light is like this

Chapter 13 Three Kills of Light

Chapter 13 The Triple Kill of Light
When the tail mouse died, the system reminded Xia Le.

[The user kills the alien monster Tailishu and obtains 3000 points of light energy. 】

Hearing this news, Xia Le immediately felt comfortable.

Sure enough, fighting monsters is the correct way to obtain light energy.

Fighting gangsters and all that can only be regarded as hors d'oeuvres, sweets and desserts.

But if you think about it carefully, Jin Bing can be compared to a monster if he is even worse.

After piercing Tail Mouse's heart with a hand knife, Xia Le didn't pull out his hand immediately.

He frowned, and reached out his hand to grope inside the tailed mouse, as if he had grabbed something, and then pulled it out forcefully.


Soon, Xia Le pulled out a small tailed mouse with a length of several meters from the belly of the mouse.

The dead standing mouse was pregnant and about to give birth.

Xia Le didn't know why this monster came to the earth to give birth, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Xia Le looked back at the dazed, leatherback turtle that had just climbed up from the sea, and found that its expression had become extremely furious.


Even after being pressed and beaten, vomiting blood, dizzy, and even the skull was lifted, the turtle still roared at Xia Le again.

The spine position on its back lit up with blue brilliance again, electromagnetic energy quickly converged to the head, and electromagnetic pulses were used again.

"Could it be that this small-tailed squirrel was born together with the wood-backed turtle and the squirrel? Am I considered a husband's current crime?"

Xia Le just held the small-tailed squirrel with one hand, and stood there watching the leatherback turtle zoom in.

He is a giant of light, and he doesn't need to charge, so he is not afraid of the big move of the leatherback turtle at all.

An invisible electromagnetic wave shot out from the pulse emitter at the back of the rib, spreading out in a semicircle.

Xia Le ate the electromagnetic pulse so hard, it felt like a breeze blowing on his face.

It cannot be said that there is no injury, only that there is no pain at all.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hands and twisted it in front of the leatherback turtle, like twisting twists, directly twisting the neck of the small-tailed standing mouse in his hand.

The cervical vertebrae of the small-tailed standing mouse made a series of sounds like fried beans, and it was overwhelmed, and it was twisted into a comminuted fracture.

The small-tailed standing mouse twisted its neck and stretched out its petal-like tongue, killing it instantly.

Just in case, Xia Le tightly squeezed the head of the small-tailed standing mouse, exerting force.

quack, quack!
Accompanied by the sound of bone shattering, the head of the small-tailed standing mouse was also destroyed by Xia Le, squeezed into a distorted shape, and died beyond death.

Afterwards, Xia Le lightly tossed the small-tailed standing mouse's body onto the tailed standing mouse's body, and smiled slightly at the leatherback turtle.

"Hit me if you have the ability!"

[The user kills the baby alien monster Tailishu and obtains 100 points of light energy. 】

Looking at the corpses of the squirrel and the squirrel, the leatherback turtle felt his blood rushing up.

The pulse transmitter above its head emits a faint blue light, and its brightness suddenly jumps upwards.


It stared at Xia Le, and let out a sad and angry roar regardless of the blood in its mouth, hoarse and exhausted.

Kill my wife, dissect my baby, I want you to die!
The leatherback turtle stood up and ran with all its legs, just like a gorilla, it kept hitting the ground with its huge iron fists, speeding up its speed and increasing its impact.

Hey, hey, hey.

The surrounding sea was violently shaken by the running of the leatherback turtle, the sea water was roaring, and there were countless waves, and even the PPDC headquarters could feel the strong shock.

The terrifying monster with a weight of nearly 80 tons and a height of more than [-] meters roared towards Xia Le. Its gigantic figure and breathtaking aura alone could scare people to pieces.

When Xia Le was still a few meters away, the turtle raised its right fist as if it had been wrapped in a carapace glove, and punched him hard.

But Xia Le only took a slight sideways step backwards to avoid the attack of the leatherback turtle.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Le's legs squatted slightly, the muscles on the calves and thighs were tense, and the knees were like springs, leading the body to spring up suddenly with an upward force.

Taking advantage of the trend, he exerted force on his waist and chest, raised his right shoulder, slightly bent his muscular arm upwards, and punched hard at the chin of the leatherback turtle with his steely right fist.

The martial arts in the world come out of the rising dragon!
Xia Le swung a 40-ton standard Rising Dragon Fist, and hit the turtle's chin so hard that its legs lifted off the ground and it floated nearly [-] meters in the air.

With a click, the mandible of the leatherback turtle was broken into several pieces by Xia Le, resulting in a comminuted fracture.

Eight of its huge teeth were knocked out on the spot, and its entire face changed.The pulse transmitter at the brain also trembled violently and almost burst.

The leatherback turtle was thrown hundreds of meters away by Xia Le's punch, and fell heavily on the beach like a jade pillar pushed down from a mountain of gold, splashing a lot of waves.

This [-]-ton heavy punch was really not light, and the turtle's eyes were full of gold stars, and it felt like the whole turtle was blinded, and it couldn't get up for a while.

At the same time, Xia Le raised his arms and drew a circle in midair.

A bright light energy gathered around the timer on his chest, and finally turned into a ball of golden light, covering Xia Le's right hand.

Xia Le took two steps forward, slapped and pushed hard, and pushed the dazed leatherback turtle to the ground again, making a slapping sound, shaking the waves.

He filled his eyes with the energy of light, and his white eyes exuded a faint gleam, seeing through the body of the leatherback turtle, grasping its physiological weaknesses.

Afterwards, Xia Le pressed his right hand on the heart of the leatherback turtle and humans, which is located on the left chest, and pressed down hard.

The light energy on his right hand was immediately injected into the leatherback turtle, making a muffled sound.

The body of the leatherback turtle shook violently, and the blue light of the pulse transmitter on its head quickly dimmed.

Xia Le's move of beating the cow across the mountain did not damage the leatherback turtle's outer skin, but it caused the energy of light to erupt from the inside, shattering the heart of the monster.

[The user kills the alien monster Ridgeback and obtains 3000 points of light energy. 】

After killing the leatherback turtle, seeing that there was still more than a minute left for the transformation, Xia Le quickly canceled the transformation.

He turned into a dazzling white light and landed on the platform where the PPDC staff watched the battle.

Under the watchful eye of PPDC Commander Stark Pantexter, Xia Le stretched out his right hand and smiled at him.

"Xia Le, here to save the world."

Stark's heart shook violently.

Countless thoughts arose in his heart, he took two steps forward, held Xia Le's hand tightly, and shook it up and down.

"Stark Pantexter, commander of the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force."

When the battle on Xia Le's side was over, the dangerous wanderers who had just started came late.

It looked around, and could only turn into a porter, dragging the carcasses of the Ridgeback Turtle, Lilmus, and Lilmus to the ground.

The monster's blood contains radiation, so it cannot be thrown directly into the sea, as it will pollute the environment.

(End of this chapter)

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