I'm actually the king of Pippi shrimp

Chapter 99 The Wall Breaker in the Gray Realm

Chapter 99 The Wall Breaker in the Gray Realm

It is also in Binjiang City.

Liuyun Park Scenic Spot in the Demon Land.

This is a national [-]A-level scenic spot.

It is said that this place used to be the private land of a certain royal family in ancient times.

The steep peaks, towers, pavilions and pavilions are surrounded by mountains and lakes, and the scenery is picturesque.

There are also countless ancient people who wrote inscriptions and painted here.

The inscriptions of the ancients are actually similar to those of modern people, with a signature sense of "so and so came here for a visit".

However, the characters of the ancients are really called characters. Needless to say, they are beautiful, and they also add a high-level cultural heritage to the scenery of lakes and mountains.

Of course, most of the inscriptions on these rock walls were copied and engraved by later generations.

In the center of Liuyun Park, there is a Liufeng Lake.

If you look down on Liufeng Lake from the air, the two lakes in the north and the south are like the poles of yin and yang on the gossip diagram.

In the center of Pisces at the two poles, there are S-shaped small islands in the middle of the lake intermittently separated.

The islands are connected by several artificial bridges.

These bridges seem to be a little old.

The water in the north and south pools blends with each other in the holes under the stone bridge.

On the only way for tourists by the lake, there are various tourist shops.

The so-called tourist street, in everyone's impression, is the existence of swindlers.

However, because they are located in scenic spots, the labor costs of these stores are relatively high.

They sell special products, and it makes sense that they are expensive.

As long as it is not a malicious slaughter, it is also a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.

Now all the shops in the scenic area within the Liuyun Park have been secretly replaced by the gatekeepers, without exception.

These descendants of the hermit family of gatekeepers have become shop owners here, and even the staff in the scenic area, in order to stick to the loose seal at any time, so that they can use their own strength to prevent the gray realm from breaking through in the first place. All kinds of fish slipping through the net.

At present, in China, apart from some high-level officials, the Sky Organization, and the gatekeepers, I am afraid that no one knows how many times the gatekeepers have experienced "fire fighting" battles here.

Experience is also slowly accumulated in the fight against the opponent time and time again.


The gray realm that was fully sealed by the extraordinary power of the ancient human race.

It has not been lost in the long river of history.

Extraordinary imperial elements are dormant in the sealed land.

In the endless years.

Moments are moving forward.

Try to break the seal.

Trying to reproduce the world.


Always lived next door to us.

In recent decades.

Because of the extraordinary recovery of the human race continent outside the seal.

Causes the sealing barrier to malfunction.

The seal has come loose.

The imperial elements in the gray territory felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Many extraordinary leaders have used their means to study ways to break through the boundary wall.

The arrogance is getting more and more arrogant...

"May the adults win the flag!"

"My lord is triumphant!"

"Victorious, triumphant!"

A tribe somewhere in the Gray Realm.

Tribal leader Tian Xilu is bidding farewell to the clansmen in the tribe, and is about to embark on a journey across the blue.

"Hahaha, everyone, I will go out to explore the way first, and after taking root and sprouting, I will take everyone out to enjoy the blessing..."

Gray Realm is indeed a bitter, cold and barren place, so enjoy the blessings, of course, only go to Azure, where the products are abundant, the women there are big and white, and all kinds of resources are everywhere...

After being sealed for so long, the imperial elements did not give in at all.

Not only that, whether it is an empire or a tribe, all gray-level transcendents have the ultimate goal of breaking through the seal.

I firmly believe that I will eventually enslave the human race and regain the former glory of the supernatural beings of the empire.

Moreover, the tribes in the gray realm, on the one hand, had to avoid the pursuit of the empire, and on the other hand, they had to rely on themselves to protect the tribal forces that had developed through difficulty, which was even more difficult.

The road to the barrier is dangerous, and after the wall is broken, Tian Xilu has no idea what kind of world is outside.

There are other Transcendents who have traveled through time, but none of them have come back yet.

Whether they have fallen or are enjoying themselves, no one will know.

However, this does not hinder the yearning of the extraordinary people in the gray realm for a better life.

In the gray realm, they have also been passed down from generation to generation of extraordinary people. In addition to hatred in their blood, they also have the freedom of imagination.

"Children, let me go!"

Tian Xilu used his extraordinary ability to fly away from his tribe, reluctantly but resolutely.

"Boss, you must be careful!"

And his subordinate Yu Xinlai yelled at the sky, with mixed feelings in his heart.

No, the boss is gone, and Yu Xinlai will become the new leader of the tribe.


"After all these years, Yu Xinlai is still the most loyal..."

Tian Xilu bid farewell to his subordinates, and after a period of accelerated flight, he came to the place where they thought the boundary wall was loose.

This is the edge of the Gray Realm, a place that the imperial forces have not yet controlled.

A black stone wall stands tall, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance.

In front of the huge wall, the extraordinary person looked as small as an ant.

On the black stone wall, there are countless mottled gray spots of different shades.

There are many rumors, saying that as long as the light-colored spot is cut through, the outside is a blue world.

There are also rumors that there are still several such stone walls in the gray realm.

Many gray-level masters have already worn it out before.

I also heard that someone broke into the Azure World.

However, more important and accurate information is in the hands of the transcendent at the core of the empire, and leaders of fringe tribes like Tian Xilu don't know it at all.

Excited, Tian Xilu stood under the stone wall and looked around.

As far as the eye can see, there are some mottled places on the huge wall, and some "colleagues" have already begun to chisel the stone wall.

These are also the same tribal leaders, or wandering transcendents, all working hard to break through the level.

This pass is not only a technical activity, but also reflects the level of strength.

It belongs to the "project" that is not high enough but low enough.

Transcendents of higher realms and higher levels will be crazily backlashed by the sealing wall, and there is no way to chisel it.

As for transcendents with low realms, they don't have so much energy to consume in the process of breaking through.

Therefore, the gray realm actually pinned all its hopes of breaking the barrier and breaking the wall on mid-level transcendents like Tian Xilu.

It's not that the imperial forces don't control these stone walls, but they also hope that everyone will smash the stone wall with a pickaxe and a hammer, and maybe one day they will suddenly cut through the stone wall.

Seeing the scene of his colleagues rushing to the customs, Tian Xilu was not to be outdone.

Soaring into the sky, it picked out a gray spot on the stone wall.

No foreplay, just get on the horse:

The time travel skill is starting...

Burning, oh no, it's a burst of extraordinary energy...

The body turns into a giant drill.


Yes, it was this helpless way of breaking through the level. No extraordinary tools and weapons could have the slightest effect on the stone wall.

Only by using the flesh can the stone wall be drilled into bits and pieces.

This group of wall-breakers in the gray realm, they are advancing one after another...

(End of this chapter)

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