light is like this

Chapter 15 Just Wen Dao, You Can Die Evening

Chapter 15 Just Wen Dao, You Can Die Evening
While PPDC was intensely revamping the Mech Hunter, Xia Le was taking a break.

In the steampunk lounge, Stark sent coffee, cola, tea and a lot of food.

But Xia Le didn't touch any of them.

Who knows if there is anything added to it.

After all, he is an alien, and he must be defensive.

While Xia Le was resting, several mech hunter drivers also came over.

They had just heard about the wormhole passage from Stark, and they planned to ask Xia Le for some details and thank him for his previous life-saving grace.

According to the previous speculation of PPDC scientists, the frequency of appearance of monsters has now been accelerated to two hours, and the number will also increase.

There are two monsters in this batch, and they are both level four monsters.

Then two hours later, three level [-] monsters will appear from the wormhole and invade the earth.

The pilots of Cherno Alpha are two Maoxiong people, the pilots of Storm Crimson are three natives of Rabbit Country, and the pilots of Eureka Raiders are Hansen and his son from Australia.

Because it was corroded with strong acid by the tail rat, causing serious water leakage inside the mech, Cherno Alpha was determined not to be able to participate in this battle at a depth of [-] meters underwater.

The siblings from Maoxiong Country thanked Xia Le, saying that they had the opportunity to invite him to Russia to eat barbecue and drink vodka, and left disappointed.

If this PPDC operation goes well, the wormhole will be destroyed, the monsters will disappear completely, and the world will be saved.

Because they were not aware of it for a while, they couldn't participate in such a big event, and the Russian siblings were extremely depressed.

Because of the same skin color and language issues, the pilot of Storm Scarlet, Wei Xiang, Wei Jin, Wei Hu and Xia Le had a good chat.

Hansen and his son were at a loss, and they couldn't understand what they were saying in Chinese.

Xia Le said.

"Since we already know the way to pass through the wormhole, we must practice what Confucius said at this time. Confucius said: Hearing the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening."

Wei Xiang looked at Xia Le with a dazed expression.

"Brother, how do you say that?"

He has also read the Analects of Confucius. This sentence seems to be inconsistent with the current situation, right?

Xia Le patted him on the shoulder and grinned.

"If you know the way to your house in the morning, you will die before the sun sets!"

Three Wei brothers: (ΩДΩ)
Confucius did not seem to mean that!


The rest time for several people was very short, less than two hours.

Two hours later, the staff of PPDC immediately reported that near the wormhole channel in the Mariana Trench, special satellites discovered the energy fluctuations of two level [-] monsters.

But for some reason, these two monsters have been staying at the crossing, and have no intention of moving to the land.

Xia Le once asked the system if he could leave this world without performing the task of saving the world.

The answer he got was yes.

The Kingdom of Light allows users of the Giant of Light system to save themselves if they fail to save the world.

After all, the user is not only light, but also human beings.

But on the one hand, this kind of behavior will cause a large shift in the user camp.

On the other hand, in the ten operations to save the world, once the number of failures exceeds two, the Giant of Light system V1.0 will be judged as a substandard system and needs to be returned to the factory for upgrading.

Perhaps a one-fifth probability of failure may not seem high, but for these two failed worlds, it may be [-]% ruined.

Therefore, Xia Le proposed to Stark that he would take the monster through the wormhole and release the nuclear bomb.

But PPDC is not at ease here.

The identity of this Xia Le is still unclear, helped to fight two monsters, and gave the most powerful weapon that humans have made so far-mushroom eggs to an alien to use?
How heartless it is!

Finally, under the discussion of PPDC, Xia Le will go to the wormhole in the Mariana Trench together with the dangerous wanderer and the Eureka Raider to complete the task of destroying the wormhole.

The three Wei brothers of Stormy Red wanted to join the battle, but Stark said that he would keep a mecha hunter in the base in case the monsters suddenly attacked when the mecha and Xia Le were both at the bottom of the sea and it was inconvenient to move.

Moreover, the design concept of Storm Crimson is not suitable for underwater combat, and they will not be of much help if they go there.

Therefore, since the Russian siblings, the three Wei brothers had no choice but to choose to stay at the base.


PPDC moves fast.

Riding a Thor transport plane, Xia Le and two hoisted mecha hunters arrived at the Mariana Trench where the wormhole was located.

Xia Le knew that there were not only two level [-] monsters named Xunlong and Abomination by PPDC here.

At the same time, there is also a level 180 monster with a size of more than 6750 meters and a weight of [-] tons. Its strength and speed are the most powerful monsters in history, the poisonous woman!
Usually, the poisonous woman hides in the entrance of the wormhole, and her body shape coincides with the entrance, so she hides under satellite scanning.

Once humans get close to the wormhole, it will reveal its figure from the entrance, giving humans a surprise!
Surprise mother f**k!
Opening the hatch of the transport plane, there was a strong wind blowing Xia Le's clothes, making his hair dance wildly with the wind.

Originally, according to his request, this act of saving the world should be broadcast live for the whole world to know.

However, considering that once the mission fails, it will cause a huge blow to the confidence of all mankind, so PPDC finally rejected Xia Le's proposal.

This made him sigh, and felt that he had lost another wave of light energy income.

This wave has lost at least tens of thousands!

At an altitude of several hundred meters, Xia Le let go of the hand holding the door of the transport plane and jumped down.

In mid-air, accompanied by a dazzling and dazzling light, Xia Le transformed into Di Jia, and fell into the sea with a plop, splashing a lot of water.

At the same time, the transport plane also disconnected the cables from the Danger Ranger and the Eureka Raider, and dropped the two mechs.

After falling into the sea, Xia Le swam to the deeper seabed below.

In the process of moving from the sea to the bottom of the sea, due to the increasing pressure and resistance underwater, Xia Le could feel that his movements were a little sluggish, very uncomfortable, and needed to be adjusted.


Under the pitch-black water where you can't reach your fingers, only the timer on Xia Le's chest, two shiny oval eyes and the crystal on his forehead are emitting light.

He raised his hands, crossed his left and right wrists, and tapped on the crystal on his forehead.

The next moment, a layer of red skin replaced the composite form stripes on Xia Le's body, changing from the composite form with the highest comprehensive quality to a warrior form that is more suitable for close combat.

In the form of the red warrior, the muscles on Xia Le's body bulged, and his strength and defense were multiplied.

Although the speed has been weakened, it is more suitable for fighting in the deep sea.

Clenching his fists, Xia Le lowered his center of gravity and quickly reached the bottom of the sea with a solid weight of 44000 tons.

(End of this chapter)

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