light is like this

Chapter 132 The Light and the Old Bug

Chapter 132 The Light and the Old Bug

Looking at Hercules who was cut into two pieces, Tohsaka Rin counted silently in his heart.

"The 3rd time."

This is the third life of Hercules killed by Xia Le.

But in a blink of an eye, the two parts of Hercules' body merged again.

But at this moment, Xia Le's figure suddenly turned into countless light spots and disappeared.

Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin was extremely surprised, frowning.

"Is it because I also transformed in the afternoon and fought fiercely, so the time for the second transformation was shortened?"

Ilya also watched curiously as Xia Le's huge figure turned into light spots and dissipated.

"Is it time for the Noble Phantasm?"

She also guessed that this huge figure should not last long, and a happy expression appeared on her face.

"I will definitely win this Holy Grail War! Sure enough, Berserker is the strongest!"

But amidst the scattered light spots, a figure suddenly gathered behind Illya.

That was definitely Xia Le.

"I can't deal with Hercules, can't I deal with you?"

The thick-faced and dark-hearted Xia Le shot directly at Ilya herself.

He stretched out his palm, and his big hand went straight to the back of Illya's head.

But at this moment, with a buzzing sound, the magic dress on Illya's hand was activated.

It was a silver bracelet, which turned into a translucent light blue magic barrier after activation, blocking behind Illya.

But facing Xia Le's big hand, the magic barrier was as fragile as paper, and it was slapped into a basic magic factor by his slap.

The next moment, Ilya received a heavy blow to the back of the head.

The white-haired loli rolled her red eyes up and fell down without a word.

Beside, Hercules let out a deafening roar when he saw his master was knocked unconscious by Xia Le.


With raging anger in his heart, he rushed towards Xia Le with a ferocious expression.

But the next moment, a golden-red portal appeared in front of Xia Le.

Hercules didn't stop the car, crashed into the portal, and was sent to the Himalayas to enjoy the cool.

Seeing Xia Le attacking the master again, Tohsaka Rin didn't know what expression to show.

Even though he was so strong in frontal combat, he still turned his face down and attacked the half-baked magician and the little girl.

It's time for us to win the Holy Grail War!
Picking up Illya's small body, Xia Le walked towards the Tohsaka house.

"Rin, you may not be able to sleep tonight."

Looking at the command spells one after another on Illya's exposed arm, Tohsaka Rin took a sip of saliva, and both eyes turned into the shape of "¥¥".

"Suck. It doesn't matter, the more good things like this, the better!"


Three hours later, Tohsaka Rin successfully transplanted all the command spells in Illya's hand to himself.

On the Himalayas, Hercules rolling in the snow turned into golden light and dissipated.

Looking at these many Command Seals, Tohsaka Rin was full of ambition.

"Holy Grail, I, Tohsaka Rin, have decided!"

At the same time, in the underground worm cave of Matou House.

"Another heroic spirit? How fast! Hehehe. Let's fight, fight. The faster you fight, the better! If another heroic spirit dies, I can summon the Holy Grail!"

Matou Zouyan looked at Matou Sakura in the magic circle, with a weird and disgusting smile on his face, wishing that someone would drag him out and shoot him with Dongfeng missiles for 10 minutes.

"The Holy Grail is mine! No matter what kind of heroic spirit it is, it is vulnerable to the Black Holy Grail!"


When Illya woke up, she opened her eyes in confusion, feeling extremely sore all over.

"Sera, Lijielit..."

She rubbed her eyes and shouted a few words before noticing the surrounding environment, she was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered.

"Unfamiliar place. By the way, I fought with Tohsaka Rin yesterday, and then I was suddenly knocked out."

Thinking of this, she hastily shouted.


But no one responded.

Illya hurriedly looked at her left arm, and found that the left arm that was originally covered with Command Seals was now blank, without a single Command Seal.

"Berserker, have you also left me like Kiritsugu..."

Ilya's expression sank visibly to the naked eye, and she felt empty in her heart.

After being sad for a while, Ilya stepped on the floor with her feet in white socks, planning to stroll around.

She pushed open the door carefully, revealing a small head, and looked left and right.

"Where is this place?"

After going downstairs, Yi Liya saw Xia Le sitting on the sofa watching TV at a glance, and subconsciously became vigilant.

Xia Le glanced at Ilya and said to her.

"You're awake. Wait a minute, Rin is making breakfast."

Illya froze for a moment, then nodded obediently.

She consciously sat on the sofa on the other side and watched TV with Xia Le.

If others saw it, they would never imagine that they were still beating people to death just a few hours ago, with blood flying everywhere.

Soon, when Tohsaka Rin came to the living room with fried eggs and toast, he saw the two of them watching TV quietly and laughing from time to time, and suddenly became out of breath.

"Really. I was busy all night and had to make breakfast, but you two are watching TV here like uncles. Wouldn't you come to help?"

Xia Le glanced at Tohsaka Rin and shook his head slowly.

"Sorry, I don't have cooking skills."

Elijah followed suit.

"These things are done by Sera and Lijielit, and I don't know how to do them either. Grandpa said that Illya only needs to know how to fight."

Rin Tohsaka asked with a race and brow.

"Who are Serra and Lijielit?"

Illya replied without taking her eyes off the TV.

"They are artificial humans from the Einzbern family, my maid."

Tohsaka Rin:  …

Big dog!
Speaking of this, Ilya suddenly remembered something.

She looked at her chest strangely, her two small brows frowned.

"Strange, why is there no feeling of body weight?"

Rin Tohsaka misunderstood, thinking that she was wondering why she didn't kill her, and didn't restrain her.

Rin Tohsaka put the plate in his hand on the table and said to Illya.

"I stripped your Command Seal, you are no longer the master, but a child again, of course I will not kill you all."

Ilya raised her head and smiled at Rin Tohsaka.

It feels like Rin is more innocent than her.

But she doesn't hate it.

Ilya explained to Tohsaka Rin and Xia Le.

"Rin. I am an artificial human of the Einzbern family, and I am also the Lesser Holy Grail. Whenever heroic spirits die, their souls will enter my body and be used as materials for summoning the Holy Grail."

"But Berserker has returned to the seat of Heroes, but I don't feel a soul enter my body, so it's very strange."


But Tohsaka Rin was more surprised than Illya.

"With the addition of Hercules, we have already defeated four heroic spirits!"


Elijah was also shocked when she heard this.

I didn't expect the results of Tohsaka Rin and Archer to be so amazing.

The Holy Grail War has only started for two days now, right?

But thinking of Xia Le's strength, she is not incomprehensible.

Elijah lowered her head and frowned.

"Maybe there is a problem with the Holy Grail system. Maybe you should check with the Church of the Holy Church."

Hearing what she said, Tohsaka Rin suddenly showed embarrassment and displeasure.

"The priests of the Church of the Holy Church also participated in this Holy Grail War, which has been resolved by me and Archer."


Hearing this, Ilya was completely dumbfounded.

"Then what should we do now?"

"Is there something wrong with the Holy Grail system?"

Xia Le looked at Ilya and had two guesses in her mind.

The first is that Caster Medea, the heroic spirit of the Age of Gods, arranged a ceremony to summon the Holy Grail at Liudong Temple, and cut off the souls of these heroic spirits in advance.

Naturally, Ilya didn't feel it.

The second is that the old worm Matou Zouken used the fragments of the Holy Grail to transform Matou Sakura, turning her into a carrier of the Black Holy Grail and stealing Illya's functions.

"No matter what the result is, just go to Liudong Temple to see clearly."

Xia Le thought so, and said to Rin Tohsaka, who seemed to be in good spirits now, but was actually tired all night.

"Rin, you didn't sleep all day last night, so take a rest. I'll go shopping around the city to see if there are any clues."

Rin Tohsaka was taken aback, and said subconsciously.

"But I still have to go to school..."

Xia Le frowned and said displeased Tohsaka Rin.

"You still have to go to school at a time like this? Rin, is it more important to go to the Holy Grail War or to go to school?"

Is it really the end of the world and you still have to go to school?

Tohsaka Rin's mind is still very clear.

Seeing Xia Le's reproachful eyes, she lowered her head a little unreasonably, and muttered.

"I know, Archer. I'll ask the teacher for leave."

"Then let me help too."

Elijah said with a smile.

"At the beginning, the Holy Grail was a great magic ceremony jointly set up by the Einzbern family, the Tohsaka family, and the Matou family. Now that there is a problem with the Holy Grail system, I can't sit idly by. Maybe the Matou family has discovered something."

Speaking of Matou's house, Tohsaka Rin once again showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"The participants and heroic spirits of the Matou family were also killed by me and Archer. They may not help us."

Ilya: ⊙﹏⊙

Then I have to thank you for your grace of not killing me!

After breakfast, Tohsaka Rin went upstairs to sleep, and Xia Le and Illya went out together.

"Then big brother, see you next time."

Little Lolita smiled and waved goodbye to Xia Le, planning to go back to the castle outside the city.

Seeing Ilya's figure disappear from sight, Xia Le decided to go to Matou's house to find out.

The old bug Matou Zouken is a complete villain no matter which line of Fate's Long Night.

Everyone gets it and punishes him, wishing he could dance disco on his grave.

If Matou Sakura is really transformed into the Black Holy Grail by him, then Xia Le must gain something.

Using the portal produced by Karma Taj, Xia Le perfectly bypassed the magic barrier of the Matou family and appeared directly in the basement.

But when the portal opened at Matou's house, the engraving worms all over Matou's house called the police to Matou Zouken.

Matou Zouken, who had turned himself into a brain worm, quickly appeared in the underground worm nest.

He was ugly, holding a cane in his hand, and said to Xia Le with a sinister smile.

"Hey, I don't know who is holy to visit my Jian Tong's house. It's not good to come without warning."

Xia Le has already noticed that in this wormhole, Matou Sakura is wearing a very strange black tights, surrounded by an even more strange magic circle in the center.

This black one is an advanced magic dress, which is specially customized to match the magic circle.

"So you interfered with the Holy Grail War?"

Xia Le wakes up, this world should be Matou Sakura's thread.

He didn't wait for Jiantong Zouken to answer, his eyes widened.

The energy of light converged in Xia Le's eyes, turned into two laser beams and shot out, and instantly came to Matou Zouyan.

After being attacked by the laser, Matou Zouken's body was blown apart, and blood and stumps flew everywhere.

But Xia Le knew that Matou Zouyan had already lodged his soul in the brain worm, and the brain worm was parasitic in Matou Ying's heart.

This seemingly old body is actually just a blindfold.

At this moment, Jiantong Zouyan also guessed Xia Le's identity.

"Which family's Heroic Spirit is this? Hmph. I'll let you be proud for a few days first. No matter what the result is, the Holy Grail belongs to this old man in the end!"

As soon as Matou Zouyan "died", the engraving worms in the worm cave immediately rioted.

Countless rather unique-looking engraved insects attacked Xia Le together, and that scene could stop the heartbeat of patients with intensive phobia and insect phobia.

Facing the extremely disgusting insect swarm, Xia Le opened his mouth and exhaled a large amount of frozen air.


A large amount of frozen gas soon filled the wormhole, and even froze the entire Matou mansion.

At this moment, Rin Tohsaka, who had just fallen asleep, opened his eyes wide, and could faintly see two dark circles around his eye sockets.

"Archer, you draw so much magic power, how can you let me sleep!"

Just in the blink of an eye, all the engraved worms in the wormhole were sealed by the "iceberg".

Xia Le came to Matou Sakura, punched open the mountain of ice that had frozen her, carried her through the portal, and came under the Fuyuki Bridge.

Embracing the fateful girl, beside the big river in Fuyuki City, Xia Le held Matou Sakura's heavy conscience with one hand, and injected a large amount of light energy representing purification and healing into her heart.

The old bug was still dreaming of wishing for immortality after receiving the Holy Grail, when he suddenly felt an extremely hot energy enveloping his body and soul.

"Ah! It's hot! It's hot!"

Under the scouring of the energy of light, the old bug screamed and turned into flying ash, and he didn't even know how he died.

After the old insect died, a huge hole appeared in Matou Sakura's heart.

Blood spurted from her heart, and she subconsciously spat out a large amount of blood from her mouth.


Xia Le continued to inject the energy of light into Matou Sakura's body.

Soon, the wound in her heart was healed by the energy of light.

At the same time, the engraving worm in Matou Sakura's body also has the same fate as the old worm.

The energy of light wiped out one by one, pulled all the engraved worms out of her body, turned into countless light particles and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, Xia Le also found several pieces of the Holy Grail located in the heart of Matou Sakura.

Compared with the normal golden Holy Grail, these fragments present an abyss-like pitch-black color, deeply polluted by the evils of this world.

Ordinary people will feel dizzy and gag when they see it.

These fragments have absorbed the magic power and soul of the four knights at this moment, exuding an inexplicable fluctuation.

When Xia Le took them out of Matou Sakura's body and held them in his hands, he could feel an inexplicable temptation from these pieces of the Holy Grail, as if inviting him to plunge his consciousness into them.

(End of this chapter)

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