light is like this

Chapter 108 Light Beats Everything

Chapter 108 Light Explodes Everything (Six Thousand Chapters)

On the space carrier, seeing the information on the Internet that the Giant of Light needs light, Sharon Carter couldn't help saying.

"Come on, boss! I will lend you the light!"

Maria Hill was the second to stand up.

"Me too!"

Then there's Coulson.

"And I!"

And Natasha, Hawkeye, and even the muffled hate...

Soon, the entire space carrier resounded with the sound of borrowing light.

If you don't borrow light, you are not a human being on earth!

At this moment, the energy of light in Xia Le's system rose rapidly like a rocket!

After Tony Stark, Thor, the god of thunder, also rushed to the scene with the Meow Hammer in hand.

Listening to Xia Le's voice, and seeing him being besieged by a group of Kiritas, Thor was so moved and felt guilty at the same time.

After all, it was because of his younger brother Loki that Xia Le was reduced to such a state.

"Brother, here I come! Let go of that barrier, and I will deal with them!"

Thor held up Thor's Hammer in his hand and let out a sky-shattering roar.


Violent thunder flashed in his eyes, and his long, golden, frantic hair burst into anger, and he roared to the sky.

With Thor's roar, large swathes of dark clouds immediately condensed in the sky.

There seemed to be many giants holding thunder spears hidden in the dark clouds, turning the lightning into spears and stabbing them down, accurately hitting the Qirita people.

Boom boom boom!
The thunder raged and turned into a thunder snake, sparks and lightning all the way.

Kirita soldiers fell from the sky like dumplings, crackling all over the ground.

This story tells us not to stand on a high place when it thunders.

According to Thor's will, Xia Le let go of his hands and landed heavily.

He fell to the ground on one knee with a bang, propped up the ground with both hands, and made a posture that he could not fall down.

Seeing Xia Le like this, Thor felt even more guilty.

He wields Thor's hammer, summoning countless winds and lightning.

There were thunderclouds in the sky, and the roar continued.

The dark clouds gathered more and more, making the whole of New York dark.

Seeing that Xia Le couldn't hold on anymore, General Kirita gave an order.

"Rush over! Occupy the Earth!"

The giant whale battleship and a large number of Kirita mechanical soldiers rushed forward, trying to enter the earth through the portal.

But at this moment, a large number of lightning spewed out from the surrounding dark clouds!

These lightning bolts are extremely dense, entangled with each other, like a storm, quickly filling the portal.

Boom boom boom!
The dazzling halo and thunder roared violently, and the ultra-high-voltage current shone blindingly, swallowing all Kiritas who dared to enter the earth through it.

Whale warships and Chirita soldiers entered it as if thrown into a meat grinder, and only detritus passed through the portal.

Xia Le stood on the spot and took a few breaths, but in the building next to him, someone leaned out and shouted at him, risking his life.

"Come on, Giant of Light!"

"Kick these aliens off Earth!"

"I'll give you the light! I'll give you as much as you want!"

Feeling that this wave should be about the same, Xia Le said to Cou Chaoyang.

"Chaoyang, enter the shining mode!"

He used the Mind Stone again to put his words into the hearts of every New Yorker.

"Thank you for your light! My strength is constantly coming up!"

A dazzling golden light suddenly burst out from Xia Le's body!
In the light, Xia Le turned into a shining mode, doubling her height and size!

He transformed from 53 meters into a 120-meter-high golden giant, descending like a god covered with golden armor, as dazzling as the sun.

Even Thor, the god of thunder, can't use his big move for too long before he really wakes up (blind) and wakes up (eyes).

His thunderstorm lasted for more than ten seconds and then slowly weakened, and sporadic Kiritas successfully passed through the storm and came to Earth.

At this time, amidst the exclamation of the people around, Xia Le, who was revived with full blood, rushed into the sky again.

He directly smashed a few lucky Kirita mechanical soldiers with the shining ring shield on his body, passed through the portal, and came to the vast army of Kirita in space.

On Earth, Eagle Sauce's fighter finally arrived long overdue.

At this time, it was less than 3 minutes before the Kiritas appeared, and the fighter jets could arrive in New York very quickly at this time.

But the Kirita people on the earth have been almost cleaned up by Tony Stark and the American soldiers. These fighter jets can only wander aimlessly in mid-air.

The fighter formation didn't dare to rush into the portal and fight side by side with Xia Le.

They are just fighter jets, not space shuttles, let alone space battleships.


In the dark and silent cosmic starry sky, the Kirita army is densely packed, and the number of warships and soldiers is measured in kilometers.

Xia Le dared to rush out of the portal with such a big target, in their view, he was here to send it off.


In just a split second, countless artillery fires aimed at Xia Le, covering the sky and covering the sun.

The energy cannons of various colors shone brightly, and the pulse fluctuations oscillated the stars, shining in the starry sky, causing many cosmic forces who were paying attention to this battle to shake their heads.

"This golden giant is dead."

"Who does he think he is? How dare he fight against the battleship formation alone!"

But the result surprised countless people.

Although Xia Le's stature is huge, his speed is even more astonishing, easily surpassing Mach 20.

He actually left the spot before the fleet attacked, and the speed was so fast that the instruments couldn't react.

Wearing a shining ring shield, coupled with a huge force of [-] tons, facing the fleet of elders and elders, Xia Le didn't need to aim at all, and rampaged through the fleet.

Not to mention the ordinary Kirita mechanical soldiers, even the giant whale troop carrier would die if it touched Xia Le, or get injured if it rubbed.

The mechanical soldiers and the giant whale battleship are all mechanical structures, and there are no real Kiritas among them. No matter how many people die, it is a matter of spending some money and resources.

But the battleship is different, requiring General Kirita and his subordinates to personally authorize and control it.

Xia Le turned into a ray of golden light and charged into the fleet, turning rivers and seas inside, disrupting the deployment of the Qiruita army at once.

They are surrounded by their own people. Not only can they not hit Xia Le, but they may cause accidental bombing.

Xia Le passed through the middle of a giant whale warship, and it was cut into two pieces, floating powerlessly in the starry sky.

Another small battleship was cut off by Xia Le, and the core part of the energy source was hit. The whole battleship exploded instantly, turning into a huge space firework.

However, in just over ten seconds, eight warships and more than 20 giant whale transport ships were destroyed by Xia Le, and countless mechanical soldiers were reimbursed.

Seeing that Xia Le himself was helpless, General Kirita quickly caught his weakness and issued an order in the communication system of the Kirita people.

"Leave him alone, go directly to Earth!"

The huge starship battleship started and slowly drove towards the earth ahead.

All kinds of warships and transport ships did not care about Xia Le, but flocked to the earth under the control of the intelligent program.

On the side of the largest Kirita warship, Xia Le stopped.

"If you attack the enemy, you must save it? I'm a little level! But you guys are too underestimating me!"

Xia Le opened his arms, extracted the light energy in his body, and gathered a large amount around the timer on his chest.

But General Kirita just pretended to attack Earth with all his strength.

Seeing that Xia Le stopped, he immediately ordered.

"Now, attack!"

In the blink of an eye, the warship that had already been prepared completed its turn, and countless gun holes were aimed at Xia Le who was standing still holding his big move.

All kinds of energy rays poured out, biubiubiu hit him, causing serious light pollution, even others couldn't see clearly.

Under the watchful eyes of many cosmic forces, these attacks that could easily destroy a city were all received by Xia Le's shining ring shield without injury, not even a little dust.

At this moment, Xia Le's preparations were also completed.

He extracted a total of 1000 million light energy, turned it into a ball shining with rainbow colors, and pushed it towards the Kirita fleet with the timer on his chest.

"Special timer flash!"

Under Xia Le's control, the colored sphere moved forward at a hundred times the speed of sound, and it penetrated the two frigates in front of the flagship of the Kirita fleet in just one second, hitting the core of the flagship.

In the next instant, the entire ball exploded!

That was a terrifying attack like the core of the sun, the most primitive explosion of light spots in the universe.

In front of it, everything lost its sound, only the dazzling light devoured everything, sweeping the surrounding three kilometers.

Whether it is metal, flesh or pure energy, everything is decomposed and assimilated by the energy of light into the most basic light particles and dissipated.

After the light passed, there was nothing left of the Kirita fleet.

The cosmic starry sky has become clean and daunting.

Seeing this scene, all parties were shocked speechless.

The wine glasses in some people's hands fell to the ground, spilling all over the floor.

They all knew that another cosmic boss was born!
Even if Odin, who is about to die of old age, really dies, the earth will still be their forbidden zone.

In the dark cosmic starry sky, Xia Le looked around and shouted at the reconnaissance planes left by other cosmic forces.

"Tell Thanos that shrinking turtle. If you want to invade the earth, let him do it himself next time!"

After all, Xia Le turned around and returned to Earth through the portal.

Clothed in golden light, he came to the instrument that created the portal.

Tony Stark and some American soldiers are guarding here.

Seeing Xia Le, Tony asked.

"This energy shield is too strong, Xia, can you handle it?"

Xia Le nodded slowly, stretched out his right hand, and a beam of light energy turned into a long golden needle and pierced out.

This long needle pierced the surface, slowly breaking through the energy shield of the Rubik's Cube, cutting off its energy supply.

Losing the energy supply, the soaring blue beam of light quickly turned into the purest energy light spot and dissipated, and the portal disappeared.

The world is at peace again.

Standing on the ruins of New York, Xia Le rushed into the sky, flying over the entire New York City, while spreading the energy of light.

The people who had just been directly and indirectly killed by the Kirita people were all revived under the illumination of light energy, causing a large number of survivors to cheer and marvel.

After resurrecting about tens of thousands of people and treating tens of thousands more, Xia Le canceled her transformation status and returned to her human form.

This time, even after transforming into Shining Tiga, Xia Le still managed to control the transformation time within 3 minutes.

I don't believe this setting can't trap people!

Xia Le glanced around, looking at many surviving New Yorkers, with a smile on his tired face.

He cheered up, raised his right hand, and cheered.

"We have won! We have repelled the invaders! Long live mankind!"

Seeing Xia Le's actions, the surrounding New Yorkers were also moved by him.

After escaping from death, they applauded Xia Le vigorously and cheered together.

"Long live!"

"Long live humanity!"

"Long live the Giant of Light!"

Nick Fury, who had been paying attention to this incident, was relieved to see that the portal over New York was gone through surveillance, and put down the old-fashioned pager in his hand.

Of course it would be better to not use such things as hole cards.


On the other side, the entire Kirita fleet was wiped out in outer space by Xia Le, and even his most trusted deputy was killed, and King Kirita's heart sank.

"How is this possible! How could there be such a strong golden giant on Earth!"

But it takes a knife to stretch your head and shrink your head.

Trembling and trembling, he came to the throne of Thanos with fear in his heart, and knelt down with a plop, as humble as a dog.

"I'm sorry, master, I failed. That giant of light destroyed all my fleets. He is simply too powerful to be defeated!"

"I already know."

Thanos raised his hand to stop King Kirita from pleading guilty, his face was expressionless, but he sighed in his heart.

Besides Odin and Ancient One, how could there be another Giant of Light?
Not only did the Rubik's Cube fail, but the Soul Stone was also lost.

I collected all six gems, and my career of saving the universe was troubled and ill-fated.

But I will not give up!

Sitting on the throne of Titan, which was already a wasteland, he looked at the earth with his deep eyes. On his rough purple face, which was weathered like an old farmer, he showed an expression of incomparable determination.

"Earth, I remember."


Within a few days after the Battle of New York ended, Xia Le's harvest of light energy skyrocketed.

Not only filled the transformation and output of Shining Tiga, but even earned more than 3000 million more light energy.

And the pursuit and gratitude of countless New Yorkers.

Wherever he goes, there will be traffic jams immediately.

New Yorkers surrounded him like crazy and thanked him.

Even the status of Asians has risen in New York.

So far, Xia Le immediately became the only superstar in the world.

After all, he really saved the world!

Then Eagle Sauce was very upset.

Within a dozen seconds of the giant whale battleship and Chirita mechanical soldiers starting the massacre and destruction, New York suffered a lot of economic losses and casualties.

However, the fighter jets they dispatched did almost nothing and wasted a lot of gas money.

However, the soldiers deployed by General Ross near the Stark Company also fought against the Kiritas and protected the people around them.

And Eagle Sauce also got a lot of alien technology, even the wreckage has great research value.

So General Ross became a positive typical figure introduced by the military and Eagle Sauce.

For General Ross, Xia Le first defeated the Hulk, allowing him to capture the abomination and the Hulk, so that he could successfully carry out the super soldier plan, and it really worked, forming a group of abomination teams.

Then it exposed the hidden Hydra, overturned Alexander Pierce, and gained a lot of political capital.

This time he also fought against aliens, and the only ones who made achievements were his soldiers.

General Ross grinned from ear to ear.

Lucky star, this is it!
If it weren't for the age difference between him and his daughter, General Ross really wanted to marry his daughter to him.

(Bruce Banner, who has no chance to play: green, really green!)


"Boss, these six business activities are the most cost-effective ones we have selected, take a look."

"Boss, these eight endorsements are the most expensive, and the time is not more than three years according to your intention."

"Boss, Mr. Datong invited you to the charity dinner at the White House, and Mr. Tony Stark will also attend."

That's how Xia Le was treated after the Battle of New York.

As the Giant of Light, his popularity was already very high.

After the Battle of New York, Xia Le, who repelled the aliens and revived and healed the dead and wounded, soared into the sky.

Many people can't suppress it even if they want to.

The peripherals related to the Giant of Light were sold out directly, and the factory was working overtime 24 hours a day to produce enough.

As long as it is related to the giant of light, people want to know.

Many actresses mentioned Xia Le and said that he is their ideal type, and even confessed directly on the Internet.

This kind of confession later even appeared person-to-person phenomenon, which made Xia Le seem to be choosing a concubine.

If Xia Le really ordered their sign, no one would refuse.

Even if it's just to be Xia Le for a day, or even a girlfriend for a night, it's okay to be there on call.

On countless websites, the option "Who do you most want to be your boyfriend" Xia Le is also the best, far surpassing Tony Stark who was on the top before.

Even the rabbit was discussing whether it was because Xia Le repelled the alien invaders and saved the earth, so that he could become the first person in the world who could raise pandas.

They have no doubt that if Xia Le wants to participate in the general election, she will become the youngest and the first Asian general with a very high number of votes in American history!

This time, the large-scale resurrection method displayed by Xia Le made countless people go crazy.

He saved tens of thousands of families this time!

These people jointly wrote a thank you letter and prepared a lot of gifts for Xia Le, so many gifts that Xia Le's house in Beverly Hills couldn't fit.

However, Xia Le said before that the energy of light cannot cure diseases, and resurrection can only revive people who have just died due to accidents and their bodies are well preserved.

It's just that Xia Le had resurrected the child who was shot and killed before, the victim who died in a car accident.

It was the first time to revive so many people at once.

Simply a miracle!
Some people have begun to believe in Xia Le as they believe in Ye Erye, and regard the giant of light as the god of the world.

This was strictly rejected by Xia Le.

He has said publicly more than once that he is an ordinary person like everyone else, neither a god nor an angel.

He also eats, sleeps, and goes to the bathroom.

He also whistles when he sees a beautiful woman.

One of the things he said most often was.

"As long as there is light in the heart, everyone is a giant of light!"


But it's not good for people to be too enthusiastic.

Now Xia Le can't go out at all, and if he goes out, it will cause traffic jams, and he may be kissed forcibly.

Not just women, but men too!

Even though many Americans feel face-blind when they look at Asians, now Asian men will be stared at when they go out, and then compared with Xia Le's photos.

Several Asians who look similar to Xia Le have become Internet celebrities with millions of fans, earning a lot of money.

What Orleans Summer Music, Houston Summer Music, Detroit Summer Music, etc., simply!

CAA even came to invite Xia Le to launch "Giant of Light Season [-]", strike while the iron is hot.

Or we can make a movie!Better to make a movie!
At that time, the ratings or box office will definitely be a value that can break the Guinness World Record!
Now the first two seasons of "Giant of Light" have been watched by countless people over and over again, and the sales of various video tapes and peripherals are skyrocketing.

It's all money!

CAA said that as long as Xia Le is willing to act, they will only charge the lowest service fee, even free is not out of the question!
But Xia Le is not interested in filming the third season of Giants of Light so soon.

And at the beginning, he chose to become a star, on the one hand, to inherit the will of his predecessor, for small money, and on the other hand, to promote the giant of light and obtain the energy of light.

Now the energy of light in Xia Le's system has reached two small goals, and is steadily moving towards three small goals. Millions of light energy are recorded every day, almost reaching the peak.

In this case, he naturally slacked off.

To combine work and rest!
Working six hours a day is exhausting!
Several times of persuasion failed, and CAA had nothing to do with Xia Le, so he could only leave with a sigh, as if he had lost hundreds of millions.

For capitalists, failure to make money is a loss.

Putting business activities aside, Xia Le cheerfully flew to the flower growers with Mindy, Skye, and Gwen.

After discussion, the rabbits agreed to Xia Le's request to raise a pair of pandas privately.

It's just that the previous conditions remain the same, the brand of the animal protection organization needs to be used, and a panda house must be built specially for the two black silk fat legs.

Xia Le agreed without thinking.

On the private jet borrowed from Pepper, Gwen glanced at Xia Le and closed her eyes to rest.

She never imagined that compared to the Battle of New York in her world, which caused great casualties and even launched a nuclear bomb, the Battle of New York in this world had very few people whose bodies were mutilated and could not be revived.

Even if you are crushed into meatloaf by tens of stories of buildings, Xia Le can still save you.

But there is really nothing to do if it is fried into sauce.

Knowing that Xia Le was in Blood Horse C the whole time, Gwen could only exclaim in admiration.

"Boss is really super strong!"

Landing in the Land of Abundance, Gwen and Skye are in charge of promoting panda adoption, while Xia Le and Mindy are in charge of selecting pandas.

In the end, Xia Le chose a five-year-old female giant panda with a docile personality, and a four-year-old male giant panda with a shy personality.

The lifespan of a panda is about 25 years. These two pandas are equivalent to saying that one is 21 years old and the other is just at the age when they can make their debut.

And one male and one female, if they are in heat, they can match up, so that they won't go to the tree alone.

After a series of procedures, the female panda was named Jingjing and the male panda was named Lele.

Female junior, holding golden bricks.

Really cheap you boy!

(End of this chapter)

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