light is like this

Chapter 148 The Means of Light

Chapter 148 The Means of Light
Among this group of monsters, there was someone who knew Cang Qiaoyan.

When Xia Le walked out of the remote place with the swallow monster, a red ghost who was over [-] meters tall, wearing a blood-stained leather skirt, and holding a huge mace walked towards the two of them. .

"Yan? It's been a long time."

Looking at Cang Qiaoyan, he giggled, showing an invitation to her.

"Would you like to come with us at night? The enchantment created by Master Yuyihu is really powerful! It's really great to be able to hunt and eat humans at will every night without worrying about being killed by an onmyoji!"

The fact that Cangqiaoyan was sent by Yuyihu to inquire about the giant of light is very secret, only a few monsters know about it.

This kind of miscellaneous fish monster who just followed Yuyihu, but didn't even talk to her, of course didn't know about it.

Cang Qiaoyan didn't answer, Xia Le next to him looked at the thing Chi Gui was chewing in his mouth, and frowned deeply.

"what are you eating?"

Looking at Xia Le beside Cang Qiaoyan, Chi Gui thought he was also a monster.

He took out a few bloody fingers from his leather skirt, handed them to Xia Le, and said enthusiastically.

"This is the human finger I hunted last night. It tastes so good! Would you like to try it?"

"Oh, human fingers."

Looking at the things in Chi Gui's hands, Xia Le sneered twice and said in a low voice.

"Rest in peace, I have revenge for you."


Before the red ghost could react, Xia Le's figure had disappeared from the spot.

Xia Le reached out and clasped Chi Gui's chin from bottom to top. At the same time, he pressed Chi Gui's shoulder with one hand and pulled it up forcefully.

Kala thorn!

Accompanied by the teeth-stinging sound of bone rubbing and flesh tearing, Xia Le pulled Chi Gui's dazed head from his neck.

The blood sprayed from the headless body of the red ghost was like a fountain, and it quickly splashed all over the ground.

Chi Gui's tall body swayed, and then fell backwards with a plop.

Throwing away the ghost head in his hand, Xia Le flew up to the sky, looking down at the city from a height of [-] meters.

In his field of vision, in places with strong demonic aura, some monsters even manifested directly in front of humans regardless of the broad daylight.

Amidst the screams of these ordinary people who were unable to resist, the monsters did not directly kill them, but humiliated and tortured them cruelly, making it impossible to look directly at them.

This world-famous international metropolis has now been reduced to a devil's den.

"I really don't know if I don't come, I'm shocked when I come! Since there are so many monsters, how about the priests, witches, and onmyojis of the island country? If you don't make a move in this situation, are they already dead?"

Xia Le shook her head slightly, holding the soul gem on her chest.

He injected a large amount of light energy into the mind stone, entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and affected countless monsters around him.

Under the influence of the mind stone, the characters of these monsters quickly became violent, and they were not pleasing to the eyes of other monsters.

Xia Le injects the idea of ​​"I am the strongest monster in the world, and all other little monsters will die" into their consciousness, trying to make them kill each other!

The effect is outstanding.

On the street, Lun Rudao looked at a Kappa.

He is a monster of the fire attribute, and the kappa is a monster of the water attribute, and the two have always been unhappy with each other.

Under this silent gaze, the eyes of the two monsters quickly became fierce.

"What are you?"

"Look at you!"

"You try again?"

"Just try it!"

"I will kill you!"

"Who is afraid of whom!"

In a series of conversations like children arguing, the next moment, Lun Rudao and Kappa immediately started fighting.

With the influence of the mind gem, this battle will definitely not stop unless one side decides life and death.

Even if this battle is over, under Xia Le's control, there is still the next battle waiting for the winner.

Xia Le set a coordinate on Cangqiaoyan and asked her to find Yuyihu.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first.At that time, he will take action to kill the big monster, and then slowly take care of the other monsters.

He himself held the mind gem and walked quickly through the city.

Many monsters were affected by the mind gem, and they fought with each other in just a few words.

The level of not giving up until the opponent's brains are punched out.

In the eyes of ordinary people who couldn't see the monster, the cars on the road were suddenly dented, and the ground was destroyed by invisible hands for no reason, which frightened many people.

They ran to nearby buildings one after another, watching the street trembling where the supernatural event had taken place, completely unaware of what was going on.

It took more than ten minutes for Xia Le to circle the entire Tokyo.

Almost all monsters are affected by him.

But because it was inspired by the group and the time was limited, some powerful monsters were not affected by the mind gem.

Although some powerful monsters under Yuyihu can suppress the violent emotions in their hearts, the little monsters around them can't!

The big monster Onidomaru was surrounded by a group of more than ten little monsters.

Yan Yanluo, the leader, held a meteor hammer in his hand, with abnormal blue light in his eyes, and sneered at Kidomaru.

"Hahaha! Kidomaru-sama, as long as we kill you, we will be new cadres!"

Behind him, there are many little monsters with weapons in their hands, and their eyes also glow with blue light.

Kidomaru pressed the samurai sword on his waist and let out a sneer.

"is it?"

Kidomaru is very strange, what is going on with these little monsters?

Don't they know that the gap between themselves and the big monster cannot be bridged by this amount?
But since these little monsters dare to provoke him, let them use blood to make amends for their offence!
"Come on!"

"kill him!"

Amidst the roar of the miscellaneous fish, Kidomaru's expression turned cold, and he drew his knife out of its sheath.

The light of the knife in his hand was like three thousand flowing water in front of the glacier, exuding a clear and extremely cold light.



"Let me go! I beg Kidomaru-sama, please forgive me... ah!"

Soon, with a series of screams, more than a dozen little monsters fell into a pool of blood.

Even at the last moment, a seriously injured little monster woke up from the control of the Soul Stone, Kidomaru did not intend to stop.

At this moment, Kidomaru's body exudes a strong killing intent.

He wasn't satisfied with this little blood and life, and he didn't want to put the knife back into its sheath.

But standing still and thinking for a moment, Kidomaru forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

He waved the sharp blade to his side, shaking the blood off the blade, and slowly sheathed it.

At this moment, the shouts of killing reached Kidomaru's ears everywhere.

This is the base camp of their Kyoto monsters!
Obviously there is no foreign enemy invasion, these monsters are all their own people beating their own people.

Kidomaru frowned deeply.

"It's not right. This is very wrong!"

Although most of the monsters were rebellious, they were not brainless enough to think that a group of little monsters gathered together, so they dared to attack or even replace the big monsters.

The little monster who dared to do this would have died long ago, and the grass on the grave was three feet high.

"Is someone playing tricks? Did those onmyojis from Huakaiyuan do it?"

Kidomaru ran to the middle of the two groups of fighting monsters in a few strides, and shouted at them angrily.

"Stop me all!"

If it is normal, Kidomaru's prestige and strength are enough to calm these monsters down.

But now, under the influence of the mind gem, these monsters are all red-eyed, and they are on the top!
How could they obey Kidomaru's orders like this.

Quite the opposite.When Kidomaru made a sound, there were ghosts who immediately included him in the attack range.

A rain girl manipulated the water to condense in mid-air, and soon shot towards Kidomaru like a sharp arrow.

Kidomaru got angry, and drew his sword to cut off the water arrows in an instant.

He rushed into the group of monsters, and used the back of the knife instead of the blade to knock out all the monsters who were obviously out of shape.

But there are several big monsters around Yuyihu, not all of them are as gentle as him, not harming the lives of these little monsters.

Essence mole cricket, wild skeleton, Ibaraki doji.

When these famous big monsters faced the little monsters who dared to attack them, they killed them one by one without showing mercy.

In the end, they killed all the monsters in the entire stronghold in sevens and eighties.

In the chaos, a little monster broke into the cave where Yuyihu was about to give birth to Nue, and was killed by her and Kuanggu who was guarding Yuyihu.

"My lord, what is going on?"

Kuanggu held a skull in his hand and the corpses of several little monsters under his feet, complaining to Yuyihu.

"This kind of rubbish monster dares to offend my lord sister, it's really reckless!"

But Yuyihu heard the shouts of killing outside, and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

She was bathing in the pool, put on a black sailor suit, and ordered to her little fan girl Kuanggu.

"Kanggu, go out and see what's going on outside."

When Kuanggu left, Yuyihu touched his stomach, showing a kind expression full of maternal love on his face.

"Qingming, don't worry. No matter what happens, mother will definitely give birth to you again!"


Not just on the ground.

Under the influence of Xia Le's soul gem, the monsters in the sky fought together like a plague.

So much so that at the end, Xia Le asked Cang Qiaoyan to hide first, and then went to Ertiao City where Yuyihu was located with her.

When they arrived at Erjo Castle, they were greeted with a strong smell of blood.

Many monsters fell in a pool of blood, and before they died, they had to send weapons into each other's bodies.

Only a few monsters are still standing in place, cleaning up the mess.

Facing the five monsters, Xia Le made a bold move.

His first target is the largest monster here, the wild skeleton.

This is a big monster with a height of more than 20 meters, which is about six floors.

Xia Le rushed over at a supersonic speed, and a [-]-ton Ultra Fly Kick kicked him, instantly smashing his head.

Huangkuu's big head exploded like a bomb, and countless white bones shot out like bullets.

The three monsters surrounded by the rain of bone fragments reacted and showed their skills.

Ibaraki-Douji, Kidomaru, and Sei-mole cricket pulled out the daggers at their waists, danced imperceptibly, and jingled to block the fragments.

Kuanggu couldn't react in time, and was hit by bone fragments in many places.

But this bullet-like attack didn't penetrate her, it just stayed on the surface of the skin.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Kuanggu's small face was wrinkled into a ball, and there were many wounds on his body.

But at the next moment, the evil spirit in her body was aroused, and the bone fragments stabbed on her body were immediately ejected.

At the same time, the corpse of Huangkukull fell down, making a loud noise.

Just as Kidomaru blocked the rain of bone bullets, Xia Le's figure appeared behind him.

Kidomaru's body is surrounded by a power that is exclusive to youkai - fear.

Although his brain didn't respond, the fear made him subconsciously realize that someone had already approached him.

"So fast!"

Kidoumaru was startled, and at the same time, his body suddenly turned backwards.

He clenched the Taidao tightly with both hands, but the light of the sword cut out at the critical moment was as bright as a waterfall, and it contained extremely fierce killing intent!
"Cassock cut!"

What collided with the knife light was Xia Le's ordinary fist.

The light of the knife was shining, and the power contained in it was like a waterfall of ten thousand tons rushing down, even the snake would be willing to bow down.

But with a crisp sound, the waterfall was blasted into spray by a huge and irresistible force.

The knife in Kidomaru's hand was instantly interrupted by Xia Le, and then his fist did not change, and slammed on Kidomaru's head.

That scene was like magic, Kidomaru's entire head disappeared in an instant.

His body still maintains the posture of swinging the knife, but without his head.

After killing Kidomaru, Xia Le turned around again and attacked the other two monsters.

His speed has remained supersonic.Ibaraki Doji and Mole Cricket couldn't catch his sight with their eyes, they could only use fear as a sensor.

But the basic attributes are too different, and their resistance is doomed to be futile.

After Xia Le punched twice again, there were two more headless corpses on the scene.

After killing the other four monsters, Xia Le looked at the last mad bone with cold eyes.

Her appearance is a cute little loli, so she can live a little longer.

And Cang Qiaoyan just said that Kuanggu is Yuyihu's most trusted subordinate.

Without hiding the cold killing intent in his eyes, Xia Le asked Kuanggu.

"Where is the feather fox?"

Seeing the four big monsters on the ground who were stronger than himself but turned into headless corpses in an instant, Kuang Gu knew that he was absolutely unable to resist the power of this person.

And if you take a closer look, isn't this the giant of light that my sister has been worrying about before?

My sister really has the foresight!
Even so, Ke Kuanggu didn't intend to give in.

"I'm not going to tell you where my sister is! Giant of Light, go to hell with me!"

She roared angrily and raised the skull in her hand, sending all the fear in her body into the Yin snake conceived in the skull in her hand.

Inspired by a lot of fear, the Yin snake, which was just an ordinary green snake, instantly expanded like a balloon.


This little green snake turned into a venomous giant python with a length of more than ten meters and the thickness of a thigh, roaring and rushing towards Xia Le.

During the forward lunge, it opens its mouth and sprays a large amount of venom.

The venom fell on the ground and immediately made a chi chi chi sound, corroding a large area of ​​the ground.

 Thank you for the 100 starting point coin reward of "I really don't know how to consecrate".

(End of this chapter)

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