light is like this

Chapter 105 Just Watching You Arguing

Chapter 105 Just Watching You Arguing (Please order first)
"An army? That's a big scene. But it's not certain who will fight who."

Xia Le is very confident in Shining Tiga's fighting power, and at the same time told Thor one thing.

"Loki took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, maybe he wanted to open a portal on the earth and let the Kiritas in. Although we caught him, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was not on him. You are the only one who came from Asgard person?"

Even if Thor has no brains, he also knows that the Rainbow Bridge, a strategic weapon, has been destroyed and that large-scale teleportation cannot be carried out for the time being.

He could only make excuses.

"Loki has done a lot of things in Asgard before, and he can't spare manpower for the time being. But I will help."

Xia Le gave him a faint smile.

"Thank you so much."


Walking into the Quinjet fighter with Thor, Xia Le and others watched the famous scene of "brotherly love" between the two.

After a mouthful, Thor failed to convince Loki, but was so angry that he even breathed a little harder.

A few hours later, everyone returned to the space carrier.

Compared with the original Avengers, this time there are two fewer Avengers besides Xia Le, but there are also two more people.

Less people are Bruce Banner and Nick Fury, more people are General Ross and Abomination.

Since the incident that S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually Snake Shield, the United Nations Security Council has further compressed the space of S.H.I.E.L.D., emptying its positions and manpower.

Now the S.H.I.E.L.D. agencies in various countries have a vague sense of doing their own thing and being their masters.

Another major event happened in S.H.I.E.L.D. A very precious treasure was snatched by aliens, and there was not enough manpower, Ying Jiang took the opportunity to insert the military forces.

With General Ross around, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. found Bruce Banner, they would not dare to pull him out in a fair manner.

After all, Dr. Banner is still a wanted criminal by the military.

Seeing Xia Le, General Ross showed a warm smile on his face.

"Meet you again, Xia. I knew you would be able to arrest that damned alien kid."

The last time he helped Xia Le besiege the Hydra base, he once again consolidated his position.

The prestige and trust of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been greatly reduced after Hydra's operation, which means that the military's rights have been expanded by one point.
Hearing what Ross said, Thor behind Xia Le frowned displeased.

"Watch your words, Loki is the prince of Asgard!"

General Ross looked up at Thor, who was half a head taller than himself, perfectly interpreting the position of a hardliner.

"You are Thor, the brother of Loki? The gods are already a thousand years ago! Do you think the earth is still in the era of blood and blood? The earth now is not your territory, but the earth of mankind!"

Behind him, Hate's eyes were fierce, his pale yellow-green muscular body was bulging, and his eyes were wide open like copper bells.

"A Cirita army is prowling outer space right now. If Earth thinks it can handle it, I'll take Loki back immediately."

General Ross also knew that he couldn't turn his back on Asgard, so he just said it in a neutral manner.

"Of course you can take him back, but the premise is to find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube first."

But Thor did not agree with Rose's statement.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube was originally a treasure of Asgard."

Rose frowned, and the anger in his heart came up again.

"The Rubik's Cube is an Earth thing."

Thor said it as a matter of course.

"It was in Odin's treasure house when I was a child, and I played with Loki."

"But it belongs to Earth now!"

Thor and General Ross argued endlessly, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

General Ross represented the hardliners in Eagle Sauce, and he said unceremoniously to Thor, the God of Thunder.

"This is a matter of principle. People on Earth can find the Rubik's Cube by themselves. So what about an alien army? Millions of American soldiers are standing by, and you can go back to your Asgard! If it wasn't for your brother, you wouldn't This kind of thing happened! He killed eighty people in two days!"

Because of Loki, things are ultimately his fault.

Thor clenched the hammer in his hand, his face was full of anger, but he had nothing to say.

When everyone was tense, they suddenly heard a click.

They all looked back and found that it was Xia Le who was sitting in the corner and broke the scepter in two with force, and took out the bright yellow mind gem from it.

Looking up at everyone, Xia Le smiled slightly.

"Go ahead, don't worry about me. But I want to say that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It is not a good thing to conduct research hastily. Once the power contained in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube bursts out, the entire city will be destroyed. destroy."

Tony Stark, who was also on the Helicarrier, broke out in a cold sweat when he heard that, and said to Maria Hill angrily.

"So New York has always been living in a situation where it can be destroyed at any time?"

Maria Hill didn't expect the fire to burn on her head suddenly, and her face immediately turned serious.

"SHIELD's research on the Rubik's Cube is safe, and nothing like this will happen."

Tony Stark sneered.

"So where is it now?"

Maria Hilton was speechless for a moment.

She looked at the gemstone in Xia Le's hand, which seemed to be a good thing, and the broken spiritual scepter, and wanted to ask for it, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

Although this is a loot dropped by Loki, it is of great research value, but Shele Baba flew back from the flower planter, then flew to Germany, and then flew back again.

Co-authors give you a part-time job for nothing?

"Just find a chance and spend some money to buy it back."

Thor looked at the oval-shaped mind gem in Xia Le's hand and asked in doubt.

"What is this?"

"This is the treasure that the people behind Loki lent him to use. I didn't expect Thanos to be so generous and directly gave out the soul gem."


"The Mind Stone?"

Thor, Tony Stark, General Ross and Maria Hill speak at the same time, but with different emphasis.

Playing with the Soul Gem, Xia Le introduced it to them.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is also called the Space Gem. It belongs to the same source as the Mind Gem. It is one of the six infinite gems. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube can provide almost unlimited energy and can manipulate the space arbitrarily according to the user's will. The Mind Gem can It enhances spiritual strength, and it also contains a very large amount of energy."

"Although the power of the gemstone is powerful, the burden of using it is also great. While suppressing the mind gemstone, this scepter can also use part of its power. It should be something carefully crafted by Thanos."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xia Le made a pendant with the energy of light, and hung the Soul Gem around his neck grandiosely.

His meaning is very simple - this thing will be named Xia from now on!
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(End of this chapter)

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