couldn't hear it clearly, so he asked, "Actually what?"

So Rowling stood on tiptoe and yelled in his ear: "I mean, I was worried about you when you went to fight!"

"Oh, really?"

Lin Feng looked at the people around him with light in his eyes.

"Why are you staring at me like this? You are the only person I know here, and you are the commander of the Mech Legion. I should be worried about you, naturally."

Rowling felt a little guilty after being stared at by Lin Feng.

This explanation is not self-consciously thought to be a bit long.

Lin Feng couldn't help but pulled out his hand to touch the Queen's head again.

He is tall and big, and he is sure to touch the queen's head to kill him.

Lin Feng can completely understand Rowling's mentality.

It wasn't very dangerous for him to fight, he was the one who abused Torres.

It's just that Rowling, who is in the eye of the sky, can experience the displacement of the big mecha, as well as the experience brought by the perspective.

Moreover, it is also equivalent to the first perspective.

Feel the same.

"If, I mean, if, one day, if you are injured during the battle, the Eye of the Sky has the intention of wrapping you up, please don't resist, that will be my taboo to let go of the Eye of the Sky, and let you come in to heal your wounds when."

Rowling spoke softly.

This promise is very important to her.

She is the owner of the eye of the sky, that is, the master.

As for the Eye of the Sky, outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter.

So at this moment, the promise she made to Lin Feng meant that she completely regarded Lin Feng as her own.

In case of need or emergency, let Lin Feng also enter the Eye of the Sky to receive energy replenishment and recovery treatment. The Eye of the Sky has such a function.

"Thank you!"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Hey, but your worries are unnecessary, I won't..."

won't hurt?Rowling reached out and covered Lin Feng's stinky mouth, preventing him from continuing.

"You Blue Star people don't like to set up flags randomly. What I said is to remind you that if you want to talk nonsense, you can't do it!"

Lin Feng really convinced her, he even learned the stalks like standing up flags randomly.

It seems that one should never underestimate a person, especially an alien...

Rowling stepped barefoot into the water along the tide line.

Enjoy the feeling of being licked toes by the sea round after round.

At this moment, she is like a really gentle girlfriend, entrusting her intimately: "It seems that Weilan is not so peaceful, and you will probably be busy in the future, don't worry, I will definitely not hold you back, whether you stay in The family is still hiding in the eyes of the sky, you don't need to worry about me."

The hazy sea view, the gentle sea breeze, and the flowing long hair of the girl in front of her, spoke such gentle and considerate words.

At this moment, Lin Feng really had the urge to hug Rowling tightly from behind.

But he is never soft when he kills bad guys, so he is not at all courageous at this time.

Don't dare to act rashly...

 Thanks for the support of the monthly pass of the gambling and poisonous brother!
(End of this chapter)

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