Chapter 104 Good and Evil

Uncle Liu heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw that the two had gone far away.I couldn't help but glanced at Han Zhu again, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a disaster for the sect to accept him, glanced at the disciples of Huang Fenggu, and then said something coldly that shocked Han Li and others.

"I know, you feel that it seems too disrespectful for us to bet your life and death. If it were someone else, they might find many excuses to explain themselves."

"But I, Liu, have always disdained this! I will tell you clearly that the true face of the world of cultivating immortals and its cruelty can be regarded as some of my advice."

"Listen well, in the world of cultivating immortals, no matter whether it is a decent family or a heretic, what they pursue is going against the sky and survival of the fittest.

It's just that, what is important about decency is to progress slowly, when things come to fruition, and the exercises are relatively gentle, but it is often easy to use the banner of eliminating demons and guarding the way to do some villainous behavior, which is mostly hypocrisy, hypocrites and the like.

However, the evil sect of demons strives for rapid improvement in mana power, blindly pursuing powerful exercises and fast cultivation speed.The cultivation process is too sinister and vicious, and there is a suspicion of opportunism. Although it is said to be free-wheeling and show its true nature, in fact, as the practice progresses, it will gradually become extreme, lose its human nature, and even become extremely bloodthirsty and cruel. "

"However, no matter what the good and the evil, as well as other cultivators, what they say in words, in fact they all implement the set of the law of the jungle. We immortal cultivators are not ordinary people in the world! Cultivators with high levels of martial arts regard low-level monks as Ants, if they disagree with each other, they will be killed with one blow, this is a common occurrence."

Speaking of this, Uncle Liu paused, as if he didn't take the so-called good and evil factions seriously.This kind of attitude made the disciples in front of me a little confused, and a bolder disciple couldn't help asking: "Master, is our Huangfeng Valley decent or evil?"

"Hey! It's neither a decent sect nor an evil sect. It's the same with the other six sects of the Yue Kingdom." He curled his lips and said with a sneer: "You are young and have only a short time to get started, so you haven't been informed about the cultivation world of the Yue Kingdom. history!"

"Thousands of years ago, our country of Yue was the same as other places, where good and evil confronted each other. At that time, our seven major sects were just small sects that were not popular. In order to survive, we had to be a fool between the good and evil factions. Which side's strength If it is bigger, we small factions will fall to whichever side.

He was looked down upon by the righteous and evil factions at that time!But later, there was an extremely tragic battle between the good and the evil, and all their masters tried their best. As a result, after the battle, their strength was greatly reduced, and they were no longer able to suppress our Huangfenggu and other small sects. Pull up both of them together, and even wipe out the orthodoxy, so as to prevent a comeback. "

"Many of the exercises you have learned today are actually the trophies left by the good and evil sides at that time. This also established the situation that our seven major sects dominate the Yue Kingdom. Once there are righteous and evil sects who want to invade this place, we will wait for the seven sects to Immediately team up to repel them, and never give them a chance to gain a foothold.

Therefore, the exercises taught by our seven sects include decent ones and evil ones, and some are unique to the city!In terms of camp, it should belong to the neutral sect. "

As Uncle Liu spoke, he couldn't help but show a look of complacency on his face. "You have been cultivating in the valley all the time, and some of you have gone out of the mountain gate, but you have only wandered around in the palm-sized place of Yue Kingdom, and you have never come into contact with the real world of cultivating immortals, let alone the dark and bloody side of the world of cultivating immortals.

"But in fact, in this place, both good and evil, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, demons and monsters, the five major schools of cultivating immortals coexist in the world, and the degree of chaos is far beyond your imagination. Just like you, throwing it in will not even risk a bubble. One".

"Things such as killing people to seize treasures, exterminating clans and families are commonplace, and in most places, the evil side has the upper hand, and they will kill people every now and then, full of blood."

Speaking of this, his expression became solemn and looked very solemn, but then his expression softened a little, and he said coldly: "Okay, let me wake up a little bit like this, so that you will not be arrogant and think that you have joined the Huang Fenggu, what kind of disciple is this?"

"Remember, if you are not as strong as others in the world of cultivating immortals, don't say any stupid words that make you respect. The so-called respect can only be found among monks with similar strength, otherwise you will just seek your own death!"

Han Zhu couldn't help but want to clap his hands and applaud, he really is an old driver, every sentence is stern!For monks like them, they are all wise words.

Uncle Liu suddenly changed his style of painting, "Of course there are some special people, although they are not strong, but they have mastered their own skills. Even us high-ranking Golden Core monks sometimes have to look at their faces."

Everyone looked at him blankly, and there were only a few people who understood it.Han Zhu silently forgot to glance at the Uncle Liu in front of him, "You should tell me clearly!

But his face didn't change much, he still had the dead fish eyes, as if it didn't matter to him at all." Uncle Liu couldn't help sighing, this kid's concentration is really good, he deserves to be a formation master people.

Uncle Liu saw that Han Zhu didn't change his expression, so he could only continue to say, "Hey, I don't know how many of you who survived will really understand these words in a few days."

Han Zhu didn't feel anything. After all, he had read so many novels about cultivating immortals in his previous life, and he had read all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, but he couldn't adapt when he first came here and suffered a few times.

Now that he is a qualified immortal cultivator, if there is an old man in front of him blocking his way, he will slash him with a sword without hesitation. This is the cruelty of the immortal cultivating world.

Han Zhu glanced at Han Li and the others, and was stunned and shocked. All this was really unexpected to all the disciples.

Uncle Liu didn't care about their feelings, and continued: "Next, let's talk about the bet. You should have heard that this bet is very important to the sect! If you can win the bet, the sect will never treat you badly."

"If all the disciples win this time, they will all be rewarded heavily, and the one who contributed the most will be accepted by me after the foundation is established."

Han Zhu couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Uncle Liu above him, he was so shameless, he was even more shameless than him, he deserved to be a senior!It seems that what he took was a bit small at the beginning, and he will have to be more ruthless next time he has a chance.

Before the Huangfenggu disciples digested and accepted the previous "faithful advice", they were immediately excited by the super promise behind it. Looking at the excited disciples one by one, Han Zhu shook his head helplessly. This brainwashing is still very successful of.

What kind of concept is it that a monk in the alchemy period can be accepted as a disciple?Only a dozen or so people in the entire Yellow Maple Valley can have such good luck. This is definitely a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity!

You must know that as long as you become an elder's disciple, you are a true disciple. Whether it is cultivation techniques or cultivation resources, they are not at the same level. It is no exaggeration to say that there is at least a [-]% to [-]% chance of establishing a foundation.

Seeing that the crowd in front of him became excited and eager to try, Master Liu smiled slightly, very satisfied.As long as they can win the gamble, it is a trivial matter to recruit one or two more registered disciples. At most, they can find a place to settle at random, and then teach some superficial exercises, and then they will be easily dismissed.

The most critical person to win is Han Zhu. Uncle Liu glanced at Han Zhu inadvertently. Han Zhu, who was wandering in the fog, suddenly heard the voice of Uncle Liu: "Boy Han, as long as you can help Uncle get this time Victory, I can give you two top-grade magic weapons, and I can also give you two talisman treasures, and I will promise you a request that is not too much."

Han Zhu looked at Uncle Liu speechlessly, pretending to stand there with his hands behind his back.Knowing that the old man must have hit his idea on himself, Han Zhu thought about it seriously, and finally nodded, don't give up things for nothing.

Seeing him nodding his head, Uncle Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief. This wave should be stable. Thinking of the Shadowless Needle, he couldn't calm down no matter what.

Bored, Han Zhu simply looked at the opposite Qingxu Gate.The golden core Taoist was spitting and saying something to the people under his door, Han Zhu didn't need to think about it, he knew that, like Uncle Liu, he promised all kinds of benefits, and the bored Han Zhu thought he was watching TV.

Watching the Taoist priests look excited from time to time, the young Taoist priests cheered bursts of cheers, all with passionate expressions, it seems that all of them have been brainwashed very successfully, and they look like MLM leaders.

Of course, there were also some older Taoist priests, whose expressions were always calm and unmoved, they looked like old drivers at first glance, Han Zhu thought it was very interesting, and was fascinated by watching them with gusto, when suddenly someone yelled such a loud voice.

"Look at the people who hide the Moon Sect, it's the Tianyue Shenzhou!" Han Zhu's spirit was shocked, and he quickly retracted his eyes and looked up at the sky. What matters is the direction of the plot.

A white spot of light lit up in the sky and gradually approached.Its extremely fast speed has at least reached supersonic speed, and it is definitely a magic weapon-level Shenzhou.

Not to mention anything else, it must be better than Huang Fenggu in this respect.One couldn't breathe, and came to the sky above the barren mountain. It was actually a huge ship carved from sapphire. The outer wall of the ship was painted with gold foil to draw dragons and phoenixes. It was extravagant. Inside.

On the boat, there was a large group of men and women in white clothes. The men were handsome and the women were charming and beautiful.The leader is a charming woman dressed as a young woman. Every move is full of charm, charming, and full of mature charm. If it is placed in the 21st century, it will definitely fascinate millions of otaku.

After the jade boat landed and the mask was removed, the woman opened her apricot lips slightly and said, "Senior Brothers, Uncle Qiong, you are being polite in your neon clothes!"

(End of this chapter)

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