Chapter 39 Each has a ghost (thanks to the leader for adding more)
The sigh contained too much, besides the joy of their surviving life after the catastrophe, there was also their highly tense depression just now.

Yes, Aunt Mei, relying on her extraordinary desire to survive, forcibly broke away from the wire and imitated Li Hui's movement to dissolve the electric welding.

Of course, she also sacrificed half of her own tongue.

She can no longer eat that delicious dumpling.

At this moment, Ai Qingqing is like an ant on a hot pot, and his instinct for survival can make him

The iron cage was hit again and again, but the strength of the person curled up inside was limited, and it was impossible to smash it open.

What's more, she is still a woman.

A big star who used to be very famous and was about to go to the hospital with a finger injury.

At this time, the circular saw was close enough to drive Ai Qingqing's hair, and the wind brought by the high-speed rotation was bitingly cold, like a dry bone caressing the top of her head.



"Husband save me, you said you would love me forever, you even said you would die before me, have you forgotten the oath you made under the priest's hand on the day of marriage?"

Ai Qingqing kept pleading to Li Hui and the others, especially Li Hui's own husband was standing outside completely at this time, except for a little mess of clothes, and his hair was not messed up, and he could only walk towards death little by little. .

Hua Fo and the others also looked at Li Hui, and saw that he had a flat face, as if the one in the cage was not his wife at all, and shook his head and said:
"Honey, accept your fate! Don't worry, wait for me to escape to ensure that you have enough ingot candles, and you will be rich and wealthy after you go down!"

"Li Hui, you bastard! Your men's mouths are all deceiving ghosts! It's all you! It's all you who killed me! Even if I were a ghost, I wouldn't let you go!"

Hearing what Ai Qingqing said, the faces of the three sank and became cold.

"Honey, one day husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, how can you curse me like this? How did I, Li Hui, lie to you? I didn't satisfy you with any of your bags and shoes before you were alive. You said that if you want to be a young mistress, you will be a young mistress. If you say that you want to be a rich wife, you are a rich wife, and I will give you your underground wealth after you die, ho ho, how can I, Li Hui, be sorry for you?"

"Grass! Li Hui, you bastard!"

"Judge! They are the ones who deserve to be damned! Please don't kill me!!"

At this moment, 5 minutes later, the circular saw came into contact with the middle of the cage, and the speed of the descent suddenly accelerated.

Suddenly there was a sharp metal sound, sparks shot out, and the top lock was sawed open in a few seconds.


Ai Qingqing hastily turned over and lay down in the cage, watching the circular saw fall rapidly, her face completely lost its human shape, and her facial features were all displaced.

" me...husband..."


In the next second, the circular saw landed on his waist.


In an instant, a thick line of blood was thrown out, and the circular saw directly sank into Ai Qingqing's body.

All the internal organs flowed out, hanging on the sawn iron cage, dripping with blood.

But Ai Qingqing didn't die immediately, her face was like white wax, and she stared blankly at her sawn body, blood was dripping, and flesh and blood were flying everywhere.

The smell of blood, the stench, tangled in the nostrils.


Ai Qingqing's body twitched and she died.

At this time, the three of Li Hui also escaped. Seeing Ai Qingqing's tragic death, they sighed and were afraid for a while.

Hehe, the husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

Just now.


The lock on the big iron door of the room was unlocked.

The three looked at each other, Li Hui said:
"We only have three or ten minutes in total, and now more than five minutes have passed, hurry up."

Hua Fo and Aunt Mei nodded, and walked towards the big iron gate.

Creaking—the iron door opened.

I saw another closed secret room, the size of which was similar to the room just now, but the layout was slightly different. There was a weird device like a lock cylinder in the middle, which was directly connected to another big iron door.

The second agency?
Several people frowned.

Ai Qingqing died in the first level, what about this level?

What game will it be?
How dangerous is it?

Will people die?

who will die
Nobody knows.

But the more unknown, the more fear.

The three shuddered involuntarily, but they had no choice, their lives were in the hands of the judge, and if they wanted to survive, they had to find an exit within 10 minutes.

Walking into the room, looking around, the walls are mottled, the air is very drowsy, and there is a musty smell, which is more depressing than the closed room just now.

The three of them walked slowly towards the weird device, and at this moment they only heard a click, and the door behind them closed, which startled the three of them.

"What the hell is this?"

"It looks like a lock!"

The three of them were thinking about it, setting up the next tape recorder to play slowly.

Azu's cold and depressed voice sounded again.

"Congratulations to the three of you for passing the first level of the game and successfully reaching the second level. However, due to Ai Qingqing's death, your situation in this level will become more difficult, because each of you has to bear more, as you said. See, this device in front of you is called Death Lock."

"It is responsible for the opening of the big iron door. Find the key and unlock the lock of death. Then you can leave here and enter the last room. Remember, the key is on your body."

"The time limit is 10 minutes. If you can't open the door within 10 minutes, the door will be permanently locked. Once three 10 minutes are up, boom, your heads will explode like watermelons, your brains will splatter, and blood will drip, like watercolor splash-ink paintings. , Isn’t it poignant? I really look forward to seeing that scene.”

"You lunatic! Go ahead and dream! I will never die here!"

Li Hui shouted.

Azu snorted coldly:
"Hehe, life or death is up to you to choose. I just want to play a game with you."

The voice of the tape recorder stopped abruptly, and the 10-minute timer sounded again.

Listening to the sound of Didi, the nerves of the three tensed up.

"Li Sheng, what does the judge mean when he said that the key is with us?"

Aunt Mei came over and asked, Li Hui's IQ was indeed worthy of being their backbone.

Li Hui shook his head and said:

"I don't know for the time being, everyone, look around for clues."


Hua Fo responded to Aunt Mei, and then searched in the secret room.

"The temperature in here is so bad..."

Li Hui frowned. He had been pampered for many years, and he hadn't been exposed to such a harsh environment for a long time.

But no one responded to his words, Aunt Mei stepped forward to talk, but was glared at by Hua Buddha, with that cold gaze, Aunt Mei subconsciously swallowed back the words that Aunt Mei put on her lips.

Because just now in private, she and Hua Buddha, two hard-working people, have reached an alliance. Their brains are not as good as Li Hui's, and their bodies have been hurt even more.
Of course, Li Hui didn't realize this. He thought that the two of them were obediently obeying his command, searching carefully, and didn't notice what he said.

"Aunt Mei, go to that corner over there to have a look?"

Boss Li Hui has been working for a long time, and his habit of being bossy is deeply rooted in his bones. Even in such an environment, he still hasn't changed.

Seeing that Aunt Mei didn't respond, Li Hui turned his head to look at her dodging eyes, and then he realized that he might be isolated.

A sense of crisis instantly rose in Li Hui's heart, because he knew very well that it would be very scary to be isolated in such an environment.

But he is not afraid, because his brains are better than Aunt Mei and Hua Buddha combined.

As long as he needs to solve the mechanism, he needs his brain. Ten reckless men like this flower buddha who have no brains but only muscles are not his opponents.

Aunt Mei didn't respond and Li Hui wasn't annoyed either, but walked towards that corner silently by herself.

After searching, I found it in a corner.

That silver box with a red cross on it, but the box was dirty, as if it hadn't been touched for a long time.

Li Hui didn't call Aunt Mei and Hua Buddha, but quietly opened the box, and saw surgical instruments inside, surgical scissors, vascular forceps, rectal forceps, right-angle forceps, triangular needles, S-shaped retractors, abdominal Retractors, etc., and even posterior fossa retractors, and some simple antibiotics.

He quietly hid a scalpel in his sleeve, adjusted his breathing, held up the medicine box in his hand, and shouted loudly to Hua Buddha and Aunt Mei:

"Come on, I found a good thing."

"Li Sheng, what is the use of this thing?"

Needing to use Li Hui's Huafo attitude, he made a 180-degree turn.

Looking at the flower buddha in front of him like a dog, Li Hui showed an almost crazy smile:

"It's a common surgical instrument because we have to take something out of the body to open that lock."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Could it be that you want to dissect yourself?"

Aunt Mei said with a pair of terrified eyes.

"That's not to say, they're all things that wouldn't kill you without them, such as eyes, ears, nose, gallbladder, appendix, penis, wisdom teeth..."

Li Hui looked at Hua Buddha while talking, and Hua Buddha also stared at Li Hui with some kind of perverted eyes.

"Li Sheng, is what you said true or false?"

"Why am I lying to you? You can see for yourself. It is a human body combination lock. After putting the various organs of the human body into the corresponding positions, the lock can be opened. I have seen this thing in a movie before. , I didn’t expect it to actually exist.”

After speaking, Li Hui clenched the scalpel in his hand.

Then he stepped forward, and sure enough, there were many grooves of different shapes on the instrument, some were like noses, some were like teeth, and some were like eyes. There were various mechanisms under the grooves. Only by entering it can the mechanism be triggered and the door finally opened.

After looking at the instrument, Aunt Mei and Hua Buddha focused their eyes on Li Hui again.

"Li Sheng, you are the only one who is not injured, why don't we start with you?"

Hua Buddha said.

Seeing the two of them staring straight at him, Li Hui was very thankful. As expected, his guess was right, but this level is not over. For the sake of future victory, he chose to pay more in this teamwork game point,

"Okay, isn't there four in total? There are three of us, you can choose two first, and let me do the rest, right?"

Hua Buddha kicked over the operating box on the ground, looked at Li Hui with a smile and said:

"Li Sheng, you are a big shot, why don't you donate all four of these things!"

"Ha ha……"


Aunt Mei also laughed, very darkly and sharply.

Li Hui pretended to be frightened and took a step back, and the expression on his face became vicious.

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!
(End of this chapter)

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