light is like this

Chapter 113 The Light and the Wand

Chapter 113 The Light and the Wand
Choosing a wand is very time-consuming, let alone there are four people here.

Hagrid had other things to do in Diagon Alley, and if Xia Le and the others finished first, they would wait for him nearby.

The four condescended for a while, and finally decided that Mindy would come first.

Ollivander used to use unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers and dragon tendon as the core of the wand, and made wands with various exotic woods.

But it is known that Dumbledore is the only one who owns a phoenix in this world. It is estimated that Ollivander will take most of the feathers left over from each nirvana of the phoenix Fox to make wands and provide them to young wizards who are new to Hogwarts. .

No wonder he looked down on other wandmakers, he was probably the only one who could get a phoenix feather from Dumbledore.

This is the official supplier!

But now that Dumbledore has passed away, Phoenix Fox does not know whether he was inherited by his younger brother Aberforth Dumbledore, or was given to Harry Potter who became an Auror after graduation.

After several attempts, Mindy quickly chose a magic wand in Olivado's rambling introduction.

When the wand was held by her, a shock burst was suddenly released from the tip of the wand.

The strong wind blew over a pile of wand boxes that were piled together, and these wand boxes fell to the ground with a crackling sound, and people couldn't help worrying whether they would be broken.

But Ollivander ignored the dropped wand boxes, and looked at Mindy with amazed eyes.

"Ten and three quarters, oak, Hungarian Horntail tendon. Dragon's tendon gives great strength to wands of the kind used by many Aurors."

Didn't expect this cute little witch to be a strong woman?
Seeing that Mindy was chosen by the wand, Xia Le breathed a sigh of relief.

Not everyone has the aptitude to become a wizard, and the vast majority of people in this world do not have magic power.

It would be too bad if Mindy couldn't learn magic.

After Mindy is Minato Chaoyang.

Compared to the straightforward Mindy, Cou Chaoyang is in trouble.

Ollivander changed wand after wand, only to find that they didn't fit.

After more than ten times, almost as soon as Cou Chaoyang got the wand, he immediately snatched it back and replaced it with a new one.

This behavior lasted for more than half an hour, and Ollivander not only didn't find it troublesome, but even showed a happy expression on his face.

"A very picky guest. Very kind. Maybe I'll think differently and try some other kind of wand. Hold on, gentlemen."

Ollivander excitedly walked into the wand shop which was densely packed with wand boxes, and went to the back warehouse to pick up some special wands.

Minato Chaoyang shook his aching hand, eating chocolate while looking forward to what kind of wand Ollivander would bring.

She and Sola have special identities, and it is really not an easy task to find a suitable wand.

By the way, Minato Chaoyang and Sora have also seen Harry Potter.

Another 10 minutes later, Ollivander came over with seven or eight wand boxes in his arms.

He clattered these wand boxes on the table, opened the top black wand box, and took out a white wand wrapped in silk from it.

"Perhaps phoenix feathers, dragon's sinews, and unicorn tail hair are not suitable for this little witch, so I brought some wands with cores made of hair from other magical creatures."

Ollivander grabbed the wand, like a collector facing his beloved collection, and introduced it to several people.

"This is a wand made from the tail hair of a magical creature called Bright Beast from an island country. To match it, I specially used a cherry blossom tree found on Mount Fuji as the wand body. You can try it."

Ollivander handed over the wand to Minato Chaoyang with full expectation.

The name was also an island name, and perhaps a wand made of island material would suit her.

When the wand was held by Minato Chaoyang, with a pop, a pink light was released from the top of the wand.

These lights form many cherry blossom petals, which bloom and dance around the wand, looking very beautiful.

Seeing the petals flying and spinning in front of him, Minato Chaoyang also had a surprised expression on his face, with a smile on his face.

But Ollivander laughed more than she did, and even laughed and clapped his hands.

"Great! This wand really suits you!"

After the excitement, he looked at Xia Le and Sola again.

"There are two more guests, who will come first?"

Under Xia Le's refusal, Sola chose first.

It was the first time in her life that she had left the Kingdom of Light, and she looked nervously at Ollivander, waiting for him to come over with his wand.

Seeing Sola's nervousness, Ollivander's voice also softened a lot.

"Don't be nervous, boy. It's wand-finder at Ollivander's. I've got plenty of wands here. There's bound to be one for you. Try this, eight inches, walnut, unicorn hair."

As a result, the wand released a faint soft white light as soon as it was in Sola's hand, and it was selected once.

Ollivander also showed a look of surprise, and then the smile on his face became even bigger.

"The guests who came this time are really interesting!"

Chaoyang, Sola and Mindy have all been selected, and finally it's Xia Le's turn.

Xia Le looked at the special wand that Ollivander took out just now, and asked him.

"Mr. Ollivander, do you still have a magic wand made of bright beast tail hair here? Or a magic wand made of magical creature hair from China."

Ollivander took a look at Xia Le, and really took out a wand from the pile of wands that was very similar in color to Zhao Chaoyang's.

"Nine and one-half inches, cherry wood, bright beast tail hair. At that time, I was worried that there would be problems with the production of the magic wand, so I specially made two magic wands, using the tail hair of the same bright beast."

Xia Le took the wand, and with a pop, an extremely bright light was released from it.

This light is not as soft as Sola's light just now, but very dazzling.

Caught off guard, the eyes of all five people in the wand shop were blinked.


"what is this?"

Hagrid, who had finished his work, just came back at this time, and he was caught when he opened the door.

"You're still choosing wands here—oh! my eyes!"

It took several seconds for the light to dissipate.

Several people blinked hard, all speechless.

Ollivander's eyes were slightly red, but he said to Xia Le in good spirits.

"Well, Mr. Xia, it seems that it has indeed chosen you. Four magic wands, a total of 82 Galleons, thank you for your patronage."


After paying the money, the five walked out of the wand shop, just in time to go back to Hogwarts for dinner.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, McGonagall asked them to stand in the middle of the auditorium, in front of the teachers' seats, and introduce them to the students and teachers of Hogwarts.

"These four are guests from afar, and they will be studying at Hogwarts for a month. Miss Mindy McCready will go to Gryffindor. Le Xia, Ravenclaw. And Chaoyang Minato and Sora, go to Hufflepuff."

"In the next month, I hope everyone can get along well with them and take care of the guests who came from afar."

PS: There is another chapter around eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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