Chapter 106 Ready to Enter
Han Zhu looked at Han Li whose face was constantly changing, and knew that this kid must be playing for himself again.Han Zhu said in a serious voice: "Xiao Li enters inside, hurry up and join me to avoid any accidents."

Han Li also nodded solemnly. Although Han Li would be dangerous if he was by his side, he was more afraid that the disciples of the Demon Sect would destroy him directly, so it was safest to stay by his side so that he could control everything.

The elders of the Seven Sects were discussing the steps to open the forbidden area, and the others did not dare to say anything, but just waited quietly.When Han Li was watching and thinking secretly, he suddenly felt that someone was watching him. He was slightly startled, and couldn't help but look towards the sensed gaze.

He quickly locked on an elf-like girl from the Moon Sect. Although it felt strange, she didn't have any malice and just watched him silently. Although the other party was very beautiful, he was upset right now. But he didn't have time to appreciate the beauty, so he just showed her a friendly and stiff smile.

Nangong Wan didn't know why, when she first saw that boy, she felt a sense of intimacy.Seeing him smiling at himself, he looked away, but the feeling became stronger and stronger.

Han Zhu, who has been observing Nangong Wan with a little attention, also found this point, "Could it be that they are destined to meet each other and are destined to become Taoist couples?" Han Zhu couldn't help but lament the power of this timeline.

At this moment, another gaze shot at Han Li.Even Han Zhu, who had raised his mood twice, still had the urge to scold his mother, because he saw a girl in the spirit beast mountain army looking at Han Li with strange eyes.

He kept telling himself in his heart that he was your real brother, your real brother, and soon he finally adjusted his mentality and began to prepare for the next battle.

First, I checked the attribute panel, and quickly put the "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuangong" on the idle position. I don't know how much spiritual power will be consumed in the battle, so I have to install my infinite spiritual power device first.

Ding. "Xiao Wuzang Forging Yuan Gong" has been replaced and is connecting energy
Ding. It is found that the energy concentration of free energy is 1, and it increases by 1% every time you run a big cycle.

Name: Han Zhu

Boundary: Qi Refining Nine Layers

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth
Cultivation method: "Xiaowuzang Yuanyuan Kungfu" 99% in the late stage of the first layer [a total of five layers in the upper part] "Star Body Refining Art" The number of astrology points is 2 [every 1 star is added, body strengthening speed +1]


The first hang-up position: 99% of the late stage of the first layer of "Xiao Wuzang Forging Yuan Gong" [increase 1% for each cycle of operation]

The second hang-up position: "Star Body Training Art" astrology point 2/12% [1% increase for each cycle]

Available slots: 0 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day without any bottleneck]

Seeing that all his spells had reached perfection, Han Zhu let go of his worries again.According to his budget, as long as it runs for a few dozen days, it can be upgraded to the foundation building stage. The aura of the blood refining secret realm will definitely not be low. As for how many times it is outside, you have to go in to know.

As for whether he will break through to the foundation-building stage in it, then he can't care so much.Even his life is gone, what's the use of saying this.

Han Li also felt very speechless. He was already in a bad mood, but people were staring at him one after another.Just about to stare at him with angry eyes, when he saw a familiar person, he froze for a moment.

A female disciple of the Spiritual Beast Sect looked at Han Li evasively, seeing his handsome face, which seemed somewhat familiar to him.Surprised in Han Li's heart, he filtered all the women he knew in his heart, and a slender figure emerged.

"It's her, the girl who sold Jin Zhu pens to Han Li at the Tainan Meeting, how did she get into the sect of Spirit Beast Mountain, and even come to participate in this bloody trial!"

Han Li finally recognized the more handsome girl than before. "But I was a little puzzled, and at the same time, I was a little worried. Hearing what my second brother said, the entire school of Lingshou Mountain has become a magic cave."

When Han Li thought of her face blushing at every turn, he still had a fresh memory of her, and he had a good impression of her!Thinking of this, he couldn't help smiling at the girl, and then showed a worried look.

The girl could clearly see Han Li's smile, and ignored her worries directly. Her cheeks were blushing, and she was as shy as before!

A bearded man stood behind the girl. He seemed to have noticed the girl and Han Li's actions. His face darkened, and he suddenly said something sharply to the girl. Look casually towards Han Li!

Seeing such a situation, Han Li frowned inadvertently. The man still refused to give up, and glared at Han Li fiercely with a vicious look in his eyes. His warning was very clear.

The second brother's words suddenly came to Han Li's ear, "Like this kind of idiot, go in later and kill him directly. As long as you meet the Lingshou mountain people, don't let any one go."Han Li nodded silently, and glanced at his beard with the eyes of a dead man.

Han Li's eyes were so angry that his beard was dripping with blood, but there was nothing he could do about Han Li, so he turned his head and yelled at the girl again, causing the disciples of the nearby Spirit Beast Mountain to look sideways. Most of them showed a cold look to the girl.

Seeing this, Han Li was sullen and felt pity for the girl, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't hear exactly what the bearded man said.

In order to prevent the girl from being wronged again, Han Li will no longer provoke this reckless man who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade. Otherwise, Han Li is confident that he has enough means to make this popular seven orifices smoke, and there is nothing he can do. After all, he learned from his second brother. Quite a few of these.

Han Zhu could only shrug his shoulders helplessly. This kind of person should just beat him to death. He glanced at Han Li who was still angry, "You're still too young!"

At this time, the patriarchs of each faction finished their discussions and returned to their respective queues, and then took the juniors into the sky and flew towards the legendary forbidden area.

This time the time was very short. After flying for a few hours in the direction of the border of Yuanwu Kingdom, we landed in front of a vast and boundless loess slope. Apart from piles of stones, there is not even a blade of grass. I couldn't see it, Han Zhu looked at it, and there was a yellow color everywhere, and he felt it slightly, and there was indeed a powerful ancient formation.

Han Zhu just gently extended his consciousness to the outside, and was hurt by the densely packed eyes and pierced consciousness, and couldn't help taking a breath. Although he didn't see it very clearly just now, it was probably You can also feel that there are tens of thousands of formation eyes and 10,000+ formation lines.

Xiang Zhili, who had been paying attention to him all the time, couldn't help smiling when he saw this scene.The little guy is still too young!He actually wanted to see through these ancient formations, even he didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to look at them easily, at most he could only look at the edges.

However, seeing that Han Zhu recovered quickly, he had to sigh, this kid's formation skills are really good, if it was him, it would take at least a stick of incense to recover.

Han Zhu had no choice but to give up. He could only go inside and look again. After all, no matter what formation, it is easier to break through from the inside.At this time, Han Li, like everyone else, was greatly surprised by this desolate scene. It really didn't look like a place where heaven and earth spirits could be bred.

Those high-ranking monks didn't pay attention to their chirping. Several elders in the alchemy stage gathered together and said a few words, and then the burly tall man from the Jujianmen suddenly Walked out alone, and walked forward a dozen steps before stopping.

He stretched out his left hand, a yellow light emerged from it, and when he grabbed the ground, a mud flow like a yellow dragon was lifted up, and condensed into a giant sword made of yellow mud in his hand.

The finger of the other hand lightly swipe from the handle to the direction of the sword tip, a white light shines along with the finger, and the mud sword turns gray-white in an instant, turning into a heavy giant stone sword.

This mid-level spell of turning mud into stone amazed the disciples of the Seven Sects and opened their eyes.But the master of the giant sword sect who had done all this did not stop there, but held the sword in both hands, flinched, shouted, threw the stone sword out like a shooting star, and shot straight into the air directly in front of him. and go.

Then a shocking scene appeared, Shi Jian only flew dozens of steps away, as if touching something, after a sudden shock, it turned into powder.Then a large piece of blue light emerged in the void, covering the sky and covering the ground, turning everyone's skin blue.

Except for Huang Fenggu's disciples, after all, they had just seen a big scene not long ago, and that thunder dragon was much stronger than this one, the coercion at that time was not at the same level as this one.

When the disciples of other sects were trembling with fear, the blue light violently churned for no reason, whistling and turned into countless wind blades, and blew wildly everywhere, forming an impenetrable wall of wind blades. Looking at the two sides of the wind wall, they are all boundless. I don't know where they extend to, and there are blue and misty wind whistles everywhere.

It is believed that if someone enters the wall, he will immediately taste the taste of lingering death, and he will be cut into pieces by thousands of knives.This is the restriction here, it really looks amazing, I don't know what kind of ancient monk with supernatural powers can set up such a huge and powerful magic circle.

Even the Huangfeng Valley's mountain protection array that has just been upgraded is like a child's play, not worth mentioning.

Han Zhu also had to sigh that the ancient times were really awesome.It's a pity that those formations have basically been lost in the mortal world, and even a few of them are dilapidated, or they are simple ones.

(End of this chapter)

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