light is like this

Chapter 138 Light's Goal Achieved

Chapter 138 Light's Goal Achieved
In the exhibition hall, under the gaze of everyone, Xia Le stepped off the booth with Rin Tosaka on his shoulders.

When Xia Le raised his feet, the nerds and nerds around quickly gave up a few positions for him to step down.

Xia Le's big feet stepped on the floor of the exhibition hall and made a bang.The audience next to them can also feel the vibration of the exhibition hall and the sound of the wind coming from their ears.

You boldly reached out and touched Xia Le's calf, feeling the real touch, and shouted in surprise.

"This is not a 3D image, it's real!"

"My God! This level of technology is too high!"

Suddenly, many people rushed towards Xia Le, wanting to reach out and touch him.

"This is not technology, but reality!"

While talking, Xia Le carried Rin Tosaka on his shoulders, carefully paying attention to the crowd around him, and walked out of the exhibition hall step by step.

Tourists and authors who came to participate in the exhibition surrounded him and followed closely.

At the same time, the live broadcast rooms that had been prepared in various places were opened.

Many Internet celebrities and well-known cosplayers are broadcasting this scene live.

When Xia Le came to the entrance of the exhibition hall, he found that his current height could not pass through the gate.

Tohsaka Rin jumped off Xia Le, and Xia Le also shrunk his figure, becoming the size of a normal person.

At this time, although everyone looked enthusiastic and excited, some people couldn't help guessing.

"This ability to grow and shrink at will seems a bit too dark technology? How is this possible?"

"Could it be true? Really Tohsaka Rin and the Giant of Light?"

When he came to the square of the venue, Xia Le waved his hands, and a strong silver glow bloomed from his body.

In the glow, his figure returned to the normal height of 50 meters, even taller than the exhibition hall next to him!
Under the gaze of Yaque's speechless crowd, the giant's figure covered the sky and the sun.

Under the sun, the shadow he cast directly covered the exhibition hall.

Xia Le just moved his feet, and the surrounding area felt like an earthquake, producing a slight large-scale vibration.

Under the shock that could not be simulated anyway, a large group of people woke up like a dream—this was not 3D or special effects, but a real giant of light!

After the initial silence, countless people exclaimed.

"My God!"

"It's the real Ultraman Tiga!"

"My God! My God!"

If it is placed in other places, the appearance of the giant will definitely cause panic among the onlookers, and even cause a stampede.

But this is a comic exhibition!
Seeing the illusory Two-dimensional characters turn into reality, they are too happy!
After discovering that the Giant of Light was real, more people took the initiative to run towards Xia Le, with a pilgrimage-like look on their faces.

You ask why they are not afraid?
Because this is light!
The cameras in everyone's hands kept shooting, capturing the figures of Xia Le and Rin Tosaka under his feet.

At the same time, the bullet screens in various live broadcast rooms also surged instantly.

"Amazing special effects! It's almost as if it's real!"

"The special effects are so big! This is a live broadcast! This is real!"

"I'm at the manga show! This is the real Ultraman Tiga! And there's the real Tohsaka Rin!"

"I said why the Holy Grail War suddenly released a special version of the Giant of Light. It turned out that the Giant of Light and Rin Tohsaka came to the three-dimensional from Two-dimensional!"

"Chef Guang is ecstatic! Chef Lin is ecstatic!"

In the crowd, Sato Kazuori opened his mouth wide and pinched his thigh severely.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?—It hurts! Is it real?"

In many places, Tohsaka Rin's online account was quietly announced.

Immediately, many celebrities added her special attention and sent out the navy.

Soon, the number of her attention and fans immediately increased exponentially.

After proficiently posing for a minute, Xia Le exited the transformation form and stood beside Rin Tohsaka.

This is the drainage effect.

Tohsaka Rin's use of magic is likely to be regarded as magic at the manga show, so he, the giant of light, made his debut.

However, Xia Le's account number has not been published.If you want to follow him, you can only follow the relevant account of Tohsaka Rin.

With a smile on his face from emergency training in the past few days, Tohsaka Rin turned on his system while being photographed.

Seeing the soaring power of Xinyang, while she was relieved, she also relieved a lot of tension.

The willpower for Rin Tohsaka is the heroic spirit summoning system.

As long as the corresponding fan value is consumed, that is, the power of faith, random heroic spirits can be summoned.

It has a sense of sight of a card game.

When fans like and worship these heroic spirits, it can provide more power of faith to restraint.

What?You said Tohsaka Rin's own compensation?

She is not a foreign aid like Xia Le, but her own person in this world.

Of course not!

In this small square, there are also booths arranged by the organizer.

Xia Le and Tohsaka Rin stood on the booth, and Tohsaka Rin took out a gem with some heartache, and summoned the magic circle on the booth.

"I order, block!"

The next moment, many small magic circles rose around the booth, turning into invisible barriers and functioning as railings.

The audience at the front reached out and touched it, and found that there was nothing in front of them, but there was an air wall blocking them.

"Sigui! Is this the legendary magic?"

Many people stretched out their hands, and even put their faces against the air wall. The strange posture made Tohsaka Rin laugh out loud.

With such a smile, the remaining tension in her heart disappeared.

Although the magic circle blocked the approach of these people, it did not block the sound from spreading.

Next, Rin Tohsaka started chatting with these fans just like what Xia Le taught before.

She looked in the crowd, found the previously arranged Tuo, and said loudly.

"The girl in the red dress. Yes, it's you. Do you have anything to say?"

When Tohsaka Rin said this, the restless crowd quickly quieted down.

The girl who was called was flushed, her forehead was covered with sweat, and she looked so excited that she was about to faint.

Looking at Rin Tosaka on the booth, she asked loudly.

"Rin Tosaka, are you really Rin Tosaka from Xingyue? It's incredible that the people in the story appear in reality!"

The others nodded after hearing this, thinking it made sense.

After all, one day you were walking on the street and you met seven little boys and said they were gourd babies, you wouldn’t believe it!
This question was prepared in advance, so Rin Tohsaka had already prepared a draft.

She squeezed the headset hanging around her neck, and said to everyone with a confident expression.

"I am Rin Tohsaka, the current head of the Tohsaka family, and I am not the person in the story! As for the proof, don't I just stand here and talk to you right now? And there is Archer by my side."

"I feel like I'm just living in another parallel world. My ancestor, my teacher Xiubainaogu, often travels in the parallel world. This time, I just came to your world with the help of the Holy Grail!"

When Tohsaka Rin said this, someone answered immediately.

"I know, it's the jeweler of the second method! The Tohsaka family practiced the gem magic of the jeweler!"

After Tohsaka Rin finished speaking, a young man in his 20s and wearing a white T-shirt suddenly raised his hand to his mouth, made a trumpet shape, and shouted at her.

"Rin, I love you!"

Rin Tohsaka immediately raised his hands into an "X" shape, and refused without hesitation with disgust on his face.

"Sorry, I don't want to be in a relationship just yet. You're a nice guy, but we're not right!"

This guy's instant rejection of the confession immediately aroused the laughter of the people around him.

Although they all know that this buddy may not mean to confess, but just express their love, but this does not prevent them from finding it very interesting!

Of course, this person is also the entrustment prepared by Xia Le.

But only the two of them.

After the two, Rin Tohsaka scanned the crowd and ordered another little girl.

Why order her?

Because this little girl is holding a plastic sword in the stone, obviously dressed as Saber Artoria.

"Then, please ask Miss Knight King to ask questions!"

The little girl squeezed excitedly to the front and asked Tohsaka Rin.

"Rin, are you and the Giant of Light the only ones who came to our world? Did Artoria come?"

Rin Tohsaka shook his head slightly.

"I'm sorry, but Archer and I won the Holy Grail War this time. But this kind of thing might happen."

If she was lucky, it was still possible to draw Artoria.

After all, not to mention the heroic spirit with this face, there are many multi-faceted heroic spirits in the King of Knights alone.

Even in the form of this kind of talk, until six o'clock in the evening, when the event ended, there were still many people standing by the booth unwilling to leave.

The organizer did not expect that there would be activities at night, so there was no lighting, only surrounding street lights.

They took out their mobile phones and lit them up, and countless flashlights shone on Xia Le and Tohsaka Rin.

Tohsaka Rin was inexplicably moved by this.

Originally, she and Xia Le should have left at this time, but Rin Tohsaka did not leave after seeing this, but continued to answer the questions asked by the audience.

Soon, the organizer hurried to find someone to bring in the lights, and there were lunch boxes by the way.

Not just Xia Le and Tohsaka Rin.The organizers brought a lot of packed lunches, as did the audience.

Everyone ate the same boxed lunch, and the relationship seemed to be drawn closer immediately.

The event lasted until 9 p.m., when the subway was about to stop running.

The audience surrounded the booth and did not intend to leave. At the same time, many people rushed to hear the news, blocking the entire venue and even causing traffic jams.

In the end, Xia Le flew away with Rin Tosaka after transforming, otherwise he really couldn't cope with these fanatical fans.

When the two returned to the three-story single-family villa in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, Rin Tohsaka kicked off his shoes, took off a thin layer of black nylon stockings, and sat down on the sofa in an unrecognizable manner. Rubbing his feet, he complained to Xia Le.

"After standing for a whole day, my feet are numb! Archer, help me get a bottle of water!"

Xia Le took out a bottle of lemonade from the refrigerator and handed it to Tohsaka Rin, smiling at her.

"Rin, do you smell a very sour smell?"

Even if a beautiful girl's feet are covered in shoes for a day, there will inevitably be some smell.


Tohsaka Rin took the water from Xia Le's hand, gave him a big white eye, and stretched his legs towards Xia Le.

"If you don't believe me, smell it!"

"Go! I don't want to smell your stinky feet!"

Xia Le patted Rin Tosaka's feet away, sat beside her and asked her.

"How many followers do you have now?"

Rin Tohsaka turned on the system while drinking icy lemonade, counting one by one.

"Let's see... there are 34 fan points in ten thousand? It's so high! And it's still going up!"

Tohsaka Rin's expression was very surprised.

The fan value in her system is not Xia Le's light energy, which is a renewable resource, but pure fans.

A fan is a fan value, and if you don't like Rin Tohsaka, you will fall down.

For every 100 million fans, Tohsaka Rin can draw a heroic spirit once.

And when Tohsaka Rin has millions of fans and summons heroic spirits to help her, Xia Le will be able to retire.

This matter is actually not difficult.

As long as you go to a few activities step by step, participate in a few performances, and with Rin Tohsaka's special status from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, as long as you are a nerd, you will become her fan in six or seven out of ten.

Once the publicity is fully in place, there will be millions of fans of A Zhai all over the world, okay?
Xia Le just played the role of a guide.

After unpacking the potato chips on the table, Xia Le ate them with a click, saying vaguely in his mouth.

"This statistic is not bad, and it's about the same as I expected. Rin, you have to remember that the biggest difference between us and other stars is that we have a superpower. But because there is a difference of one dimension, you still need to be more down-to-earth and get closer. The relationship with ordinary people. In fact, it is not bad to find a high school in your situation, and you happen to be a high school student. But doing so will disturb you too much."

"When you have nothing to do, you can try to make some dishes, such as omelet rice, bake some egg tart biscuits and other snacks. Not only can you take photos and post them online, but you can also give them as gifts to your fans. For example, draw ten prizes online , those who are drawn can get a small package of biscuits made by yourself. This will help increase the stickiness of fans."

Tohsaka Rin took Xia Le's warning seriously.

After resting for one night, Tohsaka Rin started the online live broadcast mode the next day, chatting with fans.

After the publicity was in place, hundreds of thousands of real viewers soon entered her live broadcast room, and more and more as time went by.

Yesterday, Rin Tohsaka's coming to reality from Two-dimensional was almost all over the news in major newspapers, causing extensive discussions among nerds and nerds all over the world.

Not only netizens from island countries entered the live broadcast room today, but also many netizens from abroad.

With Xia Le's assistance, Tosaka Rin answered the audience's questions, but from time to time he was blown up because of sand sculpture questions from sand sculpture netizens.

But this makes sand sculpture netizens like it even more!
In just three days, the number of fans in her system has reached 100 million.

At the same time, Xia Le also received a notice of restraint.

Restraint said that they are very grateful to Xia Le for helping Tohsaka Rin, but you can go back now.

Don't steal our power of faith!

For this, Xia Le was speechless.

Call Xiao Tiantian when you need him, and tell him to go away when you don't.

Is this inhibition?Love love love!

(End of this chapter)

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